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WHAT TO DO? Spouse Doesn't Want To Go On Paid For Cruise


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Yes, you should do nothing if you plan to go by yourself. All you need to do is inform the staff at the pier your husband has taken ill and can not go. The cabin will revert to an exclusive occupancy and his reservation/portion will be canceled. There will no refund for his portion and I do not see them repricing the cabin since you already paid for two people. The cruise line doesn't care how many are actually sailing in the cabin as long as both berths are paid for. The cruise fare is non refundable at this point anyway and suites are priced at 200% for single occupancy. Any refund would have to come from the insurance company if it's for a covered reason and it's not for a preexistence condition. Maybe he'll have a change of heart last minute and at least you won't have to go through the hassle of rebooking him if he decides to go.


As far as going my yourself...by all means go for it. Get on the roll call for your cruise, request a large table in the dining room and have a great time.

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Hi Rolls,


"He's had a change of heart because of some health issues".


If it's any reassurance to him, the medical facilities are very good on board, I took unwell the first day of our last cruise with pains in my chest, within minutes of going to the medical centre I had all the checks done that any major hospital would have carried out, they were first class.

Fortuneately it was not my heart and they were able to treat me and enable me to continue our cruise.


Hope it all works out for you both.



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Yes, you should do nothing if you plan to go by yourself. All you need to do is inform the staff at the pier your husband has taken ill and can not go. The cabin will revert to an exclusive occupancy and his reservation/portion will be canceled. There will no refund for his portion and I do not see them repricing the cabin since you already paid for two people. The cruise line doesn't care how many are actually sailing in the cabin as long as both berths are paid for. The cruise fare is non refundable at this point anyway and suites are priced at 200% for single occupancy. Any refund would have to come from the insurance company if it's for a covered reason and it's not for a preexistence condition. Maybe he'll have a change of heart last minute and at least you won't have to go through the hassle of rebooking him if he decides to go.


As far as going my yourself...by all means go for it. Get on the roll call for your cruise, request a large table in the dining room and have a great time.


Thank you for the information and advice. I'm feeling more brave about the whole thing!

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We have insurance, our cruise is all paid for and my spouse informed me that he doesn't think he can go on the cruise. The cruise is in November.


How do I handle this? I really don't want to share the room with anyone else [except for him!] He's had a change of heart because of some health issues.


I have no problem going myself. We're in a minisuite. Will our insurance re-imburse me for his portion or will I actually be charged another fee? As I said, the cruise is paid in full and I am going.


He says he wants me to go and enjoy the cruise but he'd like to stay close to home. [i think he's feeling tired and finds the prep. and boarding process very exhausting!] He says he'd love to spend the time just relaxing in his Lazyboy! It's not worth the arguing and forcing him to go. Although, he could change his mind....but, I doubt it very much! As he's getting older


Do I inform the TA? Do I call the Insurance Co.? Do I do anything? Someone told me to just go to the dock, as if he's going to be late? Will they let me board without him, under those circumstances?


Any advice would be appreciated. How does one handle this? What would you do?


Hi my dad died two years ago and we were booked into two penthouse suites, my mum got the money back for my dad which was £3000 not dollars. She ended up having the penthouse suite to herself and she could have came in with us as it is big enough. I think if your husband has a doctors line then probably yes but if he has cancelled because he feels he doesnt want to then I cant say.



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Thanks. Although, I can go myself and, the thought of having the bathroom, etc., to myself does sound attractive. I would rather have him along for his company.


I am sure you have told him that. I think cruising can be one of the most relaxing vacations. It is what you make it. Watching the sea, smelling the ocean air, relaxing in a lounger...How can he resist...;)

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I am sure you have told him that. I think cruising can be one of the most relaxing vacations. It is what you make it. Watching the sea, smelling the ocean air, relaxing in a lounger...How can he resist...;)


I've gotten onboard a cruise ship with the worst migraine and by the time I sat on the veranda and watched the ship leave the dock I felt like a whole new woman.


I agree that cruising can make you feel so much better, it's such a great way to relax. He's not so sure!

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Possibly be charged the going single rate.

No its not waived, however depending on the ins, it may cover this scenario.



The OP has already paid for two people INCLUDING TAXES. AS cherylandtk posted, she would actually get a SMALL refund for taxes IF she cancels DH and goes as a solo (NOT recommended by me-the hassle changing everything is more than it is worth).


