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live from marina!!!!!!! Musings from an O newbie - Azamara cheerleader.


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Cindi. You left out the most important review of your trip. Did you meet a nice Gentleman?:)


Many Thanks for taking the time to enlighten us with your review.


Yes I did!!!! Quite a few....along with their lovely wives!!!! :D

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I do not think comparing the atmosphere on the larger O ships to Azamara makes any sense.


There are twice as many cruisers on the larger ship.

IMO the O class ships are not even comparable to the Oceania R ships!


That does not diminish at all the problems Cindi experienced with respect to food and cleanliness, but I think the choice of O or R ship seriously impacts the "feel" of the cruise.


While I do feel that I like the smaller ships more now, I did leave out my impressions of the size of the ship. I really didn't mind the size of the Marina ....in fact, I thought that it was very comfortable and intimate. There were no line ups for anything, the many venues were intimate and comfy, the pool area was well maintained (as opposed to the spa deck), the specialty restaurants were really comfortable and it seemed to be as intimate as the "R" ships. In this, O really excelled. The issues we experienced were totally unrelated to the size of the ship. I realize that the size may limit the ability of the staff and officers to develop a little more personal relationships but I can tell you - they didn't even try. Oh - they were nice enough once you managed to get their attention but for the most part they just seemed to want to ignore you. That wasn't what I would expect at all.


I was getting a little extra personal attention since I might have been "flagged" but my friends weren't.


And I totally did not care for the CD....he just creeped me out sometimes. Can't put my finger on why - but he did. :confused: :o Totally subjective!

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I realize that the size may limit the ability of the staff and officers to develop a little more personal relationships . . .


That is what I meant.

One GM for 700 passengers vs 1 GM for 1200 passengers etc

But if they don't try, the number of passengers is irrelevant.


Who was the CD??

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On our trip on the Riviera I ran into one of the Bridge officers on the forward staircase. I asked him right out why the officers are not out and about with the passengers. His answer was that they were too busy, in his case he had the watch to stand and on his off time was responsible for the updating of the charts and navigation stuff. He said his mate had to oversee the lifeboats/crew on his off time. I am not making a judgement or comparison, just passing along the info.

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On our trip on the Riviera I ran into one of the Bridge officers on the forward staircase. I asked him right out why the officers are not out and about with the passengers. His answer was that they were too busy, in his case he had the watch to stand and on his off time was responsible for the updating of the charts and navigation stuff. He said his mate had to oversee the lifeboats/crew on his off time. I am not making a judgement or comparison, just passing along the info.


I am certain the officers are busy, but to veteran Azamara cruisers the interaction with the officers is a huge part of their experience. Just read the Azamara boards. They all rave about it. They know every officer by name, send them regards (granted there are only 2 ships in the fleet). I assume that they feel if the officers on Azamara can do it, the officers on other ships can too. It is simply part of the Azamara culture. Cindi loves that part of the Azamara experience and she did not like O's culture in that regard.


CintiPam has been on both lines and she commented on this difference recently.


I am sailing Azamara for the first time next month and I am looking forward to experiencing this difference for myself.

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Very appreciative of your comprehensive comparison. Most helpful, as we have just booked our first cruise with Azamara.

Would you please comment on the passenger demographic of O compared to A when you have a chance?

Thank you so much!

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I must be unusual, but I do not care whatsoever if a Senior Officer (I don't even what one is) or a Junior Officer greets me getting on or off the ship, in the elevator or whenever. Or if they are "mingling" with the passengers. Or get invited to dine with the Captain. Nor do I care who the CD is... I don't even know what they do!


We had a PH on our latest cruise, and we had a butler... I guess we "underutilized" him too. Our only request of the 10 days was for some fresh sliced limes for our Diet Cokes. And maybe we felt we should ask for him for something, he looked like he dying to do something for us.


That is how we generally live our lives, low-key, low demand, self sufficient, and not needy.



