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Benefits/gift from TA


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Sorry, It is not greed, but just good business. If two stores have the same product and one selling it for 5% less where would you shop. I know where I would go. :)


Yes, but in this case the two stores are required by the supplier (Oceania) to offer an identical price. To follow your analogy, you are getting the Sales Clerk to give back the 5% out of his salary.

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Yes, but in this case the two stores are required by the supplier (Oceania) to offer an identical price. To follow your analogy, you are getting the Sales Clerk to give back the 5% out of his salary.


And those TAs that do HUGE volume can afford to and want to. They end up with more $$ in their pockets at the end of the day. They get loyalty, repeat business and referrals. Those that sell a cruise or two cannot afford to. So why use them?


And not everything comes out of the TAs salary. The high volume TAs might get groups (eg) from the cruise line which enables them to give other perks (sometimes gratuities -- not an issue now with the current promotion). You can't make a group from a single booking. And you have no perks to give.


When I buy anything, I care about what I pay. If the salesman cannot sell it at the price I am willing to pay I will find a salesman who can. Am I going to pay more just to give the salesman more money? In your dreams. LOLOL

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Yes, but in this case the two stores are required by the supplier (Oceania) to offer an identical price. To follow your analogy, you are getting the Sales Clerk to give back the 5% out of his salary.


We've gone thru this discussion before and will probably do it again. Your story is absolutely FALSE!! There is no requirement by Oceania for all TA's to offer an identical price. Following is a direct link to the Oceania and Regent anti-rebating policy: http://www.rssc.com/media/hostedfiles/PDF/AntiRebatingPolicy.pdf.


The only limitation is that TA's may NOT Advertise discounts of more than 5%. The TA's that provide larger rebates do not advertise these rebates and thus are in compliance with Oceania's policy. No place in the document is there anything close to a requirement to offer identical prices as JimandStan incorrectly state above.


Any proof to the contrary is welcome. I've provided my proof, we'll wait for yours.


And pacheco18 is correct in her analysis as well. If people choose to pay full price direct from Oceania or go to TA's who provide a minimal rebate/amenities, that is their business and they have every right to do that however, we are providing information to those who choose to save a substantial amount of money totally within the policies of Oceania and don't understand why some people dismiss and demean those of us who choose to save money with great service with our TA's who provide legal rebates??

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I have recently booked with a high volume internet agency who has provided excellent service. I have received an OBC of $1250.00,pre paid gratuities and unlimited internet service in a B3 category on the Riviera. Cannot fault in any way the service I have received.Have used this agency in the past with no complaints. No brick and mortar agency could come close to this offer.

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There is no requirement by Oceania for all TA's to offer an identical price. Following is a direct link to the Oceania and Regent anti-rebating policy: http://www.rssc.com/media/hostedfile...tingPolicy.pdf.

:confused: The Requirement that all TA's MUST offer an identical price is the subject of the very FIRST PROVISION of the document which you offer as proof:

003501.jpg :cool:

I'm sure that you already knew that, as you are certainly aware that the full fare must be paid BEFORE any of these "arrangements" come into play. That means that "the savings" which we are talking about are not discounts but kickbacks. That term has a negative connotation for a reason, but if you can live with yourself...

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. Am I going to pay more just to give the salesman more money? In your dreams. LOLOL


This is business, I am not a charity. If an agent doesn't like it he can reject the deal. If I don't like it I can reject the deal.


What's the" if you can live with it" that is a mutually agreeable deal to you both? I fail to see a victim.


I work hard for my money and I don't intend to throw it around to fulfill some banal socialist context where I am responsible out of guilt that I owe anyone something.


When you deal with expensive cruises why would you not negotiate?

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There is no requirement by Oceania for all TA's to offer an identical price. Following is a direct link to the Oceania and Regent anti-rebating policy: http://www.rssc.com/media/hostedfile...tingPolicy.pdf.

:confused: The Requirement that all TA's MUST offer an identical price is the subject of the very FIRST PROVISION of the document which you offer as proof:

003501.jpg :cool:

I'm sure that you already knew that, as you are certainly aware that the fl fare must be paid BEFORE any of these "arrangements" come into play. That means that "the savings" which we are talking about are not discounts but kickbacks. That term has a negative connotation for a reason, but if you can live with yourself...


