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Barcelona thieves

kitty allen

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I'm not frightened of pickpockets, and I can only imagine that I'm not the only one. There are too many people in this world for me to be the only one ;) I'm also not frightened that I'll drop my wallet on the subway or leave my bag in a cab - though as it happens, I did drop my hotel key card on Las Ramblas and it was immediately returned to me.


If you're not threatened by pickpockets elsewhere around the world, I don't know why you'd think pickpockets would be more threatening in Barcelona.


My point was that I am not frightened of pickpockets elsewhere in the world. However, the messages on this board are making me feel as if I should just skip seeing Barcelona. Especially if I am sightseeing one day before a cruise and I need a credit card to board the cruise.

Can anyone compare the level of theft to Rome, Paris or Istanbul?


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My point was that I am not frightened of pickpockets elsewhere in the world. However, the messages on this board are making me feel as if I should just skip seeing Barcelona. Especially if I am sightseeing one day before a cruise and I need a credit card to board the cruise.

Can anyone compare the level of theft to Rome, Paris or Istanbul?



While I definitely respect your feelings about this matter, I will also comment that foreign tourists read postings about NYC and conclude exactly the same thing that you have about Barcelona.


This in addition to the situation in Miami several years ago when foreign tourists in rental cars were being targeted....two Germans were even murdered...give pause to international visitors as to what cities to avoid.


Frankly, if you can cope with NYC, you will be fine in Barcelona...and everywhere else in Europe.

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While I definitely respect your feelings about this matter, I will also comment that foreign tourists read postings about NYC and conclude exactly the same thing that you have about Barcelona.


Yeah, that's kind of what I was getting at. While there may be more pickpockets on Las Ramblas than in another city, I'm not sure it follows that the Barcelona pickpockets have special tricks or are better at it than in another city.

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Guess I was a little testy there. Sorry for any rudeness

I am still pretty nervous about seeing the Atlantic Ocean come barrelling into NYC. We did not suffer any damage except a few days power loss but many of my colleagues and students lost everything.


Barcelona pickpockets should really be the last thing on my mind but I guess they distracted me from everything else.

Best Regards:)

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I truely feel for you and your fellow country folk following superstorm Sandy - many prayers are sent your way.


I have just returned from the Epic, travelling solo. I stayed 3 days before the cruise in Barcelona. I can honestly say, just keep your wits about you and you will be OK - I have travelled to most of the places that you mention :

......Rome and Florence , Istanbul and Izmir , Paris, Brussels, Ireland, England

I have also been to NYC, Athens, New Orleans and following my cruise to Madrid and Seville. None of these places made me feel any different than being in Barcelona where I felt just as safe as being in London.


Just remember different people means different perceptions - I am a confident traveller (some people are not) and would never let written words prevent me from experiencing this world :)

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We just came back from Barcelona a few weeks ago. Yes, pickpockets are a huge problem there, enough that the hotel felt compelled to warn us. That said, with a few simple precautions you can minimize your risk substantially. This holds true for ANY crowded tourist destination, because not surprisingly, the criminals like to go where there is a large group of people unfamiliar with the area and looking at all the shiny objects.


1> Check in to your hotel first and put passports and other valuables in your hotel safe. They can't pickpocket you if its not in your pocket. If you must carry official ID, I carry a color copy of my passport and an expired drivers license in my money belt.


2> Carry only the cash you expect to need for the outing and 1 credit card. Spread it between money belts your front pockets and maybe even group members. If you have booked a driver or tour with a reputable company, don't be afraid to pay the driver early so as to transfer the money into their possession.


3> Pick up a piece or two of pac-safe gear. I have their camera bag and money belt. Big fan of the camera bag.. The money belt strap was a little rigid for me, but it did the job. I may still look at other options.


Amazon link for the Camera Bag:






4> Know how they operate and watch for distractions.


5> Don't make yourself a target. I've seen tourists walking around with top open handbags, staring at a map and paying no attention to their surroundings.


In short, if you stay alert you are very much less likely to be a victim. It's worth noting that of our entire europe trip, the only places we had an issue were Rome, inside the cathedral, where someone tried and failed to get into my wife's bagm and Pisa, where someone tried the petition distraction. In Barcelona, never a problem.