Been there, done that once before (Cunard, 2007) and in fact, am in the middle of the same situation. Diamond Princess cruise that leaves Sept 18 from Whittier to Beijing. We have gotten a VERY bad vibe from Princess about our Russian visas. We are getting OFF THE SHIP in Vladisvostak. Princess has been hassling us about our Russian visas BECAUSE we didn't buy them from their prized Zierer visa service. We got them on our own. I have a letter from the Captain allowing us to PERMANENTLY disembark the ship in Vladivostak. NO ONE else needs a visa for the day port stop except those that PERMANENTLY disembark. We are riding the Trans Siberian RR through Russia.


DH is truly in a panic state that they won't either let us on the ship or off the ship in Vladivostak-he is the one getting all the emails from Princess as I have been overseas working for the last three months. He wants to cancel. Princess is oversold. They are offering free cruises, refunds, etc. to give up your cabin. I NEED the vacation. I have been overseas in Afghanistan, Iraq and Kuwait working for the last three months. I do have backup airline tickets at least to Moscow and hopefully can book us to Vladivostak to get on the train. But I REALLY don't want to take a plane. I looked forward to those 9 nine sea days just doing NOTHING.


When DH balked in 2007, I was going to board the ship myself and NOT SAY A WORD. I have credit cards, I have a passport. What do I need him for!!! As it turned out, Cunard was also oversold. We voluntarily gave up our cabin. We got back ALL our money, air fare change fee and an $1200 credit to be used in the future. NOT a bad deal.

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The OP has already paid for two people INCLUDING TAXES. AS cherylandtk posted, she would actually get a SMALL refund for taxes IF she cancels DH and goes as a solo (NOT recommended by me-the hassle changing everything is more than it is worth).


Been there, done that once before (Cunard, 2007) and in fact, am in the middle of the same situation. Diamond Princess cruise that leaves Sept 18 from Whittier to Beijing. We have gotten a VERY bad vibe from Princess about our Russian visas. We are getting OFF THE SHIP in Vladisvostak. Princess has been hassling us about our Russian visas BECAUSE we didn't buy them from their prized Zierer visa service. We got them on our own. I have a letter from the Captain allowing us to PERMANENTLY disembark the ship in Vladivostak. NO ONE else needs a visa for the day port stop except those that PERMANENTLY disembark. We are riding the Trans Siberian RR through Russia.


DH is truly in a panic state that they won't either let us on the ship or off the ship in Vladivostak-he is the one getting all the emails from Princess as I have been overseas working for the last three months. He wants to cancel. Princess is oversold. They are offering free cruises, refunds, etc. to give up your cabin. I NEED the vacation. I have been overseas in Afghanistan, Iraq and Kuwait working for the last three months. I do have backup airline tickets at least to Moscow and hopefully can book us to Vladivostak to get on the train. But I REALLY don't want to take a plane. I looked forward to those 9 nine sea days just doing NOTHING.


When DH balked in 2007, I was going to board the ship myself and NOT SAY A WORD. I have credit cards, I have a passport. What do I need him for!!! As it turned out, Cunard was also oversold. We voluntarily gave up our cabin. We got back ALL our money, air fare change fee and an $1200 credit to be used in the future. NOT a bad deal.


Wow! Quite a story. I'm glad you came out okay! Your story certainly makes my one week on the Sapphire Princess seem like a very simple plan.

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I am a very avid cruise lover. We were booked on a cruise to Alaska last year and decided to make the drive from L.A. to Seattle rather than fly. We did this for the adventure of the drive. By the time we arrived to get on the ship, I was very very very sick. Nothing stops Bob though and we went on the ship with the help of Princess' wheel chair and helper and proceded to stay either in my room or treatments in their hospital twice a day. The crew was so kind and made the trip plausible for me and my wife. The hospital staff was also very special and took care of me. I had contacted Pnemonia on the way up and with the help of the drugs and breathing treatments, my fever broke the last night on the ship and I felt much better.

The reason I tell you this is if your husband is nervous about a health issue maybe this will put his mind at rest. He won't have to walk on or off the ship and while he is on the ship he will be safe and taken care of.


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I am a very avid cruise lover. We were booked on a cruise to Alaska last year and decided to make the drive from L.A. to Seattle rather than fly. We did this for the adventure of the drive. By the time we arrived to get on the ship, I was very very very sick. Nothing stops Bob though and we went on the ship with the help of Princess' wheel chair and helper and proceded to stay either in my room or treatments in their hospital twice a day. The crew was so kind and made the trip plausible for me and my wife. The hospital staff was also very special and took care of me. I had contacted Pnemonia on the way up and with the help of the drugs and breathing treatments, my fever broke the last night on the ship and I felt much better.

