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a little over 3 weeks away and really getting nervous


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I have been reading these boards for months now trying to get prepared for our cruise. As the time gets closer I'm stressing that I can't get anything organized. We are cruiseing on a budget. We will have about $700 to carry with us. I know $100 will go to tips. We are going to Grand Cayman & Cozumel. Haven't planned any excursions, figured we would just go out on our on. We don't want to snorkel because I'm too claustrophobic for that. Would love to rent a glass bottom kayak/canoe so that we can see the beautiful fish. We also want to go to "Hell". We don't drink alot of alcohol, or gamble. The kids want a few T-shirts from the Guy Harvey store for their souveniers. Do you think that we can have a good time and still be within our budget? And please don't slam me with the "If you can't afford to cruise don't do it" speech. Everyone is not rich but that doesn't mean we don't deserve a great vacation. It is our 25th anniversary. We are both hard working people. We have 2 girls that started college this week. I have been taking care of my mom since she had her heart attack & is now on dialysis 3 days a week. I NEED A VACATION!!!! I used a christmas club to save the money to pay for the cruise at the first of the year. I'm drawing out the christmas early next week to give us spending money. That was the plans when the "Christmas (CRUISE) club" was opened because I knew we would never be able to go on our cruise any other way.$30 every 2 weeks don't break the budget to bad.


I really don't mean to be rude but I know how ppl ask for advise and then get slammed by the hollier than thow.


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'm so worried that I'm not going to remember what is the best thing to do at each port and what I should take off the boat when we get off.



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Sure! Do go to the library and get a guidebook on your ports....many, many fun things can be done "on the cheap", without excursions, but you do need to know something about where you're going! On GC, beaches are public and there are cheap buses that can take your right from the port.


If you want to buy t-shirts on the ship, the last day they are DRASTICALLY reduced!


And, remember, you don't have to spend the entire port day ashore....the ship will be virtually empty...it's a great day to use the pool without crowds!


You'll have a great time....there's no need to spend a bunch on "extras" on the ship at all!

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I have been reading these boards for months now trying to get prepared for our cruise. As the time gets closer I'm stressing that I can't get anything organized. We are cruiseing on a budget. We will have about $700 to carry with us. I know $100 will go to tips. We are going to Grand Cayman & Cozumel. Haven't planned any excursions, figured we would just go out on our on. We don't want to snorkel because I'm too claustrophobic for that. Would love to rent a glass bottom kayak/canoe so that we can see the beautiful fish. We also want to go to "Hell". We don't drink alot of alcohol, or gamble. The kids want a few T-shirts from the Guy Harvey store for their souveniers. Do you think that we can have a good time and still be within our budget? And please don't slam me with the "If you can't afford to cruise don't do it" speech. Everyone is not rich but that doesn't mean we don't deserve a great vacation. It is our 25th anniversary. We are both hard working people. We have 2 girls that started college this week. I have been taking care of my mom since she had her heart attack & is now on dialysis 3 days a week. I NEED A VACATION!!!! I used a christmas club to save the money to pay for the cruise at the first of the year. I'm drawing out the christmas early next week to give us spending money. That was the plans when the "Christmas (CRUISE) club" was opened because I knew we would never be able to go on our cruise any other way.$30 every 2 weeks don't break the budget to bad.


I really don't mean to be rude but I know how ppl ask for advise and then get slammed by the hollier than thow.


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'm so worried that I'm not going to remember what is the best thing to do at each port and what I should take off the boat when we get off.




OMG I just love this post. First of all ... GOOD FOR YOU! Good for you for understanding that your situation doesn't somehow mean that you can't have fun or that something like cruising is for other people, not you. GOOD FOR YOU for being diligent and finding a way to make it happen.


My first piece of advice is that you not get so stressed about having a good time that you don't have a good time. That's probably the most important thing.



As to money, I think you can have a good time with what you have. You've already said that you won't be that engaged in the things that burn money fast - like alcohol, casino and shore excursions. If you want to do the glass-bottom boat, find the cost for that and set that aside. Also, consider giving everyone in the party a small amount to spend onboard any way they choose. Maybe $20 - $40 each for the whole cruise. One person might try to hit a wine tasting, one of the kids might go for a soda card or spend it in the arcade, someone might want to try sushi. If you give each person a small amount for an onboard treat - whatever they want to spend it on - it may make you all feel less like you have to forego everything on the ship.


