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Problem with Captains Club loyalty program conversion dates


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We were on a 15 night Century cruise in a concierge cabin when the change occurred. Our cruise started on Nov.21. We were told onboard by Jonette, the Capt's Club hostess, that all who were currently on a cruise when the change occurred would get the old cruise credits for that cruise and these would be converted to the new points using the 30 factor and that is what happened. We got 90 new points for the 3 cruise credits we got for that cruise. This was done immediately and were showing in our Capt's club account just after the change happened.


We experienced the same on our recent Eclipse cruise. We were on a 14-night Eclipse cruise that sailed on Nov. 16th and returned on Nov. 30th. We were in a veranda cabin and with the 14-night cruise, we would accrue 2 cruise credits based on the old system. We received 60 points for that cruise, which means it was based on that cruise accruing 2 credits for a cruise > 11 nights X 30 conversion factor (it would have 42 points if it had been based on the new system with veranda 3 points X 14 nights).


On Nov. 25th a letter delivered to our cabin indicated we were now Elite+ and showed converted points that did not include the two "old" credits for current cruise. When I looked online via X's website the same day however, I saw that we had 60 more points than the letter showed and that those 60 points were for the 2 cruise credits for the current cruise. Had it been based on the new system, we would have had 3 points for a veranda X 14 nights = 42 points, not the 60 points we received for 2 current cruise credits X 30 conversion factor.



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Thought about your program last night and thought I would address it in another way.


Here are the problems, as I see them, with the program you have suggested.


When Celebrity changed their Captain’s Club program, the changes left the majority of their customers either in better shape (those that had enough points to be upped to the two new tiers) or left everyone in the tier that they were in prior to the changes. Celebrity was fair to the majority of their customers, even though a small amount felt that they were treated unfairly. A company tries, within their changes, to make the majority of their customers happy and unfortunately they realize that a minority will be unhappy.


With your suggested program, you benefiting and are making exceptions for only a few of Celebrity’s customers.


I think the biggest negative is for those with booked cruises which have not been paid for yet. These customers had the same expectations (read many of the posts) as those that have paid cruises had. Just because some are in the position to pay for their cruises up front, doesn’t mean that they are more loyal than those that can’t. Since Celebrity makes the rules as to when final payment is due, it would be a slap in the face to many more customers that they are not given an exception because they didn’t or can't pay for their cruise before it was due.


Your program would benefit those the most that:


**Those that are retired, self-employed or able to drop everything and cruise within the next couple of months. It pretty much discounts those that have children in school, those working customers who can not just take off on a dime, etc.


**Those that don’t have the financial means to either pay for their cruises upfront or take additional cruises in two months. Not to mention, that people would be paying for cruises clear through 2015; some will be cancelled which would now make it a nightmare for Celebrity to keep track of all of the one offs.


**Those that live in Florida. Those that live in Florida can cruise without flying to a port, all others would have to pay for airfare in those two months to garner additional points. So, it would benefit those who live near a port.


It does exactly what many on here have complained about for years. Making it too easy for customers to become Elite by taking short cruises to work the system. A person living in Florida could take 8 or 9 short cruises in January and February, without the added expense of airfare or hotel for pre-cruise stay, garnering them 270 points. Thus this would be doing exactly what many Elites have been complaining about. As an example, one could take a cruise on January 2, 13 and 25 at the total cost for on person in an inside cabin of only $777 (receiving 3 points which would be converted to 90 points under the new system), while many of Celebrity’s customers have spent thousands on a single cruise which got them 1, 2 or 3 points (depending on cabin and length of the cruise) converting to 30, 60 or 90 points.


Now for the negatives to Celebrity; I'm sure there are more, but these were the ones I came up with:


**It would greatly increase the number of customers in each tier, something that Celebrity has shown by making in harder to get to the next tier (something that many Elites were asking for) was trying to slow down.


**It would upset a larger amount of their customers than your program would help. I believe that many of their customers, would see that Celebrity only gave exceptions to a small percentage of their customers, who were in a financial or geographical position to take advantage of the program.


