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What to do with under 2 year olds?


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Specifically 1 1/2 yo in the evening? They are too young for the kid program and probably won't do as a very small baby and just conk out anywhere. We don't gamble, and don't go clubbing anyhow. But I'd like to catch the shows and wander the decks. We will be on the @tar. I'm taking several slings, the ergo, a framed backpack, and an umbrella stroller.

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We go to the shows, DD loved the production shows starting at around 18mo and would sit quietly and clap the entire show. We go to an empty lounge and run around throw a blowup beach ball. We tour the ship, attend any of the "family" kids activities where you participate with them, such as the welcome aboard kids party, ice cream parties, build a bear, talent show etc. Blow bubbles on the deck or balcony, and just explore. Dance to music on the decks or disco during the day, early evening. It will all be new to your little one so there is so much to see and take in.

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It depends on how strict with bedtime you want/ need to be. We cant keep DD up late with us to watch any shows beacause she likes to sleep 12 hours a night, so if she gets to sleep around midnight, shell want to sleep till noon, and that just doesnt work. Sooo... were going to TRY the in room babysitting, perhaps, if I get brave enough, so we can catch a show, but maybe we wont, and well just hang out on the veranda for a few hours while she sleeps before we go to bed.

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We did not take family or friends to help us with our four girls so it was truly a family vacation. We would drop the big girls off at the club in the morning and walk around the ship until 12. At 12-1 we would go to the club for family fun play time. We would go to the dinning room for lunch and then the big girls would go back to the club and the little one would sleep until five. We would give her a snack and then go to dinner at 6. After dinner we would drop the big girls off until 10 and walk the baby around or see a show with her in which she loved. It seems like the big girls were in the club alot but the would beg to go and this was their vacation (coming from a stay-at-home mom that does not do daycare). We would also "swim" with others that we made play dates with. All of the kids were not potty trained and we would announce to any other that they were not trained and would kindly leave if they wanted us to.

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We would also "swim" with others that we made play dates with. All of the kids were not potty trained and we would announce to any other that they were not trained and would kindly leave if they wanted us to.


You think "announcing" to others that they were not trained makes it OK? Seriously? It was a very irresponsible selfish act IMO as (1) if there was an accident it would have shut down the pool for at least a day and (2) another child could have become seriously ill or even died as a result of the e-coli in the water.

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You think "announcing" to others that they were not trained makes it OK? Seriously? It was a very irresponsible selfish act IMO as (1) if there was an accident it would have shut down the pool for at least a day and (2) another child could have become seriously ill or even died as a result of the e-coli in the water.


AGREED! Thank you for saying that. I couldnt get anything but "WTH are you thinking??" to come out when trying to reply.

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You think "announcing" to others that they were not trained makes it OK? Seriously? It was a very irresponsible selfish act IMO as (1) if there was an accident it would have shut down the pool for at least a day and (2) another child could have become seriously ill or even died as a result of the e-coli in the water.

WOW! If you were in my face, you would never speak to me that way! It is amazing how bold you are "behind" this forum! I bet you would use more tact if we were face to face!


Irresponsible, yes! Not selfish. I will not argue with your opinion!!!!! Take it for what it is. By the way, I am a highly educated Chemist (Doctorate level). I have worked with e-coli. I knew the risk and the people around me knew the risk and we all agreed that we would accept any responsibility. Announcing made it okay for the people that were also agreeing to stay in the pool. This particular pool had less that one foot of water and the Camp Counselors told me to go there in front of others. They obviously knew the risk when they told me told me it was okay to go to that pool. I take the risk every time I go to a public swimming area. i would have felt terrible if any one was hurt please do not get me wrong! No one got sick, no one died and I am aware of the rare cases in which this happens. Also, if I may add, the bigger pool were full of diapered babies with many more gallons of water to drain if there was an accident. I was doing the cruise ship a favor in going to the pool the ship official told me to go to with the other non-potty trained "swimmers".


I hardly post as you may have noticed and this will probably be my last. I will erase the posts if possible after you have had time to read it.


ldfox77, I hope the other tips given were helpful! Enjoy your cruise. We plan on many more cruises and hopefully the smallest will be potty trained. We tried for ten weeks before to train her to avoid this problem (even though thankfully it was not a problem).

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WOW! If you were in my face, you would never speak to me that way! It is amazing how bold you are "behind" this forum! I bet you would use more tact if we were face to face!


