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Children at the bar / bar stools


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My two 16 year olds loved the Martini bar! The staff welcomed and actually encouraged them to come visit. Lots of tricks with pouring drinks, throwing a cherry onto a toothpick trick and cool music etc. Of course they were not served alcohol and I didn't see a problem with them sitting with us at the Martini Bar. At the same time though, we didn't allow our 9 year old to sit there. A big difference I think between older teens and young/small children sitting at the bar. There was also no rule that children could not be in this area and by the age of 16 they were old enough to be in the solarium and gym areas too.


Nice comment. Is it true that a sixteen YO can go to the solarium?. If so my daughter will love that as she enjoys a quiet swim and was not going to go to the main pool.

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Why is it every time we have a thread that mentions kids for any reason, we get the same very isolated stories about unruly teens and their terrible parents.


I've seen the almost verbatim posts about out of control kids on thread after thread. Yup, I guess it happened somewhere on some ship. But this thread has nothing to do with those aberrations.


Are we so frightened of leaving our gated retirement communities that we have to keep bringing up these tired old stories to justify not wanting kids around?


I told my kids that if I turn into one of those old geezers sitting around complaining about how terrible kids are nowadays, and how much better my generation was than the younger generations, they are to stake me out in the back yard and let me slowly expire.




Your right Den. Seems to be common place on these threads.

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Are children allowed in bars where you live? Not where I live. I can't see the difference.

Why yes, yes they are.


Now if its an over 21 club then they are not. There is a vast difference between the two, and I consider the "bars" on cruise ships to be more like "lounges" with a bar in them. If you build a bar made of ice, the children will come. Much like the Rising Tides bar on RC, children can't help themselves....too tempting. If you find there are too many kids around the martini bar etc, then maybe move to another bar on the ship like Michaels Club where kids would be bored to tears....they won't be hanging around guaranteed!


I know, I know you shouldn't "have" to move.....here we go:rolleyes:

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.. and for the other poster who asked about their non drinking wife.. if she doesn't drink then find a table near the bar to sit and enjoy your drinks together.


:D Thanks. I got a great big chuckle from your comment. I can just imagine some hapless bartender or other patron 'suggesting' my DW move from the bar because she was only drinking soda water. I'd pay big money to see that!:D But then again I'd pay big money to see Albert Einstein debate Mr. Bean or Mike Tyson battle it out with Pee Wee Herman. :)

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because that is my opinion. I do not need to justify it to you or anyone else.. and for the other poster who asked about their non drinking wife.. if she doesn't drink then find a table near the bar to sit and enjoy your drinks together. and yes I can honestly say I practice what I preach.

I agree totally that you don't have to justify yourself, but I suspect that cruiserziggy was looking for an explanation, not for justification. This is a discussion forum, after all, not simply an opinion pole, and we all benefit from reading the "why" as well as the "what".

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Hi Folks


I dont think of the TV I just wonder when those parents will distribute the rose tinted glasses that they see their children through.

They dont seem to be able to grasp the concept that not everyone thinks their children are so wonderful. Of course all children are wonderful , but NOT in adult venues , its the parents who should ensure that their children do not impinge on the enjoyment of other adults.


The place for children in the evenings is NOT in adult venues


Best regards



John, I don't think that the issue is whether or not children should be allowed in adult venues as much as it is one of what constitutes an adult venue aboard a Celebrity ship.


Part of the problem can be attributed to the word "bar", which for most has an adult connotation. If we were discussing whether children should be allowed to sit at a service counter, I suspect that we'd see less friction.


I'd personally be in favour of Celebrity designating one of the bars as "adult only" during the day, providing a venue for those adult who choose this type of environment. At night, a wider number of venues could be designated adults only.


BTW, the issue of children sitting at the service counter while adults stand has nothing to do with where they are allowed to go. This is purely a question of good manners and a proper upbringing. Unfortunately, one sees children sitting on buses while adults are made to stand, and I suppose some might do the same aboard ship.



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Those under 21 are only allowed in bars that sell food here. If they don't sell food, you have to be 21 to enter.


actually not even here.. sort of.. there are lots of bars that sell food. you cannot SIT at the actual bar as a minor but you are allowed in the bar area where the other tables and booths are set up( separate from the restaurant portion where of course kids are permitted, have specials geared towards them and the big screen TV shows cartoons...unless the Ravens or Orioles are playing)


that being said almost never do we actually see kids in that section. once in a while and usually very early in the day.

