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Here We Go Again.........


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Lots of us are starting to worry about the weight of all that snow on our roofs. It is literally tons of weight and flat roofs are collapsing. Nothing funny about any of it at this point.

The roof of a school collapsed the other day. No kids were hurt though---the school was closed for a snow day. :rolleyes:

Now they have to farm the kids out to other schools.

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Anyone who wants to get out of the Northeast better head to the airport right about now.


Tuesday Boston is predicted to get about 6" of snow and it will continue snowing right through to late Wednesday dropping a total of about 20".


We already have gotten about 60" of snow thus far this winter. Streets are so narrow because of all the snow having been plowed there truly are cities and towns that have no where to put 20 more inches.


The mounds piled by our plow guy in front of our house from clearing our driveway are over 7' tall. We cannot see when we back out of our garages/driveway.


Whew....... this is getting out of control !!!! :(

So, cruisers....... If you live in the northeast, I hope you are checking your travel plans. Airport nightmare, here we go again.


What ever happened to that old hardy New England spirit?


My New York City Dad always told me that in New England the weather was 10 months of winter and 2 months of poor skiing, and I guess he was right after all.


My wife was a student at Boston College iin 1978. The winter that year was so bad that she got snowed in overnight at the Boston Garden when they went down there for the Beanpot Tournament. When you drove down Centre Street it looked like you were driving thru a tunnel.


So I guess you've done this before.


In the meanwhile you get to appreciate your cruising time even more.

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Yes, you reference what we refer to as the Blizzard of '78. We have far surpassed that snowfall. What made that storm so dramatic was it was not forecast well so no warning, it came at peak of high tides with high winds and many coastal communites suffered very damaging flooding, it gained much strength at rush hour and hundreds of cars got stuck on major highways and people were in their cars for many hours before the plows got through to rescue them and more of winter misery.


If the meterologist I listened to earlier today is correct, this is the worst winter snowfall we have had in recorded weather history. It's getting dangerous. Streets are so narrow because of all the piles of snow, we can't see if there is traffic coming at most corners, roofs are collapsing and home heating oil prices are high. :eek:


Latest I have heard is we can expect about 20" Tuesday-Wednesday. That's a lot of snow to fall on bare ground but to fall on top of what we have is jaw dropping.


Nordic Prince..... Are you not having a snowy winter in NJ?


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Sorry to hear you're going to get yet another huge snowfall; at least up here we can truck it outside the cities and pile it in the fields. Unfortunately you don't have that option. I think you also tend to get the heavy, wet snow unlike ours which is more powdery and dry. Good luck - stay safe indoors!


Smooth Sailing! :):):)

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So sorry to read about the huge snowfalls. Can only imagine trying to live with that amount of snow. We thought we had a lot of snow a few years ago when we had about 12 inches.


Sail7seas, after reading your postings on this thread, have decided that I would rather cope with the thousands of aftershocks from the 7.1 earthquake than your snowfalls.

Mother Nature is really testing us all.


Sincerely hope the roof of your home remains intact, and that you stay safe and warm.

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American Airlines is admitting nothing yet.


When I flew American home from Virginia the day after Xmas, they took their sweet time to admit that flights were delayed...

...the website and the boards in the terminal still said "On Time" after we were supposed to be loaded and pushed back from the terminal - and the plane wasnt' even there!


They didn't make announcements in the terminal and bother updating the boards until they called for boarding well after our departure time, and then the time was still incorrect!

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I really cannot complain about Amerrican Airlines. We were at sea crossing the Sea of Cortez enroute from Puerto Vallarta to Cabo San Lucas on December 11 when I got an email about a family emergency and needed to cut my Amsterdam cruise short and go home.


I went on line and booked an American flight from Cabo to Chicago for the following morning, December 12 -- and I was already aware that there was weather in Chicago. By the time I awoke at 6 am on the 12th my reservation was showing on the Internet as leaving Cabo on the 13th -- American did not even fly into Cabo from Chicago that day as they did not want a plane stuck on the ground there.


