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You're going on ANOTHER cruise?


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Ok, we just booked our fourth for next Thanksgiving and we haven't told anyone yet. I am very fortunate to get five weeks paid vacation a year at work. My DH works very hard, average 80+ hours per week 6 days a week. When he is done with a project, he wants to cruise and it's our family time to reconnect.

We both feel guilty telling coworkers where we are really going.

Happy cruising!

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  • 2 weeks later...
We are going on our New Years cruise about one month after we get back from our Thanksgiving cruise. I told my coworkers we are going to Lake Tahoe for the week. :D


Toni, so you will be on the Spirit for New Year! So will we :D!! Why don't you join our Roll Call, we have arranged a Meet & Greet :). Toni it would be great to meet up on board.


I know I don't cruise that often, but we do vacation as often as we can, this cruise will be our 6th holiday this year if I include the 2 long weekends we took. Friends are always amazed that I have so much leave at work, but I just book holidays around our UK Bank Holidays, Christmas and Easter. I do feel guilty but as with all, DH and I work hard for our holidays.

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Same here, spend it while you can. I love to cruise, both on my own and at times with my daughter. However it is nobody's business how often I cruise and how I spend my money. I just smile and say, Yes another cruise, lucky me!!!


I tend to look at some cruisers who have difficulty coping with everyday conditions due to age and infirmity and sometimes can't take advantage of ports because they can't use tenders, and think I am cruising now while I still can, see what happens later.

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Toni, so you will be on the Spirit for New Year! So will we :D!! Why don't you join our Roll Call, we have arranged a Meet & Greet :). Toni it would be great to meet up on board.


I know I don't cruise that often, but we do vacation as often as we can, this cruise will be our 6th holiday this year if I include the 2 long weekends we took. Friends are always amazed that I have so much leave at work, but I just book holidays around our UK Bank Holidays, Christmas and Easter. I do feel guilty but as with all, DH and I work hard for our holidays.


Hi Tipsy


Yes, I did join the roll call, although it's kind of quiet right now.

We are excited about the Spirit New Years cruise because of the new port for us La Paz and from what I understand the Spirit was refurbished back in March 09 so we are looking forward to seeing what changes were made.


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I used to feel "Funny" after I took my cruises, and told someone of what I had done. Now, after about 60 or so cruises, (2-3 per year), I just say,....another cruise coming pretty soon, and thats that. The first time i set foot aboard a ship is when I was bidding my sis, and her o/h bon voyage on a costa ship out of Miami, back in the late 60's. That was it for me, hooked, forever. I watched my dad work his butt off all his life without a day off,.......that wasn't for me. Now, all my friends say to me......"whens' your next, or have you taken a cruise lately" I only wish I would have taken some trips on those old and elegant ships like the Norway, and the old Costa line. I still cruise as often as I can, and as a solo, just for the "Get away". Don't look back, just go and enjoy life to it's fullest, take a cruise.:)

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It boils down to this, there are cruisers and non-cruisers. Most (not all but most) people that have been on a cruise love it and cruise again. The people that say they don't like cruises usually have never been on one. They say things like they will feel claustrophobic and that they don't like having to stick to a schedule - case and point - they have never been on a cruise ship because let's face it, even restaurants have open and close hours where they serve certain meals etc. And if you go to an island and want to do a scheduled tour, you have to pick a time - you get my drift.


It is also as simple as they are jealous. Maybe not intentionally jealous, but it's a knee jerk reaction of jealousy, and that is why they HAVE TO comment in a negative way. Think about it, if it didn't bother them, they'd be happy for you and wouldn't have to make a negative comment. When you hear that a friend is going on "another" cruise, don't you want to talk about it with them and share the comradery or is your first reaction to say, "another cruise?" Mine is to talk about what ship they are going on and say oh you will have a great time, I'm jealous I wish I could go. I would NEVER think to say, "AGAIN?"



