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Stories from Spices Teas and Rubber Trees


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After the challenges of India and Sri Lanka, three sea days beckoned. So in this review what I will do is highlight all the options on board across the cruise. Many people worry with long periods at sea what will they do – we had grand plans as to what would happen – hmmm – where did that time go because many things on the plan did not happen.

Based on previous posts, here are a few pointers of what peace at sea involved

* access to a great range of books in the library including some current titles

* no issue in finding sun loungers on deck and no evidence of lounger hoggers

* an absence of canned muzack both day and evening (something we suddenly realised on Day Three, it was pleasantly quiet)

* daily ballroom instruction (free of charge classes) by the onboard dance professionals, also almost every evening before the shows from around 9.15 pm there was half an hour of ballroom dancing in the Cabaret Lounge which was very popular

* they did attempt to run bingo games, I am not sure from the jokes from Eric whether they got many takers

* unhosted Bridge was scheduled most sea days

* daily Crosswords and Sudoko sheets could be picked up from the Library

* Trivia – as indicated earlier there were 2-3 Trivia sessions each day

* Wi games were also run at times in Casino Luxe Bar during the day

* Grandad is alive and well and still writing to Eric (repeat cruisers will get this one) he has also written a book, you knew who had it, you heard the gigglers reading it pool side

Evening entertainment was good, held usually at 9.45pm. Flautist Suzanne Godfrey, Irish opera/celtic crossover singer Sinead Blanchfield, magician Mel Mellers and comedian Jeff Stevenson all performed twice. All were very good

There were three production shows, plus the lead two singers Amanda Poulson and Andrew Perry each did shows (Amanda did hers under the stars in Mumbai, it was particularly memorable) plus they did a joint show. In addition Eric de Gray as Cruise Director did his own show


He also “interfered (!)” with the final production show which had everyone crying with laughter.


Eric is a hugely talented pianist and singer, you sometimes forget that when he is being funny as well.

Park West – I gave feedback about this onboard but will restate it here. The abomination of garish art on Deck 5 complete with harsh spotlights has completely spoilt the calm of Mosaic in my view. The nice pieces of Azamara art have easels in front of them – almost down to where the piano used to be and far too many pictures are crammed onto the walls in the Lift Lobby area and in the entry to Discoveries. I counted 14 pictures on display in that small area.

Were they selling? – I do not know, there were two auctions and four seminars. I have no idea how well attended they were. Several very expensive pictures did appear with sold tickets on them, and these pictures were changed around so in theory if you believe what you saw around 12 pictures were sold. But were they? Or was it to encourage you to stop buy and make an offer, who knows. I still believe Park West does not fit well with a destination cruise line and I think it is a Royal Caribbean bean counter that has pushed them back on board – and I remain to be convinced on the maths on this one.

Finally Armistice/Veterans Day was whilst we were on board. Two minutes silence was observed shipwide followed by a Service in the Cabaret Lounge in which Amanda Poulson, Andrew Perry, the Captain, Eric and some officers took part. I do not know who wrote that 20 minute service, but it was one of the most moving Remembrance events I have been to for many many years.

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Our arrival at Port Klang for Kuala Lumpur saw us docked beside or should I say dwarfed by a RCL vessel. If I can skip forward to the end of the day, this gave Azamara the opportunity to lay on the Welcome Back Home event – officers on the pier, Champagne served to guests on pierside as they returned whilst the great Journey Orchestra played on Deck 5 for all to hear.


I am again going to be critical of Land Discoveries in a minute but an interesting fact that shows the potential value of these tours to Azamara (and the revenue they can lose if they screw up) RCL vessel, 3000+ guests sent 10 tour buses out that day, Azamara 700 guests sent 27 tour buses out.


Anyway once again Lucky White Heather anyone...................? This time there was only one bus going on our Tour – The Garden City of Kuala Lumpur – but we still got a coconut for a guide (or so I thought we did until I heard about the trip the Hotel Director was on incognito, believe it or not, she can top our tale but I leave it for anyone who experienced it first hand to chime in).


