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Reduced tips for nights off ship?

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Can we do that? I've never even considered investigating the auto insurance. I will now.


You'll need to research your local laws. In many states it is actually illegal to not have insurance even on a non driven car as long as it has tags. If the car is visible then it needs to have them, if it's locked up on a garage it might be doable. Also keep in mind that gaps insurance can actually rase your rates.


As for the tipping question, I usually tip out above the paid gratuties in cash. So instead of lowing it I just wouldn't give them the extra tip on top of the ones paid out by the ship for you.

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When we did a 2 night ship's excursion to Machu Pichu from our NCL ship the tips for those 2 nights were automatically removed from our account. We were not consulted about this.
IMHO, you were paying the two nights' tips by taking the ship's excursion. I'll bet they were built into the cost of the tour. I wonder if they would have done this if you took an independent 2-night excursion.
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The way I see it, the ship and staff are still there for your use.....it's YOUR choice not to be there.

They don't reduce your cruisefare for the nights/days you're off the ship...and tips are based on the length of the cruise.....so I'd leave the tips in place. Now, if the ship were to remove the tips, so be it! That's their decision and policy!

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To the OP: tipping is a very personal matter, and you will find many opinions about it on these boards! :rolleyes:

However, I would have to agree with the others who recommend tipping the recommended (or autotip) amount -- whether you are on the ship the whole time, or not. I always look at the recommended tips as the minimum required for the excellent service we receive on the cruise. Just my $.02! :cool:

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We are going on a twelve night cruise shortly.


Of our twelve night trip, we are spending two off the ship.


Not wanting to sound cheap, we of course all agree about how hard everyone works on the ships, and how they deserve to be tipped, but my question is in our situation is appropriate to reduce our tips for the two nights we are not on the ship.


The tips quickly add up, and the difference in the two days equals a shore excursion.


What sort of shore excursion can you get for $22? Surely not one which would let you spend a night off the ship in some place where you would feel comfortable going to sleep.

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Is there any state that makes you have collision? Usually if you have a loan the bank may, so they get paid if you smash up your own car, but why would there be a law to have collision insurance? That's for your own protection..it's not the same insurance you would use if you hit someone else..collision fixed only your car.


You'll need to research your local laws. In many states it is actually illegal to not have insurance even on a non driven car as long as it has tags. If the car is visible then it needs to have them, if it's locked up on a garage it might be doable. Also keep in mind that gaps insurance can actually rase your rates.

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I dont think you can reduce it if you are charging it to your credit card. I crossed off the head waiter, whoever he was, and they still charged me for him.


If you are paying in cash, then you can do it yourself.

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Of course you don't need to tip for services not received, on many port intensive Med sailings we often eat two meals ashore, so we adjust our daily tip amount accordingly.


I also don't tip at restaurants I don't eat at in the port too, imagine that!:eek:


The fact is, the crew has less work to do when I'm not eating, doing nothing for me to receive a tip/gratuity.


It's common sense, and your not being cheap either, what kind of nut tips for services NOT received:rolleyes:?

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The way I see it, the ship and staff are still there for your use.....it's YOUR choice not to be there.

They don't reduce your cruisefare for the nights/days you're off the ship...and tips are based on the length of the cruise.....so I'd leave the tips in place. Now, if the ship were to remove the tips, so be it! That's their decision and policy!

They also don't have the same work load when you are not there, do you tip in land based restaurants when you don't eat there?

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Of course you don't need to tip for services not received, on many port intensive Med sailings we often eat two meals ashore, so we adjust our daily tip amount accordingly.


I also don't tip at restaurants I don't eat at in the port too, imagine that!:eek:


The fact is, the crew has less work to do when I'm not eating, doing nothing for me to receive a tip/gratuity.


It's common sense, and your not being cheap either, what kind of nut tips for services NOT received:rolleyes:?



Do you ask for the food and entertainment you paid for on the cruise refunded for each time you choose to eat/spend time off the ship? Just like not paying for service you didn't get, why pay for food or entertainment you didn't use?


Unlike land restaurants the dining room staff will not get someone else to serve if you don't show up. Therefore their wages, which are comprised mostly of tips will be reduced by each person who doesn't tip because they opted to go elsewhere.


As for less work, I'm sure that will help them feed their families. :rolleyes:

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Do you ask for the food and entertainment you paid for on the cruise refunded for each time you choose to eat/spend time off the ship? Just like not paying for service you didn't get, why pay for food or entertainment you didn't use?


Unlike land restaurants the dining room staff will not get someone else to serve if you don't show up. Therefore their wages, which are comprised mostly of tips will be reduced by each person who doesn't tip because they opted to go elsewhere.


As for less work, I'm sure that will help them feed their families. :rolleyes:


Tips are for service, why would you tip for food service you didn't get?


The cruise is a fixed expense, the tips are adjustable, that's why you adjust them for services rendered.