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One does not have to be frightened in order to take precautions. Barcelona is not a country, its a city. It's not surprising that many police in Barcelona don't speak English, since it's a city in Spain. Being frightened is a lousy way to spend your vacation - if you really are frightened about pickpockets, don't travel.


Of course, you're right -- Barcelona is a city -- not a country. I just get so frustrated when posters are trying to help travelers and the responses are defensive ("it can happen anywhere", "don't travel", etc.)


I posted the following a couple of months ago. It is everyone's choice whether to believe it or not.


I looked up the top 10 places in the world where you are most likely to be picketpocketed:


1. Barcelona, Spain

2. Rome, Italy

3. Prague, Czech Republic

4. Madrid, Spain

5. Paris, France

6. Florence, Italy

7. Buenos Aires, Argentina

8. Amsterdam, Holland

9. Athens, Greece

10. Hanoi, Vietnam




Specific to Barcelona:


1. Spain, Barcelona


Barcelona is the number 1 tourist attraction in Spain! In addition to a number of sights it also has a dozen or so pickpockets for every attraction. If pickpocketing would be on the Olympics, Barcelona would be the definite gold medalist!


When you disregard pickpocketing, Barcelona is a relatively safe place to be. Spanish people are not very fond of drinking, they much more prefer smoking pot – and that makes people sleepy and friendly.


When walking on the famous pedestrian street La Rambla be sure to wear your backpacks in your front. Pickpockets work in teams – 1 person distracts you and another one opens your bag or goes through your pockets. They don’t hesitate to use scissors or a razor to cut their way in!


Technique used to steal your money in Barcelona:

A friendly local notices that your clothes are dirty and offers to provide you with a napkin so that you can clean yourself.

What really happens is that the local himself or his partner in crime has secretly spilled something on you to get your attention. After accepting the napkin and starting to clean yourself your mind is occupied and it becomes easy to go through your bag or your pockets.

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I'm not frightened of pickpockets, and I can only imagine that I'm not the only one. There are too many people in this world for me to be the only one ;) I'm also not frightened that I'll drop my wallet on the subway or leave my bag in a cab - though as it happens, I did drop my hotel key card on Las Ramblas and it was immediately returned to me.


If you're not threatened by pickpockets elsewhere around the world, I don't know why you'd think pickpockets would be more threatening in Barcelona.


Come on now, pickpockets are just NOT as prevalent elsewhere in the world as they are right now in Barcelona. Get real, they are not threatening in a bodily harmful way, they are just out in greater numbers. Unemployment is at 25% there, pick pocketing is a business there. They work in groups (Moms and adorable kids, business men in suits etc.) and are not Houdini's, but they have schemes that the unassuming can be "hit" with.....they are cunning, and you and I from the US cannot outsmart their trade. Be vigilant and aware, but do not believe for one moment that pickpocketing is NOT a BIG business in Barcelona because it truly is.


We just returned from Barcelona last week. Our tour guide, a native of Barcelona, warned and warned and re-warned us about the "hyenas" (as he called them) and how they work. Gave us many (too many) examples, and even stopped a few "hyenas" from plying their trade as we toured with him. They are masterful, and you won't even know you have been "hit" til it's too late.....just be aware and travel smart!

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Come on now, pickpockets are just NOT as prevalent elsewhere in the world as they are right now in Barcelona. Get real, they are not threatening in a bodily harmful way, they are just out in greater numbers./quote]


Yes, that's what I said.......not more threatening. I didn't say they weren't more prevalent. Those are two different things, at least in my mind.

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. I just get so frustrated when posters are trying to help travelers and the responses are defensive ("it can happen anywhere", "don't travel", etc.)


I think those are helpful statements to make, and I believe that there's nothing helpful in telling travelers that they should be frightened to visit a city or that they have to spend their visit being constantly worried about getting their pockets picked. There's nothing helpful in instilling fear or in revving up paranoia.

