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Taken Ill on Rcc Vision of the Seas


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I had the unfortunate experience of being taken ill on the Holy land Cruise commencing 17 October, the ship had had many of its passengers coming down with a stomach bug , this also hit me and reduced my immune system and therefore I seeked medical center assistance and I was diagnosed with Pneumonia, for which I received treatment for approx 10 hours. I was quoted by the Doctor a price of $400 to $500 for the treatment, they charged against my Credit Card $1720.20. I have complained bitterly to Customer Care Rcc but receive no reply.

The Medical center are in a position not to cure you because I was put into hospital when I returned back to the UK, but to charge what the like, with no qualms, even after quoting 80% less for the treatment.

Although I am a Emerald member , this will be my last cruise with RCC, they treat quests as rubbish.

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Very sorry to hear you became ill on your cruise and hope you have made a good recovery.


I am confused as I thought I read here that TA's in UK have their clients purchase travel insurance because your national insurance doesn't pay out of country. Am I mistaken?

Did you have insurance and they failed to pay?


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Brits often mistakenly think that they are entitled to free medical treatment overseas because they get it at home. They sometimes do if they are taken ill in a country with reciprocal health insurance arrangements with the NHS, but an American owned cruise ship in Israel? Not a chance. This is what travel/health insurance is for. TA's can strongly recommend getting insurance, and of course we are free to make our own (often cheaper) insurance arrangements but as far as I know it's not compulsory so if you decide to take a chance you then this is unfortunately what can happen.

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I think it's harsh at this stage to berate OP for not having insurance, since we don't know for sure that he/she didn't have it. And no, it's not compulsory. Some cruise lines and tour operators will ask for details of the insurer on the booking form, but not all.


The point here is that OP was charged much more than they were quoted.


The way a lot of insurance policies work is that for treatment on a ship or by a doctor on land, the passenger pays upfront and the insurance company reimburses later. (This is not the case for a hospital stay where costs can be incurred into thousands very quickly).

For people who don't have a high credit limit, an unexpected charge of $1200 is quite a lot of money. Plus there's interest to be paid on it whilst waiting for an insurance company to reimburse.

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Sorry to hear about your illness.


You need to write a letter to Adam Goldstein, CEO of Royal Caribbean International. Methodically and dispassionately lay out your case, emphasizing the original $800 quote and make it clear that you understood that the quote was all inclusive for medication, physician's care, and use of facilities before you were admitted for treatment. Ask him to explain and prove the discrepancy between the quote and the final charges to your SeaPass card.


Go on the web and look for examples and templates of good complaint letters. They can get results if well written -- and ask someone to proofread it before sending it out.

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I'm wondering if what happened is you were quoted $400 to $500 before they actually treated you and discovered you needed more treatment? Were you not given an itemized bill when you left the infirmary? I've always gotten one before I left the infirmary.

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I think it's harsh at this stage to berate OP for not having insurance, since we don't know for sure that he/she didn't have it. And no, it's not compulsory. .

No one berated the OP for "not having insurance". From OP's post, it appears they had none, because logically, if you had insurance you would not be complaining so much about the final cost.


And, a quote for treatment costs is just an estimate, it's not a guarantee of final price.


OP has several issues going on. I can't quite follow the entire story, but they seem to blame the cruise line because people got "a stomach bug". They blame this "stomach bug", from which they apparently also suffered, for compromising their immune system. They state this caused them to get pneumonia, which ultimately resulted in the doctor visit.


It's too bad they had this final bill, but cruise ship treatment is expensive.

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Just by way of a little background, we (Brits) were on the preceding cruise, same itinerary. As usual, RCI required policy numbers etc of our travel insurance.

The OP's are experienced RCI cruisers - check their previous posts.

And Brits who have travelled are pretty savvy about medical costs, are aware that there are reciprocal arrangements with some countries, esp EC countries, and are almost certainly aware that Israel or a US ship don't figure in such arrangements.


So I think they almost-certainly had insurance.

Perhaps there's some background we're unaware of, such as an exclusion for a pre-existing condition.

Or, since the OP's c/card was charged, perhaps the OP is expected to pay the bill & reclaim from their insurance, as Ravenscroft's post. If this happened to me it would leave me concerned that my money was at risk should the insurer find some get-out, as well as fouling-up credit limits/interest payable.

Or, and this has happened to me in a different context, the OP is concerned that because its covered by insurance, the contractor (ship's medical) is taking the opportunity to fatten their bill.


