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Avoid using mycruise photo.com


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When it comes to shipboard photos, we just say NO.


I use my own camera and we have our tablemates take our photos.


Why? Some of us enjoy the opportunity to have photographs taken by a professional photographer. If you travel as a couple, too many photographs have just one of us in. If you are in a position to ask someone else to take a photograph, they may not always be very proficient.


No one forces you to have your photograph taken on board and, if some do get taken, you are not pressured to purchase them. Why then, tell those that do enjoy the experience and are please with the results to say no?

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I refuse to buy any photos from the ship. I think they are way over priced. I can not believe how much they charge. Its like paying 9.00 for a small popcorn at the movies.

I know this is a once in a lifetime trip for some people and they are willing to buy for that reason. I think they would sell a lot more photos if they were a reasonable price. Not to mention how must the photographers pester you to take your picture.

I have heard the same problems from many people, not worth the hassle to me.



I have to agree. I guess if it's a once in a lifetime trip go for it. Otherwise it seems like an absurd price to pay for some pictures that may or may not really ever be "displayed" in any meaningful way.

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Why? Some of us enjoy the opportunity to have photographs taken by a professional photographer. If you travel as a couple, too many photographs have just one of us in. If you are in a position to ask someone else to take a photograph, they may not always be very proficient.


No one forces you to have your photograph taken on board and, if some do get taken, you are not pressured to purchase them. Why then, tell those that do enjoy the experience and are please with the results to say no?

Sue, you make a good point. Some people prefer such photos. Those people, if willing to pay the price for the photos may be very happy with the result.


Celebrity does not pressure you into the photos, which is nice. When we first started cruising, we had a few photos taken. They don't fit into our photo albums and the are collecting dust somewhere. Also, the prices of 2-3 photo are about what I pay to have 200 very nice photos that we take on our trip printed.


One thing that really irritates me is when you are trying to get off the ship and a photographer and someone dressed up in a silly costume are blocking the way.


We say no because that is our preference, as I expressed in my earlier post.

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Thank you, This people did not had a clue what the hell they were doing. I am sure there is more people with the same issues. I bought them because they came out beautiful. Memories of every 5 years. Anniversary memories. I got thumbnails instead of my pictures.

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I think the instructions provided could be better.


I am fairly tech savy, and I had a bit of a struggle trying to figure out how to unlock the photos. I did it by figuring it out myself, not by following the provided instructions.


I thought the photo prints were of great quality. I remember noticing on a recent cruise (might have been Royal or Disney) that the print quality was dismal on very cheap photo paper. Maybe it has improved (as I believe it is all the same company - or maybe X has a better deal/higher specs?).


Like others have said, you are paying for the picture, the photographer, the editing (if any). There is a cost associated with all of that. You cannot equate it to taking a picture with your own camera and paying Walmart to print it out for you. I've paid anywhere from $150 to $300 for a freelance photographer to take pictures for me. And that is photos over a one hour session. I get the digital rights but no prints. With X, for $250, I got two or three photo shoots a day, each day, and all the prints too.


I thought it was great value. I don't really do much with the prints and would have preferred a digital only package, but oh well.


I think the photo staff on board could also do better with explaining how the package works and telling you that you also have to check your account throughout the week. Telling me this on the last day, was unexpected and it took me almost two hours to sort out photo issues when I would rather have been enjoying my last day at see.


Overall, I was very happy with the photography and value for my $250 photo package.

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I remember the girl telling me that I was supposed to be online to be able to unlock the photos. That a code will be giving to me to unlock them. So I did it online, nothing. I called the company and they told that there were no code just the credits that were on the disk. No such a thing. Everytime I try to download the photos it keep asking me to buy credits. Really? I already pay 485.00 for photos with their logo all over them. New ship, new people and a large amount of unhappy clients. My last resource will be a charge back on the credit card.

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I remember the girl telling me that I was supposed to be online to be able to unlock the photos. That a code will be giving to me to unlock them. So I did it online, nothing. I called the company and they told that there were no code just the credits that were on the disk. No such a thing. Everytime I try to download the photos it keep asking me to buy credits. Really? I already pay 485.00 for photos with their logo all over them. New ship, new people and a large amount of unhappy clients. My last resource will be a charge back on the credit card.


Now I am confused. None of our prints have ever had anybody's logo on them!


As for code, that does not make sense either. You insert the CD while logged onto the Internet. The CD runs software to install an application on your computer. You run this application, it unlocks your photographs and you can then view them online and export those you wish to copy to your computer.


