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what location would YOU suggest for a smoking lounge?


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At this point, we know that a ship which bans smoking completely isn't economically viable. It's been tried and it failed. Maybe sometime in the future, but it won't happen for quite a while. We know that some people want to smoke while on vacation. We know that many of us don't want to share the location used for the Elite events with smokers. We know that there are some itineraries which visit cold, damp, chilly, wet and windy places, to the extent that sometimes the deck areas are closed and not accessible to passengers, so there must be at least one indoor area in which smokers are allowed to light up. If we, who cruise frequently, can't come up with a viable area, it's hard to imagine that Celebrity would be willing to consider any change to the current plan. That's all I'm sayin' :)

Sorry.I cannot think of a single place where indoor smoking is feasable.Perhaps thats becuse ther isn't one


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Well, maybe that is the answer -- there simply isn't any indoor place on any of the ships that would work. In that case, perhaps better air handling in the Sky lounge might be the best alternative? But for those who simply cannot tolerate any smoke, it eliminates that venue for them, and if they are Elite, makes one of the very best perks (the Elite events) unavailable.


How about walling off one small corner of the buffet area, with access to the outside deck where smoking is currently allowed?

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Well, maybe that is the answer -- there simply isn't any indoor place on any of the ships that would work. In that case, perhaps better air handling in the Sky lounge might be the best alternative? But for those who simply cannot tolerate any smoke, it eliminates that venue for them, and if they are Elite, makes one of the very best perks (the Elite events) unavailable.


How about walling off one small corner of the buffet area, with access to the outside deck where smoking is currently allowed?

or better yet add the Sky Lounge to places off limits to smoking


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In the spirit of sticking with the question rather than debating whether smoking should be allowed at all (I've already expressed my opinion on that):


I agree with Xellent Arno who mentioned Micheal's pub. Personally, I'd hate to see this wonderful place go to smoke but if I "had" to pick one place on the ship this would be the most contained area I could think of and it is often under utilized except when a certain entertainers have performed there.


....One other line (Carnival?) actually had a ship that was non-smoking, they wouldn't even let the workers building it smoke. I read a couple of years later that they scrapped the idea and were allowing smoking on it.


The Paradise was truly an idea before its time. When the Paradise was introduced you could smoke in nearly any restuarant most places in the world and few, if any, offices, hotels or other public buildings prohibited smoking. Today's environment is drastically different. I think we're getting close to the time when we'll see many smoke free cruise ships or cruise lines before too many years pass.

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I am trying to look at this issue from both sides. If an inside venue could be found that TRULEY would not interfere with non-smokers rights, then why such negativity? I'm saddened by intolerance at any front. Everyone is paying the same money and cruising for the same reasons (relaxation and enjoyment).


Just because someone enjoys a cigarette and follows the rules and Celebrity can provide an enviroment where they can do so without bothering others, then can someone please give me just, fair and intelligent answers on why this should not be allowed?

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The OP did not ask if there should be an additional inside smoking area.


The OP did not ask if smoking should be banned in all inside areas.


The OP asked a simple, legitimate, and thoughtful question, - Is there a better inside venue than the one currently designated?


I think it's a great question. Unfortunately, only a couple of responses made any effort to address the OP's query,


- mostly just a bunch of "Its all about ME, ME, ME, and I WANT THIS"


My 2 cents: I think the observation lounge is probably the best place because it is not connected to any other venues, but I do believe smoking should not be allowed during the Captain's Club functions.

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Please, let's not get into the "there shouldn't be any indoor smoking venue" discussion. As the OP, I'm going to try to bring this back into focus.


You asked the question and I have to agree with those that have said there shouldn't be any indoor smoking areas. I'm not trying to be provocative with that statement. Having just come back from an Azamara cruise I was very happy with the smoking policy. Only one area and that was under cover outside by the pool bar on the starboard side. I realise that the Azamara ships are not as wide as those of Celebrity, but as has been said elsewhere it's very difficult for smoke not to drift even on the larger ships.


In the spirit of being constructive I'm trying to think whether or not S or M Class ships would have a like area that is at least under cover, but I can't think of one except the current area on Deck 5 on S-Class that does at least have cover from the elements and the Sunset Bar port side on M-Class. Controversial, but I'd ban it there too. The drifting smoke when you are having something to eat can be off putting..



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I am trying to look at this issue from both sides. If an inside venue could be found that TRULEY would not interfere with non-smokers rights, then why such negativity? I'm saddened by intolerance at any front. Everyone is paying the same money and cruising for the same reasons (relaxation and enjoyment).


Just because someone enjoys a cigarette and follows the rules and Celebrity can provide an enviroment where they can do so without bothering others, then can someone please give me just, fair and intelligent answers on why this should not be allowed?

Read my post below - smoking areas tend to permeate the smoke beyond their venue. The trouble is, when you restrict smoking to one area, that area becomes Very smoky and impacts areas around it. That differs when it is a large open venue and smoking isn't the whole point of being there such as the Sky Lounge and the smoke is better dissapated . But when the area is dedicated, then it impacts others.