You are playing with the words. It most definitely does NOT say that all TA's MUST offer an identical price your words. It does say No travel agency or company may advertise or promote to the general public the cruise lines products on line (including on websites with restricted/members-only access) in print or by any other means, at a price or percentage off which is less than the cruise lines published price or the pricing contained in an active group contract issued to the travel agency.


I have bolded and made obvious the differences between what you have stated and the actual policy. They are not the same and you are still incorrect and have not provided proof. And, if my agency and many others have violated the rule, why are they still allowed to provide the rebates which do provide a lower cruise cost to others and myself??


When the policy came out, I was actually under the same mis-impression as you still are that my rebates would cease so I contacted the owner who is on the PCH board of travel agents and he simply explained the same thing I am presenting here.


Also, your use of the term kickbacks is reprehensible, they are simply rebates no different than automobile rebates and other rebates for products. The title of the document is "AntiRebating" so PCH acknowledges what we get are rebates and not kickbacks. You are correct in that kickbacks have a negative connotation and in some cases are illegal but, these are not illegal, immoral, or against the PCH policy and thus rebates.


Still waiting for proof to what you are saying.

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There is no requirement by Oceania for all TA's to offer an identical price. Following is a direct link to the Oceania and Regent anti-rebating policy: http://www.rssc.com/media/hostedfile...tingPolicy.pdf.

:confused: The Requirement that all TA's MUST offer an identical price is the subject of the very FIRST PROVISION of the document which you offer as proof:

003501.jpg :cool:

I'm sure that you already knew that, as you are certainly aware that the full fare must be paid BEFORE any of these "arrangements" come into play. That means that "the savings" which we are talking about are not discounts but kickbacks. That term has a negative connotation for a reason, but if you can live with yourself...

I'm sorry, but they are not kickbacks but are rebates. Many of our top chain stores and merchants give rebates in the form of gift cards and coupons depending on the amount you spend. I have NEVER seen a store clerk take the money from his pocket. The business pays for the rebate. Just another way of doing business. Would you tell the store you don't want the rebate? Don't think so. :)

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Methinks that some of these folks who are overpaying are jealous. LOL



Call it a kickback, a rebate, a bribe, an incentive, an inducement.

The TA makes money, the cruise line makes money, the cruiser gets a good deal.


I fail to see the problem. Sign me up

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Methinks that some of these folks who are overpaying are jealous. LOL



Call it a kickback, a rebate, a bribe, an incentive, an inducement.

The TA makes money, the cruise line makes money, the cruiser gets a good deal.


I fail to see the problem. Sign me up

Sign me up too. As for JimandStan I can live with myself just fine. Can sleep well every night. If we keep going on cruises we can afford to buy a great O bed with our rebates. :)

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Why are people so defensive about this, go buy your cruise from whoever you want and pay whatever price you can get. I find it odd that in a different post Oceania was being accused of deceptive marketing but a TA selling a cruise and then giving back all sorts of unadvertised rebates is OK, guess it all depends who's pocket the money is going!

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Why are people so defensive about this, go buy your cruise from whoever you want and pay whatever price you can get. I find it odd that in a different post Oceania was being accused of deceptive marketing but a TA selling a cruise and then giving back all sorts of unadvertised rebates is OK, guess it all depends who's pocket the money is going!

You are right. I think we have beat this subject to death. Nothing else to say. Over and out. :)

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I find it odd that in a different post Oceania was being accused of deceptive marketing but a TA selling a cruise and then giving back all sorts of unadvertised rebates is OK, guess it all depends who's pocket the money is going!


Apples and oranges :)

O's advertised "free air" is not free - that is deceptive marketing; 2for1 could be called the same.

My TA does not misrepresent anything - tells me upfront what my cruise will cost me (including rebates, etc)

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Apples and oranges :)

O's advertised "free air" is not free - that is deceptive marketing; 2for1 could be called the same.

