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Do you dress to Impress?


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I think you all have it wrong. Aren't you supposed to great him at the door with a martini, wearing high heels and Saran Wrap?



You're right! *smacks head* But should I wear pearls with that?


(I'd have been a miserable failure back in those days.....;))

Edited by cruisemom42
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I just sat here and read this entire thread... wow! When I think of "dress to impress" I don't assume it means dressing a certain way to show off to a random group of men or others. I DO dress to impress (produce an impression, that is) for myself and my husband and if others like the way I am dressed that is just a bonus. The impression that I hope to give is one of a person who is fun, quirky, classy and respects herself and others. I do not have to be in haute couture to do so and I rarely don heels other than wedges. My wardrobe is all over the board - from Goodwill, to Kate Spade, to Target to no-name brands.


The way you "impress" is all relative to your taste and preferences - climate, occasion and circumstance also play a part. Do I think women should be on the beach in full makeup and luxury wear - if that what makes you happy, go for it. If you prefer a more laid back approach (as I do on the beach) why would anyone fault you for doing what you like? There is no right or wrong answer to fashion (minus Crocs and Uggs which is obviously wrong ;)) - but just the basic guidelines to be clean, well-groomed and appropriate.


I do not think women should have to be in formal gowns and heels if they are not comfortable in that. On the flip side, I do think it's not unreasonable by any means to look put together and well groomed. It does not take limitless funds or time to have a chic, but relaxed look that is universally tasteful.

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So in your past, you went out socially and was attracted to the ugliest guy in the room, or the one worst dressed - because you knew he had something special to say....? Really?


In reality, it's not that she (or I) went out with the "ugliest" guy in the room if he had other wonderful qualities, but that perhaps neither she nor I noticed if he was the "ugliest" guy in the room or not. Not everyone ranks a group of people on a scale of who's hottest, best looking, or best dressed.

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OK, the Crocs have taken a beating so let me save them! "Putting Popcorn down!" I wear crocs not for the look, heck no, but as a recommendation from my Podiatrist. Let me tell you, my pain went away. My Plantar Faciitis went away!!! Who would have thought those ugly things would take away the pain? I only wear them around the house and I will probably wear them in my room on the ship. Please leave the Crocs alone, can't they have a place too:rolleyes:. Where is the tissue!!!

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Stratus22, I hear ya' about the Crocs. They're not for me but to each his own and especially when they offer relief for some condition.:)


Now here's my confession, get out the smelling salts......I wear Uggs, yep UGGS. They are the only thing that keep my feet warm in the winter and comng from Buffalo, I'm sure you know all about cold weather. :D These are the ones I wear.




People have posted pictures of shoes they like or are going to wear. I might think are the ugliest thing I've ever seen and wouldn't be caught dead in but I don't post a rant about them.

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What will get you hired in one place of business, would disqualify you in another. It depends on the type of business and the culture. The IT culture is apparently very casual. That would not be appropirate for Wall Street, most large corporate or law Offices.


My husband is in I/T and wears a suit and tie to work quite a bit. They relax to business casual in the summer, but that doesn't mean jeans and polos, it means chinos and a button down shirt with a sports coat if they have a meeting with a customer.


If one were applying for a job to work as a laborer for the road dept., of course one would not apply wearing a three piece suit and necktie. But one would expect, he/she would appear in a nice shirt and and clean pants or jeans.

That said, considering the state of the job market, people are starting to dress more formally because they feel like they need to "dress to impress".


There's a happy medium.


PS I always wear lipstick, but can't understand why anyone wears lip gloss. It is sticky and comes off on eveything!


Try Smashbox's gloss. It's not sticky and stays put. It's more like a super moisturizing lipstick.

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So in your past, you went out socially and was attracted to the ugliest guy in the room, or the one worst dressed - because you knew he had something special to say....? Really?


My husband wasn't the best looking (or dressed) guy in the room, but he wore clean clothing that was appropriate for the occasion, had a great hairstyle that was becoming on him, and he obviously took some pride in his appearance.


I wouldn't care if a guy was the funniest, smartest, richest guy in the world, if he dressed like a homeless guy and didn't spend at least a little time (and money) on his appearance, I wouldn't date him.

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  • 2 years later...

I'm a SAHM with a 12hr/week job in a professional environment . My husband wears a tie everyday. However whenever we vacation, we love to look out best ! Even casual afternoons by the pool I think about my coverup and make sure I have a mani/pedi.


Casual days while on port I love ,love a pretty maxi dress or a glory top with denim shorts and sandals.


Formal nights we go all out ! I have a long evening gown and my husband bought a new suit . We love looking our best even if is for each other. I am in my mid 20s and my husband late 20s. We have found that while comfort is important, dressing well at our age allows for respect and better treatment. Our server on our last cruise told us that he loved how well we dressed in "his" dining room .


