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It's official..CCL in not for us!


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2If you don't like the song choices or singers, leave and go do something else. At least they had the guts to get up and sing/try.
I see you completely missed the OP's point about the karaoke.
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A warm cabin would be a deal breaker for me. A can think of thousands of worse off situations to be in, but 74 degrees is not comfortable for me. I would have a hard time booking another cruise with Carnival if they told me that 74 was acceptable.


This isnt that unusual for Carnival. There are other posts in the cabins section of CC of dont book this or that room on Carnival because the ac didnt work. Seemed to be a issue on the bottom deck on this cruise. Iv also read it from others here who never got satisfaction on their cruise and were told there is no other cabin we can move you to. These rock bottom prices come at a cost ... that things wouldnt be perfect. I now accept that and now move on.


It was the only flaw in a otherwise good cruise, so I tried to sleep just under a sheet to not get too hot at night.

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I'm sorry you didn't have an enjoyable cruise. The elevators can be slow at times and I'm thankful that I can still climb the stairs with little or no pain.


I was told by a CD that Carnival has cut back on the production shows and has 1 night where no show is planned in the theater at all. Probably a cost cutting measure.


I have never been to Karaoke but I'm surprised that they would let that song in the play list. Perhaps if people complain they will take it out. I'm actually curious as to what song it was. The one that comes to mind is "Forget You" by Cee Lo Green which has a more "colorful" version.


Hopefully you'll reconsider your choice to go with other cruise lines, but either way I hope your next cruise is wonderful.

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You contradict yourself. Why not say, "I hope Carnival addresses these problems and you have a better cruise next time."


Good thinking. Wish I said it but thanks for bringing it up. Thats definitely a great answer to threads like these.


Either way I hope they have a good time wherever they go.

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tef43, I certainly did not miss awchief's point regarding kareoke. I decided that there were some comments that were not worthy of a response.


Time to go. Happy Mother's Day to all mom's out there and happy future cruising to all!!

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Just returned from 5 days on the Elation. Was it all bad?, heck no. Here is a rundown of all that was good!

The crew was fantastic.

Food, overall, was good. Just not as good as I remember it being on past cruises, especially the desserts.

We like this class ship..to us seniors this size ship is as big as a ship need be!



As for the 'net so good', I'll start with the ship.

The elevators are as slow as molasses. In 20 cruises, I spent more time waiting for an elevator this time than on the rest combined!

As on all ships, work was always being done all around the ship but the one area that was lacking was in Tiffany's..the buffet area. Tables were often 'picked up' but not cleaned very well. And outside tables need serious attention to being kept clean. N big deal I guess but deserves mentioning.

Our biggest complaint with CCL is entertainment..or lack there of. Five nights, two Carnival cast shows. (One good, one 'watch-watcher'). Two nights there was no "show" at all which to us who consider "dinner and ashow" a cruise must is just not acceptable.


I am going to relate one more experience that rather shocked us. Here is our Kareoke experience, the only night we ventured there. We listened to a few singers, some good some bad but all in fun. The next young man up was, well, UNBELIEVEABLE. He said he was picking a song never done before (WHY WOULD CARNIVAL EVEN HAVE IT IN THEIR BOOK?!?!) and was therefore, quote, "breaking it's cherry", unquote. For a few minutes he proceeded to scream the words to this masterpiece about evil and sin into the mike and had no problem when it came to screaming the word on the screen spelled out as "f***ing" numerous times. His friends all cheered when he was done while the rest of us (many elderly) were wondering what just happened. The next girl up to sing said something about taking it back up a notch and was applauded.


I don't know how to even finish this so I think I'll just quit.


No flaming please, we have just decided we are not 'fun ship material' and it is back to the what some would call the 'staid' lines for us.


The comments from others about using the stairs is out of line and coming from people who know nothing about what it can be like for people who have difficulty navigating even one flight of stairs for one reason or another. It's too bad the elevators were slow. My husband needs to use elevators all the time as he has MS, and there's been instances where we've had no choice but to wait for one.