I expect there will be some very focussed feedback to the Agents in Malaysia, our guide had a very unfortunate sense of humour – I will give her the benefit of the doubt that some of it was humour (e.g comments about English always just do pub crawls thats all they do) however she only confirmed a building was the magnificent mosque when pressed to by a tour member and then preceded to talk about terrorists and worse still explained that the richest man in Malaysia had a problem as to who to leave his money to because his son was handicapped, when sitting in the front row of the bus was a lovely Aussie young man we had all got to know throughout the cruise who had a profound neurological disability.


This tour has the potential to be good but needs reworking – the key stops were to be Orchid Garden, Hibiscus Garden and the Butterfly Park plus a visit to the KL Craft Centre. Lets deal with the Craft Centre first, I had googled this place before we booking and thought it had potential to be a great place for gifts. What we went to was a place selling cheap and nasty plastic Chinese junk and now I am back home I have looked on line and realised we were not taken to what is shown as the KL Craft Centre online. This is something the ship needs to look carefully at for future cruises.


Anyway, before you think the whole day was a write off, I have to be positive and tell you about one big learning point for me. On boarding the ship, we were advised that the Butterfly Farm had been replaced by The Bird Park. OK, I am terrified of birds, I have never enjoyed encounters with them. However my husband says, its too much hassle to change and anyway lets concentrate on the Orchid and Hibiscus Gardens which you will love and I want to see the PETRONAS Towers.




Downtown KL



Now, logistically these Garden/Park visits should have been in the beginning of the day when it was cooler (a review of the map shows the various stops would have been easily interchangeable going round KL in a different circular direction) so we were getting tired and it was humid when we got there. Then Miss Lo informs us there is no point in going to the Orchid and Hibiscus Gardens across the road as they are out of season so I am stuck in a bird park for 90 minutes- Houston we have a problem.


Guess what – I had the best time ever I was thrilled at the Photo opportunities I had and I am so glad I went there. Added to that the gift shop was high quality and we were able to make up for the near disaster of no presents for some following our visit to tatland. I was however a little annoyed on the bus home to learn from another guest who had ignored Miss Lo that there was a lovely but small display of orchids to be seen across the road. Hope you can see why I enjoyed this visit.






The Hornbills are the feature of this park, difficult to photo through meshed cages though




And this guy just was not going to face me



For anyone going to KL in the future, I would say, unless Land Discoveries can get their act together, I would suggest you go on your own, possibly using the ships transfer excursions as taxis were not that evident at the port. And certainly consider the bird park for a visit (http://www.klbirdpark.com) but make sure you also cross the road unlike us and see the Orchids as well.


Children on Land Discoveries


A lot has been written about children on board recently. On this trip there were no children other than two charming little boys aged about 2 or just less, the children of the Staff Captain and another Officer. They never caused any issues onboard and they were kept on a short rein (literally in both cases!) by Mums.


The look of horror on some guests’ faces as the Mums plus kids boarded our excursion was very obvious. However, Mums took the children straight to the back of the bus, they were equipped with toys and books, and we never heard from these two all the way there and back. It was also a joy to see the Bird Park through the eyes of one of the children we walked round beside for a while. So, with the right parents (or grandparents) kids and Azamara do go together very well.

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It is always hard when the cruise is coming to the end, we arrived into Singapore for the precision docking required by the authorities at the Singapore Cruise Centre lunchtime the day before disembarkation. This time the Safety Officer got to add to his sailing log by driving Journey in. We loved Captain Johannes remark one day, he wants to get Azamara to paint big red L plates on the front and back of Journey but it was great during the cruise to hear how many of the younger officers were docking and undocking the ship under his guidance on this cruise.


After the chaos of the Indian sub continent and Malaysia, Singapore is orderly and so structured. There is also so much to do and excellent transport networks. No shuttles were offered but being near Vivo City we could easily access the Sentosa Express as we did ($4 each to the island, no charge to return) or if you were brave you can take the cable car that goes straight over the ship. (www.singaporecablecar.com.sg). You can also follow links to the MRT system.