Yes, I know I paid for the food, you also pay for 24 hours in a hotel, but you don't use all of it:rolleyes:


Tip away for services you don't get, I'm sure you feel good and smart about it:D:D:D:D

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They also don't have the same work load when you are not there, do you tip in land based restaurants when you don't eat there?

No, but they can get someone to fill in for me..and still get a tip. Hard to do that on a ship.

Also, they still have to set the table and then clear off all your dishes, if you are there or not, and be ready and prepared to serve you (get the rolls, butter ready and drinks poured, etc).

So, do you take your daily tip that goes to waiters, divide it by the amount of meals you miss, and remove $1 dollar for each day you miss a meal? Because they only get a few dollars a day for all of your meals and that gets shared with the jr waiter. You certainly never tip 15-20% a day for the real value of your meals like you would on a shore restaurant. I can't imagine paying what I do for a cruise and then take the time to take $1 for each meal away from the waiters, who work so hard, if I'm there or not.

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If they made the tips a fixed expense, they would have to be higher, as they would have to add tax..then the waiters would get even less. But, if people continue to remove them, because they ate ashore or other like reasons, you may see that coming. It would be nice if ships just paid a decent raise and they didn't have to count on tips (and being sweet to everyone, even the crabby people). But the price of our cruises would go up a lot more than the tips we pay.


This is their livelyhood. They work very very hard, and very long hours. I couldn't take a $1 or $2 away from them because I missed a meal or two (I'm sure at some point in the day, I'd make up for it, and the waiters do a lot more than just server you three meals..they work all over the ship in kitchens, etc). Even when I'm not there, they have to be prepared to serve me and work the full day. I don't want to be a part of their paycheck being docked.



Tips are for service, why would you tip for food service you didn't get?


The cruise is a fixed expense, the tips are adjustable, that's why you adjust them for services rendered.


Yes, I know I paid for the food, you also pay for 24 hours in a hotel, but you don't use all of it:rolleyes:


Tip away for services you don't get, I'm sure you feel good and smart about it:D:D:D:D

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No, but they can get someone to fill in for me..and still get a tip. Hard to do that on a ship.

Also, they still have to set the table and then clear off all your dishes, if you are there or not, and be ready and prepared to serve you (get the rolls, butter ready and drinks poured, etc).

So, do you take your daily tip that goes to waiters, divide it by the amount of meals you miss, and remove $1 dollar for each day you miss a meal? Because they only get a few dollars a day for all of your meals and that gets shared with the jr waiter. You certainly never tip 15-20% a day for the real value of your meals like you would on a shore restaurant. I can't imagine paying what I do for a cruise and then take the time to take $1 for each meal away from the waiters, who work so hard, if I'm there or not.


My tipping policy is pretty simple, land or sea:


I tip for services received


No service = No tip


Bad service = Bad tip


Good service = Good tip


Tips or Gratuities are fully adjustable, based upon services received, and in my opinion all the violin playing about the poor workers has gone out of control, lets get back to basics about what a tip is and when you give one.


I assume since you tip for no service you all must tip for poor service as well?


Ridiculous, and you know it!

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Take your dollar or two off for the one meal you missed cause you went ashore, and feel good and smart about it.


If I have a problem with service, I would take it up with the matre D or head waiter at the time, and get it fixed. It's certainly not something that has happened to me often..I can only remember once in all my cruises. That tip doesn't just go to my waiter..it's spread across all of the workers, even some you don't see that works hard in the buffet..so he sees even less than the dollar or two each meal. Why punish everyone because I got off the ship?


I leave all my tips on, they are so little for each person...I don't tip extra if it's poor service. For good and great service I give even more, since I think the tips are very low for what we get in return.


But then you weren't talking about poor service..you take off your dollar or two because you got off the ship and didn't eat the meal the waiter was ready to serve you.



My tipping policy is pretty simple, land or sea:


I tip for services received


No service = No tip


Bad service = Bad tip


Good service = Good tip


Tips or Gratuities are fully adjustable, based upon services received, and in my opinion all the violin playing about the poor workers has gone out of control, lets get back to basics about what a tip is and when you give one.


I assume since you tip for no service you all must tip for poor service as well?


Ridiculous, and you know it!

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Take your dollar or two off for the one meal you missed cause you went ashore, and feel good and smart about it.


If I have a problem with service, I would take it up with the matre D or head waiter at the time, and get it fixed. It's certainly not something that has happened to me often..I can only remember once in all my cruises. That tip doesn't just go to my waiter..it's spread across all of the workers, even some you don't see that works hard in the buffet..so he sees even less than the dollar or two each meal. Why punish everyone because I got off the ship?


I leave all my tips on, they are so little for each person...I don't tip extra if it's poor service. For good and great service I give even more, since I think the tips are very low for what we get in return.


But then you weren't talking about poor service..you take off your dollar or two because you got off the ship and didn't eat the meal the waiter was ready to serve you.


Took you awhile, but you are finally catching on!


Enjoy your cruise!