The reason I tell you this is if your husband is nervous about a health issue maybe this will put his mind at rest. He won't have to walk on or off the ship and while he is on the ship he will be safe and taken care of.



Bob, you're not the first one to share some wonderful stories about the care while onboard. I'm glad to hear that.


You're experience could have certainly ruined your cruise, you have a great attitude and you and I both know that that is the difference between the half full and half empty glass! ;)

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I hope your DH will feel better as the cruise date gets closer. I can understand wanting to stay home and veg out when you don't feel well. I sure would not want to be on a ship and end up with a queasy stomach. Is there anything you and DH can do to help him get his energy back sooner? Plan to go yourself or maybe have a 'standby last minute' friend or relative who will go with you.


Call all the people and get your questions about insurance, cruise line passenger changes (probably through your TA) write down date and time of calls, who you spoke to and what they said. If possible get your questions answered by emails. Make a folder - you can reference as to what you can expect and any deadlines (I would write these on my calendar so I would remember when I need to do things) you need for any refunds or rebooking of passengers (incase you need to change from DH to someone else at the last minute).


I know when I get stressed the old brain gets more forgetful and less able to remember details. Thats why I like to write stuff down.

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The OP has already paid for two people INCLUDING TAXES. AS cherylandtk posted, she would actually get a SMALL refund for taxes IF she cancels DH and goes as a solo (NOT recommended by me-the hassle changing everything is more than it is worth).


She will not have the choice, it would be up to Princess once she boards alone. Not necessarily at a reduced rate. She has ins so its not worth taking a chance.


I would not recommend that the OP try and deceive Princess and act as though she knew nothing about her other half not showing up.


We have also ran into this situation, however it was on Princess not Cunard. So we have first hand experience and not a bunch of guess work. We were not given a refund and were charged an inflated current solo fare. :(

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I hope things work out for you, and for your husband, too. My only advice would be

to have a talk with his doctor, make sure it's ok to leave him. The doctor might be

able to reassure him that he'd do well on the cruise, but at least you'll know how the

doctor feels about it.

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She will not have the choice, it would be up to Princess once she boards alone. Not necessarily at a reduced rate. She has ins so its not worth taking a chance.


I would not recommend that the OP try and deceive Princess and act as though she knew nothing about her other half not showing up.


We have also ran into this situation, however it was on Princess not Cunard. So we have first hand experience and not a bunch of guess work. We were not given a refund and were charged an inflated current solo fare. :(


What are you talking about-guess work??


What difference does it make it one or two sail?? The OP has already paid for two.

SOLO cruise fares run 150-200% of base fare as a normal course of business. OP has already paid 200%-double occupancy.


NO where did I say she would get a reduced rate. I said she MAY be able to get taxes refunded for the second person-no different than booking a solo cruise with 150-200% single supplement. You ONLY pay for taxes on the people that sail-one person, one set of taxes.


PS-the Cunard cruise was paid in full-DH decided at the last minute he simply did not want to go. I had paid for two people-I was going on the cruise by myself. If it had not been for the oversold situation and the generous offer from Cunard, I would have gone by myself. NO PENALTY, NO REFARING and I COULD have taken the cruise. The OP has already paid for two people INCLUDING taxes and port charges for two (which are refundable if you are sailing solo).


Same thing if I go solo from Whittier to Vladivostak in a week and DH flies to Vladivostak . DH is truly freaked out by the bombardment of emails from Princess about these d*** Russian visas. We have paid for two people IN FULL ( in very early June). I have been in constant contact with Princess just in case DH bails at the last minute. I MAY get a few dollars back in taxes if I go by myself. I expect no more.

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Something very close to this happened to us last year. Our travel party had us, a cousin and the cousin's friend who we had just met. She was a lovely lady but older by 20 years (didn't know her age exactly) and less physically able than she appeared to be the year before when trip was planned. We were worried because this trip to Istanbul to Athens was very port intensive and ancient sites are not always for the physically and mobility challenged. As it happened, Joy suffered a medical emergency (gall bladder attack/infection/surgery) two days before we were to leave. Our on-line TA Lois was fabulous and notified the cruise line and the travel insurance folks. The airline was notified only when we checked in and they did sell the seat. The cruise line (Oceania) did not charge a fee to our cousin as she was alone in her cabin. The roommate did do lots of paperwork and it was taking a long time (6 months out still had not received notification if travel insurance would pay her back) but I heard later that she was still hopeful of getting part of her money back.