For a program to be successful, it has to be a win win for the majority of all parties involved and your program only benefit’s a small portion of Celebrity’s customers, I think the majority of Celebrity’s customers would be unhappy with what you presented, which could lose Celebrity a much higher percentage of lost customers, especially those new or newer customers who feel that their loyalty has been discounted because of your suggested program's benefits were only given to a select few.


I realize that you feel that it is a win for a few and doesn't hurt the majorty, but if you look at all the facts, it truly hurts the majorty of Celebrity's customers, because since they can not take advantage of your proposed program, they would feel (like I'm sure the minority feels now), that Celebrity does not consider them loyal customers.


Now, the questions I would ask you:


Would you rather have the minority of your customers unhappy or the majority of your customers unhappy?


Why would it not be a problem now (since many Elites have complained for years that it is too easy to become Elite and that cruisers worked the system using short cruises to make Elite) for many to use the same short cruises to make Elite+ and Zenith?


Would you be satisfied if they made an exception for those on B2B cruises during the change, but didn't solve your issue?


Just have a few minutes before I need to leave for a Celebrity cruise.

Must be a pretty good proposal if people who can't take advantage of it would be upset.

Celebrity's business plan involves targeting specific groups for specials to encourage bookings. There are Senior discounts that on Seniors can't use. Regional discounts that don't apply equally to all. Military discounts and the list continues.

For about the fifth time:there is a difference in one'srelationshipwiththe company once you make final payment. You can no longer move to a lower category cabin.You forfeit money if you upgrade and the cabin is less than you paid, you amylose your entire payment if you cancel.

Don't know how much experienceyouhave in negotiations,but I have quite a bit. You need to separate the possible from the impossible. Get a piece of the pie now and try to get more later.

You try to establish a president for the future. Wish I had more time to discuss in greater detail, but need to meet Connie.

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Just have a few minutes before I need to leave for a Celebrity cruise.

Must be a pretty good proposal if people who can't take advantage of it would be upset.

Celebrity's business plan involves targeting specific groups for specials to encourage bookings. There are Senior discounts that on Seniors can't use. Regional discounts that don't apply equally to all. Military discounts and the list continues.

For about the fifth time:there is a difference in one'srelationshipwiththe company once you make final payment. You can no longer move to a lower category cabin.You forfeit money if you upgrade and the cabin is less than you paid, you amylose your entire payment if you cancel.

Don't know how much experienceyouhave in negotiations,but I have quite a bit. You need to separate the possible from the impossible. Get a piece of the pie now and try to get more later.

You try to establish a president for the future. Wish I had more time to discuss in greater detail, but need to meet Connie.

No, I'm saying it is not a good program for the majority only the minority, thus many will be unhappy.


Having discounts for cruises as a one off is totally different thing than allowing some to benefit from a program to elevate themselves above others in a rewards program, knowing that the majority of your customers can not participate.


You believe there is a difference in one's relationship with the company once you make final payment, I would think that all of those with booked cruises (probably many, many more than those with paid cruises) would strongly disagree. They are abiding by Celebrity's payment rules.


I was in sales for over 30 years and my customer billed over $100 million a year, so I'm pretty adept in negotiations, especially when it came to changes in policy.


The precedent that you set is that an exception should be made for only a few, I feel that a company needs to keep the majority happy, not the minority. A company makes changes that will lose them the least amount of business. The precedent I think Celebrity sent is that they are making policies for the majority of their customers, not the minority...which they seemed to be successful at based on all of the feedback. Why rock the boat for only a few unhappy customers.


Wish you would have at least answered my three questions, I would have been interested in your responses to them. Hopefully, when you get back from your cruise in a few days, you'll have time to answer them.

Edited by NLH Arizona
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Why do so many of these posts make it seem that people only cruise to get cruise points?

Anyone who had booked cruises and were already at elite level had no idea when and if Celebrity would improve the perks associated with Elite even though many of us have been waiting years for some type of change.


Apparently the only ones who were truly affected were:


  • People actually on a cruise expecting to be promoted as a result of the cruise that they were on.
  • People who were within the final payment period and could no longer cancel or change staterooms because the rules had changed.

Anyone else will take longer to get to new levels and can display their dissatisfaction by cancelling and moving on to another cruiseline. That's a decision one must make if they truly believe that they were disadvantaged.