As to port activities, the fact that you are on this board is the biggest step. Go to the Ports of Call area and look up each port. You can decide what you want to do there, along with what is cheap. Go to google maps and enter the name of each port. Click the satellite view. I am often able to identify the actual ship port and, from there, I can see how close it is to beaches or other attractions -what is walkable, where the buses are, etc.


Bring some ziploc bags so you can take a few snacks off the ship with you and save some money in port. Look for fruit or even pancakes on the buffet - things that would hold up well for a few hours in a backpack. That doesn't mean you can't buy lunch or whatever, but you can at least minimize casual food spending ashore.


As to rembering what the best port attraction is or what to bring? Don't worry about it. Get a small notebook or spiral pad and just write down your first and second choice in each port after having checked out the Ports of Call area here. If you need to write down walking directions or bus numbers, just jot them down. Print out a google map view and put a big X on your start and finish if you need a reminder. If you forget to bring what you wrote - don't worry about it. Chances are almost certain that there will be many cruisers who are headed off to walk or the bus stop or whatever - just follow the crowd!


And don't worry about what to bring ashore - decide that you will figure that out as you go and make your lists then. Just bring a bag or backpack that is comfortable to carry and holds a lot. By the time you hit your second port, you will smile that you ever worried about it.



I really hope you have a good time. I admire that you have found a way to take a cruise and that you understand that there is nothing wrong with spending your money that way. I hope this post helps you.



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OP - despite advice given above, you are usually not allowed to bring food off the ship, especially fruit, except for prepackaged snacks.


Your budget seems fine. Just avoid a lot of drinking, don't gamble, don't purchase a lot of pictures, and don't take expensive ship excursions. As suggested, go to the Ports of Call forums here and either check a guide book out of the library (free) or research online. Tripadvisor.com or frommers.com are good travel wepages with loads of info (also free).


Not sure why you think someone who is "hollier than thow" would lecture you about spending money on a cruise?

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I'm proud of you for setting a budget and not planning to put it all on a credit card and hope to pay it off someday. Nice job!!


No need to stress about the ports. Here is what I do... hope it helps you. I create a word document with a section for each port with options on things to do in that port. I copy/paste much of the information from CC or other websites. Then I organize it, print it out and take it with me. After we stop at each port I throw away the info for that port. That way I know I won't forget any of the info I might need.


Sounds like you need this vacation... relax and enjoy it!

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Thanks everyone for your replys.


Terracool - It's only my husband and myself going but the girls are in college and won't be with us but they have gave their requests for Guy Harvey shirts.


6rugrats - We are not big drinkers might have 1 few the whole cruise but not many. Might wait till the last day and choose 1 or 2 of the best photos from the week if funds are available. Don't gamble but heard they have penny and nickel machines that we might waste a few dollars for the fun of it. The 'hollier than thow' comment was refering to a post a read a few weeks ago where this lady had an unexpected car repair that came the same time as her final payment was due. She was worried about getting an extention on final payment and it ended up pages of blasting that if she couldn't afford it then she shouldn't go and a bunch of financial advise about having credit cards & so on. She didn't ask for that or deserve all that. Didn't mean to affend anyone but don't need to be judged either.


Wayfarier - Thanks. I really do need a vacation. Have alot of responsibilities in taking care of everyone and everything in the family. Mom had heart attack in Oct. then fell and broke hip in April. I'm the youngest of 2 girls, my sister is in NJ and has not called since mom got out of rehab in May. Mom is so worried about her because of the hurricane. I felt like saying "Why worry about her she don't worry about you." but I didn't want to upset her.

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We were in a similar situation. I can tell you that we had a blast! We were careful with our money, and made sure if we really wanted to do something, we knew in advance what the cost would be. No surprises. We limited alcohol, no gambling, took advantage of all the great things on board that are included, and I got a guide book to become familiar with the ports of call.


You will be fine. Don't feel like you have to "keep up with the Jones's". Your attitiude can make or break it. I look back at our photos and we are in heaven in all of them!


We purchased inexpensive disposable waterproof cameras and that allowed us to have a camera on the beach and while in the water. No worries if it was stolen and the photos were great.


Have fun, you're gonna love it!

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I know how you feel about just needing the vacation! I wish mine wasn't so far out right now, though we couldn't go sooner. My 9 yr old just had his tonsils out a week ago... and it has been a week of nightmare that is still going on (had to go to the hospital just last night again).


