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Fire on Carnival Triumph. No engines, running on emergency generators.


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It will be very interesting to see all of the thousands of pictures being taken aboard that ship this week. Carnival is pretty stupid if they are lying about the conditions when every person on that ship probably has a camera.


Agreed, and agreed.

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I would be completely miserable if I were on the Triumph, however be thankful to be alive and back on land (they are back right?). Also, I'd rather have my cruise cancelled and the ship fixed than to have it sail again without the full problem fixed, and risk having the same problem happen again. Maybe even a dry dock would be good. Complete makeover!

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Ever been delayed on an overseas flight....inconvenienced only to the point of wanting to shower and sleep? Believe me, you aren't going to pick a Ritz Carlton hours away over the nearest shower and bed. These people have been through days of much worse.


None of us are in a position to discern "dramatic angst." Nor whether it is "self seving" or comes from feeling "entitled." Whyis anyone sitting comfortably at home "entitled" to judge these people? When you have endured a similar experience,then feel free to be sarcastic and belittling.


This is like swanning thrrough a hospital and criticizing how people deal with stress and discomfort! Talk about a sense of entitlement! Presuming to judge a y of these peopleis an obscene display of self apponted "superiority" that really comes across as appalling.


Again, well said. If this whole fiasco isn't enough to make one leery of sailing on Carnival, the unpleasant possibility of being on a ship with some of these cheerleaders is definitely enough to make one think twice before booking Carnival.

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From a local news station in Mobile -Channel 10- (I'm sitting here shaking my head in wonder):confused::(

Quoting .....

According to a Carnival press release, the passengers will either be bused to Galveston or taken from the cruise terminal to hotels in New Orleans nearly three hours away. From there, they will be put on charter flights…………….According to Mobile Mayor Sam Jones, there are 7,000 hotel rooms near the terminal, to be exact. "I think that the people in this community, the hospitality industry, would be perfectly capable of assisting them if they asked for that assistance. We’d be perfectly capable of assisting them both with hotels and airports,” said Jones.


Yes. That was so apparent to many of us yesterday, before this statement was even made, by doing a simple google search of area hotels, and from the accounts of some posters who have actually travelled to the area on business, but for some reason there are those who insist this isn't the case -- but rather that Mobile is desolate, akin to being ported in the jungles of Belize.:rolleyes:

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How close do they have to be before anyone picks up a cell fone signal? (assuming anyone has battery life left)


Maximum range is something like 20 miles for GSM towers. Over the ocean with no obstructions that should be pretty close to reality.


It has been reported (though who knows at this point what's true) that some outlets are available for charging phones.

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I would be completely miserable if I were on the Triumph, however be thankful to be alive and back on land (they are back right?). Also, I'd rather have my cruise cancelled and the ship fixed than to have it sail again without the full problem fixed, and risk having the same problem happen again. Maybe even a dry dock would be good. Complete makeover!


No, they are still out on the ship.


You also have to trust that CCL is going to actually fix the problem instead of just band aiding it to get the ship back out there.

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I would be completely miserable if I were on the Triumph, however be thankful to be alive and back on land (they are back right?). Also, I'd rather have my cruise cancelled and the ship fixed than to have it sail again without the full problem fixed, and risk having the same problem happen again. Maybe even a dry dock would be good. Complete makeover!


They are not back yet - and, quite possibly, will not be back until at least 7PM local time this evening per the latest information.

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Maximum range is something like 20 miles for GSM towers. Over the ocean with no obstructions that should be pretty close to reality.


It has been reported (though who knows at this point what's true) that some outlets are available for charging phones.


ty. They're currently 60 miles out?

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Yet that's exactly what this board is about. To talk about things. So some are speculating? So what? Some forget this board is for entertainment, and we are not actually cruising while visiting here.


Like I said...........Carry on.


I have not a horse in this race. I dont even cruise Carnival. Not saying that I wouldnt, Im just saying that I havent in quiet a while.


I just came here to see if there were any new reports and have to weed through 4000 posts of bickering back and forth. Ive seen a lot less deleted on these forums than whats going on in this one.