Sorry CCL isn't for you. I haven't sailed on CCL in a very long time. I'm sailing on the Destiny, an older ship, but I know what to expect and what no to expect. We're just going to go on our vacation and enjoy ourselves and not let things bother us. We're just going to have fun, R&R and have quality time w/family.

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This isnt that unusual for Carnival. There are other posts in the cabins section of CC of dont book this or that room on Carnival because the ac didnt work. Seemed to be a issue on the bottom deck on this cruise. Iv also read it from others here who never got satisfaction on their cruise and were told there is no other cabin we can move you to. These rock bottom prices come at a cost ... that things wouldnt be perfect. I now accept that and now move on.


It was the only flaw in a otherwise good cruise, so I tried to sleep just under a sheet to not get too hot at night.


We must be pretty lucky. Only had a problem with the A/C once on a RCCL ship and it was fixed that same day. Maybe our time is due. Just like the OP who has expectations for shows in the main theater, I have expectations for my personal comfort level to be met, regardless of how much I paid for the cruise. Vacations are never perfect but there are too many other cruise and resort choices out there that would be willing to accept my vacation dollars and match or exceed my level of comfort.


I'm happy that you could roll with the punches on your cruise, I darn well know I wouldn't have handled it as well as you.

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1. They have something called stairs on board if you are in a hurry.

2. If you don't like the song choices or singers, leave and go do something else. At least they had the guts to get up and sing/try.

Let me ask you something there Sparky...


How do you know the OP is not handicapped in a device or cannot climb stairs? You don't have a clue now do you...


Profanity in any venue except a comedy show is inappropriate on a cruise ship that sells to families.


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I think it would be great for you to try another cruise line...that way you will know if you like something different or want to come back to Carnival...I personally would have left if I had the same experience in the karaoke lounge, because I don't want to hear that kind of language either (and maybe been a little disappointed that song was even available) but it's good to have so many other things to do on the ship...don't have to listen to it...


I have also noticed they don't have the shows every night any more, but I kind of like the new variety...I'm glad they are adding more comedians (and in my experience even the adult only shows haven't been too bad), so I don't mind it...change is everywhere...some good, some not so good...but like someone else said...it's good we have the freedom to choose which cruise line to go on!


Hope you find something you like in the future.

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1. They have something called stairs on board if you are in a hurry.

Thought the same thing. We try to avoid elevators unless it's more than five or six floors going up.


But I'm sure that's a minor point for OP and Carnival is not for everyone. We like it mainly when we're with our kids. Otherwise, we're more comfortable on Princess. Still, I look forward to every Carnival cruise and have always had a great time despite not liking everything and we always seems to like Carnival's pricing.

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Not really...the OP mentioned he was a senior. Not sure if he was sixty or 80. They may have been on walkers and stairs weren't an option.


So true!!! My wheelchair doesn't like the stairs very well either!!! Seems like some just like being grumpy for no apparent reason.

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To the OP - I'm always sorry to hear when someone has had a less than fabulous experience on any cruise. Regarding entertainment, while I rarely go to the production shows, it is my understanding that NCL has excellent entertainment on their regular cruises. Our fellow passengers and posters on the NCL board have raved about their shows. The one ship that is different is the Epic, which has amazing entertainment but no production shows to speak of, unless you count Legends.


I also wanted to comment on the karaoke issue. Obviously the style and content of the song were shocking to the OP, and from the response, others would have been just as put off. I would not have. The thing that draws me to karaoke is the opportunity to sing music I love without having to join a band - or find a band that knows the song I want to sing. My personal preference is classic rock, and while sometimes the song selection is so inclusive that I have difficulty deciding on a song, other times it's difficult for me to even find one I want to sing at all - and also feel comfortable singing. For this reason, I often carry my own cdgs. From the OP's description, whether the individual brought their own cdg or whether it was on the list, it sounds like a genre of music that is not appealing to everyone. The fact remains, however, that the song was available somehow and the individual undoubtedly really likes it and was excited to have the chance to sing it. Does he not have as much right to pick an available song and sing it as everyone else? Who should the 'song police' be that decide which music genres are acceptable and which aren't? Should the musical taste of the audience be polled on the way in, and if there aren't enough people who like country music all such songs should be disallowed? The bottom line is that at any karaoke experience there will be songs that some audience members don't enjoy - whether because of the song itself or the abilities of the singer. The reason for disliking the song should not be a factor.