I had problems with the application on my operating system but they sent me a link to download a fix. I also had problems with only half my photos only having full size prints on their website [there were only thumbnails] but they are dealing with that by getting the ship to send me a CD with the jpeg files on.


As you are still having problems and live in the USA why not ask them to telephone you are talk you through the process. It may than be easier for them to understand where your issues are and I am sure that they will prefer to do that than have you take the matter up with your credit card company.

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I did all that on Dec 1 as soon I got home from the cruise, and everyday after that. This is the new technology at Quantum of the Seas. All screw up. At this point the ship will leave again this afternoon on another journey with my photos. I am pulling my hair. Not even Royal Caribbean is helping with this matter. According to them my pictures are still in the ship. They know is a bad DVD. They only keep them for six week. My time is running out.

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I did all that on Dec 1 as soon I got home from the cruise, and everyday after that. This is the new technology at Quantum of the Seas. All screw up. At this point the ship will leave again this afternoon on another journey with my photos. I am pulling my hair. Not even Royal Caribbean is helping with this matter. According to them my pictures are still in the ship. They know is a bad DVD. They only keep them for six week. My time is running out.


If you are talking about Quantum of the Seas, you are on the wrong board. This is Celebrity Cruises Cruise Critic board. Things may be done differently on Royal Caribbean. Perhaps people over there can give you better advice.

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Glad we never bought a pre cruise package. We barely saw a photographer and had about 5 pictures taken on a 14 day cruise, none of which were worth keeping. We had the ultimate package so did not eat in the MDR but in the speciality restaurants. Had we wanted more photos we would have had to go out of our way to find the photographers.

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Glad we never bought a pre cruise package. We barely saw a photographer and had about 5 pictures taken on a 14 day cruise, none of which were worth keeping. We had the ultimate package so did not eat in the MDR but in the speciality restaurants. Had we wanted more photos we would have had to go out of our way to find the photographers.


Consider yourself lucky.

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Celebrity is a great company but mycruisephotos.com are letting them down.


This is Buyer Beware....... Mycruisephotos.com has dreadful customer service... buy the hard copies onbard the ship and avoid getting a disc

Here is my story.....

I recently sailed to Bermuda on the Celebrity Summit... that part was amazing, however I had the misfortune of having to come in contact with their onboard photo service run by The Image Group out of the Cayman Islands... there online presence is known as mycruisephotos.com.

Prior to the cruise I got an e-mail asking if I wished to purchase a photograph package for my cruise.. great I thought and duly ordered it on line. The money was taken from my credit card and I thought how simple it would be .. get the photographs taken... then at the end of the week collect the disc and go home.... how wrong I was.

On the afternoon before disembarkation I went along to check my folio of photographs only to find that a lot were missing... I checked at the desk and they assured me that all photographs would be on the system by 6:30 pm that evening.. I went along at 7:00 pm...Oh dear the missing photographs were still not showing.. I was then assured that it would only be a little while longer....I returned at 9:30pm and still the missing photographs... were still missing.. ah come back at 3:30 am they said and it would be ready....I returned at 6:00 am on the day of disembarkation... but still no disc and still the missing photographs had not made it to the server.

We are having technical issues I was told... and we will mail the disc and we will also confirm by e-mail that all the photographs made it.....mmm that was on June 30th and it is now August.. And still no disc... oh and no e-mails to confirm that the photographs made it to the disc.

The saga does not finish there...after a week of not hearing anything I contacted the Image group by both phone and e-mail... they said ..let us look into that and they did... then sent me an e-mail saying yes there was a problem... yes it has been posted and yes it will be with you shortly.... I am glad I did not hold my breath..

After another week I contacted the Image Group again to complain that I have not received anything... they assured me that it had been posted and that due to the holidays in Bermuda it was delayed... I asked that a customer service manager contact me... that did not happen either..

So next action was to write again and I also wrote to the Execs Office for Celebrity... I did get a call the next day from Celebrity.. who expressed their concern ... but advised that I need to keep in contact with The Image Group...

I was then told by the Image Group yes your disc was sent of ... and they gave me a tracking number.. the tracking number does not have a final destination address.. any way the tracking number showed that a package was posted... but no action .. I checked again a week later and it said was at customs... I thought getting excited it would soon be here...that was July 17th and as I write today this has not changed. .... I have had a quicker mail from China..