So for any fellow pax out there (if there are any) like us, you will find O just lovely.



I have sailed AZ previously, and recently O Riviera this past May.

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I must be unusual, but I do not care whatsoever if a Senior Officer (I don't even what one is) or a Junior Officer greets me getting on or off the ship, in the elevator or whenever. Or if they are "mingling" with the passengers.



You are not alone in that opinion!!!


I think Azamara regulars just expect it and that's what this discussion has really focused on. The issue really never comes up outside of a comparison between O and A.

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I am certain the officers are busy, but to veteran Azamara cruisers the interaction with the officers is a huge part of their experience. Just read the Azamara boards. They all rave about it. They know every officer by name, send them regards (granted there are only 2 ships in the fleet). I assume that they feel if the officers on Azamara can do it, the officers on other ships can too. It is simply part of the Azamara culture. Cindi loves that part of the Azamara experience and she did not like O's culture in that regard.


CintiPam has been on both lines and she commented on this difference recently.


I am sailing Azamara for the first time next month and I am looking forward to experiencing this difference for myself.


I think this is very much a subjective response; I sailed on Azamara Journey for the first time this year, and won't be repeating the experience. I prefer the Captain to behave like the Captain, and I'm really not interested in being served ice creams by one.


By contrast I have just returned from a Voyage to Antiquity cruise on the Aegean Odyssey, and I certainly will be sailing with them again. The Captain demonstrated his approach at the outset by requiring a full lifeboat drill, including having to go to our lifeboats. He was very visible during his cocktail party but he was, for the most part, occupied by his duties, as were his senior officers.


There are only so many hours in a day; hours spent socialising with passengers can't be miraculously transmuted into hours spent doing their jobs. And I do wonder whether people would, in an emergency, respond unhesitatingly to orders issued by a guy who served them ice creams, and was carried around with his feet off the deck by his very tall cruise director.


Having said that, I met some wonderful people on the Journey and I hope you will really enjoy your cruise; as I said at the outset it's very subjective response...

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I must be unusual, but I do not care whatsoever if a Senior Officer (I don't even what one is) or a Junior Officer greets me getting on or off the ship, in the elevator or whenever. Or if they are "mingling" with the passengers. Or get invited to dine with the Captain. Nor do I care who the CD is... I don't even know what they do!


We had a PH on our latest cruise, and we had a butler... I guess we "underutilized" him too. Our only request of the 10 days was for some fresh sliced limes for our Diet Cokes. And maybe we felt we should ask for him for something, he looked like he dying to do something for us.


That is how we generally live our lives, low-key, low demand, self sufficient, and not needy.



So for any fellow pax out there (if there are any) like us, you will find O just lovely.



I have sailed AZ previously, and recently O Riviera this past May.


You are not unusual. There are many of us who couldn't care less who the officers are and whether or not we mingle with them. I personally feel they belong on the bridge dealing with matters of the ship not the passengers. The most I had to do with any of them is saying "good morning" in Baristas as we got our coffee. To Cindi's point, they are not chatty which is fine by me but doesn't sit well with others. The last thing I want to do is go to the Captain's dinner.


However, there are many who feel that interaction and friendliness of the officers is an important component of their cruise experience. For many, the CD can make or break a cruise. For those who do, then Oceania is probably not the best fit and does take away from the overall cruise experience if that was your expectation.


From everything I read of CC, AZ seems to excel in this respect.

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I must be unusual, but I do not care whatsoever if a Senior Officer (I don't even what one is) or a Junior Officer greets me getting on or off the ship, in the elevator or whenever. Or if they are "mingling" with the passengers. Or get invited to dine with the Captain. Nor do I care who the CD is... I don't even know what they do!


We had a PH on our latest cruise, and we had a butler... I guess we "underutilized" him too. Our only request of the 10 days was for some fresh sliced limes for our Diet Cokes. And maybe we felt we should ask for him for something, he looked like he dying to do something for us.