Irresponsible, yes! Not selfish. I will not argue with your opinion!!!!! Take it for what it is. By the way, I am a highly educated Chemist (Doctorate level). I have worked with e-coli. I knew the risk and the people around me knew the risk and we all agreed that we would accept any responsibility. Announcing made it okay for the people that were also agreeing to stay in the pool. This particular pool had less that one foot of water and the Camp Counselors told me to go there in front of others. They obviously knew the risk when they told me told me it was okay to go to that pool. I take the risk every time I go to a public swimming area. i would have felt terrible if any one was hurt please do not get me wrong! No one got sick, no one died and I am aware of the rare cases in which this happens. Also, if I may add, the bigger pool were full of diapered babies with many more gallons of water to drain if there was an accident. I was doing the cruise ship a favor in going to the pool the ship official told me to go to with the other non-potty trained "swimmers".


I hardly post as you may have noticed and this will probably be my last. I will erase the posts if possible after you have had time to read it.


ldfox77, I hope the other tips given were helpful! Enjoy your cruise. We plan on many more cruises and hopefully the smallest will be potty trained. We tried for ten weeks before to train her to avoid this problem (even though thankfully it was not a problem).


Yes, I totally WOULD say to your face exactly what I have posted here and anyone who knows me would agree without hesitation. The fact that you KNEW the risks and did it anyway makes it that much worse IMO.


So, you would have "felt terrible" if anyone got hurt? Well doesn't that just make you a saint. Actually, if I had been there, I would have been demanding that security remove all non-potty trained babies from all pools and names would have been sent to the home office if they refused - that's how seriously I take the health of the children on board. There are two cruiselines that permit diaper-clad babies in a specially filtered area - Disney and RCL (Freedom and Oasis class ships only) - any others should be severely reprimanded for permitting it.


For a parent to be so dismissive of the safety of other children just amazes me. As someone posted on a similar thread - you need a license to fish but anyone can have a child.

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Thank for your opinion. I am appalled at your comment concerning my "saint"hood and my need of a license to "fish". Wow! I am so surprised at the ugliness. As I have stated, I am an educated, stay at home mom. I know that 268 million people swim yearly and 10 people a year get sick from swimming pools (possibly more with the unreported cases. Many of those cases are not proven to be e-coli). I do not want to insult but the math is simple. The risks are very negligible. It is very rare. You are more likely to get e-coli infections from eating beef, drinking water, unclean hands, and other unknown factors according to CDC reports. I feel that I am a very contentious mother. What if someone attacked you, not knowing you, based on one thing that they did not agree with. I am not dismissive of other children. I followed the directions of the staff member and I informed the other diapered children's parents that we were not potty trained. Dismissive would be to disregard the staff and swim in the non-instructed pool and to not give the others the choice to ask me to leave. I felt that maybe the staff knew something I did not know concerning that particular pool.I have cruised Disney and yes there filtering system is better equipped to handle any contamination, thank you reminding me. Please post when you have security remove un-potty trained parents from the pool on your next cruise. I am very interested in this. I would have kindly left the pool.


This is the last I will comment. I am sorry ldfox77 for the ugliness. I am sure this was not your intention when you asked the question. I am slightly embarrassed by the way the comments have gone. I am not the type of person to get involved in back and forth like this so please forgive me.

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If you had paid thousands of dollars for a cruise, and irresponsible parents allowed their diapered kids in a pool and that pool had to be closed for decontamination for two days, I daresay you would not have been happy. I have been on cruises where that happened.


I would also like to ask you, despite what you claim are small numbers, how would you feel if a child became mortally ill due to pool contamination from fecal matter? All it takes is one instance, and all statistics go right out the window. And what if your child were the cause??????


Oh, FYI, no one gives a rats behind that you're highly educated. I've known more than a few "highly" educated individuals who didn't have the common sense that God gave goose. Just saying.......

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I know that 268 million people swim yearly and 10 people a year get sick from swimming pools (possibly more with the unreported cases. Many of those cases are not proven to be e-coli).


You are missing an important point (and yes, I would definitely say this to you face to face) - if a child has an "accident" in the pool, it gets shut down. And that means that no other children get to enjoy that pool. Which makes your decision to take that risk a selfish one.


Even though you told other parents that your children weren't potty trained, that doesn't mean those parents would feel comfortable telling you to take your child out of the pool.


And I am surprised that Carnival staff condoned this. I haven't been on a Carnival cruise yet, only RCCL, but I have never seen a diapered child in an RCCL pool. Does this really go on to the degree that you say in Carnival pools?

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You are missing an important point (and yes, I would definitely say this to you face to face) - if a child has an "accident" in the pool, it gets shut down. And that means that no other children get to enjoy that pool. Which makes your decision to take that risk a selfish one.