(Cable car from our balcony)




The excursions offered were limited even though we did not disembark until the next day. Again an area that could be worked on – in particular I was surprised nothing was offered to the Gardens by the Bay. (www.gardensbythebay.com.sg). We actually did these on our own on disembarkation day, they are beautiful and the two domes are perfect when the obligatory late afternoon shower appears and they are free from any humidity which can be a welcome relief for many. I believe the cruiseline could offer something that could be tailored to appeal to garden lovers with an expert guide to highlight things (though of course in a few hours you can only look at a tiny % of what the Gardens have). They are only a short trip from both cruise terminals and if you are doing it yourself, taxis in Singapore are very very cheap.






Disembarkation was exceptionally orderly, always a sad time, but lovely how you are seen off by all the Senior Officers. As out flights to the UK are late evening, we opted to stay a night in Singapore thereby giving us a good further 36 hours of enjoyable time. We stayed at the Ritz Carlton – if your budget will allow this and there are great deals to be had there, do it, this was the view we had lying in bed.





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In a nutshell very little – the biggest area still needing work is Land Discoveries, I have been very honest in my posts about what we experienced, but it would not be fair to dismiss Land Discoveries out of hand. I am not a subscriber to the “private trips only” school, I believe the cruise line can provide good options but there is scope to do a lot more. I also believe the onboard team do not fully embrace customer service and are too defensive and should listen more when feedback is given. It is the only area of the ship that again has not responded to constructive feedback before we left – this is not the first time we have seen that.

I would also like to see more explicit marketing of the tours the Concierge can put together – Joao was a lovely person and I know he put together good ideas for some guests. Maybe at the start of a cruise, some sample trips could be highlighted on a handout with ballpark costs. Now there is no incentive to pre book tours when the 25% discount goes, guests may be happy to wait until they are on board and so there is scope for further revenue generation there.

There is also a niggle about guests behaviour on tours and this could apply whether you are on private tours or not – and that is the growing use of Ipads as cameras. When there are a number of people wanting to photograph something, whereas the space blocked by a camera user is only the size of their body, the space blocked by an Ipad user is their body plus wherever they are holding the ipad out to. Ipad users also take longer to take a picture due to the technology they are using – just a suggestion, maybe we need to think of some “snappers etiquette” for the future. Our joy at having a minibus on one trip was short lived because we could not see out the front (Ipad man was videoing most of the time; other side we had large sunhat wearer) – oh and our view to one side was curtailed by a lady who would not allow the curtains to be opened. In the end of the day our pics were fine but could have been a lot easier come by with a little thought.

I would also encourage the cruiseline to continue trying to get a diverse mix of nationalities on board as we enjoyed. I have listed below the extract from our trip that appeared in the Pursuits daily – this mix really made this cruise, we loved the diversity of guests we met and chatted with.

Australia 53; Brazil 1; Canada 56; Denmark 43; Germany 19; Hungary 2; India 1; Italy 2; Japan 1; Mexico 6; Netherlands 2; New Zealand 7: Norway 63; Spain 1; Sweden 4; Switzerland 4; UK 183; USA 159; Zimbabwe 1

Beyond that – just keep doing what you are doing Azamara – giving of your best and looking out for ways to make your best even better

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I would like to end these posts by saying what I think everyone on board said – it is the staff that make the Azamara experience so special. There are too many to mention them all by name, smiling faces who address you by name and seem to be amazing mind readers anticipating your next need before you know you have it.

If I may I would like to end with two stories which summed up how I personally had my expectations exceeded, when as a regular Azamara cruiser, it can be very hard for them to do this as the bar is naturally higher.

The first related to our unceremonial eviction to the container port in Mumbai. On Day one, I had arranged for some Indian clothing to be tailored for me by one of the shops in the cruise terminal and I was to collect it on Day two. And for some bizarre reason, despite paying for the item, I did not collect a receipt, I just knew where the pop up stall was.