That is how we generally live our lives, low-key, low demand, self sufficient, and not needy.



So for any fellow pax out there (if there are any) like us, you will find O just lovely.



I have sailed AZ previously, and recently O Riviera this past May.


Thanks for writing this! We feel just about the same and have sailed on Az and on O's R ships.


It really depends on the type of cruising atmosphere you're looking for. Similar to looking for child-friendly cruises (i.e., both O and Az are not going to do much for you here), if you're looking for highly interactive experience, then go with Az.


They are close enough for us overall though (except for bedding - Az's bed was really bad for an upper premium line frankly and the replacement beds we received were only marginally better) that itinerary would be the deciding factor, but if they are the same and the pricing is also close (O usually being slightly more expensive), we would choose O.


Of course, this is subjective as well, not coming from an O cheerleader.

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I think this is very much a subjective response; I sailed on Azamara Journey for the first time this year, and won't be repeating the experience. I prefer the Captain to behave like the Captain, and I'm really not interested in being served ice creams by one.


By contrast I have just returned from a Voyage to Antiquity cruise on the Aegean Odyssey, and I certainly will be sailing with them again. The Captain demonstrated his approach at the outset by requiring a full lifeboat drill, including having to go to our lifeboats. He was very visible during his cocktail party but he was, for the most part, occupied by his duties, as were his senior officers.


There are only so many hours in a day; hours spent socialising with passengers can't be miraculously transmuted into hours spent doing their jobs. And I do wonder whether people would, in an emergency, respond unhesitatingly to orders issued by a guy who served them ice creams, and was carried around with his feet off the deck by his very tall cruise director.


Having said that, I met some wonderful people on the Journey and I hope you will really enjoy your cruise; as I said at the outset it's very subjective response...


I completely agree

BTW, I did not choose Azamara to get the kumbaya experience. LOL

I chose Azamara for the itinerary and to be on an R ship.

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It is definitely a personal choice-opinion how ever you want to call it


I found the Officers on our Cruises to be polite when passing you they always say hello ..the Captain is always at the gangway on disembarkation day sometimes we have seen him there other times but not often

I do not expect them to come a chat with me ..it is a pretense conversation anyway ...just as the entertainment staff was instructed one time to go mingle with the passengers

I found the girl who engaged me in a conversation looking around to see if she was watched so she could move away...

I dislike people who pretend to chat with you ...it is a part of the job rather being truly interested in you

The conversations with some of the lowly crew are far more interesting & they are interested in the conversation with you

Others may disagree


I think the Staff may have better things to do with their time than wander around chatting up the passengers but to each his own


If that makes the cruise for you I guess you would be disappointed on Oceania


JMO yours may differ



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I was getting a little extra personal attention since I might have been "flagged" but my friends weren't.


Of course you were FLAGGED :rolleyes:

Any regular O cruiser knew that from the get go




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It's not that the officers on Azamara sit down for a game of chess with you or have a lengthy conversation with you. Nobody would expect that of them.

But they are visible on the ship and smile and greet you. The O officers (generally speaking) ignore you, as if they were too good for you - if you ever see them at all.

It's not an essential part of my cruising experience but it gives one a different type of feeling of being welcomed and being part of the ship. It's really not that different from the staff in general; you want to be acknowledged and greeted with a smile and not ignored. The O staff does do that very well; the officers are a different matter.

In fact, that is the reason I (and many others) prefer R ships to the O ships - a much closer knit relation between the staff and passengers as we all get to know each other better than with 1200 people. The same is true for the passengers themselves - you have a better chance to get to know people (even if by sight only) rather than seeing someone disembark at the end of the cruise and ask yourself - were these people on our cruise as well?

It is important to us and I know many people could care less.

As always - YMMV

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I have to agree.

We expect crew to be professional and do their job. They are not there to entertain us.

