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tech-savvy cruisers, please give me some advice


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Sorry didn't mean to offend. I am quite new to the board, guess I haven't got the protocol correct yet.


You didn't do anything wrong. Some people just don't like other people pointing out other sides to their arguments. This is what these boards are for.


Personally, I like my Ipad as well, and use the camera kit for it to transfer photos. If you want a keyboard you can get the carrying cases with integrated bluetooth keyboards for about $70 or so although I haven't bothered yet because the bulk of the things I do lots of typing for I still use my laptop. It took me a long time to come around to Apple, and I really wanted to get the Blackberry Playbook. After comparing them, I just can't handle those small screens. But if a 7" tablet is something a person is after, I highly recommend they look at the Playbook though. Almost everything I have heard is they are one of the best built and functioning units in that price point.

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The problem with a netbook is that the hard-drive is often quite small. When we used my netbook on cruises (we did so for a year or two), we took along a portable hard drive or larger cards to copy the pictures onto. Recently, we've been taking my husband's small laptop, similar to an ultrabook. It's got a 12 inch screen, so it's quite small, but more capable than the netbook. He says that there's some nice ultrabooks out there. (He also says he's not sure about downloading pictures onto a tablet, but others with tablets might disagree.)

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I'm finding all your posts SO helpful, so thank you to everyone who has shared their experience. I have some time yet to make a decision, and you've all given me valuable things to think over. It really is an embarrassment of riches, isn't it?
Before deciding on anything, my suggestion is to go to a store, or visit someone who has whichever device you are considering, and try it out for yourself.

Type on it for a while and see how you like the keyboard.

Try out the features that you will want to use and see if you are satisfied with the way they work.


We made the mistake of not doing that when we got our first netbook.

We just ordered one that had been highly recommended by others and received good reviews.

Found that we hated typing on it and were always making typos.

Also found the screen too small so we constantly needed to keep scrolling it to read anything.

We did not make the same mistake again when we bought its replacement the following year.


Just because some other people love something does not mean that it will be the right fit for you, much like picking a cruise. :)


Unfortunately, you can't try out a cruise before you decide to buy it, but you can do that with the electronic devices you are considering.

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Why the rush to download all your photos while on the trip? If that's the only thing that's pushing you to buy a larger, more expensive piece of tech, why not just buy extra memory cards for your camera? I have about 8 of them, and switch them out as they get full; I wouldn't bother downloading them on a cruise when I couldn't/wouldn't email them to anyone anyway (slow & expensive internet). Having more memory cards also decreases the chances, IMO, of them all getting lost/destroyed (not putting all your eggs in one basket).

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We take 3 or 4 week cruises, so the idea of having to download all our pics and edit them at the end of the cruise is just too daunting to contemplate.

I download and edit my pics on a daily basis, so I can include some of them in my diary which I post to friends. I keep back up on USB

Sandy in Spain

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You didn't do anything wrong. Some people just don't like other people pointing out other sides to their arguments. This is what these boards are for.



Not at all. I was concerned that the poster who quoted me had misunderstood me because the post sounded as if he or she thought I was arguing against their points. I was not; I had not even read the other responses. :o

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I have a netbook (specifically a Dell Mini 10 - now discontinued), and would go crazy with an iPad.



  • It stands up to watch movies all by itself, doesn't need a stand
  • Runs all the same software as my desktop at home (as needed)
  • Has a built-in SD Card reader to read my camera's photos (no external bits needed)
  • It has 5x the storage of the iPad (160GB vs 32)
  • it has a real keyboard
  • It's half the price of an iPad

Total no-brainer for me

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If you really have to have the lightest thing and really want the simplest thing that works and don't want it as storage device, or content creation device get an iPAD.


yeah you'll hear arguments for android tablets etc, but the iPad is simply superior at the moment. Of course if the 100 bucks matters than the difference now is very small, personally size matters and I'd go as big as you can afford.


As somoene in the tech industry that has watched all of my iPad and iPhone friends switch over to androids... well I have to say that iPad's aren't the best choice for everyone. Too proprietary, too expensive and you can get almost all of the same apps for the android. There are barely any differences and performance wise one is not better than the other. My friends are very satisified with their switch to the android side.

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THis is one of the choices I've been exploring. Can you hook your camera up via the USB port? I have a card reader for my desktop since the one in it died, but I'd rather not bring anything extra along.