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is pickpocket theft really as bad a problem as I have been reading on cruise critic? I have travelled pretty extensively and have never had a problem, but what I've read here and elsewhere is making me start to dread the visit. What about elsewhere in the mediterranean? An aquaitance was pick pocketed in Rome 20 years ago, but he was careless



I hear you!! I too felt this exact same way before I left on my cruise/travels to Europe. I also travel extensively and have never had any issues BUT the postings on here made it seem like you literally have to HOLD onto your bags/camera for dear life. I bought things I REALLY did NOT need to buy. A new cross the chest, travel purse/bag that had the zippers/safely locks, slash proof handle etc. New camera bag - same thing.


My trip included 12 days Mediterranean cruise ( Rome, Barcelona, venice etc... apparently the worse cities for pickpocketing crimes ) and 2 weeks of land travel on our own using train, buses etc. I did not have ANY issues, problems and honestly could not believe how "normal" it was. The posting on here really make you "second guess" the safety of being out on the streets, I had visions of me clutching my bag tightly and fear of having my camera snatched out of my hands ( I have a huge expensive camera ).


Well, I just want to say, I had an AMAZING trip, and there was NO NEED to be fearful in anyway of getting robbed or pick pocketed. I ditched my small safety "travel bag" after the second day. TOO SMALL...and I stuck to using a bigger purse I had bought...that I wore across my chest. I put the zipper side towards my body. It was big enough to carry my camera, extra lens, water or umbrella and anything else. I wore it under my jacket at times when it was really crowded, and I always had my "big" camera around my neck. Heck I even carried my tripod with me in a bag around my shoulder. I was traveling with my mom and I wanted to set up the timer and take pics of the 2 of us...but thought it would be IMPOSSIBLE to do, for fear of someone would come by & grab the whole thing camera included. So, I hauled it with me, in hopes maybe I could use it in less crowded places.


In Venice, in the crowded St.Marks Square, and also on the boardwalk in front of Doge's Palace and waterfront of Venice...I set up the tripod and took many many pictures. I just used caution....waited for a break of people walking by, joined my mom a few secs before the camera was set to go off, and I HAD NO PROB. No signs of suspicious people....many people even waited by the side instead of walking right through the shot etc.


In Barcelona, I didnt really need to use the tripod on the streets, but again just used caution with the camera & bag. As soon as we were on Las Ramblas street I could pick up out suspicious characters LEFT & RIGHT. I think its all about being aware of your surroundings & being cautious! I could see a guy who nodded his head to someone across the street and the guy nodded back...and when I looked where they were looking 2 ladies walk by with big purses, big outside pockets, practically screaming "rob me". I looked the the guy and gave him the eyebrow like "I know what your up to" so dont even think about it ..and kept walking. My mom and I could see "groups" everywhere, it was just so obvious, guys standing on the sides, some of them "whistled" as signals to each other....making nods & eye contact towards people watching down the street. It was crowded street and I can see how anyone could get robbed easily. BUT again, use caution, be aware, dont carry your valuables - money credit passport on you. I carried some money & a credit card in under body pouch at all times.And note, in the Gothic area, narrow streets by the church etc...numerous times saw lady holding baby on her back in a pouch, pretending to "beg" etc....the baby was not real, when you looked closely form afar you could tell it was a DOLL.


anyways, I felt I should come back & share my experience. YES, I can see why Barcelona has many cases of pickpocketing....it was apparent just from observation. But thats just it....if you are walking around oblivious to the fact, and you look like a distracted tourist, and are NOT paying attention to your surroundings, you will be an easy target. Never did I ever feel unsafe, or a Target....and just wanted to share that there is ABSOLUTELY no need to over worry or have fear before you go on your vacation. I worried for nothing....use caution YES, but dont have fear.

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O... Spanish people are not very fond of drinking, they much more prefer smoking pot – and that makes people sleepy and friendly.


What a terrible gross generalization embedded in this quote. No blame Jackie, you just pasted it from somewhere else, but really, just an awful thing to say.


I intend to be as alert in Barcelona as I was in Rio.

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<snip> Spanish people are not very fond of drinking, they much more prefer smoking pot – and that makes people sleepy and friendly.



Can I ask where you got this information?


I live in Spain and this is not my experience.