Of course , this may not be the case for you , but I love love dressing up :)

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It's early and I was just sitting here reading through this thread. Getting ready to go on a cruise this weekend so I have been picking gowns to pack and getting all of Drew's Tuxedo shirts ready, etc.


We do love dressing up for many occasions. Yes we are older, and Drew would not think of Sunday morning Church without a coat and tie, but even most of the older men now just wear shirt and no tie. (Florida). I love seeing him dressed up and I am proud to be seen with him.. One of the ladies leaving Church this past week, said to me "A woman that still wears heels, I love it".


It makes me feel good, when someone tell me how nice I look, and I really appreciate it, because I really try to look my best. But Drew and I dress to impress each other. That is very important to me, and I can't tell you how I feel when we are sitting in Church, or at a restaurant and he leans over and whispers that "You are the prettiest one here". Well I know that isn't always true as there are many lovely young ladies around, but if He thinks so, then that is what matter to me. And that ladies is another reason that I love him so much. :)

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I haven't read this entire thread...


That said...


I just saw a commercial this morning for Cadillac with Mathew McConaughey. He is primping...and generally going through a routine to look his best. It totally reminded me in concept of the opening credits of the movie, The Devil Wears Prada...all the other ladies primping, not Anne Hathaway.


The thing that struck me was how satisfied McConaughey looks as he looks at himself in the mirror...not just proud, but seriously satisfied.


I think that's the key. However you dress. When you look in the mirror...or randomly catch a glimpse of your reflection in a window, etc., you should feel satisfied, whether you have gone through an elaborate primping ritual or not. Whether you are dressed to the nines or not.


I must admit that I much prefer people watching when the people I watch have fun and interesting outfits...dressy or casual...when they have obviously put any sort of thought into their attire. It's the best inspiration.

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I haven't read this entire thread...


That said...


I just saw a commercial this morning for Cadillac with Mathew McConaughey. He is primping...and generally going through a routine to look his best. It totally reminded me in concept of the opening credits of the movie, The Devil Wears Prada...all the other ladies primping, not Anne Hathaway.


The thing that struck me was how satisfied McConaughey looks as he looks at himself in the mirror...not just proud, but seriously satisfied.


I think that's the key. However you dress. When you look in the mirror...or randomly catch a glimpse of your reflection in a window, etc., you should feel satisfied, whether you have gone through an elaborate primping ritual or not. Whether you are dressed to the nines or not.


I must admit that I much prefer people watching when the people I watch have fun and interesting outfits...dressy or casual...when they have obviously put any sort of thought into their attire. It's the best inspiration.


Remember - that is a commercial… I saw Mr. McConaughey a couple of years ago at my old hotel. He definitely did NOT dress like that when he was going out. And, he was verrrrry scruffy - looked like he was still playing Ron Woodroof. Also, Jake Gyllenhaall - Jeans, down jacket, baseball hat INDOORS. But, he was still a fine specimen to look at :D New idea: if someone complains about how you look, tell them you are doing it for your role in an upcoming movie ;)


I LOVE how this thread revived itself. Only a few of us left from it...

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I haven't read all the postings, but the ones I have, I agree with you all.


I, like MrsWallace like to dress nice. I do understand where she comes from with her husband wearing a tie/suit. You don't see to much of that anymore, but I work for a very large corporate office, and am the receptionist there. I see people dress in different ways, but most of them dress pretty nice when coming in for a visit. i do like to dress to the "9's" myself, especially when cruising, as I don't get to do that very often at home.


This is just a "thought", but I have always remember this. When I was a young teenage girl, I was walking down the isle of the church. One of the ladies called my attention and said, "Brenda, you are such a beautiful girl, but if you would HOLD your head up high, and walk like you "think" your a model, oh what a difference people would perceive you. From then on, no matter where I go, or what I wear, I always try to carry my body with my head held high. Not that I'm trying to be someone special, but within myself, when I carry my body/carriage this way, I feel more positive about myself.:)

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Good grief, seems this thread will never die...!