I have to say the price is very appealing.


The Nexus has a mini usb port (that you connect the charger to). My digital camera has a mini usb port. Can I buy a mini-usb to mini-usb to connect the camera to the Nexus?

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We take 3 or 4 week cruises, so the idea of having to download all our pics and edit them at the end of the cruise is just too daunting to contemplate.

I download and edit my pics on a daily basis, so I can include some of them in my diary which I post to friends. I keep back up on USB

Sandy in Spain


This is the issue we have, between the two of us we take so many pictures and sorting through them every day when we have a few minutes of down time is much easier than wading through them all afterwards.


We used to just plug the camera into the stateroom TV but that isn't always possible anymore. I should have clarified that storing them isn't as important to me as having the ability to review.


I am not necessarily anti-Apple, I don't want to give that impression. I am anti-proprietary, though, and having some format flexibility is important to me. I don't have a Kindle, either. Just a preference, I'm not a snob.


I have a laptop, but I don't want to bring something that big. I'm really looking for tote-bag size and light weight.


Fleckle, your advice re hands-on experience is definitely noted. Will do.

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Personally, I like my Ipad as well, and use the camera kit for it to transfer photos.



Just a quick question about the camera kit...is it easy to use, etc? I just saw it at Sam's Club for ($29, I think) and was really intrigued... Please tell me what you liked and/or disliked about it. Thanks for any info you can share!!

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snip..I have a laptop, but I don't want to bring something that big. I'm really looking for tote-bag size and light weight.

snip ...


I take a small netbook, which I only use on cruises. It has very few stored documents etc on it other than everything relating to the particular cruise were taking. So there is plenty of spare capacity. Once home everything is transferred back to my main computer and a back up kept as well. HTH


Sandy in Spain

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Well you have a really different set of friends than I, I'm in that tech business too. Just an observation but the higher up the social economical enviroment I go, the more iSomething I seem to see.


Android is getting close and the new galaxy phones are getting really really good, but sorry Apple stuff just works, you can hate them for their high hand approach to things, their pricing, their closed systems, but it just works. My mother can figure it out how to use their stuff.


Google and MS are getting close, but close for me isn't worth saving 200 bucks, nor 1" of more screen.. but that is me :D


As somoene in the tech industry that has watched all of my iPad and iPhone friends switch over to androids... well I have to say that iPad's aren't the best choice for everyone. Too proprietary, too expensive and you can get almost all of the same apps for the android. There are barely any differences and performance wise one is not better than the other. My friends are very satisified with their switch to the android side.
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but it just works. My mother can figure it out how to use their stuff.


Yes, I find Apple stuff the most intuitive tech I have ever seen, and that's coming from a PC gal who cut her teeth on DOS. I'll never go to a Mac, but I love my iPhone and I would love an iPad if it came sized similar to the Playbook (my ideal size for a totable tablet). I want to keep using he word "intuitive" because it really is - very straightforward to operate.

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Just a quick question about the camera kit...is it easy to use, etc? I just saw it at Sam's Club for ($29, I think) and was really intrigued... Please tell me what you liked and/or disliked about it. Thanks for any info you can share!!


I'm not Dan, but I also use the same kit. It is super easy. There are actually 2 plugs in the kit, but I only use one, and not even sure what the other one is for, because I have never really looked at it.


It's just a plug...one end plugs into the Ipad (where you plug in charger), and the other end is where you plug the SD card into. You will then get prompts on the Ipad. And you don't need the internet.


I also bring several SD cards, but cards fail, that's why I do a backup daily. I don't remove the pics from my card, so it's just a safeguard. I also have photo stream on, so it should backup to the cloud also.

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Just a quick question about the camera kit...is it easy to use, etc? I just saw it at Sam's Club for ($29, I think) and was really intrigued... Please tell me what you liked and/or disliked about it. Thanks for any info you can share!!


I'm not Dan, but I also use the same kit. It is super easy. There are actually 2 plugs in the kit, but I only use one, and not even sure what the other one is for, because I have never really looked at it.


It's just a plug...one end plugs into the Ipad (where you plug in charger), and the other end is where you plug the SD card into. You will then get prompts on the Ipad. And you don't need the internet.


I also bring several SD cards, but cards fail, that's why I do a backup daily. I don't remove the pics from my card, so it's just a safeguard. I also have photo stream on, so it should backup to the cloud also.


crzndeb basically answered it, although I would add that to backup to the cloud, you do need a connection, which would be expensive on the ship. The kit comes with an SD slot and the second one deb mentioned is a USB connector.