I have personally cruised with less than $500 for a family of 4 as "other" money. And that had to be used for tips also. My husband's company was sold about a month before a cruise we took, leaving us with no income and just what was in the savings account at the time.


Like you me I rarely drink (1 drink in 4 cruises) and my husband doesn't drink at all. My husband likes to gamble.. but I set very strict limits. We generally don't by expensive nicknacks or things, because I hate to dust! We would find the vendors that have the 4 for $20 or whatever T-Shirts and pick up one for everyone as our useful souvenirs for ports.


Like was said, go to the port of call boards, there is a TON of information. You said you wanted to go to Hell in GC, there was a recent post about the GC forum about the bus system in GC. It was like $2.50 per person or so I would definitely check that one out!


If you want to save money on excursions, I would suggest possibly not booking anything before you go. Find the vendors standing at the ports who offer a glass bottom boat and then haggle for the lowest price. Sometimes if they aren't sold out, you can get great discounts because well, someone paying 1/2 price for that spot, is better than no one paying at all for that spot!


For remembering what you want to do in each port, hit the forums here and make a list and write it down. Get a small backpack or large purse, and put your "shore" items in it. Things like passport copy's, a water bottle, sun screen and bug spray (travel size). Then put it all together, and put it in your suit case now. Then everything is together, and you don't have to worry about it.


Heck we don't sail until December and I am about 1/3rd packed now. Things we won't be using from now until then (bathing suits, formal clothes, travel toiletries and such) are all packed and ready to have our daily wear clothes put on top. Knowing I just have to get our everyday items done in the few days before the cruise has taken a lot off my mind already for it, and getting things and packing them when I think about it, means I won't forget them in the last min rush :)


Other than that, just enjoy your cruise and have fun! If you forget something, it won't be the end of the world, well most of the time.

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I think you will be fine money wise. Don't stress. Take your own camera along. Another thing you might enjoy is having a pair of binoculars with you - if you already own them - it's fun to look at other ships on sea days and have them for looking around in port.


There are a ton of free things to do on the ship. Do any of them that interest you, but I'll tell you what, I often just enjoy sitting out on the balcony and reading! If you don't have a balcony, you can sit by the pool or go to the promenade deck and read! Also, don't buy anything on the ship the first couple of days - they will start having all these sales on nearly everything - so if you want anything, watch for the sale. Bring onboard your own soda and bottled water and I believe you are allowed to bring 2 bottles of wine per cabin on most ships - to drink in your cabin, which you could do rather than pay for any drinks at all the whole week. They also won't care if you bring juice or gatorade or other non-alchoholic beverages. There is a refrigerator in your cabin for this stuff.


Taking food off the ship is a bad idea because there are customs regulations and if you somehow got caught there could be a hefty fine and you might even wind up in jail or something. But you can take pre-packaged food - so granola bars or protein bars or cheese and crackers prepackaged and brought from home are a good choice if you think you will need a snack before you return to the ship or you can do what we do and have a big breakfast and then just eat dinner that day. These cruise ships keep you so well fed that you may find, like we do that missing a meal is not a problem! Or you can have your lunch when you get back to the ship - most ships have food available 24 hours a day, so it is unlikely you will go hungry on a cruise ship!


Remember to always take your passports and a credit card with you when you leave the ship. You will need the passports to return to the ship and if the unthinkable happens and you somehow miss the ship, you will need them to make your way back to the US or to the ships next port. What we always do is make sure we are back at least 30 minutes BEFORE the time we are supposed to be All Aboard as posted in the daily ships newsletter. We've never been late getting back except on a ships' excursion - in which case the ship waited for us since it was their vendor who returned us late - so no worries.


Try not to get stressed out about this trip. I know it is a new experience for you, but you will find out that things are all planned for you once onboard and you are really well taken care of. The worst day of your cruise is the day you come home and in the evening start thinking it is time to go to dinner only to realize that you are going to have to cook for yourself! LOL! All you need to do is pack and get yourself to the ship. After that, you will have so much fun and relaxation, you will wonder what you were worried about!