So that is why people have issues with smoking areas. Smokers are overall very considerate and keep their smoking to that venue.....'smoke' doesn't understand it is suppose to remain in an area and goes whereever it can. Look at the complaints of smoking on balconies. people are basically smoking 'outdoors', but due to it being very close to other people, it impacts others.


the OP has a very good point - right now the Celebrity inside smoking area is where lots of people congregate so he's asking what may reduce the impact.....not eliminate it. Many people, if not most nowdays, are not interested in reducing their exposure to smoke, but want to eliminate it. That is why this is a big problem and isn't solved but just drawing a line around an area and announcing to smoke inside of it.


As has been suggested, I guess some very restricted area like one of the conference rooms could work.....changing any of the existing common venues such as Quasar or Michaels and so on would cause a small riot. Yes, Michaels use to be a smoking room, but that was years ago and to change it back would not be possible.



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The OP did not ask if there should be an additional inside smoking area.


The OP did not ask if smoking should be banned in all inside areas.


The OP asked a simple, legitimate, and thoughtful question, - Is there a better inside venue than the one currently designated?


I think it's a great question. Unfortunately, only a couple of responses made any effort to address the OP's query,


- mostly just a bunch of "Its all about ME, ME, ME, and I WANT THIS"


My 2 cents: I think the observation lounge is probably the best place because it is not connected to any other venues, but I do believe smoking should not be allowed during the Captain's Club functions.


I think you need to reread the post. The OP asked "what other indoor venue would be suitable for a smokers lounge," then proceeded to state that the teen lounge could be closed and turned into a smokers' lounge.

I quit smoking ten years ago but as far as I know, I was ALWAYS aware of and considerate of those around me who did not smoke. Sometimes I wouldn't even go certain places if I knew smoking was frowned upon. If I still smoked, I would probably stay away from Celebrity and go with a more smoking friendly cruiseline.

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... Unfortunately, only a couple of responses made any effort to address the OP's query,


- mostly just a bunch of "Its all about ME, ME, ME, and I WANT THIS" ...


You're kidding, right? You criticize people who don't want smoking allowed as being "It's all about me" and "I want this". How about those who clearly are in the minority wanting special areas set aside for them to smoke? Isn't that "It's all about me" and "I want this" as well?

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I think you need to reread the post. The OP asked "what other indoor venue would be suitable for a smokers lounge," then proceeded to state that the teen lounge could be closed and turned into a smokers' lounge.

I quit smoking ten years ago but as far as I know, I was ALWAYS aware of and considerate of those around me who did not smoke. Sometimes I wouldn't even go certain places if I knew smoking was frowned upon. If I still smoked, I would probably stay away from Celebrity and go with a more smoking friendly cruiseline.


I think I understood the OP just fine. Read posts 17 & 22.

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At this point, we know that a ship which bans smoking completely isn't economically viable. It's been tried and it failed. Maybe sometime in the future, but it won't happen for quite a while. We know that some people want to smoke while on vacation. We know that many of us don't want to share the location used for the Elite events with smokers. We know that there are some itineraries which visit cold, damp, chilly, wet and windy places, to the extent that sometimes the deck areas are closed and not accessible to passengers, so there must be at least one indoor area in which smokers are allowed to light up. If we, who cruise frequently, can't come up with a viable area, it's hard to imagine that Celebrity would be willing to consider any change to the current plan. That's all I'm sayin' :)


You raise some interesting points. However, I believe that my answer to your thoughful question is that there should be no additional smoking areas. I can't infer without evidence that any change in current policy would have a positive or negative effect on Celebrity. I'm certain that the Celebrity "brain trust" have considered their options and have designed a policy that from their vantage point seems to be working. If they see a financial gain in changing the current policy in one way or another they will change it. I would like to see smoking in any area that holds an official event discontinued, but that probably won't happen either.For the record, both my DW and I are non smokers.

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I am now officially a non-smoker, having given up over a year ago therefore I should be one of the 'I hate smoke and smokers should be made to walk the plank' brigade. But I'm not, having been a smoker I know how difficult it is to go without the blessed nicotine. Michael's Club appears to be the answer for a smoking area, however, as with all bars etc that allow smoking, you often find they are lively and full of chatting and laughter. The non-smokers will see you all having fun and insist that they should be able to use this now designated 'smoking bar' without having to inhale the smoke form the inconsiderate smokers and so the wheel begins to spin again. On P&O They had the crows nest bar (top of the ship away from anything) as a smokers bar and this is exactly what happened. As the old saying goes 'You can't please all the people all of the time'!

I wholeheatredly agree that there should be an indoor space for smokers, as what happens when they shut the decks due to strong winds etc? I wouldn't like to be confined in a closed space with smokers who are unable to smoke, very scary!!:eek: The only other alternative is to give the smokers electronic cigarettes, which are excellent and as what you exhale is odourless, harmless vapour, not smoke, surely no one, even the die hard anti smoking brigade, could disagree with that!

Hope you find a compromise with X or the utopian alternative of having everyone give up!

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The problem is that there are many places - that have already been mentioned - that would probably work as an indoor-smoking venue. But, as Denny alluded to - there is no current area on any X ship that could fully contain that secondhand smoke that would permeate most areas around it.