Even though you told other parents that your children weren't potty trained, that doesn't mean those parents would feel comfortable telling you to take your child out of the pool.


And I am surprised that Carnival staff condoned this. I haven't been on a Carnival cruise yet, only RCCL, but I have never seen a diapered child in an RCCL pool. Does this really go on to the degree that you say in Carnival pools?


I said that I would not respond again but your comment is not mean-spirited, tactful, not insulting, and seemingly really concerned about getting to the heart of the matter. I would gladly hold a conversation about this with you.


Although I did not say it yet, it would be heartless of me not to feel absolutely horrible if someone got sick because of something that I did! My child had diarrhea recently and it was horrible (the first diarrhea event for us with a baby even though I have four kids). I would feel horrible if I was the cause of the pool being shut down. I have been on cruises before with closed pools for cleaning and I was glad that they had more than one (I am sorry but I want to be as honest as I can). If the shoe was on the other foot and my baby got sick b/c of someone else, I would be highly upset! So if i am honest, I would feel the same way as others are feeling IF she got sick. I see everyone's point.


I have not been on any lines except Disney and Carnival and since you have not been on Carnival, specifically The Freedom, I'll try to describe it a little. There were two big pools on the Lido deck, many with diapered children and I am sure signs saying that they should not be there. Outside of Camp Carnival, there was a small wading pool with water that came to my babies thighs. She rarely sat in the water but she could have. When we were there, only two families were there and we were friends. We made the play date and we were very comfortable with each other only after the Carnival employee told us that the pool for little kids with diapers. When another family came, we said that our children were not potty trained and they said that their child was not also and it was okay. I was more that ready to leave the pool if asked. I would have not been upset at all. Granted, like I said earlier, we (no kidding) tried to train her for 10 WEEKS (the our other girls did it at no more than 2 weeks at this age!!) to avoid this. We did not swim the first 6 days until the employee told us it was okay. I really try to follow the rules. Believe it or not, we even bought a wading pool specifically for this reason and did not use it. We were content with not swimming because of not wanting to offend the many who disagree even with the wading pool. I know. It would have been safer for all that were involved!


Yes, I made a judgement call after literally weeks of consideration. I am sorry many of you do not agree. With that said and if I had to do it again ( I am pausing and taking a minute to really consider), I probably would use the wading pool brought from home and get beat up by those ones who I offended by doing so. (yes people were offended). And if I lived in a perfect world and things remained the same, I would still let her "swim".


Also, may I address the "highly educated" comment I made with the others? I am not used to being attacked by people I do not know or even from people I know for that matter. This is new for me. I have read these boards many times and read some hurtful, hateful comments, but it is different when you are on the receiving end of it. I was so happy to offer tips and share my experience so excited when I saw someone commented behind me. i was really caught off guard. I should have known better reading these boards for weeks. I will not participate in forums like this again b/c it make me uncomfortable, defensive and I say things that I would not normally say. (My husband would be very surprised at this conversation b/c it is just not me.)I wanted people to know that I did take consideration for my decision and I expressed it poorly. I must say I am sorry I offended anyone, especially the original poster. It is not fair to her but I am sure she will learn from my situation and act accordingly.


For all others, we live in a very mean world. We go through so much as women. We have so much on our plates. And most of us try to make the very best decisions we can for the people we love and those that surround us. We have opportunities to build others up or tear people down. Even the supposedly "highly educated" (tongue in check) ones need to learn. Let's use our words to encourage others and show other viewpoints in a manner that they will listen. If we are insulting and hurtful and calling names, people are less likely to listen. We will not help others just perpetuate ignorance. I have learned something and HOPEFULLY this is my last post. You ladies are so compelling. I can't stay away and maybe that is a good thing!

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shdeep: I'm going to wade into the deep end (so to speak) and must take issue with this:


Yes, I made a judgement call after literally weeks of consideration.


The bottom line is that it is not your judgment to make, period. I don't care if 100 other parents did the same thing or if their rationale was the same. There are CDC and health department regulations forbidding it for very good reasons. You decided that your and your child's desires outweighed this. Please stop trying to make this about how many other parents do it or will do it, how few or how many people become ill or die due to this kind of thing, or how mean-spirited some people might seem. You decided that you didn't like the health regulations and you broke them. It really is that simple and it really is that selfish. Do you honestly not understand how cruise ship pools are different from large pools on land with high levels of chemicals? Cruise ship pools are low volume and limited in the chemicals they can use.


