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Visit Paris, London, Berlin, Amsterdam +


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Which two cities would you select if doing a 3 day land trip in each city (traveling to each via air)? I’m not concerned with having enough time to see everything. I’m more concerned about which cities are not to be missed as far as culture/lively/fun city. If you had a week to spend in two of these 4 cities, which ones would you pick, and why?

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I've say London and Amsterdam are both interesting places. I've haven't been to Berlin so can't comment.


Paris is so romantic and there is so much to see there. It is a great walking city. If you get a chance you can eat at Le Jules Verne or 58 Eiffel Tower (the two restaurants at the Eiffel Tower) that way you can skip the line. Reservations must be made well in advance.


Rome is also a must see city. I found both Rome and Paris equally wonderful. Rome for it's ruins, art and history and Paris for its sheer beauty.


I think you can't really go wrong with any of the cities you mentioned. I'd pick the two that are most convenient for you to visit on your upcoming trip.

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I've say London and Amsterdam are both interesting places. I've haven't been to Berlin so can't comment.


Paris is so romantic and there is so much to see there. It is a great walking city. If you get a chance you can eat at Le Jules Verne or 58 Eiffel Tower (the two restaurants at the Eiffel Tower) that way you can skip the line. Reservations must be made well in advance.


Rome is also a must see city. I found both Rome and Paris equally wonderful. Rome for it's ruins, art and history and Paris for its sheer beauty.


I think you can't really go wrong with any of the cities you mentioned. I'd pick the two that are most convenient for you to visit on your upcoming trip.

Thank you! :) I see you struggled with the answer. You didn't want to commit to either one. hahahaha! :)


But I understand your point. And absolutely! Rome is my favorite city in the world - we've been twice in the past two years.

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It's so hard to decide. I've been to London so many times that I'm totally over it. So there is bias there on my part. Amsterdam is just fun and funky and I'd like to go back there.


Paris is #1 place you HAVE to go!!! I think any of the other three have great things to see and do. All are tourist friendly.

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All are great cities but I would do Paris and London first.




Agree with Keith, especially since the two cities are only 2 hours and 15 minutes away by train.


We will be doing a land vacation in 2014 of 11 or 12 days and wanted to hit three areas. Two of them are set. We're going to Amsterdam and Paris. Our third will utlimately be a choice of Belgium (Brussels & Bruges) or London. We will probably end up with London.

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Agree with Keith, especially since the two cities are only 2 hours and 15 minutes away by train.


We will be doing a land vacation in 2014 of 11 or 12 days and wanted to hit three areas. Two of them are set. We're going to Amsterdam and Paris. Our third will utlimately be a choice of Belgium (Brussels & Bruges) or London. We will probably end up with London.

Oh! I had no idea they were the two cities were that close by train! Makes sense.


Brussells and Bruges sounds so interesting! Nice trip you have going!! After this being our third year back-to-back in Europe, we're doing South America in 2014. We've never been.

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Paris to London is quick and cheap. Trains run hourly from Gare du Nord. We purchased from raileurope.com early and believe we paid $65 to $70.


Tough decision for us on Belgium vs. London for our third stop. Either way, these cities are better suited to land and train vacations.

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London ~ totally amazing - very historic - SO much to see its hard to choose! been there 5x)


Amsterdam ~ fun, artzy, canals fantastic, walkable (been there 2x)


Paris ~ next month but so far seems incredibly romantic + fun!


Berlin ~ haven't been, maybe someday.


Now, if I had to pick 2 cities it'd be London and Paris!!! Amsterdam is great but not the same level as L & P.


Just be happy you can pick!!!!!! And have a fantastic trip!!!!

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I think I'd do Paris & Amsterdam, fly round trip to Paris, then take the fast train (5 hours I think) to Amsterdam.


But then I have Dutch ancestors. We did a rail pass for the Benelux countries, but we had 18 days. Brussels, Brugges, Bastogne, Luxembourg, Maastricht, Arnhem, Meppel, Amsterdam and back to Brussels for our flight home. Amsterdam was just overwhelming to me. I think it has to be my 2nd favorite European city. Budapest being the first.