NO ONE here knows the conditions on board and if you all are taking what you hear from a very biased media and one or two text messages from a scared passenger, then thats laughable at best.


Cruising has risks and Ship happens on EVERY line. If people cant take those risks, they need to quit cruising. These poor people are majorly inconvenienced but they are NOT in jeopardy of losing a life as some in this thread would have one to believe,


I will trudge back on over to the RCI forum now.


Good day.

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If they can't get it into port before nightfall, it will be delayed another day. I can't remember if it was an official from the port or the USCG, but one of them made it clear that it would be too dangerous to bring her in after dark.


I agree with whoever said that was probably the reason for the third tug. "More power, Scotty!"


PS--The same front came over my area. The temperature dropped over 20 degrees since this time yesterday, and it's been raining on and off-sometimes heavily with some decent wind gusts. :(


This begs the question. If 3 tugs are faster than 2, with reports that a 4th is on the way, why did they not have the 3 or 4 tugs from the get go? Every hour saved for these folks living in squalor (as reported by the only witness to get off the ship thus far) would be worth the cost of an extra tug.

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Having stayed in Mobile COUNTLESS times over the last 20 years I can assure you there are a NUMBER of nice hotels in the Mobile area. In FACT TA list 20 different hotels 4 star or greater.


How much different does an "infrastructure" need to be to handle a ship with 2600 pax(Elation) vs one with 3400 pax(Triumph)?




Trip Advisor "stars" aren't reliable as they are based on experience and nothing more. So someone happy in a Motel 6 could give it five stars, when we know the reality is that there is no Motel 6 that would get five stars. You need to look at AAA diamonds or Mobil/Michelin stars to assess the type of hotel it is. There might be a handful of four star hotels in Mobile, there are none that are five stars in the entire state.

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ty. They're currently 60 miles out?


That's what was reported.


Keep in mind, though, that many oil rigs have cell towers on them, so it's possible they could be in contact much sooner. there were interviews on the morning shows this morning, but I'm not sure if they were live or recorded from Monday or Tuesday when the last reports were received.

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Like I said...........Carry on.


I have not a horse in this race. I dont even cruise Carnival. Not saying that I wouldnt, Im just saying that I havent in quiet a while.


I just came here to see if there were any new reports and have to weed through 4000 posts of bickering back and forth. Ive seen a lot less deleted on these forums than whats going on in this one.


NO ONE here knows the conditions on board and if you all are taking what you hear from a very biased media and one or two text messages from a scared passenger, then thats laughable at best.


Cruising has risks and Ship happens on EVERY line. If people cant take those risks, they need to quit cruising. These poor people are majorly inconvenienced but they are NOT in jeopardy of losing a life as some in this thread would have one to believe,


I will trudge back on over to the RCI forum now.


Good day.


There is now confirmation of the squalor on board by the only witness to get off the boat so far... the woman evacuated due to medical issues.

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This begs the question. If 3 tugs are faster than 2, with reports that a 4th is on the way, why did they not have the 3 or 4 tugs from the get go? Every hour saved for these folks living in squalor (as reported by the only witness to get off the ship thus far) would be worth the cost of an extra tug.


Those are good questions. It's true that sea tugs capable of pulling this ship are few and far between, but if these were available why weren't they dispatched immediately like the first two? Another stupid PR blunder for CCL?

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Depends on where the tugs are and what other commitments they have. There might not have been 4 tugs provisioned and in range day one, but as the ship gets closer, shorter range tugs can be deployed.


This begs the question. If 3 tugs are faster than 2, with reports that a 4th is on the way, why did they not have the 3 or 4 tugs from the get go? Every hour saved for these folks living in squalor (as reported by the only witness to get off the ship thus far) would be worth the cost of an extra tug.
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Fox news will interview the mothers on the pier at 10:30 AM.

Screw the bus to where ever, I'm with the Moms, I would be there to put my loved ones in my car and drive to the nearest decent motel, hotel or whatever for a shower and a good meal. Just saying...:cool:

BTW, most cruise ships are designed to heel 45 degrees without capsizing and that's straight from the Captain of one. And here's a heel meter you can see the degrees on...no way they'd be towing a ship on that much of a heel, she wouldn't move and would be flooding! As was said before...