We will not return to a local restaurant where the waiter has to tell us his name, hometown and hold a conversation with us. We also hate the intrusion of the head waiter/maitre d' who come by the table 3-4 time to ask how the meal is. If there are problems we will speak up.

Reading this board for several years one of the most familiar complaints seems to be that the CD was not their new BFF. I thought his job was to organize and run the events on the cruise.

We are also amused by comments by people that they are sure all the crew remembers then from their cruise 3 years ago. We see their disappointment when they board and are not greeted as family members. On the last night of several cruises we have seen guests running around with their name and address on paper and handing them to crew to "keep in touch".


There must be wonderful stories told in the crew's quarters.


What I don't apparently get is that, on land, I don't expect the senior manager of Macys to greet me at the door, greet me and hand me a wet towel on a hot day or the owner of a local restaurant to be at the door to personally welcome me. What changes on board?


Well, we have found a line that fits our life style, I guess everyone else has to do the same.

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I do not expect them to come a chat with me ..it is a pretense conversation anyway ...just as the entertainment staff was instructed one time to go mingle with the passengers

I found the girl who engaged me in a conversation looking around to see if she was watched so she could move away...

I dislike people who pretend to chat with you ...it is a part of the job rather being truly interested in you

The conversations with some of the lowly crew are far more interesting & they are interested in the conversation with you






I agree with you on this one - I do not enjoy these types of forced socializations from staff (officers of entertainment). They are much more rewarding when people WISH to engage you. We have developed a friendly correspondence with a staff member from Burma till this day - several years after the cruise. He simply wanted to practice his English and tell us about his home.

I am only talking about acknowledging you with a simple smile or hello rather than walk past you as you you did not exist.

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I agree with you on this one - I do not enjoy these types of forced socializations from staff (officers of entertainment). They are much more rewarding when people WISH to engage you. We have developed a friendly correspondence with a staff member from Burma till this day - several years after the cruise. He simply wanted to practice his English and tell us about his home.

I am only talking about acknowledging you with a simple smile or hello rather than walk past you as you you did not exist.


I have never been on a cruise line other Oceania. I do notice a big difference between the R ships and the larger O ships as far as "friendly" interactions. What is the dynamic of officers and passengers on the larger cruise ships such as Celebrity or Princess? Just curious.

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What I don't apparently get is that, on land, I don't expect the senior manager of Macys to greet me at the door, greet me and hand me a wet towel on a hot day or the owner of a local restaurant to be at the door to personally welcome me. What changes on board?



But isn't it wonderful (and civilized) when you walk into a department store in Tokyo and they hold the door open for you and you are greeted by one (or several) young ladies in uniform that smile at you and welcome you. I know it's not that they love you but still, it is very nice....

This is wayOT

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I have to agree.

We expect crew to be professional and do their job. They are not there to entertain us.


We are also amused by comments by people that they are sure all the crew remembers then from their cruise 3 years ago. We see their disappointment when they board and are not greeted as family members.


I also don't care much for this. But I think there's a distinction here that's been lost over the years. There is the "crew", including the senior officers, engineers, maintenance workers; then there is the "hotel staff", including senior management--the GM, CD, F&B Mgr, etc., plus all the people onboard who take care of us. The distinction between the crew and the hotel staff used to be clear--now it's muddied. In the Radisson days they were hired by separate companies. The senior hotel staff often goes out of their way to be friendly and accessible. The crew needn't do so. The captain straddles this line, and increasingly has become some sort of PR superstar--I'd rather he just sailed the ship, frankly.


... I have never been on a bad O cruise but some have been better than others in certain respects. It is still my number 1 choice for a cruise (other than PG but I don't expect to be going back to FP any time soon). ...


Just read CC reviews of folks who are on the identical cruise -- any cruise line -- 1 star (awful, food terrible), 5 stars (best cruise ever, great food). Baffling.