Ok as I sit here today ... I have sent more e-mails to the Image Group...but no response.... not even an apology for the further delay.. You send an e-mail and it pushes a further Ticket Number .. I think I have 5 different ones now... and as I write another has popped up... this must be a common occurrence for them as no one will give you a direct e-mail address...

The sad thing here is that the image Group seem to have Vendor of Choice for this service onboard Celebrity and RCl as well as a number of others carriers... Given the service they provide I would urge caution to the consumer and also suggest that the carriers review who the vendors.

Again I say that this is not directed at Celebrity Cruises.... but is directed towards a vendor who captures the moments onboard and turns them in to memories ... or in my case and I know of at least 28 others failed to do so


We have purchased directly from mycruisephoto.com at least 10 times. We find the service excellent! However on Royal and Celebrity, we check daily to make sure all of our photos are on the CD. We also check the posted photos daily as many aren't on the facial recognition and give them to a clerk at the desk to add to our folder/envelop. The service is excellent, but you need to check daily. Perhaps it wasn't explained to you correctly. Sorry you had a bad experience, but if you consider using the service again, check daily do not wait for the day before disembarkation.

Edited by Cruise a holic
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We have found the quality of photography on all cruise lines to be dropping. We have not purchased a photo in years. We have had a great time taking our own portraits using the self timer function. Digital is cheap... And we just keep clicking until we get some good shots. It's low cost, fun, and we are able to print some great pics when we get home :-)

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For the past 45 years I have made my living making pictures of others. It gives me a pretty good feel for what can go wrong. When you mix all of this new technology with semi-trained people who are pushing to make quota you open a whole can of worms. More than once on post cruise comment cards I have complained about how totally annoying some of the ship's photographers can be. On one occasion when we declined to be photographed, again she broken into song singing "Don't be breakin' my heart". By and large my pictures are better than theirs are, I hate glossy prints but that is all they offer. That said, DW loves to buy pictures of us.......As far as the OP, stuff happens and they should have a better system in place to fix it without you having to go up the corporate ladder. More than once in my career I have had to tell a client that we have a problem, and then do everything I can to fix it, even when I was not the one who created the problem.

Edited by Mr. Click
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We bought the package online before the cruise for all the prints and CD. We were very satisfied with both the photographers on the ship and the process. Granted, not all of the photos were great but we had plenty of options.


Sorry to hear that some of you have had very serious customer service issues, but I just wanted to post that our experience was great. I certainly wouldn't do this all the time if I cruised a lot, but I would definitely consider it again.

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For the past 45 years I have made my living making pictures of others. It gives me a pretty good feel for what can go wrong. When you mix all of this new technology with semi-trained people who are pushing to make quota you open a whole can of worms. More than once on post cruise comment cards I have complained about how totally annoying some of the ship's photographers can be. On one occasion when we declined to be photographed, again she broken into song singing "Don't be breakin' my heart". By and large my pictures are better than theirs are, I hate glossy prints but that is all they offer. That said, DW loves to buy pictures of us.......As far as the OP, stuff happens and they should have a better system in place to fix it without you having to go up the corporate ladder. More than once in my career I have had to tell a client that we have a problem, and then do everything I can to fix it, even when I was not the one who created the problem.


Agree some can be pushy. We just ignore those that are. Aren’t they contractors who the Cruise lines hire to take and sell the pictures? IMO the so called photographers are just a bunch of amateurs running around with expensive equipment they really don’t know how to use.

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For the past 45 years I have made my living making pictures of others. It gives me a pretty good feel for what can go wrong. When you mix all of this new technology with semi-trained people who are pushing to make quota you open a whole can of worms. More than once on post cruise comment cards I have complained about how totally annoying some of the ship's photographers can be. On one occasion when we declined to be photographed, again she broken into song singing "Don't be breakin' my heart". By and large my pictures are better than theirs are, I hate glossy prints but that is all they offer. That said, DW loves to buy pictures of us.......As far as the OP, stuff happens and they should have a better system in place to fix it without you having to go up the corporate ladder. More than once in my career I have had to tell a client that we have a problem, and then do everything I can to fix it, even when I was not the one who created the problem.


Honestly, we have been very satisfied with the quality of the pictures and the photographers, a large precentage of the time. Of course, not all. I have used professional photographers who weren't so great and paid a fortune for children's wedding photos.


I have a hard time fending off the "art dealers". Such a large profit for some of the so called art. Since the profit margin is so great- they constantly try to push their ware- I hope that Celebrity doesn't continue to offer this "art" as I feel in many cases people are paying a lot for prints and posters with a few strokes of paint.

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