For others who were in Elite but did not make the threshold for the new levels of Elite Plus or Zenith, you can't really say that you booked to attain something that was not in place when the new program rules were introduced. The new program offers more but also asks for more to attain that level. Enjoy cruising for its own sake. The perks on board are way cheaper if one purchased them at home.

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Why do so many of these posts make it seem that people only cruise to get cruise points?

Anyone who had booked cruises and were already at elite level had no idea when and if Celebrity would improve the perks associated with Elite even though many of us have been waiting years for some type of change.


Apparently the only ones who were truly affected were:


  • People actually on a cruise expecting to be promoted as a result of the cruise that they were on.
  • People who were within the final payment period and could no longer cancel or change staterooms because the rules had changed.

Anyone else will take longer to get to new levels and can display their dissatisfaction by cancelling and moving on to another cruiseline. That's a decision one must make if they truly believe that they were disadvantaged.


For others who were in Elite but did not make the threshold for the new levels of Elite Plus or Zenith, you can't really say that you booked to attain something that was not in place when the new program rules were introduced. The new program offers more but also asks for more to attain that level. Enjoy cruising for its own sake. The perks on board are way cheaper if one purchased them at home.

You ask some great questions, wish some would answer.


I would say that people who were within the final payment period should not be entitled to their cruises being counted in the old program, because the cruises is during the new program. If you make an exception for them, then where would it stop. People that have paid for theirs outside the penalty program should get the same and, I think, those with booked cruises should get the same as well. They all had the same expectations. as to why they booked their cruises. I think that is why Celebrity made their new program the way it is, so that there wouldn't be a lot of exceptions, because once you start making one exception, there is really no where to stop, because everyone will have, what they feel, is a legitimate issue. Celebrity needs to make the majority of their customers happy, in order to make sure the affect on their business is minimal.

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You ask some great questions, wish some would answer.


I would say that people who were within the final payment period should not be entitled to their cruises being counted in the old program, because the cruises is during the new program. If you make an exception for them, then where would it stop. People that have paid for theirs outside the penalty program should get the same and, I think, those with booked cruises should get the same as well. They all had the same expectations. as to why they booked their cruises. I think that is why Celebrity made their new program the way it is, so that there wouldn't be a lot of exceptions, because once you start making one exception, there is really no where to stop, because everyone will have, what they feel, is a legitimate issue. Celebrity needs to make the majority of their customers happy, in order to make sure the affect on their business is minimal.




I agree that no matter what they did some people wouldn't be happy but I think there's a big difference between people that were beyond final payment

and those who weren't (and thus still had the option to cancel without penalty)


The bottom line is that it is what it is and the decision has been made.

The only thing I think Celebrity really has to revisit is the case of people who were on cruises during the changeover.

Edited by chamima
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I agree that no matter what they did some people wouldn't be happy but I think there's a big difference between people that were beyond final payment

and those who weren't (and thus still had the option to cancel without penalty)

I think, if I made the rules, one of the things I would have done was make a penalty free time for those beyond the final payment to cancel. I really don't think the impact would have been that great to Celebrity's bottom line; a few who were only interested in getting the points would cancel, but I think that would be very minimal...In that I hope that most Celebrity cruisers cruise for the experience, not the perks or status.


Everyone can make a point for them to be an exception - those in the penalty zone, those that have paid, those that booked, etc., Celebrity had to draw the line and they drew it to state that the new program is in effect on a certain date and if your cruise is after that date, it will receive the new points. If they went back and gave in to those in the penalty zone, could you just imagine what the outcry would be from the other groups that feel they have a legitimate issue as well and my guess, because they were out of the penalty zone, many would cancel their cruises in retribution, because their issues are not made an exception as well. And let's face it, there are many more cruisers with booked cruises that are outside the penalty zone, then there are those in the penalty zone, so the impact on Celebrity's bottom line could be substantial.


I agree, I think those on B2B's where the second leg fell into the new program, should be given points under the old program, since they purchased the cruise as a package, even though technically they are two cruises. I feel that anyone who stepped on a ship prior to the new program start date, should be given points under the old program.