Just please stop trying to rationalize this. You were wrong and so were the other parents, as well as the crew who either did nothing or said it was okay (thus opening up their employer to sanctions and nice big lawsuits) and the other passengers who didn't insist that the rules be enforced.



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I really appreciate your opinion. Thank you very much. I also liked your pun at the beginning!


I never said I that I did not like the CDC rules. You made that assumption. Rules are there for many reasons. I read many things before the cruise about the pools (I really do understand the chemistry of pools on and off the ship) thus I bought a portable pool and tried to potty train. I did assume that maybe this particular pool, being on a newer ship and seeing that other cruise lines have diapered pools, may be the one place on the ship sanctioned to be suitable for the purpose that I used it for. Thus the employee telling me it is okay. Granted, this employee was not some obscure person. She was someone who worked with the little ones. That was my rational. Also, please remember. I did not take it upon myself to make a judgement about if I should use the pool. Remember that I said we were content on not using the pool. The judgement was made by the employee. I made the naive assumption that that the judgement was also made by the employer. Should I have asked to speak to her manager, the captain, called Carnival? I did not think to do so at the time. I was just happy to not have to hide her (leave the room) when her sisters were getting dressed for the pool and she could play in the pool with her new friends. I know most of you would have stayed away from the pool! but I did not and I have to take responsibility for my decision.

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If everyone wnats to blame someone blame the cruiseline and the obvious morons they have working for them.


People will take advantage of any situation as the OP did..she was given advice by the people who are supposed to know better...she probably knew better as well but decided that the best interest of her child outweighed the best decision for all pax. Fortunately nothing happened. This time.:eek:

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My two year old is not completly potty trained but like clock work she goes poop at between 12-1 each day. I understand what the rules are and that the children are suppost to be potty trained but I think that the parent has a good idea of what the chances are of an accident. It is not unheard of to have a potty trained three, four, or five year old have an accident.

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My two year old is not completly potty trained but like clock work she goes poop at between 12-1 each day. I understand what the rules are and that the children are suppost to be potty trained but I think that the parent has a good idea of what the chances are of an accident. It is not unheard of to have a potty trained three, four, or five year old have an accident.


Sure--At home on a normal schedule with food and water that their systems are used to processing. Not to be too gross about it, but travel changes of all kinds throw off "schedules" (and actual content/consistency, etc.) for children, especially younger ones. (Even adult bodies react to travel changes, as most of us know.)


Aside from that, you know the rules. They are there to protect everyone onboard, including your own child. How would you feel if some other parent said what you did and allowed their not fully trained child in the pool where their child had an accident causing the pool to be off limits for an entire day. And then what if your child got sick from the incident? Would you still feel that parents know best and to heck with the CDC and health regulations? Please, just don't do it.



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to be honest we were on the destiny this past jan .i know of the pool op is talking about they have one on there also.we brought our untraind dd to that pool after she had pooped .we knew she would not again so we saw no harm in it. we swam for like 2 hours noone else was there just the 3 of us .

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. . . since you have not been on Carnival, specifically The Freedom, I'll try to describe it a little. There were two big pools on the Lido deck, many with diapered children and I am sure signs saying that they should not be there. Outside of Camp Carnival, there was a small wading pool with water that came to my babies thighs. She rarely sat in the water but she could have. When we were there, only two families were there and we were friends. We made the play date and we were very comfortable with each other only after the Carnival employee told us that the pool for little kids with diapers. . . .


To me this post tells me I'd rather not cruise with Carnival. Diapered (even swim diapered) infants and toddlers in a pool on a ship. Most ship's faciltities just are not set up for that -- most ships' pools are not designed (sea water or otherwise untreated water) for non-potty trained babies. Plus what are they doing to contain that pool's water to make certain taht it does not contaminate other water sources on board?


Most lines and ships DO police for diapered babies in their pools.

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Specifically 1 1/2 yo in the evening? They are too young for the kid program and probably won't do as a very small baby and just conk out anywhere. We don't gamble, and don't go clubbing anyhow. But I'd like to catch the shows and wander the decks. We will be on the @tar. I'm taking several slings, the ergo, a framed backpack, and an umbrella stroller.


When DD was that age, she too would just doze off whenever and wherever. We went to the shows and sat near an exit so we could manuever out if she got fussy. She loved walking on the deck. We'd hit the mini golf or sports court for a few minutes when they were not busy

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I think it's disgusting that people are not only admitting to violating serious health rules, but trying to justify it.


I agree.....I was reading this thread and felt a little ill.I thought it was amusing the poster decided most of the other posters were rude and because of that she wasn't coming back. What ever happened to admitting a mistake was made and would never be repeated???

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