I, and others, will be anxiously waiting to hear your opinions after you take your first O cruise -- you could call it Musings from a Regent or PG Cheerleader -- LOL - or maybe TC already had that covered


You are smart to keep your expectations in check. I hope you will be pleasantly surprised.


Yes. I find moderate expectations are best--then I can be wowed, although I do have fairly high hopes of this line (better be good--can't afford Regent any more!)


I have also experienced completely opposite reviews of folks on Regent cruises, go figure. People scowling, complaining.


I will definitely post about our experience, perhaps not from the ship, but that depends if we go for the internet package or not. My perspective will be quite different from Jackie's, I expect.

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I agree with you on this one - I do not enjoy these types of forced socializations from staff (officers of entertainment). They are much more rewarding when people WISH to engage you. We have developed a friendly correspondence with a staff member from Burma till this day - several years after the cruise. He simply wanted to practice his English and tell us about his home.

I am only talking about acknowledging you with a simple smile or hello rather than walk past you as you you did not exist.


Maybe it is just me but I always smile & get one in return from the Officers I pass ..even when they are eating their lunch in Waves I usually say good day & smile & it is returned

just my experience


Yes our little friend from Burma was so nice Have met several others that we see on our cruises but do not keep in touch other than the cruises



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Maybe it is just me but I always smile & get one in return from the Officers I pass ..even when they are eating their lunch in Waves I usually say good day & smile & it is returned

just my experience



Since we are not looking for socialization with the officers we do always appreciate that they remember us and smile and say hello. ;)

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It's not that the officers on Azamara sit down for a game of chess with you or have a lengthy conversation with you. Nobody would expect that of them.

But they are visible on the ship and smile and greet you. The O officers (generally speaking) ignore you, as if they were too good for you - if you ever see them at all.

It's not an essential part of my cruising experience but it gives one a different type of feeling of being welcomed and being part of the ship. It's really not that different from the staff in general; you want to be acknowledged and greeted with a smile and not ignored. The O staff does do that very well; the officers are a different matter.

In fact, that is the reason I (and many others) prefer R ships to the O ships - a much closer knit relation between the staff and passengers as we all get to know each other better than with 1200 people. The same is true for the passengers themselves - you have a better chance to get to know people (even if by sight only) rather than seeing someone disembark at the end of the cruise and ask yourself - were these people on our cruise as well?

It is important to us and I know many people could care less.

As always - YMMV


Thanks Paul -- You summed it up perfectly. I knew that at some point some knives would come out and I was hoping not to start that by continually stressing that it was my subjective opinion and not always what I required but what I OBSERVED. There is a difference between being greeted warmly and being totally ignored until you initiated contact. I am not needy. I do not care if I am being spoken to by the officers or not ..... trust me ....I am chatty with everyone and certainly not shy. But my friends and I just seemed to notice this "aloofness" and not a distraction because they were busy doing their job. This is what I commented on. I never once saw the Hotel Director - nor any interaction with CD. To me this would be part of their job description.


As for dinner with the Captain ... in 89 cruises this was only the second time this happened....it is a unique experience and I think it's fun. If only to see the difference as to how that table is served compared to any other in the GDR. Funny how everything was hot, service was exceptional and they found the Mousse from Jacques that I was told cannot be done the day before. Hmmmmm.


Think it's time to close out this thread before things start to deteriorate....it was lovely while it lasted. :rolleyes:

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I never once saw the Hotel Director - nor any interaction with CD. To me this would be part of their job description.


As for dinner with the Captain ... in 89 cruises this was only the second time this happened....it is a unique experience and I think it's fun. If only to see the difference as to how that table is served compared to any other in the GDR. Funny how everything was hot, service was exceptional and they found the Mousse from Jacques that I was told cannot be done the day before. Hmmmmm.


I don't even know what a hotel director does on Oceania. I think the interaction of the CD with the passengers depends on the CD. No surprise how your food was served hot and service was exceptional when dining with the captain.;)

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