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Crusing Bob

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Unfortunately in our family, there are folks who don't communicate with each other via normal channels. FB is how we can talk to cousins, etc that we wouldn't normally see or hear from. We also are able to communicate with relatives that live in foreign countries and speak foreign languages due to the auto translate feature available. While we don't post any 'personal' details ie travel plans until after -- we are very cognizant of the need to maintain privacy

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My area of employment is so nuclear that I long ago changed my FB name to my maiden name, following the paths of my kids and their friends, who changed their names to something crazy when they became high school juniors and were all told that college admissions people might be doing a search.


Sail, it has been a real PITA to keep up with changes in FB privacy settings. There is a huge uproar about changes to FB but it's like fighting city hall. So every 6 months or so we learn another new "thing". But considering we are just sitting with a computer, not toting bricks or performing surgery, it's to really that onerous.


I do not buy that older people can't get to learn these new things, because there are plenty of older posters on the HAL board who respond to posts with rapid fire copied and pasted info, pictures shrunk or enlarged, etc etc etc.


As far as phishing goes, that is definitely a concern for me, mainly because it's a pain in the neck to keep deleting solicitations in my email, etc. Have any of you ever tried to sign up for Walgreens online? I was amazed at how much they knew about me. They asked random questions to "indentify" me, and knew cars I had owned ten years ago, an old address where I lived TWENTY FIVE YEARS AGO- in fact, you should all go do it and see for yourself. Scary, but then again, so much info is in the public domain and who really cares, ultimately.

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Just like I don't use my real name on CC, I don't use my real name for my facebook account. However I find facebook a much more convenient place to interact with cruising friends than CC. On facebook I can post cruising pictures, converse with people I actually like and never have to put up with another dress code thread. The way to post on facebook is to keep it private with people you like or even just for an extended family.


If you have an account you wish to terminate, google how to close it. There are many threads that are very helpful.

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However I find facebook a much more convenient place to interact with cruising friends than CC. On facebook I can post cruising pictures, converse with people I actually like and never have to put up with another dress code thread.


Is there such a heaven on earth? Dare I hope? So where do I find these people? On the HAL FB page and then move over to our own friendships? I am going to go mental if I even look at another sanctimonious post on here. I have FB friends who are cruising buddies but I met them on other cruises- love them all- but nobody is actively cruising right now.

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I definitely know what you mean...I'm in my 50's and I do not need to know what my kids are saying, I had many talks with them about personal family information, once I had to tell my son to remove a post saying RIP when my uncle passed away, not a good way to hear about a death. Incidentally, that's how my SIL found out that her own mother died:eek:


Oh my goodness, your poor SIL!:(

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Sorry to go off topic but have to Congratulate you on the new baby Grandson.


Loads of wishes for all happiness and joy from him and your family. :)




Thanks so much Sails. They named him Jack Robert he weighed in at 10lbs.9oz. :eek:

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Is there such a heaven on earth? Dare I hope? So where do I find these people? On the HAL FB page and then move over to our own friendships? I am going to go mental if I even look at another sanctimonious post on here. I have FB friends who are cruising buddies but I met them on other cruises- love them all- but nobody is actively cruising right now.


I have not "picked up" friends on a cruisline page but connect with many after our cruises (going back 20 yrs). These connections also include people on rollcalls who continue their friendship well beyond the actual cruise.


For example Perry Grant, an entertainer on HAL many years ago, has a strong following on Celebrity and many of his fans have their own group on FB and have become good friends. There are many posters on CC that don't like his music. On FB you don't have to put up with people whose opinions you do not share.


I think many people have left CC because of personal attacks by people having a contrarian point of view.

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Okay, maybe it is just because I am an old guy, but I do not have a Facebook account, nor do I have any desire to open an account. I for the life of me do not understand why someone would post so much personal information that is open for the whole world to see. Some of it is so meaningless, "passed gas once today, passed gas twice yesterday!":rolleyes:


I am a retired school principal and I used to warn staff members to be very careful about what is posted as it may come back to bite you in the backside later on in life.