The only solution would require a LARGE overhaul of the ventilation systems onboard those ships - one that would utilize a dedicated air-transport system that would not interact with the rest of the ventilation on the ship. These types of ventilation systems are employed in many of the large hotel/casinos in Las Vegas. But I would bet that X would be unwilling to undertake the expense, considering that Smoking venues all over the world are continuously decreasing, not increasing.


Furthermore, as Larry and others have mentioned, there are multiple European countries and states in the USA that do not allow any indoor smoking whatsoever, so I don't see how anyone is being intolerant or unreasonable by not wanting an indoor smoking venue on a cruise ship.

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Covered areas outside will work in most weather conditions, but there's the occasional day that's so blustery that it's unsafe to be up on deck. I think this is where the philosophy of providing one indoor venue for smokers comes from. Perhaps they could move to allowing smoking in a designated indoor venue, such as Sky Lounge, on an as-needed basis. My druthers would be to ban smoking altogether, but this would alienate those smokers who do choose to sail Celebrity in spite of the current smoking policy. To cater to those customers, I would think they have to continue to offer an indoor venue. Smokers, how would you feel if the indoor venue were eliminated?


I did not consider Michael's Club as I assumed too many people would be upset at losing the usual Elite lounge, or at least those who object to smoke. If the Elite events were moved to other venues, such as the Sky Lounge, they could have a larger venue (which they often need, anyway, but that's another thread) and return Michael's to a cigar bar.


Suggestions for using other spaces, such as Quasar or the Acupuncture area, would require some modification. If the topic is to determine what area could be used by just redesignating an existing area, I don't think there's any good alternatives.


I once proposed incorporating one larger designated smoking area or a few small lounges scattered throughout the ship with negative pressure doors and an isolated ventilation system that vents up one of the stacks-- maybe this could be incorporated in new designs and future retrofits. The question would be if the cost would be justified at a time when smoking is on the decline.

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One thing we non-smokers forget (especially me, being a former smoker and now a holier-then-thou non-smoker) is although the indoor smoking venues are being eliminated, those are in public and working areas. Smokers must step outside their workplaces, can't smoke in most public venues (boy do I overuse that word!) and so on, But the smoker can go home and light up in the privacy of their home (unless they get home and can't smoke indoors either!). But the point is, the smokers are also living on the ship. This isn't a day-job area - they can't go 'home' and light up. So yup, I'm all for eliminating indoor smoking, but since we are talking about a business, and a place the smoker is in 24hrs a day (yes, only at sea), we need to think this through a little more than no indoor smoking.


I disagree with the Michaels and other lounges that attract all of us, and should be a good environment for all. Identify one enclosed area that is only for smoking. Just as they have in airports, one area where smoking is allow, it isn't a lounge, a music venue, a beautiful place that many would like to spend time in, but just a place to light up in, enjoy the cig, take a drink into, but then step out of and enjoy the ship. That would eliminate taking some popular lounge or area and turning the atmosphere into what most of us don't want to be in; gives the smokers a place inside to enjoy the cig, and both sides are (minimally) satisfied. Would that work?



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One thing we non-smokers forget (especially me, being a former smoker and now a holier-then-thou non-smoker) is although the indoor smoking venues are being eliminated, those are in public and working areas. Smokers must step outside their workplaces, can't smoke in most public venues (boy do I overuse that word!) and so on, But the smoker can go home and light up in the privacy of their home (unless they get home and can't smoke indoors either!). But the point is, the smokers are also living on the ship. This isn't a day-job area - they can't go 'home' and light up. So yup, I'm all for eliminating indoor smoking, but since we are talking about a business, and a place the smoker is in 24hrs a day (yes, only at sea), we need to think this through a little more than no indoor smoking. ...


I see your point here but at the same time a no indoor smoking ship would be no different than a hotel or resort in one of the many states that do not allow smoking in such places.

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It is interesting to me that the ship IS a workplace for its hundreds of workers, and that smoking is allowed in their quarters and their areas of the ship not accessible by passengers.


Thanks to all who have shared ideas to move the discussion in a constructive way. I think I have become convinced that there is no good alternative to their current situation, and while I don't like that the venue must be shared between the smokers and the Elite events, that seems to be it for now.

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They could install a glass enclosure with a good ventilation system in the smoking section of the observation lounge. That would keep the smoke out of the rest of the lounge without obstructing the view.

Good idea!


No one else picked up on this idea, but it was just what I was thinking. It would be a nice place for smokers and allow the rest of us to enjoy the sky lounge also. If it ever came to the point when no inside smoking was allowed, Celebrity could just take down the glass enclosure.

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Good idea!


No one else picked up on this idea, but it was just what I was thinking. It would be a nice place for smokers and allow the rest of us to enjoy the sky lounge also. If it ever came to the point when no inside smoking was allowed, Celebrity could just take down the glass enclosure.

Three words. Health and safety.



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Three words. Health and safety.



I'm sorry I don't understand your response. I was just answering the OP's question. The question was not about health and safety.



FYI I have never smoked in my life and my main reason for choosing Celebrity is their strict policy on smoking.

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