I don't mean to soapbox here, but I think people need to have a bit thicker skin sometimes. Where do we draw the line at censorship? Is there a specific list of words that we think should be banned from karaoke songs, or just the 'f' word? Are songs with the 'f' word in them okay if they don't make reference to 'evil and sin'? What about references to 'sin' without profanity? I heard a song on the radio the other day that said, 'Sticks and stones may break my bones but chains and whips excite me...' Are these lyrics okay? There's no profanity, but if I'm interpreting them correctly, I'd say there might be some 'sin' involved... It's currently a popular hit, though, and in my personal opinion, censorship is much uglier than any profanity I might hear in someone else's song choice.


To address concerns about profanity (or other potentially offensive behaviour) on a family cruise... No matter where our children go these days, there is a chance - and sometimes more than a chance - that they will be exposed to profanity. I've taken my daughter to karaoke on cruise ships, and I am always prepared for her to hear or see things that ADULTS do in BARS. I emphasize those two words because that's where karaoke is hosted - in bars where alcohol is served to adults. It is my choice to take my child there, and it is my responsibility to respond if something happens that she wouldn't have seen/heard otherwise. Every time she sees something that I consider inappropriate, I use it as an opportunity to teach her. If I had been at the karaoke that the OP had been at and my daughter had been with me, I definitely would have had a lot to talk to her about. First, I would have asked her if she was familiar with the song - since she is more aware of current music than I am. Second, I would have asked her if she thought it was a good choice considering the patronage in the venue. After those two things were addressed, I expect a conversation would have developed about profanity, freedom of choice, and respect of others. Just to be clear, though, when we talk about respect in our family, we acknowledge not only the idea of respecting others' right not to hear profanity but also respecting someone's right to sing a song that we may or may not like ourselves.


I may be in for some admonishment, but I felt it had to be said. Remember the immortal words of freedom that we all know: I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it. I don't want anyone telling me which songs I can or cannot choose to sing at karaoke, and so I would never presume to do the same to anyone else.

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Socrates said it all: "know thyself". You know this cruise line doesn't bring a smile to your face any more so you need to move on. Nothing wrong with that. I've read much more unreasonable complaints here, although I must admit, Carnival has no control over what words boozed up customers sing in a microphone at karaoke. I'm sure some add cuss words to regular songs and a few probably have impure thoughts. Oh well. But if it bothers you, move on, I certainly would.
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[quote name='CanadianTwosome']
I may be in for some admonishment, but I felt it had to be said. Remember the immortal words of freedom that we all know: I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it. I don't want anyone telling me which songs I can or cannot choose to sing at karaoke, and so I would never presume to do the same to anyone else.[/quote]

While I agree with you that the singer may have had the right to sing whatever he chose, with that right comes responsibility and the knowledge that even with free speech, there are consequences to his actions(or in this case, his speech). He may have had the right to sing it, but just as importantly, the OP had the right to her opinion of his language.
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I would not have been able to stay in a cabin if it was hot. I would probably just pick up a pillow and sleep on a couch in front of guest services until they fixed the ac.
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[quote name='Cruise Elf']While I agree with you that the singer may have had the right to sing whatever he chose, with that right comes responsibility and the knowledge that even with free speech, there are consequences to his actions(or in this case, his speech). He may have had the right to sing it, but just as importantly, the OP had the right to her opinion of his language.[/quote]

I agree with you completely. I personally would not sing a song with profanity in it, for exactly the reason that is being discussed here. I still defend the guy's right to sing the song of his choice, however. I can only make decisions for me, and I'm ecstatically happy that I have the freedom to do so. I feel that it would be incredibly hypocritical of me to think someone else should be deprived of that same freedom. The idea that has come up on this thread is that the song should be pulled from the list and the list should be monitored - which is censorship, and I cannot agree with it.