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BTW, the issue of children sitting at the service counter while adults stand has nothing to do with where they are allowed to go. This is purely a question of good manners and a proper upbringing. Unfortunately, one sees children sitting on buses while adults are made to stand, and I suppose some might do the same aboard ship.




Most adults on their 20's, 30's 40's and 50's are fully capable of standing on a bus or at a service counter. Frankly I'd be insulted if a kid offered me his/her seat. I'm not that old yet! :eek: The same goes for standing at a bar. Well, at least until the fifth or sixth martini kicks in. :D

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John, I don't think that the issue is whether or not children should be allowed in adult venues as much as it is one of what constitutes an adult venue aboard a Celebrity ship.


Part of the problem can be attributed to the word "bar", which for most has an adult connotation. If we were discussing whether children should be allowed to sit at a service counter, I suspect that we'd see less friction.


I'd personally be in favour of Celebrity designating one of the bars as "adult only" during the day, providing a venue for those adult who choose this type of environment. At night, a wider number of venues could be designated adults only.


BTW, the issue of children sitting at the service counter while adults stand has nothing to do with where they are allowed to go. This is purely a question of good manners and a proper upbringing. Unfortunately, one sees children sitting on buses while adults are made to stand, and I suppose some might do the same aboard ship.




This is where common sense has to be used though.


When I look at the martini bar menu they do not have Shirley Temples or any other child friendly drinks listed on the menu. They do not serve food. This is a bar that specializes in one think - martinis! One look at this venue should tell anyone with an ounce of common sense that this bar was not designed with children in mind. On land a child would never be permitted into this type of establishment - especially sitting at the bar!

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Most adults on their 20's, 30's 40's and 50's are fully capable of standing on a bus or at a service counter. Frankly I'd be insulted if a kid offered me his/her seat. I'm not that old yet! :eek: The same goes for standing at a bar. Well, at least until the fifth or sixth martini kicks in. :D


I'm a senior, but quite capable of standing on a bus or for a drink, yet I'm always pleased to have a child offer me a seat. I'll normally tell them I'm fine, keep the seat, and thank them for the offer. But there are others here who for many different reasons clearly want or need the seats, and as I was taught and as I taught my children and now my grandchildren, well mannered kids should make the offer.


BTW, I still rise and offer my seat to ladies, young and old, as I believe every gentleman should. I also hold doors open for others. :)


This is where common sense has to be used though.


When I look at the martini bar menu they do not have Shirley Temples or any other child friendly drinks listed on the menu. They do not serve food. This is a bar that specializes in one think - martinis! One look at this venue should tell anyone with an ounce of common sense that this bar was not designed with children in mind. On land a child would never be permitted into this type of establishment - especially sitting at the bar!

Absolutely. Everyone should use common sense. As I won't take my first Celebrity cruise until next February, I can't say from personal experience whether or not the Martini Bar is appropriate for children, but if it isn't, perhaps it would be an appropriate candidate for my suggestion that Celebrity designate one of the bars as adult only.

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Even at my age (will be on Medicare next year - ouch!), if someone older than me doesn't have a seat, I'll offer mine (what is funny is that most men are shocked that a lady would give up her seat to an older gentleman). That is just the way I was taught (thanks mom and dad for that upbringing).

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In MHO I would never let a child sit at the bar - period - lounge area with adults would be o.k. If I take a place at the Martini bar I would find it a real ambiance killer to have a 8 yr old seated next to me. Kids have their area and adults should have theirs - the world has gone crazy and people think their little darlings are welcome everywhere. I'm not drinking at Disney World so they need to stay out of bar.:cool:


Bravo, Jane! I agree completely.


All these people saying they encourage their kids to sit at the Martini bar are freaking me out. That's no place for a kid or the adult conversations happening there. I don't have to swear or be lewd or disorderly to be saying something that a kid shouldn't be hearing.


I have no issue with them seeing me drink alcohol. I take issue with the loss of ambiance and relaxation. Luckily, we never saw any at the Century Martini bar seven years ago and I don't expect to see them on the Connie Martini bar in two weeks. Luckily, we can travel when most of them are still in school.

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My 8 year old daughter loves the Martini (ice) bar on the Celebrity ships and we have a fantastic picture of her there, at 11:00 am. She would much rather be in the kids club most of the time. She is not prohibited from being there at any time but neither she nor I would want her to be there in the late evening. She loves the elite cocktail hour however and, since the kids club isn't open right before dinner, she needs to stay with us. If we stop in then she will be there too. We really don't drink so we aren't there to get lit up.