People in Spain do drink but they tend to drink responsibly. You rarely see drunks. I have never been aware of anyone smoking pot. I am sure it probably happens amongst certain groups but I doubt it is any more than where you live in the USA - probably less :cool:


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Thanks so much for your thoughtful and informative reply. I too have signaled to pickpockets (in Rome #64 bus) that I knew what they were up to. I don't know if I deterred them though (he gave me the finger). Oh well, as we say in NYC "if you see something, say something"!!!


You have given me renewed confidence and I am now looking forward to my sightseeing pre cruise in Barcelona

thanks again

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This is the website that I copied from http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/119026-top-10-countries-have-your-wallet-stolen-pickpockets.html#ixzz1ysNcksXt


Note: I was fearful of Barcelona and am not unhappy that I was. It caused me to prepare myself prior to leaving the ship. Once I was walking around the town, there was little to fear because my valuables were safe and Barcelona is not a violent city.


Wendy: I felt safer in Barcelona than in Rio. I did not carry a handbag in Barcelona -- had a little money, etc. in a secured pocket. Although I haven't read that necklaces can be torn off of your neck as can be the case in Rio, I chose not to wear jewerly. We wandered around for hours and was not concerned for a moment. The people were nice -- Las Rambla has a lot of fun entertainment -- Boqueria Market is a must see. IMO, it would not be fair if travelers to Barcelona were not pre-warned about what "could" happen if you do not take precautions.

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We were in Barcelona most of 3 days pre-cruise, and also were concerned, and since we were also going to Rome & Naples, we decided to take precautions.

We did purchase euros before we left, since the rate was very good, I have a travel purse with 3 large compartments, one that zips and is then covered by a snap flap. My DH & I carried different credit & debit cards. I took an old velcro-closed wallet & made it my euro wallet with some money & my no foreign transaction fee charge card. Everything else was locked away in my American wallet at the hotel. Passport was in a special compartment in my travel purse-copy locked away with drivers license.

Get or use another credit card and carry just what you need. That way if something does happen, it will only cause minimal disruption.

Prepare & enjoy your trip

DH had a neck wallet & a camera case that strapped on his belt.

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My point was that I am not frightened of pickpockets elsewhere in the world. However, the messages on this board are making me feel as if I should just skip seeing Barcelona. Especially if I am sightseeing one day before a cruise and I need a credit card to board the cruise.

Can anyone compare the level of theft to Rome, Paris or Istanbul?



I was just in Barcelona for a few days on a land vacation. We wandered all over the city, using the subways. If you skip this city, you will be the loser. I'd wager that half of the warnings on CC come from people who've only read about the pickpockets and have never actually set foot in the place. What a dis-service they're doing! After reading some of the posts on this board, you'd wonder how the locals manage to go about their daily life. They should be robbed blind by the sound of some of you. It makes me quite angry because now you're considering not going at all. :mad: You would be missing a fabulous city. But you do what you've got to do, even if you may be wrong. Everyone has to work within their own comfort zone.


I've been to Istanbul too and felt quite safe there as well. I don't wear jewellery when I travel. That gets left behind at home. I don't flash cash, etc. I use common sense.

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I was just in Barcelona for a few days on a land vacation. We wandered all over the city, using the subways. If you skip this city, you will be the loser. I'd wager that half of the warnings on CC come from people who've only read about the pickpockets and have never actually set foot in the place. What a dis-service they're doing! After reading some of the posts on this board, you'd wonder how the locals manage to go about their daily life. They should be robbed blind by the sound of some of you. It makes me quite angry because now you're considering not going at all. :mad: You would be missing a fabulous city. But you do what you've got to do, even if you may be wrong. Everyone has to work within their own comfort zone.


I've been to Istanbul too and felt quite safe there as well. I don't wear jewellery when I travel. That gets left behind at home. I don't flash cash, etc. I use common sense.


Not sure why you felt it necessary to insult the posters on this board. Speaking for myself, we have been in Barcelona twice and have witnessed pickpockets in action. And, if you Google the ten top cities with pickpockets, you will find Barcelona on every one (usually in the top position).


In terms of locals, they are not targeted (duh).