Edited by NLH Arizona
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Can you please tell me the start and end date of your Century cruise. Thanks!

Jade, just to get back to your original question which was the reason for the thread and looking at it from the outside it does look a mess. Some have been credited under the old system for cruises taken before November 25th and some under the new system. I thought that taking an Azamara cruise like you did was probably the reason, but it seems from postings here that the inconsistencies have occurred on Celebrity too. If you haven't already done it I think a snail mail to Captain's Club might be the best thing,setting out the inconsistencies you've seen. It seems pretty straightforward to me that if your cruise was taken before the new levels and earning points was announced then it should be "as you were". Don't what else to say really.



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I think, if I made the rules, one of the things I would have done was make a penalty free time for those beyond the final payment to cancel.


But even something that drastic wouldn't be neccesary. They could have had a 70 day conversion period (final payment time frame) where they just gave everyone the best reward from either program. That way they wouldn't lose any paid customers, everyone got what they thought they would get when they paid for the cruise and a few (those in suites) got even more.


I was on the Constellation B2B and had one cruise awarded the old way and one cruise the new way. Not a big deal, I am just not as far along at making it to Elite for laundry and Internet as I thought I would be when I paid for or even when I got on the Constellation. We were trying to improve our odds of chosing Celebrity over Princess by making it to Elite to even things up a little.


As someone else mentioned, it is hard to try Celebrity over Princess as Princess has considerably better loyalty perks (IMHO) starting after just 5 sailings. We had several little glitches on this last Celebity trip where as our previous trip on Princess was flawless so I suspect our next will be with Princess again.



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But even something that drastic wouldn't be neccesary. They could have had a 70 day conversion period (final payment time frame) where they just gave everyone the best reward from either program. That way they wouldn't lose any paid customers, everyone got what they thought they would get when they paid for the cruise and a few (those in suites) got even more.


I was on the Constellation B2B and had one cruise awarded the old way and one cruise the new way. Not a big deal, I am just not as far along at making it to Elite for laundry and Internet as I thought I would be when I paid for or even when I got on the Constellation. We were trying to improve our odds of chosing Celebrity over Princess by making it to Elite to even things up a little.


As someone else mentioned, it is hard to try Celebrity over Princess as Princess has considerably better loyalty perks (IMHO) starting after just 5 sailings. We had several little glitches on this last Celebity trip where as our previous trip on Princess was flawless so I suspect our next will be with Princess again.



If they did that, I think they would have more negative backlash than they have from those few who are upset. No, not everyone would get what they want. What about others with paid cruises outside the penalty zone or those with booked cruises, they would be complaining to the roof tops and since there are more of them than those in the penalty zone, I feel the impact on Celebrity's bottom line would be quite large. I feel what Celebrity did has the least negative impact to the most customers and their bottom line.


Hope you enjoy your cruising experience, no matter which line you choose.

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If they did that, I think they would have more negative backlash than they have from those few who are upset. No, not everyone would get what they want. What about others with paid cruises outside the penalty zone or those with booked cruises, they would be complaining to the roof tops and since there are more of them than those in the penalty zone, I feel the impact on Celebrity's bottom line would be quite large. I feel what Celebrity did has the least negative impact to the most customers and their bottom line.



I can't see any reason they would be "complaining to the roof tops". They currently aren't, so given they have the flexibility to cancel, whereas those who are most affected don't there is a clear delineation and rationale. They wouldn't be disadvantaged by such a proposal.

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I can't see any reason they would be "complaining to the roof tops". They currently aren't, so given they have the flexibility to cancel, whereas those who are most affected don't there is a clear delineation and rationale. They wouldn't be disadvantaged by such a proposal.

No they aren't because currently they are in the same boat as everyone else since Celebrity has not caved in to a few, but if Celebrity were to give old points to those with paid for cruises or those that can take a cruise in 2 months, I'm sure those that feel they should get the same program would be upset. Especially when some of the cruisers that want an exception are on 3 and 4 day cruises, wanting 30 or 60 points opposed to 6 or 8 points. This puts those that have not paid in full for their cruises, have booked cruises, can't cruise at the drop of a hat, etc. at a disadvantage with regard to the Captain's club points. Wouldn't you be upset? Why should these few cruises be given different conditions than anyone else? You didn't think those that were on B2B cruises when the program changed should be given an exception, why this program? It would be like Celebrity saying, because you didn't pay for your cruise up front (before we asked you to) or since you can't drop everything to cruise in 2 months, you are not as loyal as someone who has.