We had a fabulous cruise and my cousin was greatful that there was little to no hazzle to her.


If it were me, I would leave it well enough alone for now. When he feels better he might be more optomistic about going. If he does not improve then I would notify my travel agent one to two weeks ahead and say that he is ill and can not go. Have the TA notify the cruise line and get your options from a customer relations supervisor. Choose from the options that are presented. You will not be the first (or the last) to have had some variation of this situation. People get sick, people have accidents and I'm sure that there are solutions on a one by one basis.

I would not pretend he was coming later or that he "might" show up. I think it more likely that they will make your situation as comfortable as possible if you are honest with them. I hope hubby gets better and can enjoy the cruise. If he can't go you can still go and have a great time -- that is his wish and he really does mean it -- then you can share with him when he gets home. You can only do what you have to when the time comes == no crystal balls. Best wishes for you and your loved one.

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Again, thanks everyone for the different ideas. I am going to "let it be" for now. He may regain more strength in the coming weeks and change his mind. I will definitely leave the door open for him. We'll see!


I love this forum for all the great people with all their life stories and input.


I'll let you know how it goes.

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Hope that he feels up for the cruise by the time November rolls around. You're not flying to San Pedro' date=' just driving,so that's more manageable (you can even hire a car service if that helps).[/quote']


Being able to drive to the dock makes it much easier for both of us. He will NEVER hire a car. I think it might be a good idea, he'd never do it.


I'm not a complainer nor do I ask for much from him. I'm very independent in handling my own bags and I know that handling his bags does become worrysome for him. And, if I suggest our son help in loading the car or even driving us, my DH becomes upset. His becoming so tired from doing the littleist thing is frustrating to him, as you've read!


I am going to give him time and space and not make any extra demands. Hopefully, he'll be feeling stronger and as we get closer to the cruising date on November 27th, he'll feel like going.


On our last cruise, in January, he had to have a wheelchair brought to the theatre, to get him back to our cabin.


Bless his heart. I think he fears the inability to be independent more than anything.


We don't realize how tiring cruising can be. The walk to and from the cabin to any other venue can be very challenging for him. We do stop along the way [usually at Explorer's Lounge to sit for a minute] before we head in any direction. Sometimes he will allow himself to be pushed in the wheelchair but most times he pushes the chair for stability. He's very stubborn!

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We don't realize how tiring cruising can be. The walk to and from the cabin to any other venue can be very challenging for him. We do stop along the way [usually at Explorer's Lounge to sit for a minute] before we head in any direction. Sometimes he will allow himself to be pushed in the wheelchair but most times he pushes the chair for stability. He's very stubborn!


Princess no longer provides a wheelchair onboard except in the case of an emergency. So, if you feel you will need one and do not own one, arrange in advance to rent one for the duration of the cruise.


(As mentioned earlier, they will provide wheelchair assistance for first day embarkation and last day disembarkation.)

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What difference does it make it one or two sail?? The OP has already paid for two.

SOLO cruise fares run 150-200% of base fare as a normal course of business. OP has already paid 200%-double occupancy.


NO where did I say she would get a reduced rate. I said she MAY be able to get taxes refunded for the second person-no different than booking a solo cruise with 150-200% single supplement. You ONLY pay for taxes on the people that sail-one person, one set of taxes.


What you have stated is what we as consumers would like, having paid for two people, then if only one sails there should be no additional charge.


However, that is not the way it works at Princess (do not know about other lines).

a) Princess says that insurance should be purchased to take care of situations like this. (And it is available for stable pre-existing conditions if purchased around the time of booking the cruise from either Princess or an independent provider.)

b) With the proper insurance (all policies are not the same), if documented illness prevents one of the party from traveling, then Princess keeps that person's payment and insurance will refund the insured amount to that non-traveling passenger.

c) Since the remaining person traveling is now traveling solo, Princess will charge that passenger the single passenger supplement. With the proper insurance (all policies are not the same), the insurance would reimburse the traveler for that expense.


Result is that Princess in effect gets three fares for one traveler. With the proper insurance, the originally booked couple will only pay for one fare, the fare covering the person that did travel. The proper insurance would pay for the non-traveling party's fare and for the single supplement.


Does it sound reasonable to us that Princess ends up with three fares for one person traveling? No. But is that the way it could happen? Yes.

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