In terms of Istanbul (also been there twice), it is not on the list of top cities with pickpockets. It is one of the safest cities that we have been in the world -- very little crime (perhaps because of the harsh penalties imposed on people who break the law).


No one is saying not to go to Barcelona -- the message here is how to prevent yourselves from being a target. As I suppose you know (assuming that you have been there), there are many distractions on Las Rambla -- from performers to beautiful blue roses for sale. IMO, you need to assume that you will not be paying attention 100% of the time....... so, you need keep your belongings safe. This isn't a big deal in terms of preparation..... but it is important.

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is pickpocket theft really as bad a problem as I have been reading on cruise critic? I have travelled pretty extensively and have never had a problem, but what I've read here and elsewhere is making me start to dread the visit. What about elsewhere in the mediterranean? An aquaitance was pick pocketed in Rome 20 years ago, but he was careless


We didn't encounter any problems here although we'd, also, heard all the pick-pocket horror stories.

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Not sure why you felt it necessary to insult the posters on this board. Speaking for myself, we have been in Barcelona twice and have witnessed pickpockets in action. And, if you Google the ten top cities with pickpockets, you will find Barcelona on every one (usually in the top position).


In terms of locals, they are not targeted (duh).


In terms of Istanbul (also been there twice), it is not on the list of top cities with pickpockets. It is one of the safest cities that we have been in the world -- very little crime (perhaps because of the harsh penalties imposed on people who break the law).


No one is saying not to go to Barcelona -- the message here is how to prevent yourselves from being a target. As I suppose you know (assuming that you have been there), there are many distractions on Las Rambla -- from performers to beautiful blue roses for sale. IMO, you need to assume that you will not be paying attention 100% of the time....... so, you need keep your belongings safe. This isn't a big deal in terms of preparation..... but it is important.


I did not mean to insult anyone nor do I see where I did. It is unfortunate you read it that way. Just look at the comments of fearful posters. I stand by my comments. They are accurate from my experiences.


BTW - if you want to trade barbs about insults, take a good look at your own post. Duh. :rolleyes:

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is pickpocket theft really as bad a problem as I have been reading on cruise critic? I have travelled pretty extensively and have never had a problem, but what I've read here and elsewhere is making me start to dread the visit. What about elsewhere in the mediterranean? An aquaitance was pick pocketed in Rome 20 years ago, but he was careless

We have been to Barcelona twice and love the city. However, the pickpocket problem is a real problem. The law doesn't punish the thieves in any significant manner. Barcelona, Athens and Rome are probably the worst cities in Europe, but I love those places and will continue to visit them.


Be prepared prior to your visit. Here are some tips.


1) Don't carry your wallet while in the city. Put your wallets in the hotel safe and only carry cash for the day and perhaps one credit card. I have a money belt that I wear and keep the credit card and some cash, keeping a small amount of cash in my front pocket. Women should buy a packsafe purse.

2) Don't carry your passport on your person. Photocopy the photo page in your passport and carry it with you in the moneybelt.

3) Pay attention to who is around you, especially on Las Ramblas or the old city area. Don't be paranoid, but aware.

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What a dis-service they're doing!


Nobody is saying to not travel to Barcelona, although many consider Barcelona the pickpocket capital of the world. They are only trying to educate visitors so they can be informed, aware and enjoy their stay. I don't see that as a disservice.


Here are some excellent links regarding safety and street scams in Barcelona.






Again, don't present yourself as a target and you should be fine.

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We've been fortunate to visit Barcelona four times, and each visit was enjoyable and thank goodness, uneventful. However, we know of two couples, all seasoned travellers, who due to a careless moment, had their cash and in one case, the entire purse lifted (one on the Metro, the other on a bench at the train station).

Lesson here is don't reach for some cash while on the Metro and don't rest your purse next to you on the bench, even for a few seconds, as they will disappear.

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Keep your bags on your lap when eating. I felt like an old grandma doing this, but I looked around the cafes and all the Spanish women were doing the same. I had a friend whose purse was stolen off the back of her chair while she was in Europe.


Good tip! That can happen almost anywhere.

FYI: PacSafe bags have a clip and locking mechanism on the strap so that you can secure your bag's strap to the chair if you don't want to hold it the whole time.

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