I left the ship and went to the airport anyway. I was willing to fly anywhere where I might be able to make a connection to Chicago. Flights to Dallas were full for the next two days. Through patient work with the airline agent he was able to find me a connection through LAX where I boarded an aircraft that had been sitting at LAX for over 24 hours waiting to go to Chicago. That flight was the only flight that made it to Chicago from LAX that day, and they got me a seat. I cannot complain about American as they got me where I needed to go. Even if I used up my airline karma for the year, it was worth it.


Only time will tell what will happen here in Chicago on Thursday and it is not something that I can control.

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Not so different from when I was growing up in Upper Michigan...

...in the fall and spring, it was more direct to walk to school through the field behind the house - but in the winter, the only way to get to school was on top of the snowdrift on the side of the road looking into people's 2nd-story windows.


Don't ask me how I crossed the street at the intersection!!!


Another former Michigander here - although Lansing doesn't have the amount of snow the UP gets.


It's normally a lot nicer here in El Paso (average low 60's this time of year) but we're supposed to have temps in the low 30's (with the lows in the teens) on Wednesday and Thursday with possible snow. If we get an inch or 2 of snow everything comes to a halt - the only people who know how to drive in it are us transplanted Northerners.

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The latest news report indicated that 30 states will be affected in some way by this storm.

We have no sidewalks -- thus last year when we got 72 inches of snow (way above normal for us) -- we also were required to keep the end of the driveways clear for emergency vehicals to see where they were going -- thus we had a friend who used a back hoe to mound the snow in the yard.

So far we don't have the same situation as last year.

But the next few days -- starting tonight -- snow -- then sleet and freezing rain -- then back to snow -- all through Wednesday.

Flying is going to be a nightmare for everyone here on the east coast -- and probably other areas as well.

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Latest I have heard is we can expect about 20" Tuesday-Wednesday. That's a lot of snow to fall on bare ground but to fall on top of what we have is jaw dropping.


This must be some record storm system! We are told our high AND low temps here near Phoenix will drop 15-20 degrees from Monday to Wednesday. While we CERTAINLY aren't having the terrible problems of all those in the north or east, to be affected 3000 miles away is a glaring example of the size of the system and the power of mother nature.:eek:


Prayers for your safety.

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We have freezing rain here this morning and really slick streets. We are suppose to get 12 inches of snow on top of that. I was suppose to go to Denver today, thank God that got cancelled. Hopefully it will clear up by the time we leave for Florida on Thursday to catch the Westy on Fri. The last thing I want is to miss my chance to get to warm weather!

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Hi Kazu,


Where in New Brunswick are you? We have a summer home in Rose Bay, NS, on the South Shore, 20 minutes from Lunenburg. You asked for no more warm weather reports, so I will just tell you that tomorrow is the first day Sarasota, FL is supposed to get above 70 degrees! It's been chilly here, too.




Hi Ricki, we are in Quispamsis - just a few miles from Saint John, NB. So, with the Fundy coast influencing things we have really been blasted the last few weeks. Another one coming on Wednesday according to the weather report :eek::eek:

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Hi Ricki, we are in Quispamsis - just a few miles from Saint John, NB. So, with the Fundy coast influencing things we have really been blasted the last few weeks. Another one coming on Wednesday according to the weather report :eek::eek:



I know exactly where you are! You have really been hit with N'or- easters this year! We lost part of our sea wall last year due to a bad storm and just had it repaired before this season, so I'm hopeful it will withstand this new storm.


Stay warm and safe!



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I know exactly where you are! You have really been hit with N'or- easters this year! We lost part of our sea wall last year due to a bad storm and just had it repaired before this season, so I'm hopeful it will withstand this new storm.


Stay warm and safe!




hope your sea wall holds. :) If this thing really comes, it will be the 6th one in as many weeks. I wouldn't mind if they came on a weekend when a lot of people don't have to work, but travelling is hazardous at best.


the snowplows can't keep up when it comes full tilt. I shovelled a path for my dogs (and two are huge, that's how deep it is in the back) three times last week during the storm just to try to keep up. They claimed we got around 25 centimetres - got news for them - out here we got a lot more than that.


they are calling for at least that again :eek::eek:


If I had booked an "I'm outta here cruise", we probably would have been trapped anyways with all the weather going on.