Edited by NLH Arizona
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I agree that no matter what they did some people wouldn't be happy but I think there's a big difference between people that were beyond final payment

and those who weren't (and thus still had the option to cancel without penalty)


The bottom line is that it is what it is and the decision has been made.

The only thing I think Celebrity really has to revisit is the case of people who were on cruises during the changeover.


I agree 100%. It has ALWAYS been X's position that "points" were earned at the END of a cruise and any earned status upgrades applied to your next cruise. In our case, we ended our cruise on 12/7 and should have been given credit under the new system not the old. It makes no difference to our current status as we are still Elite, BUT, the new system would have awarded us 114 more points toward Elite+. We still need to cruise more to get there so it's no freebie. I am also upset to learn on this thread that other cruisers did indeed get credits under the new system for cruises that ended after 11/23 but started before, especially since we were told by the Captain's Club that everyone on a cruise as of 11/23 was treated the same and only given points under the old system. Give us a choice!!

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Old points were converted at 30 points per old point to make your new total e.g. 10 old points = 300 new points.


At the top of the table you refer to above, there's a drop down arrow. If you click that you'll see the maths and conversion rules they used to get you to your new balance.

Thanks I thought I tried that drop down and got the new point system. I'll check again. I've got 1 and 2 point cruises (<14 days) that are essentially the same, as we remember them, but are somehow different.

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No they aren't because currently they are in the same boat as everyone else since Celebrity has not caved in to a few, but if Celebrity were to give old points to those with paid for cruises or those that can take a cruise in 2 months, I'm sure those that feel they should get the same program would be upset. Especially when some of the cruisers that want an exception are on 3 and 4 day cruises, wanting 30 or 60 points opposed to 6 or 8 points. This puts those that have not paid in full for their cruises, have booked cruises, can't cruise at the drop of a hat, etc. at a disadvantage with regard to the Captain's club points. Wouldn't you be upset? Why should these few cruises be given different conditions than anyone else? You didn't think those that were on B2B cruises when the program changed should be given an exception, why this program? It would be like Celebrity saying, because you didn't pay for your cruise up front (before we asked you to) or since you can't drop everything to cruise in 2 months, you are not as loyal as someone who has.


No, because they haven't paid for it.


If you haven't paid for it, there is more flexibility on both sides. To cancel, or for things to be adjusted. As is often said here, before final payment you can upgrade or get refunds more readily. And of course, cancel without penalty. Once it's locked in, suddenly you lost a lot of flexibility.


To extend some others frequent justifications, those that have paid more are entitled to get more. And by paying early you have paid more to the cruise line at that point in time.

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Thanks I thought I tried that drop down and got the new point system. I'll check again. I've got 1 and 2 point cruises (<14 days) that are essentially the same, as we remember them, but are somehow different.

I recall reading here on CC that early in the Capt's Club program you didn't get the extra credits for being on a 12 night or longer cruise or being in a catagory cabin like a suite.

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No, because they haven't paid for it.


If you haven't paid for it, there is more flexibility on both sides. To cancel, or for things to be adjusted. As is often said here, before final payment you can upgrade or get refunds more readily. And of course, cancel without penalty. Once it's locked in, suddenly you lost a lot of flexibility.


To extend some others frequent justifications, those that have paid more are entitled to get more. And by paying early you have paid more to the cruise line at that point in time.

I don't think it matters if they paid 100 percent or not, they put down a deposit and are in full compliance with Celebrity's rules and regulations with regard to booking a cruise. If the cruiser makes adjustments, the points would reflect that and if they cancel, they would not get the points. They should be made available all the same programs that would be extended to those that have paid, since they all had the same expectations and no booking rules have been broken.