Ditto Ditto Ditto - you said it all = Yes, I think they are jealous. when I was working, no one even asked me about my vacations cuz they knew I would be taking ANOTHER cruise - we average 2 yearly -- not as much as some but more than the ones who want to go more often than once in their lifetime and some can't or won't... they just don't get it ... and we go because we love it, got hooked during our first cruise on the Sovereign in 1988 ...

we will continue to cruise - that's why I love CC cuz I can discuss stuff like this on these threads and not with friends who do not cruise . carol

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am going on my first cruise in February, and one of the reasons it has taken so long was my misconception on how much it would cost! I had always wanted to go on one, but I was so scared that it would be impossible so I never even bothered to look it up. When I saw how low the price actually was I was shocked! Maybe some people don't realize how affordable it actually is!

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  • 1 month later...

We have one lady at work who is really vocal about any of us who talk about cruising, mainly because she can't cruise due to a dh who won't cruise and putting her son through college. It does tend to put a damper on cruise conversations around work. :rolleyes:

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this thread is making me feel better.

I just booked a cruise for this July and my last cruise was last July. When I squealed my excitement when I got the confirmation email while at work, one of my coworkers said to me "Shouldn't you be paying off your student loans?" I thought that was so presumptuous.

Luckily, there are a few people at work who are cruising fans also, so I can share my excitement with them. And of course there is always a fine group of people on these boards who will be excited with me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It really is amazing to me how many people think we should ALL do the same things with our money. It seems to really annoy some people when you choose to spend your money on THEIR perception of "frivolous" things. :rolleyes: Some think a bigger home or renovations are more important. Some think it should all be saved for retirement and the "golden" years. We personally are happy with what we have and live fairly modestly and feel like you can't take your possessions with you when you leave this world, so why not take happy memories? And as for the golden years, who knows if they'll be healthy or golden at all? There are no guarantees. So we tend to want to live a balance of putting a little aside for the future but making the now more of a focus. I agree with the earlier posters about this. But, boy, if that doesn't seem to just tick some people off! That comment made to an earlier poster about "shouldn't you be paying off your student loan?" is incredibly rude! :mad: And, yes, it is nice to have this forum here of like-minded people who like to enjoy the same kind of vacation. :)

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I know what you mean. I take one cruise a year and one other vacation...if someone seems truly interested in how I afford it, I mention some online travel sites that have great deals.


Truthfully, though I have made travel a priority. i bought a smaller house than I can afford, i never bought a new car in my life, I cancelled cable years ago, rarely buy clothing or eat out...well you get the idea.

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This a great thread. At 62 I have been cruising for 50 years now, starting on the HMS Italia (the Home Line) and I am at over 50 cruises and what I get is "it must be nice" (I don't think they mean it) and I always respond "It certainly is!"

Happy cruising to all

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I can remember times in my life when I have deprived myself of lesiure in order to save up (hard money times). But now that I am stablized in both my life and my career I have no problems telling my co-workers that I have scheduled another cruise. When someone asks me how can I afford it I just point to the lower part of my right sleeve. (Where the Army wears it Overseas Service Stripes//aka combat stripes).


Take care,


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I don't happen to care what other people I work with think about how often I cruise. It's usually just once a year, twice if we can find a short one out of LA.


Other people I work with think nothing of going to Las Vegas for the weekend. The last time we went there we spent twice as much as we would have for a long weekend cruise. I have no interest in Las Vegas and wouldn't miss it if we never went again.


The last time we went for a long weekend to San Diego, with hotel and meals, we spent far more than what we would have spent per person for a cruise, it was only cheaper because we were there only 3 days instead of a week, but it cost more than half of what a cruise costs us, even with the extras we pay for on a cruise.


So for us, the ocean always wins out over a land trip and we think the value is there.

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I'm glad I found this thread! I went on a cruise for my honeymoon in 1996 and wanted to do it again. But between buying a house and having 2 kids we didn't. So for my 40th birthday in 2009 we committed to doing a cruise (without the kids). It was heaven. I wondered why it took so long to do another.


