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Please help put my wife at ease!


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So we are booked on the Norweigan Epic on July 8th and I am trying to convince my wife to allow me to book on sharesashoreexcursioninitaly. The problem is that she is convinced that because they are not through the cruise lines that if they are late getting back to the ship we will be left in port and have to fend for ourselves and miss the remainder of the cruise. While I assume this is true as I have heard it a couple of places, has anyone ever experienced this before? As I am sure everyone knows there are reasons I am partial to going through a private company rather than Norweigan, but I know I don't even have a chance if I can't convince my wife we won't be left behind. Any tips, ideas, stories, or the likes are most welcome and appreciated.

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If it is a reputable company they will not be late, because they will lose the best thing going for them, their reputation. I wouldn't sweat it, there are TONS of companies that are given excellent reviews over on the Ports of Call boards for each port.


You can even go over there and ask if anyone has any experience with the company you are considering. The best thing about private tours is that they will have a much smaller group and you can usually get into places faster than the mega-bus charters that the cruise lines use. Private tours will also cater to your personal requests, including a stop or excluding something that wouldn't be interesting to you.


Go over and read the Ports of Call boards for ideas on what to do in the ports you are visiting, it could be that you can even do things on your own using public transportation for even cheaper!

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The good companies that get the positive comments over on the Port boards know the importance of this issue, and won't make you late for your sailing. Yes, you will be left behind if late. But the chances are pretty slight. Some private tour companies will now pay your way to the next port if they make you late.


Haven't heard of any of the best companies (again, read on the Ports board) missing any sailings.

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People do get left behind. Not often, but it does happen. To prevent it:


-Be back on time.

-Plan your tour so you go to the fartherest place and work back. That way if you are running late, you can skip the end and hurry to the ship.

-Have the information on the ship's agent. It will be in either the daily schedule or the port guide they give you. If you are running late, call the agent. If the ship knows you are 15 minutes late, they will try to wait. If they have no idea where you are, they are much more likely to sail without you.

-Build some slack time into the schedule. Don't plan to be back at the last minute. Aim to be back 30 to 60 minutes early. If you get back early, you can always find something to do in the area near the ship.

-Remember:These companies depend on the ships for their business. They will not last long if they get a rep for missing the ship.

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Yes it could happen, but it also needs to be noted that taking a Ship Sponsored Tour is not always a gaurantee that you will not miss the ship.


Though the cruise line will make every effort to stay as long as it can to accomodate those on a ship sponsored tour when late, it always can't be done. The decision to remain in port waiting for a late tour whether it be ship sponsored or otherwise is not the sole decision of the cabin.


Just make certain it's a reputable company and keep track of the time. If it appears things are getting off track time wise either push the guide to get back on track or exit the tour and just get in a taxi to get back to the ship. The cost of a taxi if far less expensive than having to get yourselves to another port at your expense.

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we've taken non-cruise line excursions often. All of them depend on repeat business and know the ships schedule as well as you do. We're usually back at least an hour before the deadline.


Like others have mentioned - research the company on the cruisecritic boards.

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Companies that have good reviews on these boards wouldn't get glowing reports if they were in the habit of not getting back to the ship on time. People who get left behind at ports tend to be those who have not been on an organised tour of any sort but have been doing their own thing and either haven't anticipated how long it will take them to get back to the ship or have been so busy enjoying themselves at the beach/in a bar etc that they haven't noticed the time.

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Just don't tell your wife WHO you're booking with! A reputable vendor will not leave you stranded!


Just make sure you set your watch (not your cell phone...it won't show the correct time!) to whatever time the SHIP says it is....and you will not be late if you keep an eye on the time!


We seldom, if ever, book ANY excursions! We get a guidebook on the ports, decide what we want to do, and then, we just go and do it! Most things don't require guides!

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If you do get left behind you will need to get to meet the ship at the next port. You will not miss the remainder of the cruise, unless of course you miss the last port.


If she is truly worried have her bring the passports.

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IMHO, I'd avoid the uncertainty your DW has and stick with the ship excursions. Yes, its going to cost a bit more but the peace of mind she'll have will be well worth it, especially if its your first cruise. Later on you can branch out to private companies if you both feel comfortable using them. Don't know about you but I've never won an argument with my wife yet so why fight it? Hope you both have a great cruise!icon7.gif

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IMHO, I'd avoid the uncertainty your DW has and stick with the ship excursions. Yes, its going to cost a bit more but the peace of mind she'll have will be well worth it, especially if its your first cruise. Later on you can branch out to private companies if you both feel comfortable using them. Don't know about you but I've never won an argument with my wife yet so why fight it? Hope you both have a great cruise!icon7.gif



Please consider NOT putting your wife through all of this anxiety and simply book a ship's excursion.

If you were to miss the ship (unlikely, but could happen), your DW would NEVER let you forget it. :D

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Best practice is to make sure your excursion is planned to return well before the sail time. However, if your better half is not comfortable with the excursion, her displeasure may diminish your enjoyment ot the excursion, especially if you run late back to the ship.