If you don't have the camera connection kit yet, I would actually look for the 4 or 5 in 1 kits that are out now, that allow other uses for the iPad, such as connecting it to a TV, in addition to loading your pictures on it.

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I did get out yesterday to play with some of the options. I've decided a 7" tablet is just too small.


Of all the displays, the Apple one was the only one with everything on and working in our crappy excuse for a Best Buy. They are lovely and easy to use. My favorite was a Samsung but I don't want a data plan, so it's out of the running. While a $400+ price tag isn't out of the question, at that price I would hate to drop it from a zodiac or have it stolen. It's not like we take quiet vacations where it will be lovingly cared for.


On the other hand, if I buy a netbook my DH will never use it, which is an advantage. I have a hard enough time getting him to disconnect at home, and I don't want it to become an issue when we travel. Score one for a netbook. Plus, every time Apple comes out with something new there is a rash of subway muggings over them, which I would rather not experience -- not a tech issue at all, but something to consider. But, the screen display for photos was small, I'm not a fan of Windows Media Player, and they are a bit heavier, though not enough to be a deterrent.


Decisions, decisions.

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crzndeb basically answered it, although I would add that to backup to the cloud, you do need a connection, which would be expensive on the ship. The kit comes with an SD slot and the second one deb mentioned is a USB connector.


If you don't have the camera connection kit yet, I would actually look for the 4 or 5 in 1 kits that are out now, that allow other uses for the iPad, such as connecting it to a TV, in addition to loading your pictures on it.


Good to know about the larger kits, Dan. I may have to look into those . I have the first generation Ipad (got as a bday gift in 2010), and trying to decide if I want to upgrade. I think right now, for what I use it for, I am probably good with the one I have.

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Of all the displays, the Apple ... They are lovely and easy to use. Plus, every time Apple comes out with something new there is a rash of subway muggings over them, which I would rather not experience -- not a tech issue at all, but something to consider.


Decisions, decisions.

As a matter of throwing this out, the end of June, two weeks after buying the latest IPad, I was robbed - two 16-17 year olds stole my unit while I was waiting for a bus; being a handicapped senior citizen they figured me for an easy mark.

So the next day I went back to the Apple store and bought another one. I'd gone through 3 or 4 Sony readers and two earlier IPads with no trouble at all, but I guess the latest toy was just too hard to resist. When I bought the new replacement, I had a rep from the Apple store lock the stolen unit so the kids who robbed me wouldn't be able to use the unit, so I'm sure they just threw it away.

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As a matter of throwing this out, the end of June, two weeks after buying the latest IPad, I was robbed - two 16-17 year olds stole my unit while I was waiting for a bus; being a handicapped senior citizen they figured me for an easy mark.

So the next day I went back to the Apple store and bought another one. I'd gone through 3 or 4 Sony readers and two earlier IPads with no trouble at all, but I guess the latest toy was just too hard to resist. When I bought the new replacement, I had a rep from the Apple store lock the stolen unit so the kids who robbed me wouldn't be able to use the unit, so I'm sure they just threw it away.

Treven, so sorry that this happened to you.


If you paid for it with a major credit card, be sure to check the terms of your card to see if it will reimburse you for the full cost.

After only two weeks, you should definitely be within the covered time frame.

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I travel with a Samsung Galaxy Tab - the one with 10" screen. Absolutely love it; I can watch movies on the plane, use it as an e-reader and play games. I don't use it to access internet on the ship because it's too expensive, and I really don't care about reading email when I'm on vacation (I do plenty of that at work).

I do bring adapters to plug in a USB thumb drive and a card reader (so I can offload pictures from the camera to the tablet and then if there are too many to store, I can move them to the thumb drives).

I used to drag my laptop on vacation, but it's so much easier with the tablet - it's lighter and is easier to get through airport security.

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But, the screen display for photos was small, I'm not a fan of Windows Media Player, and they are a bit heavier, though not enough to be a deterrent.


That's in reference to a netbook? When considering the weight of these things, be sure to ALSO consider the cords and accessories that have to come with it. I love my netbook, but when you add in the "brick" charger unit and a small mouse (and can't quite get by with just the touchpad), it's really a bit much. Hence, I think tablets have a major advantage in terms of portability.