For some reason, the picture I was posting didn't come up, sorry

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This begs the question. If 3 tugs are faster than 2, with reports that a 4th is on the way, why did they not have the 3 or 4 tugs from the get go? Every hour saved for these folks living in squalor (as reported by the only witness to get off the ship thus far) would be worth the cost of an extra tug.


The additional tugs are for better control of the ship, not towing speed. When the ship gets into shallower water and has to be navigated through a narrow channel, the addtional tugs wll be used on the sides to keep the ship in the center of the channel.

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This thread has gotten beyond ridiculous. Almost 4000 posts already. I am REALLY surprised with as much censorship that goes on by the Admin on these boards that this pissing match between the Carnival haters and so called "cheerleaders" (what an overused and tired term :rolleyes: )has been allowed to go on as long as it has.


There are no facts being reported anymore. Just mudslinging is all.


I remember the Splendor thread being the same way. A bunch of people hacking it back and forth at each other that werent on board the ship in the first place. Then, once the ship got to port, people started posting that ACTUALLY WERE on the ship and things werent near as bad as were reported by the media and folks here that had no clue :rolleyes:


Yall carry on though.


The only winner thus far in this mess is Cruisecritic.com. I'm surprised their bandwidth has been able to keep up! i imagine things would have to get very nasty for them to get rid of this thread.

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Why are you so continually dismissive of the actual facts presented to date? You continue to assert they are untrue and exaggerated yet every report out there, including the new one today has confirmed the same things


Have never said firsthand accounts are untrue. Never would. I have said and will continue to maintain that there are very few firsthand accounts, quite literally a handful. Until more facts and firsthand accounts emerge it seems to me only prudent to withhold judgment.

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Written by someone with access to a toilet,food, a bed, and not breathing the stench of human waste. Some of these type comments are cheerleading, of course, which is a most puzzling phenomena to watch. Walk a mile in the shoes of those whose problems you so casually dismiss. What can there be about loyalty to a corporation that moves you to value it more than people? This thread is really a study in human nature.


I certainly hope these people sue, and if given the chance, I would compensate them generously. I do think there is a strange "jealously" about anyone getting anything "free" that permeates these type of comments. "I pay for my cruises, why should anyone get anything that I don't!"


There is an obscene lack of empathy in these posts. What gives any of us NOT enduring this ugliness the right to judge anything about how these passengers feel...or their families?


What would be the reason for the Mayor of Mobile to lie? Let the cruise line call his bluff, if thatis the case. NOTHING should be more important than these customers who have suffered intolerable conditions. . Let the CORPORATE folks stay an hour or two away and put these customers FIRST over the CORPORATION! Let THEM get up early for a day or two and make a long commute, so these passengers have the quickest access to rest, food and showers.


No one who is not experiencing RIGHT NOW the exact same conditions as these passengers has any right to make light of their situation. Personally, I wish we could charter a ship, put the Carnival executives making these decisions, and all these callous, sarcastic cheerleaders on it...and REPLICATE the exact conditions these folks are suffering. After YOU live it for as long as they have, then you may be as snide and dismissive as you please.



Very well said. The Carnival apologists and cheerleaders have been awful on this thread but I'm not surprised. They take their cues from the head cheerleader who is also the brand ambassador. Goes to show the level of education that we're dealing with. Sad.:(

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One note on the hotels. Google searching around the port of Mobile indicates while there may be many hotels, most of them seem to be fairly small (Holiday Inns and the like) that typically have 100-200 rooms each. Downtown Mobile has a few larger ones. If you assume 50 percent occupancy, that means you would need between 15-30 hotels.


New Orleans has at least a couple of large convention grade hotels that I am aware of near the convention center with much higher room counts.


Logistically, it makes a lot more sense to try to make arrangements with a couple of large hotels and if available use the convention center as an operations hub.


The downside is that it's a 2 hour ride to New Orleans.


Can I say cost isn't a factor? No. But is it the main factor? Probably not. Carnival has done some stupid things already but they know how bad that would look when it got out. Now, if it turns out they used 30 small hotels, I retract my assumption.

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