She has also been in a number of bars and clubs in the U.S. in the evening, while people are drinking (show shocked face now), and it's legal. She has no choice if she has a gig doing comedy and it's allowed if she is a paid performer. She also doesn't hang out there after her set.


So if kids shouldn't be allowed in "bars" since adults will be behaving badly what about coffee bars? Ice cream bars? Sand bars? Unless it is an area that is specifically designated as adults only then kids are allowed there. I didn't say they should be there, but they are allowed. The adults can be doing things that they shouldn't see almost anywhere, it doesn't have to be a bar. Been to a football game lately? Movie? Beach? There is no limit to the stupidity of people in public and drinking just raises the bar.


It isn't a child problem, it's an adult problem. If you are doing something that you wouldn't want YOUR child to see then it should probably be somewhere that children can't go.

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I'm not drinking at Disney World so they need to stay out of bar.:cool:

Just fwiw... Disney has a LOT of venues that serve alcohol of all kinds and some... gasp... bars! There is even a restaurant at the Magic Kingdom in Florida that serves alcohol now.... and it's pretty darned good - very family friendly. Epcot has numerous alcohol themed events, including but not limited to the food and WINE festival - and then there's the whole "drink around the World" game - you can buy cards to redeem at each World Showcase pavilion for a different type of alcohol, if you want... me, I'm not into beer, so would've wasted what was served in Canada and the UK - but I did dig the wines in Italy, France and Germany, as well as the margaritas in Mexico...

With the exception of the Magic Kindgom, every sit-down restaurant in every Disney park in Florida serves alcohol. It is not uncommon to see several clearly intoxicated people walking around the parks, especially Epcot!

I'm not all that keen about seeing young ones sitting at bars unaccompanied - I don't care so much if their parents are with them... Just noting that Disney can be quite the "adult" experience too, and that the argument of keeping kid things kid friendly and adults things to adult's only cuts both ways.

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She has also been in a number of bars and clubs in the U.S. in the evening, while people are drinking (show shocked face now), and it's legal. She has no choice if she has a gig doing comedy and it's allowed if she is a paid performer. She also doesn't hang out there after her set.


Is she allowed in those same bars when she's not working? Is she allowed to walk into the bar at 11pm to order a drink? Or sit at the bar while others are being served?


This thread is not discussing whether underage people are allowed to work in a bar area - we're referring to children sitting at a bar stool as a GUEST!

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Part of the problem can be attributed to the word "bar", which for most has an adult connotation. If we were discussing whether children should be allowed to sit at a service counter, I suspect that we'd see less friction.






Perhaps we should use the terms


Lounge Bar (Family Friendly)


Saloon Bar (Adults Only)


Pig & Whistle (Kids shot on sight)



Martini bar after eight martinis no kid would be able to prize me off the bar stool however "cute" they are



If you have to have your children with you PARENTS need to consider what is happening around them , there are plenty of suitable places that can be found it just needs the PARENTS to use discretion


Oh just one thing lets define "Child" here in Australia the legal drinking age is 18 , I do think that 21 as imposed by some cruise lines is a little harsh the children who's parents give cause for concern are toddlers to twelve year olds , 14--18 y.o's normally are not my biggest concern , after all most of us would have snagged an under age drink sometime :eek:


No I think its more a case of "please keep your little princess in her nice party frock off the bar counter , she is too young for pole dancing" :p




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My 8 year old daughter loves the Martini (ice) bar on the Celebrity ships and we have a fantastic picture of her there, at 11:00 am. She would much rather be in the kids club most of the time. She is not prohibited from being there at any time but neither she nor I would want her to be there in the late evening. She loves the elite cocktail hour however and, since the kids club isn't open right before dinner, she needs to stay with us. If we stop in then she will be there too. We really don't drink so we aren't there to get lit up.


She has also been in a number of bars and clubs in the U.S. in the evening, while people are drinking (show shocked face now), and it's legal. She has no choice if she has a gig doing comedy and it's allowed if she is a paid performer. She also doesn't hang out there after her set.


So if kids shouldn't be allowed in "bars" since adults will be behaving badly what about coffee bars? Ice cream bars? Sand bars? Unless it is an area that is specifically designated as adults only then kids are allowed there. I didn't say they should be there, but they are allowed. The adults can be doing things that they shouldn't see almost anywhere, it doesn't have to be a bar. Been to a football game lately? Movie? Beach? There is no limit to the stupidity of people in public and drinking just raises the bar.