I also believe that the OP is absolutely entitled to her opinion. Offensive is offensive, and I'm not arguing that this particular song isn't. As I said, I wouldn't sing a song like this, and I hope I've taught my daughter not to as well, but I make the choice to go to karaoke with full knowledge that I am going to be surrounded by humans who are, by nature, unpredictable. I may hear language I'd rather not hear, I may hear songs I despise, and I may hear songs I love sung horribly. It's my choice to be there, though, and I accept the risks. Who knows, maybe some people who hear me sing find it offensive; I hope not! :)
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I will be on the Elation in October, and was just on in February.

The real key here is the same we have seen in several recent posts. Carnival is cutting back.

On a five day cruise, you get the welcome aboard show, a full show, a dark night, a second full show and a talent show. CUTBACKS.

In Karaoke, Carnival only has dedicated staff for Karaoke on seven night cruises. On a ship like the Elation they use other staff, who are no longer trained and sometimes do not even know the music.

Carnival has a strict policy on songs such as are described. In fact, they actually have a policy of NOT using personal CD's because of experiences such as this. The KD should have stopped the song and said it was inappropriate but obviously did not.

I always book towards the front of the ship so I can use the Glass elevators and the full bank of four because when you only have two or four in the rear of the ship it can be slow.

As you can see, I am a loyal Carnival cruiser, about to go on my 14th...but I am still disappointed in the cut backs.
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[quote name='seacat65']Too funny!!![/quote]

I don't think it was funny. I think it was rude. Plenty of older passengers could be struggling with mobility issues and the stairs are not always an option.

It's called putting yourselves in another's place. some of you out here should try it some time.
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[quote name='Rottweiler Puppy']Why do some folks ALWAYS have to make snarky smart aresed comments to those who had less than enjoyable cruises? what purpose does it serve you? I just dont understand it.

Anyway to the OP. Sorry you has a bad time, slow elevators can be frustrating, especially if your knees are a little tender or sore. I would never tell you to suck it up and take the stairs, especially if you are senior. I cant fathom making a smart alec comment alluding to you not knowing what stairs are.

The person singing karaoke probably brought their own CD and thats why the words and lyrics were played. Not sure if I would end all cruises with one line over one singer but as you mentioned, there were other things.

I hope you find a cruise that sits well with you and you enjoy them all.[/QUOTE]

Have to agree here. Yes, we always take the stairs but some simply cannot, so why the nasty, uncalled for comments. I would have walked out on the karaoke "singer" and left a complaint with customer services. Would these two incidents cause me to leave CCL for good, no, but the poster has every right to voice her/his displeasure and opinion.:)
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Am I the only person who thinks that it is weird for kids to be allowed in a karaoke bar? I mean, I know the OP is older, but, using "family-oriented" as a defense seems moot to me. Do they have bans on songs in the dance clubs too? Will I not get to dance to "Forget you"??? I've NEVER been to Karaoke on land where it was "Family oriented". And the last time I was on a cruise (LONG time ago), karaoke was late in the evening. I guess someone singing a song with profanity at a karaoke [U]BAR[/U] wouldn't surprise me. I concur with CanadianTwosome... Little Red Corvette by Prince has no profane words in it...but it is most definately a profane song. Would THAT be unacceptable?

If I was at a Karaoke Bar where all of a sudden kids were up there singing the Dora the Explorer song, I'd turn tail real quick ;). Maybe they (Carnival) needs to implement an age requirement in a BAR.
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[quote name='Rottweiler Puppy']Why do some folks ALWAYS have to make snarky smart aresed comments to those who had less than enjoyable cruises? what purpose does it serve you? I just dont understand it.

I completely agree with you!

I also agree with somebody saying "you get what you pat for". CC is the cheapest cruise line by far, but my family is more of Norwegian people. I have loved all my cruises so far, but the NCL cruises have been the best. Also, for me the food on CC is not that great. The food on NCL still has my mouth watering!!!!
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