I used to use the on-line comment section to post replies to news stories, editorials, letters to the editor, (etc.) in our local newsaper. Now that they have moved to Facebook, I am no longer interested in posting.

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As there are more invasions into privacy and frequent security violations, do you think Facebook will fade in popularity in time? So many jobs have been lost, people have gotten themselves in trouble and private information becomes less private when Facebook permits access........ will people start to roam away from it?


The people who get themselves in trouble with their jobs are 1. saying things they should keep to themselves and not on the internet 2. do not have their privacy setting set how they should


I love CC and I love FB use them both all the time. Great way to stay in contact and share photos with family and friends. My settings are all private and the only people that can see anything I post are ones that are on my friends list.

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Are families losing the ability to sit in the same room and have a conversation? Is it only possible to communite through a social medium on the internet. When a family member dies, they have to announce it to the cousins, brothers, sisters etc on FACEBOOK? :eek:


I don't 'get it'.


Will the younger generation know how to communicate live and in person at a job interview, a party, a date, a reunion etc?

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I'm a big FB fan (And a friend of Seago2). Common sense will get you far. I never talk about my job, or my partner's job, or personal family business at least until it's common knowledge.

But I use my real name, put much of my big gay liberal life out there and if people don't like it they can unfriend me.

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I don't know about people leaving CC to go to FB. I see many of the same posters here that I've seen since I joined a few years back.


I will say that CC is a great forum and I will always use it for cruise info and knowledge. Unless they moved this entire site to FB, I think CC will remain a wonderful place for those of us "cruisies" (is that the term? if a person who loves food is a "foodie").


I do use FB regularly...and when I say regularly I mean a few times a day. It is all in how you use it. I am not one to post everything that I do and I have weeded out all of the "FB friends" who do that. It is a forum that has allowed me to catch up with many friends with whom I have lost contact. It gives us a place to keep in contact on a regular basis. Everyone has such busy lives these days and if there is a little piece of the internet that allows us to stay in contact, then this is great to me.


I do have to add, though, that I will NOT be joining a roll call on FB again. I enjoy the anonymity of CC when it comes to roll call. On our Eurodam sailing in February we were sitting in our Lido cabana and a very nice gentleman came up and said "You're Douglas, aren't you?" I was a bit freaked out about it but realized that my photo is right out there on the roll call on FB. Honestly, it got a bit nasty on the FB roll call and the moderators actually removed posts by someone who was making rather unpleasant comments.


:) :)

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I really enjoy the information that is posted on the HAL FB page. The posts there have a very different feel to them. It provides a different perspective than I find on CC. Not better or worse just different. The same can be said for Trip Advisor and their forums. It's not an either/or situation for me.

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How public or private is the HAL facebook page, and the roll calls? I keep my FB settings all on the highest level of privacy ... but haven't been to HAL on FB because of the impression there is little or no privacy?

An earlier poster mentioned data mining ... that is also a concern. I very rarely "like" anything commercial on FB, I don't repost items from third-party sources ... basically only use FB to keep in touch with family members (mostly younger!) and good friends. Don't accept friend requests from anyone I don't know, or from friends of friends ... there are a lot of people who like to have hundreds of friends showing :eek: One of my nieces has about 2500 FB friends! And younger kids like to brag about who has the most FB friends.

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I post on Facebook and use Twitter ... but not to replace CC. I usually post on Facebook in connection with my congregation, ministry, sermons, etc. In other words, I engage in communications with my ministry-community via Facebook. On CC I post, for the most part, about Cruising on HAL ships. :)


I don't post as much on CC as I used to for a whole host of personal reasons ... among the more important of which being issues relative to CC itself.

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I don't have a cell phone, so I don't text. I don't use Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, or any of those media sites because I don't have to. I monitor CC because it is part of my job...at least that is the excuse that I give my wife....and I'm standing by it.


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A few years ago my sister insisted I had to get a FB account. So, being the obedient (HA!) big sister that I am, I created one....late at night....after consuming enough adult beverages I felt empowered. I consider myself pretty tech savvy and thought, "how hard can it be?"