Since the OP isn't a one-post wonder, perhaps they can post again to clarify?


JB :)

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I had the unfortunate experience of being taken ill on the Holy land Cruise commencing 17 October, the ship had had many of its passengers coming down with a stomach bug , this also hit me and reduced my immune system and therefore I seeked medical center assistance and I was diagnosed with Pneumonia, for which I received treatment for approx 10 hours. I was quoted by the Doctor a price of $400 to $500 for the treatment, they charged against my Credit Card $1720.20. I have complained bitterly to Customer Care Rcc but receive no reply.

The Medical center are in a position not to cure you because I was put into hospital when I returned back to the UK, but to charge what the like, with no qualms, even after quoting 80% less for the treatment.

Although I am a Emerald member , this will be my last cruise with RCC, they treat quests as rubbish.



first of all I hope you are feeling better.


The doctors in the medical center are independent contractors. The cruise lines disclaim any liability or even interest in what they charge. They normally have some charges(like office visit) etc listed on the door. But they charge separately for each service. An estimate is just that. When they finish you should have gotten an itemized bill that shows exactly what the charges were for and how much each was charged for. The follow the American custom of over billing for everything. In the US your insurance company rarely pays the posted charge anyway(Medicare-US national insurance for those over 65 or disabled- pays a lot less they the posted charges). If you didn't get an itemized bill ask for it and look it over carefully. I suspect they charged you for the 10 hours or so they had you in the medical center.


Yes the charges are outrageous. That is unfortunately what they charge. Almost every cruise line requires that you pay first even when you have insurance and then seek reimbursement. Most travel insurance pays pretty promptly many times before the credit card payment is due. Its just a matter of paperwork. I do understand that in the UK with your national health insurance that you rarely have paperwork or bills. Welcome to the US world of medical care...

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Yes, do complain to everyone who will listen. Those charges are high but unfortunately are likely the same or less than you would be charged in the US.


If you have travel insurance, file a claim and see what happens, but still write your letters and emails.

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Hello thank you all for your comments, I am insured I hope that the claim does not get fouled up by insurance double talk.I do know that the cost of health care in the USA is like being on another planet.However my main issue is the cost quoted by the Doctor for the treatment, that he allocated for the nurses to do, and the bill presented to me on leaving the ship,$1720.20 not the $400/500 quoted, and which after I queried the cost with the nurse, not seeing the Doctor again, they must have realised I was going to dispute the amount , so they took the monies of my female partners credit card. The ship has a captive "patients" and this gives then carte blanche to take financial advantage of the situation.This is what grieves me,and in my mind the theft of my monies that took place.

And of course the issue of the ship bug which set of the illness that I caught,they should be responsible.!!!!

Could there be some cruise lines left, that do not have the medical charges of the USA.?? Thank you one and all for your interest.I am still recovering from the double pneumonia, but I am now getting better daily.

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Even with apparently European cruise lines, there is often an American mega-company that is the actual owner. You might check with P & O to see if they still are UK based.


I am supposed to be the person in our company who is the expert on our health insurance plan and I have trouble explaining the details. Very sad!


As far as putting the charges on another person's credit card, that is fraud. Plain and simple and should be disputed by that person with her credit card company.

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Let's not be too fast to scream fraud........


we do not know that the 'other person' did not provide that card for all of OP's on board charges. If, so, certainly she intended that to be drinks or articles from the shops on board etc but unless she ever specifically told them to not put an infirmary charge on the credit card, it well may be perfectly legitimate thing to do. If OP never presented a credit card of his own, if he was charging during the cruise, the charges go onto 'other person's' credit card.



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And of course the issue of the ship bug which set of the illness that I caught,they should be responsible.!!!!



No - the person who brought the gastro virus on board is responsible and you'll never know who that was. Cruise ships are hyper vigilant about trying to prevent the spread of these (often virulent) bugs but they can't do anything about people's slack personal hygiene habits which is usually how these things are spread.

Sometimes people don't even know they are contageous and there are some selfish and irresponsible people who knowingly get on the ship despite having symptoms and keep quiet about it because they don't want to miss their cruise.

I hope that your insurance company is able to reimburse your medical costs promptly. If this unexpected cost has somehow affected your credit then I'm sure your bank will be sympathetic if you can show them the relevant paperwork.