It isn't a child problem, it's an adult problem. If you are doing something that you wouldn't want YOUR child to see then it should probably be somewhere that children can't go.



There are some places in the world where parents who allow their children to work in adult venues might find themselves in a great deal of trouble, in this age of political correctness such action could be regarded as child abuse



Frankly if I was in an adult venue and there was a small child employed I would be very concerned



Best Regards



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Typically she does her set and then we leave. The total time in the "Adult venue" is about half an hour and she doesn't do anything after 8:00 pm. Some of the locations are dinner theatres. (also churches, charity events, Relay for Life) She isn't waiting tables or throwing out drunks. She has also performed in the theatre on cruise ships and I believe there are adults there with drinks. Would that be considered an adult venue? I was using comedy clubs as an example of places that allow kids (in some instances) but serve liquor.


I guess my point was regarding the concept of adult venues or bars versus places that serve alcohol and adults. If the local applicable laws allow minors in an establishment then it is up to the judgment of the parents and the owners as to what is appropriate. A true adult venue will not allow anyone under 18 or 21 depending on the type.


Now to ruffle a few more feathers - If it is legal for a minor to be seated at the bar then they would have as much right to be there as anyone else who is spending money. The same would go for a non-drinker. And as one I would like to see you remove me from said stool.


Please read carefully. I said before and will now restate that I don't think that a bar at night is an appropriate place for kids, but it isn't my call for others kids.

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I have a delicate question....are children allowed to sit in the bar... or actually at the bar on the stools on Celebrity cruise ships?


Actually, I can't think of any instance on our cruises where it was ever an issue. We have never seen many kids in the Martini Bar; but those I have seen, I must say, have always demonstrated very sophisticated tastes and have imbibed in moderation.


Kids should be allowed. First, the cruise staff isn't going to serve minors alcoholic beverages. Second, The cruise staff know how rowdy 5 and 6 year olds can get after a few cocktails. Its not pretty). Third, the cruise staff know that if they don't let kids into the bars then its going to have to be them wasting their time chaperoning inebriated guests back to their cabins when the bars shut down. I might also mention that It is depressing seeing hoards of youngsters hanging outside the bars waiting for their plastered parents to leave.


I suppose a case could be made for Celebrity to designate certain, limited, venues as adult only based on the fact that they are strictly dispensing alcohol. The Molecular Bar and Martini bars perhaps fit this category. But I think that it becomes a slippery slope to maneuver trying to restrict kid presence in the bars and lounges given that virtually every venue, except the kid's club, serves alcohol.

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She has also been in a number of bars and clubs in the U.S. in the evening, while people are drinking (show shocked face now), and it's legal. She has no choice if she has a gig doing comedy and it's allowed if she is a paid performer.


Typically she does her set and then we leave. The total time in the "Adult venue" is about half an hour and she doesn't do anything after 8:00 pm. Some of the locations are dinner theatres. (also churches, charity events, Relay for Life) She isn't waiting tables or throwing out drunks. She has also performed in the theatre on cruise ships and I believe there are adults there with drinks.


IMO, bars and clubs are not the same thing as a dinner theatre, church, charity event or relay for life.


In most cities it's illegal for children to be in a bar or club at night. During the day they are usually only permitted if with an adult AND it's a venue that serves food. In my area, all kids have to be gone from these establishments by 9pm.

Edited by lovemylab
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As far as I am concerned it is inappropriate on a whole lot of levels. In my opinion, children should not be exposed to the bar scene day or night until they are of legal age. Quite frankly, as someone who has paid thousands of dollars to take a cruise I do not want to walk into a bar on a ship and not be able to find a stool or table because children are sitting there. We leave in just a few hours for Barcelona to pick up the Equinox for their trans atlantic cruise on Monday.

Sorry to sound like a moron, however it is also true of people with children they have also spent thousands of dollars paying for their children to go on vacation with them. I for one wouldn't want to spend my time in the cabin "with the children" hey I am on vacation and I for one wouldn't leave the children alone at night. As far as I am concerned there is absolutely nothing wrong with children at bars, I think they have as much right as the next person to be there.

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For all of you who don't want to sit next to a child at a bar/lounge (like me), cruise during school and not during holiday weeks. I have found it extremely relaxing and kid free for the most part.


and avoid Christmas like the plague. world of difference between last years Xmas cruise and this years mid September.

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