I think you are comparing apples to oranges. For a company to set up their loyalty/rewards program to give more rewards to those that spend more is the norm at many, many companies and it is the companies right to set up the program anyway they choose, because it is free to their customers. At my grocery store, the more I purchase, the more gas rewards I get. When I fly, I get 50 percent more miles for flying first class, which costs more. Their rewards program is not set up to reward those customers who pay on time or in advance (if it were, they would be giving extra points for paying in advance or on time), it is based on the cruises that one completes which have been paid for under their booking rules. These customers are not paying more, they are just customers who have already paid for their cruise. Do you feel that it is okay for Celebrity to tell a customer who has not yet paid for their cruise, that they are not as loyal as someone who has paid? I don't believe Celebrity would agree with this and I certainly don't agree with it.


The consumer that has already paid for their cruise, is not paying more, they just are paying either early or when it is due, but I don't think you should discount those that are following the cruise lines rules and regulations as far as when payment is due. Those that paid ahead of their due date did so of their own accord and Celebrity should say thank you, but they don't owe them anything other than the cruise they paid for. To think that they could get an exception just because they paid early, is like saying that because I paid my health insurance plan early, I should get appointments before those with a more serious illness, who hasn't paid yet.


I would hope that if Celebrity were going to change any of the rules or make exceptions, they would have done it by now, since we are over 3 1/2 weeks out from the announcement and they have seen all the fallout they are going to see.

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I don't think it matters if they paid 100 percent or not, they put down a deposit and are in full compliance with Celebrity's rules and regulations with regard to booking a cruise. If the cruiser makes adjustments, the points would reflect that and if they cancel, they would not get the points. They should be made available all the same programs that would be extended to those that have paid, since they all had the same expectations and no booking rules have been broken.


I think you are comparing apples to oranges. For a company to set up their loyalty/rewards program to give more rewards to those that spend more is the norm at many, many companies and it is the companies right to set up the program anyway they choose, because it is free to their customers. At my grocery store, the more I purchase, the more gas rewards I get. When I fly, I get 50 percent more miles for flying first class, which costs more. Their rewards program is not set up to reward those customers who pay on time or in advance (if it were, they would be giving extra points for paying in advance or on time), it is based on the cruises that one completes which have been paid for under their booking rules. These customers are not paying more, they are just customers who have already paid for their cruise. Do you feel that it is okay for Celebrity to tell a customer who has not yet paid for their cruise, that they are not as loyal as someone who has paid? I don't believe Celebrity would agree with this and I certainly don't agree with it.


The consumer that has already paid for their cruise, is not paying more, they just are paying either early or when it is due, but I don't think you should discount those that are following the cruise lines rules and regulations as far as when payment is due. Those that paid ahead of their due date did so of their own accord and Celebrity should say thank you, but they don't owe them anything other than the cruise they paid for. To think that they could get an exception just because they paid early, is like saying that because I paid my health insurance plan early, I should get appointments before those with a more serious illness, who hasn't paid yet.


I would hope that if Celebrity were going to change any of the rules or make exceptions, they would have done it by now, since we are over 3 1/2 weeks out from the announcement and they have seen all the fallout they are going to see.


We'll just have to agree to disagree on this as clearly you have a different perspective on this to myself. Some of the points you made are also quite unrelated to what I had said, for example, nothing I said said that everybody should always get the same points, and the program has never been like that in any case. Nothing I said, said that Celebrity should tell people generally who have not paid for their cruises are less loyal.


I found your arguments praising more points for people paying more, yet then implying that paying early is of no benefit inconsistent. Money has a time value as well as a dollar value.

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We'll just have to agree to disagree on this as clearly you have a different perspective on this to myself. Some of the points you made are also quite unrelated to what I had said, for example, nothing I said said that everybody should always get the same points, and the program has never been like that in any case. Nothing I said, said that Celebrity should tell people generally who have not paid for their cruises are less loyal.


I found your arguments praising more points for people paying more, yet then implying that paying early is of no benefit inconsistent. Money has a time value as well as a dollar value.

I feel, and that is why I asked you the question, that if Celebrity were to give an exception for those that have paid in full and not to those who have not, that they are saying that they feel that those that have paid are more loyal than those who didn't (which someone actually said in another thread), thus they will get an exception to their rules and that is something I totally disagree with. Each cruiser is equal in my mind as far as being a loyal customer (because I have no idea how many cruises they have been on), they might get different rewards (based on the program) from Celebrity, but all should be considered loyal customers.