Paris was another trip. But you want to see the Tower Eiffel, the Louvre, the Seine, so many old beautiful historical sights. Totally unbelievable!


Have fun planning, then taking your trip!

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Which two cities would you select if doing a 3 day land trip in each city (traveling to each via air)? I’m not concerned with having enough time to see everything. I’m more concerned about which cities are not to be missed as far as culture/lively/fun city. If you had a week to spend in two of these 4 cities, which ones would you pick, and why?


Agree strongly with those who say that London and Paris would rank in the top two. Both great cities with lots of wonderful, major things in each area, plus nearby. Do want to strongly disagree on your idea of need to fly between cities. As an example, you could fly into London, do that city, take the quick 2.5 hours train under the English channel, enjoy Paris and then take the fast train from from there to Amsterdam to start your cruise. Or, you could fly into Paris, do that city, then Chunnel train to London and do your cruise out of Dover or Southampton, etc. Lots of ways to make things happen and work. Berlin is not as handy with the logistics.


Below are a few of my favorites on why I like Paris so super much. Nice, charming, human scale in this city with so much character, history, culture, food, wine, etc., etc.




THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, Solstice cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Enjoyed great weather and a wonderful trip. Dozens of wonderful visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc., on these postings. We are now at 101,708 views for this live/blog re-cap on our first sailing with Celebrity and much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:




On a nice Paris day, people are enjoying the Louvre courtyard, the Louvre's famed glass pyramid by architect IM Pei and in the background the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel built in 1805: :





At the Sunday market near the Bastille, fresh seafood and much more!:





Dinner at Bofiner in the Marais area with its unique ceiling and charming interior:





The famed 1860’s Opera House has recently restored its spectacular reception hall:





On the wonderfully charming ille St. Louis island, this flower shop is so nice along with other shops there. Lots of markets, dining places, etc., along this street.:





At the Tuileries, there are gardens, cafes and places to sit, watch and enjoy near the Louvre:



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Omg Terry! You make me want to go and buy guides and photo books for all of these places I've been discussing. I am seriously sold on London and Paris. And the way you mapped it out sounds perfect. No flying between cities now!


Also, I am the queen of trying to squeeze places in, and the Amsterdam at the end of your suggestion makes me a very happy gal. I'll keep plugging away. I have to make these sound real attractive for my husband. Hubby was pulling for Berlin and Amsterdam and I stood firm on Paris lol! Because he chose the Baltic itinerary, so he should give me free reign on the rest.


I'm trying to decide between a 7 day cruise paired with 3 days in London and 3 days in Paris. Or a 9 day cruise with 2-2.5 days in each place.

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I think I'd do Paris & Amsterdam, fly round trip to Paris, then take the fast train (5 hours I think) to Amsterdam.


But then I have Dutch ancestors. We did a rail pass for the Benelux countries, but we had 18 days. Brussels, Brugges, Bastogne, Luxembourg, Maastricht, Arnhem, Meppel, Amsterdam and back to Brussels for our flight home. Amsterdam was just overwhelming to me. I think it has to be my 2nd favorite European city. Budapest being the first.


Paris was another trip. But you want to see the Tower Eiffel, the Louvre, the Seine, so many old beautiful historical sights. Totally unbelievable!


Have fun planning, then taking your trip!


The train from Amsterdam to Paris is much quicker than that. It's about three and a quarter hours on the high speed train.

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Omg Terry! You make me want to go and buy guides and photo books for all of these places I've been discussing. I am seriously sold on London and Paris. And the way you mapped it out sounds perfect. No flying between cities now! Also, I am the queen of trying to squeeze places in, and the Amsterdam at the end of your suggestion makes me a very happy gal. I'll keep plugging away. I have to make these sound real attractive for my husband. Hubby was pulling for Berlin and Amsterdam and I stood firm on Paris lol! Because he chose the Baltic itinerary, so he should give me free reign on the rest. I'm trying to decide between a 7 day cruise paired with 3 days in London and 3 days in Paris. Or a 9 day cruise with 2-2.5 days in each place.