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I have been reading these boards for months now trying to get prepared for our cruise. As the time gets closer I'm stressing that I can't get anything organized. We are cruiseing on a budget. We will have about $700 to carry with us. I know $100 will go to tips. We are going to Grand Cayman & Cozumel. Haven't planned any excursions, figured we would just go out on our on. We don't want to snorkel because I'm too claustrophobic for that. Would love to rent a glass bottom kayak/canoe so that we can see the beautiful fish. We also want to go to "Hell". We don't drink alot of alcohol, or gamble. The kids want a few T-shirts from the Guy Harvey store for their souveniers. Do you think that we can have a good time and still be within our budget? And please don't slam me with the "If you can't afford to cruise don't do it" speech. Everyone is not rich but that doesn't mean we don't deserve a great vacation. It is our 25th anniversary. We are both hard working people. We have 2 girls that started college this week. I have been taking care of my mom since she had her heart attack & is now on dialysis 3 days a week. I NEED A VACATION!!!! I used a christmas club to save the money to pay for the cruise at the first of the year. I'm drawing out the christmas early next week to give us spending money. That was the plans when the "Christmas (CRUISE) club" was opened because I knew we would never be able to go on our cruise any other way.$30 every 2 weeks don't break the budget to bad.


I really don't mean to be rude but I know how ppl ask for advise and then get slammed by the hollier than thow. On Cruise Critic??? :confused:


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'm so worried that I'm not going to remember what is the best thing to do at each port and what I should take off the boat when we get off.




First of all stop worrying about trying to do the "best thing in each port" and just go out and have fun. If you have fun that is all that is necessary. I've been to several ports more than once, which means that at least once I didn't do the "best thing" but I still had fun (which is why I continue to cruise).


Tips for four people run about $40 - $50 per day. Nonetheless a family of four can enjoy itself for less than $700.


I'm not sure about Grand Cayman, but I know Cozumel has clear kayaks ...



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OMG I just love this post. First of all ... GOOD FOR YOU! Good for you for understanding that your situation doesn't somehow mean that you can't have fun or that something like cruising is for other people, not you. GOOD FOR YOU for being diligent and finding a way to make it happen.


My first piece of advice is that you not get so stressed about having a good time that you don't have a good time. That's probably the most important thing.



As to money, I think you can have a good time with what you have. You've already said that you won't be that engaged in the things that burn money fast - like alcohol, casino and shore excursions. If you want to do the glass-bottom boat, find the cost for that and set that aside. Also, consider giving everyone in the party a small amount to spend onboard any way they choose. Maybe $20 - $40 each for the whole cruise. One person might try to hit a wine tasting, one of the kids might go for a soda card or spend it in the arcade, someone might want to try sushi. If you give each person a small amount for an onboard treat - whatever they want to spend it on - it may make you all feel less like you have to forego everything on the ship.


As to port activities, the fact that you are on this board is the biggest step. Go to the Ports of Call area and look up each port. You can decide what you want to do there, along with what is cheap. Go to google maps and enter the name of each port. Click the satellite view. I am often able to identify the actual ship port and, from there, I can see how close it is to beaches or other attractions -what is walkable, where the buses are, etc.


Bring some ziploc bags so you can take a few snacks off the ship with you and save some money in port. Look for fruit or even pancakes on the buffet - things that would hold up well for a few hours in a backpack. That doesn't mean you can't buy lunch or whatever, but you can at least minimize casual food spending ashore.


As to rembering what the best port attraction is or what to bring? Don't worry about it. Get a small notebook or spiral pad and just write down your first and second choice in each port after having checked out the Ports of Call area here. If you need to write down walking directions or bus numbers, just jot them down. Print out a google map view and put a big X on your start and finish if you need a reminder. If you forget to bring what you wrote - don't worry about it. Chances are almost certain that there will be many cruisers who are headed off to walk or the bus stop or whatever - just follow the crowd!


And don't worry about what to bring ashore - decide that you will figure that out as you go and make your lists then. Just bring a bag or backpack that is comfortable to carry and holds a lot. By the time you hit your second port, you will smile that you ever worried about it.



I really hope you have a good time. I admire that you have found a way to take a cruise and that you understand that there is nothing wrong with spending your money that way. I hope this post helps you.



In most ports, bring fresh fruit and vegatables off the ship is illegal, and could make you subject to a substantial fine that would wreck your budget. If taking food off it should be packaged. Things like candy bars, box of cereal, etc.

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First of all stop worrying about trying to do the "best thing in each port" and just go out and have fun. If you have fun that is all that is necessary. I've been to several ports more than once, which means that at least once I didn't do the "best thing" but I still had fun (which is why I continue to cruise).