It is stressful scrambling to get back on time. I nearly missed in Puerto Vallarta using a tour co. I had used before. The excursion ran late and the catamaran faced unusually strong currents and did took much longer to get back to port. Made it back with only 5 mins to spare and was not the last back. There were a few pier runners. I thought it was exciting, racing back to ship but DW did a slow burn the whole way back to ship.




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Have just completed my first cruise, and organised my own things in each port, India & Malaysia. It saved us so much money, for comfort, I had emailed the companies several times before getting on the cruise ship and they knew the importance of getting back to the boat on time. They are professionals and if you give them a time you need to be back to the boat (you stipulate the time, so make it an hour before sailing, or earlier if needs be), you will have a fun time.


If your wife is way too worried just go with the ships excursions, but they aren't necessarily better, and there were some people who were disappointed with the ones that they went on with our cruise.


Make sure you read the reviews of the group you are wanting to go through. Tripadvisor is brilliant for this, and usually you will have other cruisers/travellers views on how the excursions went. Comes in really handy.



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So we are booked on the Norweigan Epic on July 8th and I am trying to convince my wife to allow me to book on sharesashoreexcursioninitaly. The problem is that she is convinced that because they are not through the cruise lines that if they are late getting back to the ship we will be left in port and have to fend for ourselves and miss the remainder of the cruise. While I assume this is true as I have heard it a couple of places, has anyone ever experienced this before? As I am sure everyone knows there are reasons I am partial to going through a private company rather than Norweigan, but I know I don't even have a chance if I can't convince my wife we won't be left behind. Any tips, ideas, stories, or the likes are most welcome and appreciated.


We cruised for the first time last year, and booked private excursions in Katakolon, Greece, Ephesus (Izmir) Turkey and in Egypt. In EACH case, the guide made absolutely certain right at the start exactly what time WE wanted to get back, and in every case, we saw everything we had planned to, had time to eat & shop and were back in PLENTY of time. One day in Alexandria, Egypt, we decided to just take a half-day ships tour of that city (we had been to the Pyramids and such the day before with private guide). It was okay, but that's all. Made me appreciate the freedom of the private tour. I feel that the tour companies understand that they will get BURNED in online reviews if they get a passenger back late. Yes, something CAN happen anytime in life...but the reward of the far superior experience outweighed the modest risk, in my mind (easy for me to say, I guess, since it all went well).

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As other have said a "reputable" company with a long track record knows the golden goose that continues to produce golden eggs for them relys on good reputation, one blown tour kills the goose.


common sense from the tourer is also a must. Plan a reasonable day, work from the furthest place back. Adjust your day so you get back with plenty of time to spare. Every private tour I've been on I've seen more with less time than the big bus tour, I've as a rule been up top sipping a drink watching the big bus come back.


have the DW read a few threads here and in the ports of calls if that helps. Its not for just the money saved, but more for the better exerience that one should do it. BUT if the DW isn't convinced nothing is worse than a paranoid tourer.. better do the bus :p

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Trip Advisor (owns CC) is also a great place to see reviews of tour operators. Spend a lot of time on here (Europe board) and Trip Advisor & show your wife too. We've been on 8 cruises (though none to the Med yet), and have never taken a ship's excursion. They are crowded and overpriced, not to mention they look like cattle being moved. My DH always asks "what does everyone on Cruise Critic say?" He says that because we have always gotten top notch advice on here.


You also might consider getting on your cruises' roll call and maybe plan independent excursions with others there or get their advice. I'd bet that you'll be cruising with at least a few very seasoned travelers who are usually more than willing to share words of wisdom.

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I consider myself an experienced cruiser with 16 cruises behind me...But, I am like your wife. While I do venture out on my own, I want a secure 2 hour window before departure to be back ON the ship. In the Caribbean. In Europe, where I don't speak the language? I want ship sponsored excursions. The only way I'd feel comfortable on my own is with a travel insurance policy that will pay to catch me back up to the ship if something were to happen.


I was on a ship sponsored excursion in Cozumel once to some ruins...there was only one road between the ship & the ferry dock area (Playa Mia?) where the ferry was supposed to pick us up. There was a serious truck/vehicle accident on the road that kept at least 8 tour busses from making it back to the pickup point. One of the people on our tour was a ship employee. We waited about 1.5hrs after our scheduled pickup on the dock...with no word. No one knew anything. Not even the ship officer we saw wandering around. FINALLY, the ferry shows up and just sits there. And sits there. 30 mins later, they fill it up & get us to the ship. Now, I knew they wouldn't leave the officer...and we had a ship sponsored excursion with at least 600 people there. So, I wasn't THAT worried. But, if I had been on an independent excursion, I would have been totally freaking out!


Things can happen. You have to have a Plan B to present to us worry-warts.

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It is just my opinion, but I lean towards private tours. If you have six or eight people (find others on the roll call), it is much cheaper, and you can do much more. The private tours are very similar, but they usually have extra items as they can cover the ground more quickly.


Plus you can research the ports and find things to add to the tour, and they are flexible.