Appreciate the nice comments from "the Queen" on my pictures and suggestions. Glad you're making good progress!!


On your question of the seven-day versus nine-day cruises, which specific line and port stops? Tell us more!! Maybe we can make some added, helpful suggestions. Happy to share more info, background. Keep up the good research and planning efforts. It's making a positive difference.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, Solstice cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Enjoyed great weather and a wonderful trip. Dozens of wonderful visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc., on these postings. We are now at 101,851 views for this live/blog re-cap on our first sailing with Celebrity and much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:



For details and visuals, etc., from our July 1-16, 2010, Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. This posting is now at 80,847 views.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Terry I used your pictures and hints for our Baltic cruise. We are getting ready to go to Paris and so excited to see your pictures and tips. We have never been to Paris and will be there 5 days (including arrival day). Did you do any private tours while in Paris?


My response to Millenia 98 would be to take as long a cruise as possible in the Baltic especially if it includes St Peterburg. It was fabulous!

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I would pick Paris (so unique, historical) and London (historical and interesting). I liked Amsterdam, but if I were going back it would be to Paris and London. Also they are so close together that you won't lose almost a day traveling between them.

I would love to see Bruges. (I haven't seen Berlin.)

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Ahh! Thanks so much to everyone for your comments and suggestions! And to Terry for the beautiful pictures! :) Can't wait


We chose Amsterdam! I chose Amsterdam b/c we will only be able to give London 2 days, and I will be absolutely crazy trying to cram in so many things in those 2 days. We allocated 3.5 days for Paris, and I'm happy about that. The budget was starting to rise, so Amsterdam came out cheaper, and I hear it can be done in 2 days, for sure. London - not so much. I'm a go go go travelers, and I'll get anxiety trying to schlep my family around London to try and see everything. :)

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Whiule London & Paris would be on the top of our list, Amsterdam is also a fabulous and I agree with your logic!


We've been to Amsterdam twice because of cruises in 2010 & 2011. It's an "easy" city with the trams (read up on them) and also walking! Red Light District is a hoot! Flower Market fantastic! We loved taking the bus out of town to Zaanse Schans (old time windmills - might be cutting it close with just 2 day). Anne Frank Haus is very moving but make advance reservations. The Resistance Museum we thought wonderful. And just walking around the canals - now I want to go back!!! Eating at the Indoneasian Rice Table was a great experience - better with a group!!!


You'll love Amsterdam!!!!!!

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Which two cities would you select if doing a 3 day land trip in each city (traveling to each via air)? I’m not concerned with having enough time to see everything. I’m more concerned about which cities are not to be missed as far as culture/lively/fun city. If you had a week to spend in two of these 4 cities, which ones would you pick, and why?


I'd plump for London & Paris.

London probably has more to offer than any of the others in both sights & nightlife. Because of the same (well, almost :rolleyes:) language, nightlife is probably easier to research & enjoy in London, though plenty of folk speak english in the other cities.

Because of the eurostar rail link, London & Paris slot together very easily - little over 2hours city-centre to city-centre.


Amsterdam is much more quirky - nightlife too. But comparatively limited for a 3-4 day stay.


Berlin's main interest is its 20th century history, especially for those who remember WW2 and the Cold War/Iron Curtain, and there are remnants of both as well as associated museums & monuments.

Even without the iiconic divided-city sights such as Brandenburg Gate, Checkpoint Charlie & bits of the Wall, it's still possible to vaguely figure wherethe city was split by the architecture, the infrastructure, & the demeanour of the locals.


All are interesting places, but IMHO London & Paris are an easy first-choice.


JB :)

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Oh man! Slightly off topic, but last night, I had a dream about Berlin. I dreamt that we took a tour, and the guide drove us around the city and we never saw the WWII memorial or the Holocaust sights or ANYTHING that I wanted to see. In my dream, I was devastated that I didn’t get to see Berlin at all. I think the guide drove us around Warnemunde, and I only realized after we were back on the ship that night. Wow, my psyche has really been into planning this trip. Sheesh lol!

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