So when we booked with the kids for 2011 you would think that we told friends and family that we bought the Taj Mahal. Forget it once I was offered a suite upsell. It immediately became "must be nice" or "how do you do it??". None of your business! LOL.


We have one income. I chose to quit a very good job to stay home with my daughter and then (finally) had another daughter. It was a decision I didn't take lightly. So when I budget my money and work hard to save for something, why do people think I owe them an explanation?? We do 2 weeks at the beach every year and when we went from doing 1 to doing 2 I had friends ask me how much debt I'm in to be able to afford it. HUH? I wouldn't have the nerve to ask such a personal question. Meanwhile, it's NONE. I budget. I save. I prioritize.


It's annoying because we just booked the same ship in a suite (different itinerary). But we booked 2013 (omg so long to wait!). But I want to do it, figured out a way to have money saved so that when final payment is due, it's all ready to be paid off. Again, why do I owe anyone an explanation?


I'm glad I can obsess about my cruise here without feeling the "I can't believe you can do it AGAIN" attitude.


You all get it :)

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I love to cruise. I love to cruise very much. I am usually planning two cruises at any one time.... I look at the cruise critic boards at least 4 times a week... I am not ashamed of our vacations, but I have learned to keep quite about them..it is just easier, I don't get annoyed, no feelings are hurt, etc. My husband and I went on a "just us" cruise for New Years. We didn't tell anyone. It was great. I am always suprised by misconceptions about how expensive crusing is. Honestly, it is a bargin, if you (1) plan ahead, and (2) go during the off season. However, in an economy where many have lost jobs, or been cut back, I think it is better to keep quite.....as I cut back too...booking that inside cabin instead of the balcony....but still cruising.....and the best thing about cruising vs. land based vacations.."No need for a DD!"

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I am just plain jealous,we always cruise every other year but we have thrown one in between.Now we have grandchildren so we like to spend some vacation time with them and they wont do the cruise.We started cruising in 2004 because I was scared at first,just wish we had done it sooner .I always have a cruise planned as soon as I get off the ship.

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My man and I are a nurse and a chef.. 40 hour work weeks for us just don't exist for the chef it's a minimum of 65 and for my 54.. so when people say your going away again.. I say yes. I can't wait to relaz just the two of us. We work very hard and deserve some time to ourselves.. we get the same with our annual Disney trip.. Hey if I can take my son every year why not?! Our money our vacation time.. Although Im sure when little man gets older it will be 2 cruises a year ;-)

It is no ones business how many vacations you take or how you pay for them even if you are hock up to your eyeballs no one has the right to judge.. say yes Im going again and I can't wait.. thanks!

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A Very good question. I admit we make a very good living, working long hours including weekends if need be. We also live in a moderate home, drive vehicles that are nice but still 8 and 10 years old. Our 3 that are in college all have full scholarships. We do not gamble, smoke, club or purchase all the new whatever it is that is the best you can have.

We do travel.....and I even coupon at the store on items that I would normally purchase. All our travels are well thought out, obtaining either very early pricing or last minute and air isnt purchased at peak times. We donate time and finances to worthy causes, our donation to ourselves is traveling and throughly fulfills 'giddyness' within when we are planning the travel or during travel. It's our passion......I hope to never loose it!

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I can totally relate to this question. DH and I try to keep it quiet for as long as possible because we dont' want people to assume we are loaded. We both work hard for what we have and instead of us going out a lot to dinners, shopping, etc, we save up for cruises! We just plan really well and we figure we only have one life to live so live it up now!! But we always get that "you are going on ANOTHER cruise?" Even my coworkers do it...whenever my managers signs off on my vacation - "what cruise you going on now?" I think it's a great addiction! :)

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For several reasons, we are taking three cruises this year by May. I got fantastic deals on all of them and it just happens that they are working out for us this way, but I am keeping it low key with my friends who will probably roll their eyes when they find out.

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