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They also don't have the same work load when you are not there, do you tip in land based restaurants when you don't eat there?


I suppose you reduce the tip every time you choose not to have an appetizer, or a salad, or a dessert, or after dinner coffee at any particular meal. My only question is: by how much do you reduce the tip for which of the above items you choose not to have? And by what amount do you reduce the tip if you decide not to take an after dinner mint as you leave the dining room.


i cannot argue with your basic logic, but the accounting must be close to a

full-time job.

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When you are off the ship and staying ashore you can call you cruise carrier and invoke the Harrison maritime rule which states that " When the Mariner is domiciled off the vessel, the mariner is not to be charged for transportation or food, upon notification by either carrier pidgeon, canine carrier, person or telegraph,all vessel charges are to cease" this is on page 156, paragraph 3 line 38 of the Harrison maritime rules of the High Seas, just call your cruise line once you have checked in to your hotel, they will try to put you off but just insist on speakig to the supervisor untill you get satisfaction. DO NOT TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER, insist on it, just quote the above mentioned rule. this will free you of all ship board charges while you are in the Hotel on land.

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you tip for no or poor service and I only tip when I get service and if it's good.


As I said, a few times. I don't get poor service, so how can you make such a statement? Also, as I said, if I did, I would take care of it then and there..not go to the pursers desk to subtract a dollar or two for one meal that isn't perfect. And I would never waste my vacation time removing a dollar or two because I got off the ship to eat or my cabin person didn't have to make my bed for one day (sometimes we make our own bed..oh my..I wonder if some people do that so they can remove $1!). My vacation time is more valuable than a dollar or two taken from someone that works hard to make sure my vacation is a good one...someone that is ready to serve me.

I like that the servers get paid, which the service charge is a large part off. I give extra, because they work hard and deserve it. If you only tip when service is visibly good, people working in the background get nothing from you.

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As I said, a few times. I don't get poor service, so how can you make such a statement? Also, as I said, if I did, I would take care of it then and there..not go to the pursers desk to subtract a dollar or two for one meal that isn't perfect. And I would never waste my vacation time removing a dollar or two because I got off the ship to eat or my cabin person didn't have to make my bed for one day (sometimes we make our own bed..oh my..I wonder if some people do that so they can remove $1!). My vacation time is more valuable than a dollar or two taken from someone that works hard to make sure my vacation is a good one...someone that is ready to serve me.

I like that the servers get paid, which the service charge is a large part off. I give extra, because they work hard and deserve it. If you only tip when service is visibly good, people working in the background get nothing from you.


So you tip when have good, bad or no service.


You said you had bad service one time, and yet you say you've never changed your tip.




Be sure and tip all the room service waiters that MIGHT wait on you too:rolleyes:


Enjoy your cruise

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I didn't need to change my tip. As soon as I told the matre D the problem was solved. The percent of the tip for that one meal was about $1 -$2..should I have wasted my vacation time and stood in the pursers line to take off the $2? What, to punish the waiter? Wouldn't that have punished everyone that had a part in the service that night, and even me, as I wasted time? Never had another problem..I took the problem where I should of, to his boss. People on these boards have said when they remove their tips they are asked what could they do to make it right. It was made right and the tip stayed. He just didn't get extra from us, as others have.


I don't understand. Why would I tip all the service waiters that might wait on me? Isn't that a bit of an exageration?


I get it..several of you keep track of each meal and remove tips for each portion of the day that you don't partake. I couldn't be bothered..I'd rather just enjoy my cruise.



You said you had bad service one time, and yet you say you've never changed your tip.




Be sure and tip all the room service waiters that MIGHT wait on you too:rolleyes:


Enjoy your cruise

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I didn't need to change my tip. As soon as I told the matre D the problem was solved. The percent of the tip for that one meal was about $1 -$2..should I have wasted my vacation time and stood in the pursers line to take off the $2? What, to punish the waiter? Wouldn't that have punished everyone that had a part in the service that night, and even me, as I wasted time? Never had another problem..I took the problem where I should of, to his boss. People on these boards have said when they remove their tips they are asked what could they do to make it right. It was made right and the tip stayed. He just didn't get extra from us, as others have.


I don't understand. Why would I tip all the service waiters that might wait on me? Isn't that a bit of an exageration?


I get it..several of you keep track of each meal and remove tips for each portion of the day that you don't partake. I couldn't be bothered..I'd rather just enjoy my cruise.


Isn't that the reason you stated I should have tipped, a waiter was there to serve me a meal, even if he didn't have to?


There are staff on hand to serve you room service, why don't you tip them?


They are there to serve you at any time, waiting on your call, if you don't tip them they can't feed their families.


Just because you didn't partake of their services is no reason not to tip them is it?

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To get back to the OP's question, no, I don't think that it's appropriate to reduce the tips.

To be honest, it would never even cross my mind. Even though "tipping is a personal matter", at least in the U.S., it is considered cheap by most people not to add expected gratuities.

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