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The very loud hip hop krap music on the lido!:eek:

Bring back the live Caribbean bands!!:D


I agree! Just got off a cruise today. The LOUD dj/recorded music on the Lido deck was a bit much....because of the time of year, the age demographic was probably a bit older than the usual summer crowd and I heard a few complaints about the music. It definitely took away some of the enjoyment of lolling around the pool.

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the only thing that annoyed me on my first cruise was getting on the glass atrium elevators and having the people already on it, crowded around the door. Please make some space for others to get on. Move to the back and enjoy the ride!


You may not wish to be so quick to judge where this is concerned. On a normal elevator I would completely agree with you that there is no reason to do that.


However, there are many people like myself who are very scared of heights and glass elevators are not something we get on and "enjoy the ride". Lucky for me, DH is with me most times and since he is taller can stand between me and the glass so I don't have to see out.

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You may not wish to be so quick to judge where this is concerned. On a normal elevator I would completely agree with you that there is no reason to do that.


However, there are many people like myself who are very scared of heights and glass elevators are not something we get on and "enjoy the ride". Lucky for me, DH is with me most times and since he is taller can stand between me and the glass so I don't have to see out.


My husband is the same and hates glass elevators... easy solution? Turn away from the glass and face the elevator door! That way he doesn't have to view 'down'.


By crowding the entrance it makes it impossible for people to get out/in! Couple that with people rushing to push onto the elevator while you're trying to get out and it makes it very frustrating!

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My husband is the same and hates glass elevators... easy solution? Turn away from the glass and face the elevator door! That way he doesn't have to view 'down'.


By crowding the entrance it makes it impossible for people to get out/in! Couple that with people rushing to push onto the elevator while you're trying to get out and it makes it very frustrating!


Call me blunt but when I'm trying to get on or off an elevator and people are doing this I will loudly say EXCUSE ME! They usually get the hint. :)

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My husband is the same and hates glass elevators... easy solution? Turn away from the glass and face the elevator door! That way he doesn't have to view 'down'.


By crowding the entrance it makes it impossible for people to get out/in! Couple that with people rushing to push onto the elevator while you're trying to get out and it makes it very frustrating!


Oh I'm certainly not advocating for those crowding the door. And as I said I normal have my tall savior with me.


And I'm not sure what the elevator was like that poster was speaking about, but while researching the Glory, my heart is in my stomach looking at their elevator that appears to have this tiny little space that isn't glass :eek:. Not thinking I will be too thrilled with that part of the cruise ship ;).


I was just stating that those people may have been scared to death and wanted to be as close to what appeared like a solid surface as possible.

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Oh I'm certainly not advocating for those crowding the door. And as I said I normal have my tall savior with me.


And I'm not sure what the elevator was like that poster was speaking about, but while researching the Glory, my heart is in my stomach looking at their elevator that appears to have this tiny little space that isn't glass :eek:. Not thinking I will be too thrilled with that part of the cruise ship ;).


I was just stating that those people may have been scared to death and wanted to be as close to what appeared like a solid surface as possible.


Sorry, if I'm stating the obvious, but you do know there are elevators that aren't glass ;).


I'm somewhat claustrophobic so I prefer the glass elevators, but my DH shares your fear of heights. We alternate and I stand between him and the glass. Nothing for me in the regular elevators but to suck it up and hope it doesn't stop too often. I also try not getting pushed to the back.

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Sorry, if I'm stating the obvious, but you do know there are elevators that aren't glass ;).


I'm somewhat claustrophobic so I prefer the glass elevators, but my DH shares your fear of heights. We alternate and I stand between him and the glass. Nothing for me in the regular elevators but to suck it up and hope it doesn't stop too often. I also try not getting pushed to the back.


Actually I'm both, I'm claustrophbic as well, but I have been able to conquer being in a normal elevator over the years.


An no it isn't stating the obvious. This is my first time on Carnival, so I didn't realize the others weren't glass. Thank you for this information.

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I hadn't considered someone may be scared to go to the back because of the heights. But considering I was afraid of falling in the Gulf of Mexico from the railing of the ship, I can appreciate fears. Still, make room for people getting on & off elevators.