My TA does not misrepresent anything - tells me upfront what my cruise will cost me (including rebates, etc)



Actually a great TA will sort out all the "deceptive" marketing for you.

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Just because a person wants to get their ticket from a chosen place does not make that the place of choice for all. With the Internet and a pencil and paper I can still figure things out for myself at the age of 66. If I want to book direct because I do not want to go through a middleman for each and every thing, especially with Oceania and their upsell policy does not present a bad choice to me, if you would rather have a on board credit to buy Oceania stuff, shore ex or drinks more power to you. There is no right or wrong unless your goal is to get the last word! I find it odd that people who book on a expensive line quibble about a few bucks.

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I find it odd that people who book on a expensive line quibble about a few bucks.


Those few bucks can get you unlimited internet - a very nice perk for me.

Others may have quite a few drinks for that or shorex's in places where ship's excursions are the best option; or maybe splurge for a spa?


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Just because a person wants to get their ticket from a chosen place does not make that the place of choice for all. With the Internet and a pencil and paper I can still figure things out for myself at the age of 66. If I want to book direct because I do not want to go through a middleman for each and every thing, especially with Oceania and their upsell policy does not present a bad choice to me, if you would rather have a on board credit to buy Oceania stuff, shore ex or drinks more power to you. There is no right or wrong unless your goal is to get the last word! I find it odd that people who book on a expensive line quibble about a few bucks.


While you have every right to throw money away, we're not talking about "a few bucks". People booking Oceania's 2015 World Cruise would get a rebate of $10,000 or more based on a minimum fare of $100K for two people. Not necessarily for spending on board but, true cash that can be put into a bank account or whatever you heart desires. Using a minimum fare of $10K for two people on Oceania, that would be $1,000 to be spent where or when you choose, on board or elsewhere.


That's not a few bucks in my book or most people's book, even people who book on an expensive line!!

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While you have every right to throw money away, we're not talking about "a few bucks". People booking Oceania's 2015 World Cruise would get a rebate of $10,000 or more based on a minimum fare of $100K for two people. Not necessarily for spending on board but, true cash that can be put into a bank account or whatever you heart desires. Using a minimum fare of $10K for two people on Oceania, that would be $1,000 to be spent where or when you choose, on board or elsewhere.


That's not a few bucks in my book or most people's book, even people who book on an expensive line!!


Nor is a thousand or two on a shorter cruise.

These folks can bury their heads in the sand all they want -- it is everyone's right to pay more for the same thing.


As my mother, the Olympic shopper, taught me (and I quote this often) -- "anyone can pay the most -- nothing to brag about" LOLOL

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Laraine, my father would have driven your mother crazy. He was quite extravagant at times, even when he probably shouldn't have been, and was known for saying, "Why pay less, when you can pay more?"


My own father drove my mother crazy -- but for different reasons LOL


Your post had me rolling on the floor laughing

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I'm also curious if those that are willing to negotiate so heavily with the TA's also do that on all their other purchases.


Or....to turn it around....do they perhaps themselves overbill for their own services—not as TA's, of course—but as some other professional?


Sometimes (maybe even most often) those penny-pinchers who demand the greatest rebates are themselves the greediest of the bunch.

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Or....to turn it around....do they perhaps themselves overbill for their own services—not as TA's, of course—but as some other professional?


Sometimes (maybe even most often) those penny-pinchers who demand the greatest rebates are themselves the greediest of the bunch.


Sure would like to know why people are attacking others who are simply looking for a good deal that is fair to both parties, the buyer and the seller. I spoke for myself with the fact that I didn't and don't negotiate to get the 10% or more rebate. I take what the TA offers and am thankful for it.


Don't think any others said that they "demand" the greatest rebates or that they are greedy. We simply want to pay less than full retail which is true for most people on most purchases. And to call us penny-pinchers who are the greedies of the bunch simply isn't true.


The only conclusion I can come up with is that some people are envious of those who get a better deal and are taking out their frustration at paying more than others by calling names which is quite childish.


The deals are out there folks with great TA's and no demands or negotiations are necessary. If you don't want to save some bucks, that's fine with us but, don't attack us for having done the legwork to find these excellent TA's.

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