Tips for four people run about $40 - $50 per day. Nonetheless a family of four can enjoy itself for less than $700.


I'm not sure about Grand Cayman, but I know Cozumel has clear kayaks ...



Thanks for the photo. I found that they had clear kayaks at the Money bar in Cozumel for $6 an hour but I could not find out if they were for one person or two. Your photo answered that question.


There are only 2 of us going. The girls are staying home for college and helping take care of my mom while I'm gone.


I'm feeling better now about the whole money situation. Some were talking about spending $1000+. I'm sure it is easy to spend that much but if you limit yourself to a budget I think it can be done. We are used to going all day without eating as we dont always get a lunch break so eating a big breakfast and waiting for dinner would be fine with us. As long as we got a few drinks (non-alcoholic) we will be good.

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I have been reading these boards for months now trying to get prepared for our cruise. As the time gets closer I'm stressing that I can't get anything organized. We are cruiseing on a budget. We will have about $700 to carry with us. I know $100 will go to tips. We are going to Grand Cayman & Cozumel. Haven't planned any excursions, figured we would just go out on our on. We don't want to snorkel because I'm too claustrophobic for that. Would love to rent a glass bottom kayak/canoe so that we can see the beautiful fish. We also want to go to "Hell". We don't drink alot of alcohol, or gamble. The kids want a few T-shirts from the Guy Harvey store for their souveniers. Do you think that we can have a good time and still be within our budget? And please don't slam me with the "If you can't afford to cruise don't do it" speech. Everyone is not rich but that doesn't mean we don't deserve a great vacation. It is our 25th anniversary. We are both hard working people. We have 2 girls that started college this week. I have been taking care of my mom since she had her heart attack & is now on dialysis 3 days a week. I NEED A VACATION!!!! I used a christmas club to save the money to pay for the cruise at the first of the year. I'm drawing out the christmas early next week to give us spending money. That was the plans when the "Christmas (CRUISE) club" was opened because I knew we would never be able to go on our cruise any other way.$30 every 2 weeks don't break the budget to bad.


I really don't mean to be rude but I know how ppl ask for advise and then get slammed by the hollier than thow.


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'm so worried that I'm not going to remember what is the best thing to do at each port and what I should take off the boat when we get off.




Taking drinking and gambling out of the equation, your cash stash should be fine. My husband and I are budgeters when it comes to traveling. We spend money on what we like but we have a general cost idea ahead of time so we have a better idea where our money is going.


You mentioned using your cash for tips. If you have a credit/debit card attached to your Sign & Sail account, the tips will be charged to it. You may already know that but didn't want you getting a rude surprise if you weren't aware.


We each have a set amount of money we've put aside for spending on the ship (my husband buys the Carnival tshirt for any new port we visit... 2/$20...lol, I'm a coffee shop junkie) and for spending on souvenirs in port. Sometimes we go over. Sometimes we don't spend it all. But it gives an idea of what we've budgeted to help remind us where the money's going.


You can get away without expensive excursions in either of your ports but I fully agree with other posters that research on these boards before you go can make a world of difference. Good example, we used Stingray Sailing in Grand Cayman. Trip sounded very expensive and instead was only $45pp and was the absolute highlight of our cruise.


Don't know how you're getting to port but sometimes the Park & Cruise or Park & Fly hotel packages are cheaper than just parking alone.


If you're on a really tight budget, little things can add up. So remember to allocate a few dollars for the luggage guys at the pier, room service tips, onboard meds if you forget to pack a stash, tips for drivers is you need transportation in the ports, etc.


If you fall in love with cruising, you might want to spend $100 on a future cruise certificate to earn some free onboard credit for next time.


And every cruise I say, "NO pictures!" And every cruise I end up buying at least one... lol


Have a fabulous vacation!