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REALLY??!!??!! Hip Hop, on the Lido?? It's been almost 2 years since we cruised last. Save it for the dance club!! As much as we chuckled at the calypso/raggae music with the same two guys day in and day out it would be a WELCOME reprieve from that. My "wife" laughs at me but i leave retail establishments because i cant take this offense to the ears. Give me buffet, marley, heck, even kenny chesney before this garbage!!!

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endless waiters on the Lido deck asking if you want a drink (one after the other) especially when you have a drink in hand .. really .. I'm not done with the one I have .. : )



When I am first entering the ship- with pulling a large suitcase behind me and numerous carry on-- my hands are quite full.

I have not even made it 3 feet on the ship with someone hawking their drinks-- Last cruise I said-- Are you kidding me-- where would you like me to carry a drink.


I do not think the bar waiters should be at the area when people are first boarding

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I hadn't considered someone may be scared to go to the back because of the heights. But considering I was afraid of falling in the Gulf of Mexico from the railing of the ship, I can appreciate fears. Still, make room for people getting on & off elevators.


Well this is probably not always the case, some times people are just not too bright :D


Here is another scenerio to consider, some people are new to elevators.


I'll give an example. I have an elderly aunt. She comes from a very small town (doesn't get out much), has had very limited exposure to elevators. And hasn't travelled hardly at all in her younger years. So her knowledge of elevator etiquette is nil. Any elevators in the surrounding towns, very seldom had anyone getting on or off at the same time as anyone else.


About 10 years ago we introduced her to travelling (with us) and taking her to the city for special doctors appointments (elevators in hospitals). I noticed, she would stand directly in front of the opening for the door (I mean directly) and as soon as the elevator opened she nearly ran on and/or off. After a couple of times of kindly trying to tell her that was not how it was done, we had a conversation over coffee.


It seemed she was scared to death that the doors would close on her, while getting on and off, so she would race so she wouldn't be caught between. Now I have had a malfunctioning elevator door close on me and it hurts so I couldn't tell her that would never happen but told her it was highly unlikely. She has gotten better but most times when she rushes on after following my advice to let the people off first, I will get on after and stand between her and the door to give the door some space. I still don't think I have completely convinced her and have no idea what she does if she goes on one without me around.


So some people are just elevator "ignorant" (not in the rude sense of that word) and have just either never been taught or told what elevator etiquitte is or are afraid of other things like closing of doors.


What I'm trying to say after reading this thread is that sometimes people just don't know what to do in a situation and aren't trying to be rude but just are uneducated. Sometimes patience can be a splended thing.

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Well this is probably not always the case, some times people are just not too bright :D


Here is another scenerio to consider, some people are new to elevators.


I'll give an example. I have an elderly aunt. She comes from a very small town (doesn't get out much), has had very limited exposure to elevators. And hasn't travelled hardly at all in her younger years. So her knowledge of elevator etiquette is nil. Any elevators in the surrounding towns, very seldom had anyone getting on or off at the same time as anyone else.


About 10 years ago we introduced her to travelling (with us) and taking her to the city for special doctors appointments (elevators in hospitals). I noticed, she would stand directly in front of the opening for the door (I mean directly) and as soon as the elevator opened she nearly ran on and/or off. After a couple of times of kindly trying to tell her that was not how it was done, we had a conversation over coffee.


It seemed she was scared to death that the doors would close on her, while getting on and off, so she would race so she wouldn't be caught between. Now I have had a malfunctioning elevator door close on me and it hurts so I couldn't tell her that would never happen but told her it was highly unlikely. She has gotten better but most times when she rushes on after following my advice to let the people off first, I will get on after and stand between her and the door to give the door some space. I still don't think I have completely convinced her and have no idea what she does if she goes on one without me around.


So some people are just elevator "ignorant" (not in the rude sense of that word) and have just either never been taught or told what elevator etiquitte is or are afraid of other things like closing of doors.


What I'm trying to say after reading this thread is that sometimes people just don't know what to do in a situation and aren't trying to be rude but just are uneducated. Sometimes patience can be a splended thing.


This is true, but sadly, some people are just plain rude.



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This is true, but sadly, some people are just plain rude.




As my first statement made was "some people are just not too bright";)


But really how do you tell the difference if it is not blatantly obvious.


If I'm standing in a glass elevator (assuming it to be my first time, and the only elevator in that establishment). Don't know elevator etiquette and crowd the door because it's the only place that has a solid looking wall :eek:. Unless I look terrified or vocalize I'm scared (you know what). How would anyone know.