Well, I got to the part where I was prompted to invite people to be my friends and was given the option to use my Outlook contacts to do so. Hmmmm...that sounded like the easy way to go because I thought I'd be able to pick and choose which contacts to invite. Nope, that wasn't how it worked. Every single person in my contacts was sent an email inviting them to be my friend. :eek::eek::eek:


Why was I horrified, you may ask? The Outlook contact list I used was the one from my job, which includes my personal contacts as well. So, all of the big wigs that I correspond with professionally were invited to be "my friend." I didn't realize this until I started getting emails accepting my friend invitation. I was mortified!! :o


That was it for me on FB. I had no more set up an accouint when I deactivated it.


I still consider myself tech savvy but FB kicked my butt. :)

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Are families losing the ability to sit in the same room and have a conversation? Is it only possible to communite through a social medium on the internet. When a family member dies, they have to announce it to the cousins, brothers, sisters etc on FACEBOOK? :eek:


I don't 'get it'.


Will the younger generation know how to communicate live and in person at a job interview, a party, a date, a reunion etc?


I saw a news story about a month ago about courses you can enroll your kid in to teach the kid how to communicate in person. Some kids are seriously deficient in basic social skills because all they do is text, they never talk to friends.


How pathetic is that?!?!? :eek:

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How public or private is the HAL facebook page, and the roll calls? I keep my FB settings all on the highest level of privacy ... but haven't been to HAL on FB because of the impression there is little or no privacy?


An earlier poster mentioned data mining ... that is also a concern. I very rarely "like" anything commercial on FB, I don't repost items from third-party sources ... basically only use FB to keep in touch with family members (mostly younger!) and good friends. Don't accept friend requests from anyone I don't know, or from friends of friends ... there are a lot of people who like to have hundreds of friends showing :eek: One of my nieces has about 2500 FB friends! And younger kids like to brag about who has the most FB friends.


If data mining is a concern then you probably should be aware that any "free" site including CC uses data mining. That's how they determine what ads to display while you are on this site and beyond. And you don't have to repost something on FB (or CC) just clicking on a link can be stored as information on your habits. We have a son who works in advertising for a major search engine company and it's amazing the information that is collected on each and everyone of us. There is no getting around it without giving up the internet. This is just the way that advertising is done now.

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A few years ago my sister insisted I had to get a FB account. So, being the obedient (HA!) big sister that I am, I created one....late at night....after consuming enough adult beverages I felt empowered. I consider myself pretty tech savvy and thought, "how hard can it be?"


Well, I got to the part where I was prompted to invite people to be my friends and was given the option to use my Outlook contacts to do so. Hmmmm...that sounded like the easy way to go because I thought I'd be able to pick and choose which contacts to invite. Nope, that wasn't how it worked. Every single person in my contacts was sent an email inviting them to be my friend. :eek::eek::eek:


Why was I horrified, you may ask? The Outlook contact list I used was the one from my job, which includes my personal contacts as well. So, all of the big wigs that I correspond with professionally were invited to be "my friend." I didn't realize this until I started getting emails accepting my friend invitation. I was mortified!! :o


That was it for me on FB. I had no more set up an accouint when I deactivated it.


I still consider myself tech savvy but FB kicked my butt. :)


One of my friends (real, not FB) wanted to invite someone from his email contact list and invited everyone by mistake. He was not happy about that mistake, as there were some old email addys of people he was no longer contacting. Just one wrong click...

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I wonder if some of the posters who were posting on a very regular basis have decided to go to Facebook.


I am NOT on Facebook and I post only on this site. 99% Percent of my postings on Cruise

Critic are done on the HAL pages.

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If data mining is a concern then you probably should be aware that any "free" site including CC uses data mining. That's how they determine what ads to display while you are on this site and beyond. And you don't have to repost something on FB (or CC) just clicking on a link can be stored as information on your habits. We have a son who works in advertising for a major search engine company and it's amazing the information that is collected on each and everyone of us. There is no getting around it without giving up the internet. This is just the way that advertising is done now.


You're right. If I've been researching a cruise, the next time I go into my email, the banner ad will be from that cruise line. Ditto hotels and other websites. Gotta keep cleaning the history.

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