~ Sheryl

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First of all, congratualtions on your 25th anniversary!! Next, I totally understand your need for a break. I have had my mom living with me for four and a half years. She had a stroke, then a couple of years later fell and broke her leg right below her hip. She has been in and out of hospitals, rehab facilities, and wound care treatments and doctors offices. In the middle of all this, I had breast cancer and many surgeries and other procedures. My husband and I are fortunate that my sister lets my Mom visit her a couple of months a year and my brother lets her visit about twice a year for us to get away. You will enjoy being away from the everyday stress as much as you will enjoy seeing the ports and just being on the ship. We've been to Grand Cayman, and now get a taxi/minivan bus to Royal Palms beach on seven mile beach. We have done the tour through the ship to Hell, but you can probably get a cheaper tour right off the ship to take you to Hell and other sights and then possibly drop you back off at the beach. Taxis are readily available to take you to/from the beaches.......don't recall the exact cost but $5-$6 per person each way to Royal Palms. There is a Burger King across the street, if you want to save money instead of purchasing more expensive food at RP. Cozumel has many options for before and after clear kayaking that wouldn't cost too much. Most tipping now is $10-$12 pp per day....not sure how long your cruise is. It is wonderful that your daughters are helping you out with your Mom. I'm unsure where you'll find those t-shirts, but maybe someone else will know. You can definately have fun without overspending if you watch what you do and plan ahead. Best of luck to you and your husband for a great time away!!:D

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I would pretty much agree with much of the advice. And agree with those who say do NOT take any food off the ship other than pre-packaged sealed food. I pack Power Bars, Zone Bars, that kind of thing, just in case I miss lunch while in port.


Don't forget you can always return to the ship early so you can eat lunch onboard if you want. And then return to the port. There may be some reasonable places to eat on the shore.


About the only certainty regards to costs (after you've paid for the cruise) are tips. Just leave them in place if they are autotips (I actually prefer this system as I know the crew members who have taken care of me are being taken care of). You may even want to reward your cabin steward or waitstaff with a little extra -- you may be that wowed by the service. Instead of extra tips, you can also ask the front desk for "you've made a difference cards." We've filled them out on Princess -- you just need to know the crew member's first name, country of origin, workstation, which should be listed on their name tag -- and these are placed in their personnel file for consideration when it's promotion or raise time.


Before my cruises, I'll read as many guide books as I can and take notes. I'll also go on the ports' websites and see if there's a brochure or other info. Some will send you an actual brochure or you can download one. For our December cruise, I was able to get brochures for each port. I let my teen mark interesting sights with post-its. I checked each of those online to make sure they'll be open on the day we're there (one of her suggestions wasn't and one of my hubby's wasn't). We didn't do any excursions this time as we've done the Hawaiian itinerary before (most of the time we don't but then I'm not one of those ziplining, adventurous types).


The ship's store will probably have at least one sale during the cruise. For a specific product (like the tees) you can see if the company has a website which lists stores and have your girls preselect some possibilities (I'm sure they'll understand that all choices may not be available).


I have a frugal husband (can't say that about my teen:rolleyes:) so we usually don't spend that much. during our 14-day cruise last December, we probably spent less for the three of us than some couples spend during a week, but we don't gamble. We don't go to the specialty restaurants. My hubby may get a glass of wine every once in a while (we did bring a box o'wine for in-cabin use) and I bought a drink on New Years Eve. We did bring on some sodas (I don't like Coke products) which Princess allows, so we saved there (my daughter did buy a few sodas). He bought a lot of photos, and we took a lot of photos on our own. We did buy some souvenirs (like tee shirts, magnets), took a taxi a couple of times in port, jumped on a few buses.


I think with careful planning and a little mad money, you'll be fine.

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If you do want a drink (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) get one on shore before boarding the ship.... it is so much cheaper.
That depends on the line. I see the OP is sailing on Carnival so it may be true, but we had drinks with lunch at a hotel in Fort Lauderdale after getting off the Queen Victoria and paid a couple of dollars more per drink at the hotel than we had been paying onboard.
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That depends on the line. I see the OP is sailing on Carnival so it may be true, but we had drinks with lunch at a hotel in Fort Lauderdale after getting off the Queen Victoria and paid a couple of dollars more per drink at the hotel than we had been paying onboard.


I should have stated that I was talking about ports in route, not the FL port. We have bought drinks onshore throughout the Caribbean, Mexico, Hawaii, South Pacific and Alaska and in all cases drinks were less expensive on land than they were on board HAL, Carnival, Celebrity, Princess or Royal Caribbean.

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The only thing that would concern me is what's set aside for tips. Check Carnival's board, but for a week's cruise on RCCL, tips are about $88 per person for a 7-day cruise. I think on any line, it's about $10-12 per day, per person.

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The only thing that would concern me is what's set aside for tips. Check Carnival's board, but for a week's cruise on RCCL, tips are about $88 per person for a 7-day cruise. I think on any line, it's about $10-12 per day, per person.

Carnival is $10 per person per day, so $70 per person for a week cruise.

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