Money has value and obviously Celebrity feels the same (as they did on the old program, by rewarding an extra point for concierge and above and for cruises over 12 days) by rewarding those cruisers based on their cabin category . If you think time has value, then why not suggest to Celebrity that they give additional points for those that pay 100 days prior to payment date or 90 days prior or 30 days prior. Currently their rules and regulations and their Captain's Club program does not reward customers for when they pay for their cruise, all they get is the same thing every customer gets (even those that pay when due), a fantastic cruise.


Yes, we see the issue totally different, but that is what is great about this forum, we have a place to voice them. I want to thank you for posting your disagreements in a truly professional manner, it was my pleasure to have these discussions with you about this issue. I don't know where the whole thing will come out, but whatever Celebrity decides, I'm sure they are doing it for what they feel is for the best for their company and the majority of their customers.

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I recall reading here on CC that early in the Capt's Club program you didn't get the extra credits for being on a 12 night or longer cruise or being in a catagory cabin like a suite.


That is correct and is why 14 nights in a suite on these trips converts to a miserable 30 points

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It's not as complicated as some of y'all would make it.

When RCI announced the change in their smoking policy, those inside final payment were scheduled to embark before the change.


Those scheduled to embark on cruises sailing on or after January 1st had every opportunity to cancel without penalty.


Announcing a change, then saying, "Oh, by the way, this took effect two days ago," is madness. Last night, your premium drink package covered $12 wine. Suppose tonight you order the same wine and are told, "Sorry. Anything over $10 - you pay the difference."


While the cruise line, or any business, has every legal right to change their protocol, the consumer should be given enough notice to say, "Thanks, but no thanks." When we raise our boarding fees, those who have made a reservation prior to the announcement get the old fee. It would be poor business (and terrible PR) to announce the higher rate when the owner dropped off her pet. "Oh, by the way, our fee has increased $5. Sure, you may take your dog and leave, but I'm keeping your deposit."


Legal, yes; good business, no.

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Jade 13, when I first saw this thread I was on the Nov 25 portion of our back to back on Journey, which began with the sailing you are talking about. I had not seen how Celebrity was counting those two cruises.

As of today they have appeared on my history on the secure Captains Club page. The 11/9 was counted under the old system and the 11/25 under the new. Have you checked your page there?

Good luck and happy sailing.



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Jade 13, when I first saw this thread I was on the Nov 25 portion of our back to back on Journey, which began with the sailing you are talking about. I had not seen how Celebrity was counting those two cruises.

As of today they have appeared on my history on the secure Captains Club page. The 11/9 was counted under the old system and the 11/25 under the new. Have you checked your page there?

Good luck and happy sailing.



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Hi Going Coastal, thank you for responding. Finally someone on the same Azamara Journey November 9 sailing who was credited different than us using the old points system for the conversion.


Based on the comments so far it seems that some on Celebrity cruises were actually given the credits before November 25 (using the old points system) for a sailing they were on which had not yet ended, which appears to be why they were credited differently. Unless you checked your status/points on November 24 there is no way to know when your points were added. All I have been told is that the points/conversion is done automatically by the computer system.

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Jade 13,

That is correct. I could not find my history again until the day I responded to you. Presumably this was because they were being calculated.

I did receive the original email congratulating us on being Elite Plus and then saw your original posting.

Hope some of this is of help to you and wish you well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I logged into My Celebrity and suddenly had 120 less points than when I contacted Captains Club regarding how our cruise that ended on November 25 was converted to the new program.


Well apparently they reviewed our accounts and did change (as requested) our Azamara sailing that ended November 25 using the old point system x 30.


Unfortunately they said they found errors including a cruise we were not on (they checked the manifest but would not tell me which cruise so I have no idea what the error was since all the cruises looked accurate when I originally checked).


They also said we were given bonus points for a promotion last year in error as our cruise did not qualify. I was told there were lots of errors during the conversion including cruises people were on during the conversion, and that they are reviewing and will be taking away any points that were given to any members in error.


So basically, after contacting them points we had for over a year were removed.

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