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If you feel that you (or your friend) were billed incorrectly for the medical care you received, then I think you need to let your (or her) credit card company sort that out with the cruise line. I don't know how the medical charges work on board; if you were billed directly by the physician, again, file a dispute with the credit card company.


Did you get a written, itemized estimate from the physician? That will help if you wish to dispute the charges.


I would, if I were you, leave out the argument that it's somehow the cruise line's fault that you contracted pneumonia on board. I'm sorry, that's just not the case, and it's going to weaken your argument with the credit card company AND the cruise line.


No matter how much or how often the cruise staff cleans the ships, they can't prevent communicable diseases from being communicable. Any time you gather with large groups of people, you take the chance that you'll catch something. That's a risk you just have to accept when you travel. At any rate, I'm sure there's a disclaimer in your cruise contract stating that the cruise line is not responsible for any illness you may come down with on the ship.

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Hello thank you all for your comments, I am insured I hope that the claim does not get fouled up by insurance double talk.I do know that the cost of health care in the USA is like being on another planet.However my main issue is the cost quoted by the Doctor for the treatment, that he allocated for the nurses to do, and the bill presented to me on leaving the ship,$1720.20 not the $400/500 quoted, and which after I queried the cost with the nurse, not seeing the Doctor again, they must have realised I was going to dispute the amount , so they took the monies of my female partners credit card. The ship has a captive "patients" and this gives then carte blanche to take financial advantage of the situation.This is what grieves me,and in my mind the theft of my monies that took place.

And of course the issue of the ship bug which set of the illness that I caught,they should be responsible.!!!!

Could there be some cruise lines left, that do not have the medical charges of the USA.?? Thank you one and all for your interest.I am still recovering from the double pneumonia, but I am now getting better daily.


The bug is often discussed on these pages. Yes, its usually brought aboard by a passenger & then transmitted by poor hygiene - and the poor hygiene is usually the passengers, not the staff or the systems or the facilities. IMHO ship's standards the previous week were well up to par, passengers' standards as usual were mixed.

I suspect the only way you'll achieve anything is by finding a damning report filed by a health officer at about the same time. I very much doubt there is one, & I very much doubt you'd find it if there were.


It doesn't surprise me that the money was charged to your companion's card - its so much easier to simply take the money than to chase for it. Needs a legal beagle to figure whether it was lawful. For the moment, mebbe just register a complaint with RCI & the medic so that its on record.


I'm presuming that your partner didn't sign any bill for the treatment, so you have every right to make a complaint to your card company & ask them to delete the charge - I'd be inclined to do this as a first step, in case your insurers won't cough up. (sorry, not the ideal turn-of-phrase ;))


But your main recourse is through your insurers. Once they accept liability, I'm guessing that since you sought treatment from an appropriate supplier (ship's medical staff) & the money was taken without specific authority, your insurers will refund in full (bar any excess).

Any dispute over the sum involved would then be between them & RCI (or the contractor), with the insurers being refunded if applicable. Your insurers may look to you for information, but in essence it's their problem.

And the difference between $1700 & $500 means a lot less to them than to you or I.


If your insurers deny liability, you will have already registered a complaint with both your card company & RCI.

But I imagine it will be a legal minefield & you'll need expert legal advice, even regarding who you chase (RCI? contractor? card company?) & under whose jurisdiction (UK? US? Norway? Bahamas? maritime?)


In any correspondence, perhaps mention that the medical condition meant that you were in no fit state to argue/complain at the time.


Fingers crossed for you that your insurers pay up.


We see a lot of posts airing disputes on these pages, but rarely do we learn of the outcme.

Any chance you can let us know how you get on?

Good luck


JB :)

(Barrack-room lawyer :rolleyes:)

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So sorry you were ill,hope you are doing better now. I would ask for an itimized statement, which is a common request , then you can see exactly what you are being billed for . I would think that your insurance would need an itimized statement as well, so you are entitled to one. Hope you get it straighten out.


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  • 4 weeks later...

The insurance company paid the claim, Royal Caribbean, said sorry for charging the bill onto my companions credit card, also the Doctor could not be found,(how convenient) but they said they would have honored what he quoted( I wonder)they have also said they will reimburse my excess on the insurance claim, And as a good will gesture the best I got was2x £30 vouchers, for myself and my companion to use on our next cruise with them, the voucher being good for 2years. Thanking everybody for there interest. And wishes you all a merry xmas and happy new year. P.S. I am now a lot better

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