One thing you can do is do a couple of ship's tours and do a couple of private tours, and you will know which you prefer for your next cruise.


To be sure, ships will not wait for private tour companies, and though there is all of this talk about "you will get left behind," and "you are in real danger of missing the ship," I have never seen a single case on these boards where a reputable tour company missed the ship. For one thing you are not in a big, lumbering bus, so you can move in and out of traffic. The tour companies, as has been said, rely on their reputation, and they do know the ships' schedules better than the cruise companies. They usually promise to get you to the next port if they have to, but I have never heard of anyone's needing to cash in that guarantee.

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I was on a ship sponsored excursion in Cozumel once to some ruins...there was only one road between the ship & the ferry dock area (Playa Mia?) where the ferry was supposed to pick us up. There was a serious truck/vehicle accident on the road that kept at least 8 tour busses from making it back to the pickup point. One of the people on our tour was a ship employee. We waited about 1.5hrs after our scheduled pickup on the dock...with no word. No one knew anything. Not even the ship officer we saw wandering around. FINALLY, the ferry shows up and just sits there. And sits there. 30 mins later, they fill it up & get us to the ship. Now, I knew they wouldn't leave the officer...and we had a ship sponsored excursion with at least 600 people there. So, I wasn't THAT worried. But, if I had been on an independent excursion, I would have been totally freaking out!


Things can happen..


Yes, things can and do happen to cause a tour (thru the ship or independent) that aren't the fault of the operator to be late returning.


In St.Vincent we were on a full day ship's catamaran tour to Bequia and the main sail broke ... almost two hours late returning ... no worries, the ship was waiting. The same could have happened on a private tour and there would have been no awaiting ship.


Our favorite On Our Own thing to do is to hire a taxi for the day in a well traveled area where, if needed, we'll be able to get another taxi.


Have fun planning! :)

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We have done 20 cruises - our first 2 we only did cruiseline tours until we realised that firstly you could use other companies and secondly they were cheaper


We build in an hour at least for return each time and its never been an issue


We had a couple on this last cruise who were late back, the gangplank was being pulled in and she fell just as she got to the ship - they made it and said would never leave it so late again

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We were on the Epic May 23 and utilized shareashoreexcursion in Florence. We also used them 2 years ago while on another cruise in Italy. NEVER a problem, and overall very good tours. I would just caution (I'm conservative also) -- that say, for instance -- the day we were in Naples -- we hit the Amalfi Coast drive and Sorrento and Positano in the AM (I also requested an early 7 AM pick up rather than 8 or 9 AM) and then did Pompeii in the afternoon. That way the traffic and crowds were lighter on the Amalfi Coast Road (only one road in, one road out), and we did Pompeii in the afternoon (when it was hotter, but a good breeze) and also a closer and faster road to get back to port. I felt IF we had to cut things short due on that long day due to traffic or crowds, then we had the option. Also, by leaving earlier we returned earlier and could have time to relax and freshen up for dinner. Really, the tours were great -- small groups, good, cool vehicles, interesting guides who were concerned about our welfare and safety. A friend who used them also (not on my trip) -- she and her husband got turned around in the Vatican museums and exited incorrectly and were lost -- but the guide tracked them down and all was well. Also keep in mind -- in Italy, with this excursion company and most others -- the guides do NOT go into the places with you. You have to rent a guide there, or have a guidebook, rent headphones, etc. In other countries on our last cruise -- say in Turkey -- the guides were licensed to go into the sites with you and explain things. We were in Rome for a few days before the cruise this time and booked Viator tours for the Colosseum and Forum and also for Vatican Museums/Sistine Chapel. Those tours were excellent, skipped the long lines, kept smaller groups (maybe 20 people) and the guide would TALK to you (not recorded) through the headphones. You could hear very well and their grasp of history was wonderful. However, Viator individual tours are not like shoreashoreexcursion -- you can't just "join" a tour and it fills up...it seems you have to already have a readymade group or the cost is just out of sight. My only other advice is that some of these independent tour companies must seem to think that we Americans always want to eat. They always offer to make arrangements to stop for lunch. I would rather sightsee than eat and you must be firm about that if you are like me. Also -- in places such as Florence -- IF you tell them ahead of time, they can book tickets to the gallery for you and you pay them separately for that and they will get you there at the designated time and skip the line. All shareashoreexcursion must be paid in cash (euros) at the end of the day, and of course, as we were pleased, we did a tip also. Hate to be lengthy -- we did a ship excursion for the first time in Marseille. I was glad we did -- in Marseille you must buy a ticket for a bus to get out of the port and it was maybe 15 euros each! We took the excursion to Les Baux de Provence and it was only $59 PP and of course, you didn't pay the 15 euros, so it was quite a bargain. We REALLY LIKED this excursion and it was a nice half day trip. In Cannes you must water shuttle to shore (no fee, but you must book a time on the tv in your cabin and they are strict about that), and we took the train to Antibes and walked around there and sunbathed on a lovely beach on the French Riviera, then walked around Cannes a bit before going back to the ship. Good luck -- let me know if you have more questions.

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