I always prefer to take a breath and give that person the benefit of the doubt that they just didn't know and are not trying to annoy me.


Another example. I have always been taught to stand in line (not butt in), to start at the door and work my way around a buffet line. Now if you read this thread some feel that is the right way some the wrong. Some feel even with an "excuse me" it is rude to butt in for a quick grab, some feel it is stupid to stand in a long line up for one item. Really and truely who is right and who is wrong or is it just education and teaching.


Realizing that not everyone is educated in the same way to what is rude and what is proper should be considered. Again take a breath and give the person the benefit of the doubt. Life is way to short to have something like these 2 things annoying a person IMO.

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Door slammers-both balcony and cabin, it was the first thing I explained to my kids when they went on their first cruise. On our last cruise the people next to us must have let their balcony door slam about 20 times during the one hour we decided to sit out and read on our balcony. Also people who feel the need to peek around the divider, DH and I were reading on day and some teenager put his whole head around and said "oh hi" to us like he was passing us in a hallway.


Saving seats- People who save not just single seats but entire rows in the show lounge. On our last cruise this huge group took both rows in the front of the stage, they had family members and belongings scattered throughout both rows. One poor elderly couple tried to sit and they damn near attacked them so they left, another couple was more daring and said no seat saving and sat down but they family sneered and commented about them until the show started.


Dripping bathing suits and bare body parts in the buffet areas- Standing next to someone in the indoor food area who is barefoot and dripping wet, it takes two minutes to dry off and throw on a cover up and flip-flops, I remember being behind an older gentleman who was barefoot in his wet swimsuit, no shirt on with his large belly resting on his tray. I also hate sitting down on one of the fabric seats to find it completely wet from the last guest.


Serenity Deck- Actually finding a seat on the Serenity Deck only to be directly next to someone who has no clue what the word serenity means, last year we ended up next a group of people who were so loud and annoying that DD and I left because they were so distracting that we read the same chapter in our books numerous times.


I think if people could get past the " I paid for my cruise, I can do as I please" mentality the whole experience would be much nicer.

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Saving seats- People who save not just single seats but entire rows in the show lounge.

On our last cruise this huge group took both rows in the front of the stage,

they had family members and belongings scattered throughout both rows.

One poor elderly couple tried to sit and they damn near attacked them so they left,

another couple was more daring and said no seat saving and sat down

but they family sneered and commented about them until the show started.

On my last Carnival cruise

the CD made a point of announcing that there is no such thing as seat saving in the show lounge!


There's only one way to save a seat, and that is by plunking a physical body down in that seat!


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Doug, I see nothing wrong with that, but we just wait for the other person, ... then we go in together. You're only losing a few mintues, and could save yourself some nasty comments.





Never had any nasty comments, if someone asks if I'm holding the seat for someone, I just tell them my wife has stopped at the restroom and they always say ok.. as I would do if someone is holding one seat for their spouse etc.



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The only problem I have with this is when we enter the showroom either myself or my wife wants to stop at the restroom, the other goes in and gets 2 seats. Is that considered "saving seats" I don't think so. If someone wants to save several seats, that's a different story.




I don't see this as any different than your wife excusing herself to go to the bathroom after you've selected your seats- surely no one would expect to be able to take THAT seat!


Like you said, when they want to reserve half a row just because not everyone from their party can be bothered to show up for the show, that's wrong!

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Like others said I ABSOLUTELY HATE when other passengers are rude to crew members. Yes they paid for their cruise but that still doesn't mean you don't treat them with basic human kindness and dignity. Some people have no idea what these crew members have to do and the stress everyday they are under. I feel sorry for them and the things they have to deal with, that's why I am as nice as possible to them and tip them generously.

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Really? People have a lot of hang ups. Go with the flow, except for rudeness to crew, I would be the first to say "Shut the H*ll up! I have to answer phones and talk to people (screen) for a living, trust me, there are a lot of dumb a** poople out their!

You want to just scream at some of them!

Ex. I am in line at Walmart, food shopping, the cashier goes to scan an eggplant, she innocently looks at it and says "What is this, an elephant", ??????? Although the lady behind me can barely contain her laughter, I try, oh God I try, not to embarass this young lady, "Um...it's an eggplant honey", "Oh, thank you she says", I think some are just not quite as educated as others, truly, patience and kindness are required..........

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