Once we knew we were moving I spoke to the Concierge to see how could I get back to the cruise terminal in the land of streamlined bureaucracy and indeed, would they be open, but of course I was also not much help with my vagueness of the who and where etc! Of we went out on our half day tour and I planned to try and get a cab if it was possible that afternoon to track the items down, however, I had already written off the $30 in my head. Imagine my surprise, we came back into our room at lunchtime, and there on the bed was a parcel and insider it was my new outfit.

The second related to an enjoyable visit to Prime C (we had several great trips to there and to Aqualina). One night part of the order (a goats cheese potato cake) did not come but we said nothing it was no big issue. On our final visit, I was determined to try this dish but when our meal was served, the server advised they would not be able to do the potato cake as they would not have goats cheese until the next day. We were a little disappointed we had not known at ordering, but forgot about the whole thing as the meal was delicious, the Maitre D was highly apologetic as we left, but knowing we will be on board again on March we just said “It can be a treat for night one next cruise Alex!”

The next night we were eating in Discoveries and after we had ordered, we saw Alex walking through, we thought he was looking for one of the other staff. Clearly he had been asked to be alerted when we were dining, and he came down and came to us to say as they now had goats cheese back on board he wanted to have one sent down for me to enjoy with my main course that night, would I like that.

What can you say, some may find these trivial tales but for me they are what Azamara is all about.

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Uktog, what lovely tales from Spices, Teas and Rubber Trees! Your evocative writing and stunning pics put me right back into that mysterious land that we visited many years ago and reminded me just how much we enjoyed Dubai recently. Thanks so much.


We were aboard Journey for the cruise immediately prior and I share your enthusiasm for the outstanding on-board experience. We left feeling very positive towards Azamara and purchased an Open Passage for another cruise. But I do agree that they need to get better in Land Discoveries, both in quality of offerings and in execution. I also feel that as a destination-focused cruise line, Azamara should pay more attention to destination enrichment and provide lecturers who can offer insights into the areas being visited. Our cruise was woefully lacking in on-board enrichment, until a fellow passenger (who just happened to be a former ambassador to several Middle East countries) noticed the gap and stepped up to deliver several outstanding lectures. These were well received by a capacity crowd, so the need was very apparent. IMHO, destination immersion is broader than simply longer stays, more overnights and night touring.

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There is also a niggle about guests behaviour on tours and this could apply whether you are on private tours or not – and that is the growing use of Ipads as cameras. When there are a number of people wanting to photograph something, whereas the space blocked by a camera user is only the size of their body, the space blocked by an Ipad user is their body plus wherever they are holding the ipad out to. Ipad users also take longer to take a picture due to the technology they are using – just a suggestion, maybe we need to think of some “snappers etiquette” for the future. Our joy at having a minibus on one trip was short lived because we could not see out the front (Ipad man was videoing most of the time; other side we had large sunhat wearer) – oh and our view to one side was curtailed by a lady who would not allow the curtains to be opened. In the end of the day our pics were fine but could have been a lot easier come by with a little thought.



Loved your review and the photographs.

Well said about the iPad users using their devices as cameras.

I love my iPad, however I can't stand fellow cruisers who steal time and space with an enlarged camera.

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Hello Ann -


Thank you very much for your time and effort to prepare your visual and verbal documentary on the "Stories from Spices Teas and Rubber Trees." Your heartfelt content and stunning photos are wonderful.


I've forwarded your thread to our global tour operations team for their required reading. Your observations and recommendations are valuable insights to help us deliver a memorable one-of-a-kind destination experience. We need to "orchestrate" vs. "plug-into" what a destination has to offer.


On this special day, we're very thankful for input.


Best regards,


Bill Leiber


Chief Blogging Officer*

Azamara Club Cruises

(*CBO is an authorized and compensated representative of ACC)

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