I went back and skimmed the previous conversation. Interestingly, the woman I mentioned who was head of my organization has had a major job promotion since then -- she is now a senior veep at PepsiCo. I guess her fashion sense mattered less to them than her stellar track record of innovation and accomplishments. ;)

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My husband and I work opposite schedules to better care for our disabled adult daughter. When we get the rare opportunity to go away, just the two of us. I dress to impress HIM. I couldn't care less if anyone else notices me, I just want Bob to not be able to take his eyes OFF me :) And he looks awesome in a suit, which he rarely has reason to wear. Even though we cruised NCL, which is known for being casual, I dressed up each evening and felt beautiful because for those few hours, I was able to see myself through my husband's eyes, and not my own critical ones. We even bought the pictures :)

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Slhopper, your a "thinking" woman, and that is a good thing.:)


You mentioned NCL being casual. Yes I found that to be true, and that is why (actually more than one reason) we will never cruise on their ships again. Wellll maybe if it was given to me FREE, but that would be the ONLY way.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Simplelife, that is true, but for me, I am NOT uncomfortable when dressing to the 9's, but then that is just ME.:)


When I'm home, I let it ALL hang out. So it depends upon where I am, and what I'm doing.:)

Yes, that is exactly my point. You are not uncomfortable so you look great. If you were uncomfortable, it would detract from your appearance. I think it is possible to dress up AND be comfortable; it's a matter of knowing your body and preferences and selecting styles which suit it. Choosing well-fitting clothes and shoes and wearing accessories you love is key.

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I think sometimes, with age, both men and women do give up on appearance which is sad. We all age but can do so gracefully and still try to look like we care about ourselves. I no longer wear heels or short skirts but try to look nice, even if not trendy, and have honed my own style over the years to include things that many people wouldn't choose. They work for me. (LuckyCruzer - would love to see your items! Please send link or info to Suitcasefull at hotmail.com) Even the young with not a huge income can be neat, clean and pulled-together without spending a ton of money. An extra comment: Have never understood folks who go out looking like they have never owned a comb. If nothing else, their scalp has to hurt from those knots!


I agree I with this wholeheartedly. I see as much sloppy clothing and grooming among younger people as I do among older. One can be trendy and still be tacky, but classic elegance never goes out of style, no matter what one's age. The key to looking great as one ages is to be current, but not trendy (avoid extremes).

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I think it is possible to dress up AND be comfortable; it's a matter of knowing your body and preferences and selecting styles which suit it. Choosing well-fitting clothes and shoes and wearing accessories you love is key.


Knowing my body and preferences doesn't help if what would fit and be flattering (and I like) isn't available in the marketplace. Well-fitting , comfortable clothes that I like is a near impossibility for me without extensive and expensive alterations. Be happy you have a "fashionable" body shape that's available on the rack.

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Knowing my body and preferences doesn't help if what would fit and be flattering (and I like) isn't available in the marketplace. Well-fitting , comfortable clothes that I like is a near impossibility for me without extensive and expensive alterations. Be happy you have a "fashionable" body shape that's available on the rack.



I did not mean to sound snarky or minimize the difficulty of finding well-fitting clothes (I am very short but curvy - not a fashionable shape at all -most petite clothing seems to be geared to those under 30 or over 80 or who have a boy's shape). And shoes seem to be extreme either flat or spiked heels). . So I don't buy much. I tend to wear very basic pieces and accessorize like crazy.

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I love this thread!!! I work from home and I find myself always wanting to just wear my yoga pants and tshirt. but when I go out to deliver orders to customers, I always make sure I am dressed neatly and presentable. When we go on vacations, I always bring dresses or capris and dressy tops, I love to dress up & accessorize!!! Some days when I am at home and know I don't have to go anywhere, I sometimes don't even put on makeup but then I find I don't feel as good about myself or feel like I'm in a funk that day. It's amazing what a little bit of mascara and lip gloss or cute necklace will do for your self esteem.

I also feel, that no matter where, when, or with whom, a woman's best accessory is her smile and a little bit of inner peace/confidence too!!! I recently when on a leadership cruise in January. We ended up having to check our carry on, then had to change planes and did not have my makeup bag for the next morning. What did I do? I took a selfie of my non makeup look and posted it on my facebook and called my status "this is my I left my make up bag in my carry on and don't have it" look. lol!! I had many comments, that even though I had no make up on, I was still pretty because I was smiling:) Anyway, enough rambling, lol!!! In a nutshell, I wear what I am comfortable in on the cruises and I usually end up wearing the same outfits/dresses each cruise, because they are my favourites and I know I feel good/look good in them and I'm just happy to be travelling with my hubby and my kiddos, making memories to last a lifetime<3

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I just want to throw in my "2 cents worth." :)


Yes everyone doesn't have a perfect body, etc., but most people try to dress to bring out the best in what area they look best in.


Yes, I know it can be expensive to buy clothes for special occassions like the formal dinners, etc., but I really don't have that problem. Why??? Because I go to so many "thrift stores," and find beautiful clothes that cost me little or nothing, and I can put my "money" some place else. I always get nice compliments on the formal, etc. clothes that I wear, and it does not cost me a lot of money. This is just MY suggestion, unless you live in a small town and don't have many thrift (Salvation Army, DAV, Goodwill, etc.) stores like I do here in KC.:)

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