My netbook PLUS camera PLUS cellphone PLUS GPS unit - and all related cords and chargers - weighs in at over 5 pounds! Not to mention a fair amount of space. :-(


I'm one of those "carry-on only" packers who likes to keep his luggage under 20 pounds - so a quarter of that allowance is dedicated to technology items. Not sure if that's a good thing or not! ;-)

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We travel with an iPad, netbook or a small laptop, and a Samsung Galaxay Tab. We do not take them out in public much, though I do carry my iPad in my backpack.


Trevan- I am sorry that you were mugged. Shame on those kids. Karma....:mad:

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Not sure when you're next cruise is but there are very strong rumours that there is going to be a 7inch IPad coming very very soon. Cheap. Yes I know Steve Jobs would turn in his grave or should I say urn. IMHO nothing beats an Apple device. If you like to type on a keyboard you can use a wireless one, combined no heavier than a net book, plus you can even get cases that have them built in. That way you have a "netbook" when you want to type and a tablet when you want to curl up in bed to read a "book" Also there is a little attachment that enables you to load your photos via SD card or via USB.


Personally, I have no problem typing on the onscreen keyboard so wouldn't think of taking a keyboard. The big difference between a netbook and a tablet of any make is the apps, which are fantastic. With the apps there is nothing I do on my desktop that I can't do on my IPad. Even my bank has an app so I am able to do all my banking on my IPad without having to go on a browser. I have everything I need on it. A translator for any country, a currency converter, weather reports for anywhere, maps I could go on and on but you get the idea. All this is without having to go on a browser. I never need to take anything else except my camera. All of this without a monthly bill, mine doesn't have phone capability. Some functions require wifi but most don't. Oh that reminds me there is an app that you can use to find free wifi anywhere in the world. If you download the offline version before you leave you don't need wifi to find free wifi.


Okay as you know by now I love my iPad but if you don't want to go that route I would recommend a device that works on android. Then you can get a large selection of apps. It's all about the apps.


Good luck making your choice, honestly I don't work for apple, lol.



So helpful! I got a new iPad -first time I have ever owned an apple product and have a dumb phone! I am having so much fun with it I can't leave it behind. I am still learning how to use it and thought I would only use it at the airport. Guess not! I was going to buy a small Verizon package but now I'm not sure I need it. Maybe just for the airport?

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I did get out yesterday to play with some of the options. I've decided a 7" tablet is just too small.


Of all the displays, the Apple one was the only one with everything on and working in our crappy excuse for a Best Buy. They are lovely and easy to use. My favorite was a Samsung but I don't want a data plan, so it's out of the running. While a $400+ price tag isn't out of the question, at that price I would hate to drop it from a zodiac or have it stolen. It's not like we take quiet vacations where it will be lovingly cared for.


On the other hand, if I buy a netbook my DH will never use it, which is an advantage. I have a hard enough time getting him to disconnect at home, and I don't want it to become an issue when we travel. Score one for a netbook. Plus, every time Apple comes out with something new there is a rash of subway muggings over them, which I would rather not experience -- not a tech issue at all, but something to consider. But, the screen display for photos was small, I'm not a fan of Windows Media Player, and they are a bit heavier, though not enough to be a deterrent.


Decisions, decisions.








I travel with a Samsung Galaxy Tab - the one with 10" screen. Absolutely love it; I can watch movies on the plane, use it as an e-reader and play games. I don't use it to access internet on the ship because it's too expensive, and I really don't care about reading email when I'm on vacation (I do plenty of that at work).

I do bring adapters to plug in a USB thumb drive and a card reader (so I can offload pictures from the camera to the tablet and then if there are too many to store, I can move them to the thumb drives).

I used to drag my laptop on vacation, but it's so much easier with the tablet - it's lighter and is easier to get through airport security.


DH and I both have the Samsung Galaxy, him the 10", me the harder to find 8.9". We both love them and use them on a daily basis. We are bith in the IT field as well and most of our co-workers have something similar. I went with the 8.9 as I felt the 10 (and ipad) were too big, but the 7 was too small. We use them to hold our pics when on vacation to keep the camera open. If we find an internet cafe we upload them, otherwise we wait until we are home. Neither of us has a data plan, we just use wi fi.


I think those that want a simple to use device with little effort love the ipad. If you, however, want to personalize or modify your device in any way, the ipad is not for you.

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