Farmers almanac was wrong big time. Just no place to put all the snow!


As Sail says, so much for Global Warming :D:p

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Come on down to Sunny Florida Many great buys nice houses and condos.Then you can cruise at a moments notice too.LOL


South Texas has better prices, and access to Mexico.:)

Unfortunately, the latter advantage has been disrupted by criminals in Mexico, but hundreds of Winter Texans are in Nuevo Progresso every day. A very safe little city in an area of chaos, although I have a friend who goes to work every day in Matamoros, a city I would not enter today.

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Another former Michigander here - although Lansing doesn't have the amount of snow the UP gets.


It's normally a lot nicer here in El Paso (average low 60's this time of year) but we're supposed to have temps in the low 30's (with the lows in the teens) on Wednesday and Thursday with possible snow. If we get an inch or 2 of snow everything comes to a halt - the only people who know how to drive in it are us transplanted Northerners.


That's why we don't have snow down here, you live too far up the river! :D

Disclaimer: We had 4" a couple of years ago. They could not find any record of more than an inch in the past 125 years. :cool:

Yesterday 80 day, Sat predicted 35 at night.

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hope your sea wall holds. :) If this thing really comes, it will be the 6th one in as many weeks. I wouldn't mind if they came on a weekend when a lot of people don't have to work, but travelling is hazardous at best.


the snowplows can't keep up when it comes full tilt. I shovelled a path for my dogs (and two are huge, that's how deep it is in the back) three times last week during the storm just to try to keep up. They claimed we got around 25 centimetres - got news for them - out here we got a lot more than that.


they are calling for at least that again :eek::eek:


If I had booked an "I'm outta here cruise", we probably would have been trapped anyways with all the weather going on.


Farmers almanac was wrong big time. Just no place to put all the snow!


As Sail says, so much for Global Warming :D:p

I have a very serious case of cabin fever. The only happy person around here is the guy who ploughs our driveway. This is a very prosperous year for him.


My biggest complaint is that our plough nicely clears our driveway and then the city decides to do some tidying up so the wing plough comes by and fills in the end of the driveway, trapping us again. We then have to pay the guy who clears our walk to come over and use his snowblower to free us.


As we are now in the 8 week window before we leave for our cruise, we have become more vigilant than ever when walking. All it takes is one second of inattention to a patch of ice and bye bye cruise. I always look down and take baby steps when walking outdoors now. In some cases we just take a look at a parking lot and go elsewhere.


However---we all know that in July we will be complaining that we just can't take another day of the heat.:)

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DH is in Ft. Lauderdale and was to fly to Indianapolis. His flight was to leave about noon on Southwest. They cancelled flights to Indy due to the possibility of ice. He rescheduled. The closest he could get to Indy was Nashville, Tn. Once he arrives in Nashville, he will take a Greyhound bus to Indy. His bus doesn't leave until 1 AM and won't arrive here until 8 AM tomorrow. I sure hope he gets home OK. :confused: This storm will last for 48 hrs!


Good luck to all!

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This is on Continental's website:


Operations Summary

As of 6:13 p.m. Central, Mon., Jan. 31, 2011




I guess it could change if conditions improve ....

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I have a very serious case of cabin fever. The only happy person around here is the guy who ploughs our driveway. This is a very prosperous year for him.


My biggest complaint is that our plough nicely clears our driveway and then the city decides to do some tidying up so the wing plough comes by and fills in the end of the driveway, trapping us again. We then have to pay the guy who clears our walk to come over and use his snowblower to free us.


As we are now in the 8 week window before we leave for our cruise, we have become more vigilant than ever when walking. All it takes is one second of inattention to a patch of ice and bye bye cruise. I always look down and take baby steps when walking outdoors now. In some cases we just take a look at a parking lot and go elsewhere.


However---we all know that in July we will be complaining that we just can't take another day of the heat.:)


I can guarantee you I won't be complaining about the heat in July ;)


It's just too far away. Walk carefully - we wouldn't want you to miss your cruise.:D The town snow plow out here is not considerate either - I'm starting to think they do it on purpose.


They better be careful or someone may get 'snow rage'.:D

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