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36 minutes to change planes in SFO?


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Your connection window is extremely tight - one might say dependent upon perfection. Even the slightest hiccup could result in missing your second flight. I have no experience with Choice Air, but I would have qualms about relying on their ability to get you rerouted efficiently. You are a gambler, but in this case what's the reward vs the risk? You are paying the same amount for your travel whether you make or miss the connecting the flight without with the realistic chance that your travel itinerary could get seriously disrupted if you miss the connection. You mention that you are flying a day earlier (very wise choice) but should you miss your connection you really have no way of knowing ahead of time, nor does Choice Air, which subsequent flight they may be able to get you on. Plus, should you miss the connection think about potential lost time enjoying FL and extra stress just beginning your vacation. I wouldn't attempt that short of a connection window.



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Regarding the consolidator type tickets, it is the deeply discounted, one way international fares where Choice Air is generally using consolidator type tickets. Choice Air calls them by a different name ("specially negotiated" or "bulk fare") and denies that they are "consolidator" tickets, but whatever name they want to use for them they carry the same restrictions. The tickets that Choice Air sells for approximately the same price as you would receive purchasing through the airlines would not fall in this category. If you are paying far less to purchase the tickets via Choice Air than what you would pay buying them direclty from the air line, that is a good indicator you are purchasing a consolidator type ticket. Not necessarily a bad thing (the pros can outweigh the cons) but on these deeply discounted tickets it is extremely important to allow ample wiggle room for delays, fly in at least a day early and have lengthy connection times if you are not flying nonstop.

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One other suggestion: have you looked into flying out of Bellingham or Seattle? Sometimes the fares are much cheaper even if you have to book a hotel in Bellingham. Holiday Inn Express in Bellingham is great - you can park for free in their lot for up to a week and they have a shuttle to and from airport.

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Being the curious sort, I checked United's website. :) If I picked correctly, she now has 37 minutes and not 36 between flights.


Anyway, I checked to get flight numbers so I could see which gates these flights usually go to. I was also able to see their flight arrival times for today.


The flight from Vancouver was 8 minutes early today and arrived in Terminal 3 at gate 89. The flight out was at gate 73. VERY doable to get there in time, assuming you're off the plane ASAP. It's tight though.


If it was me, in order to avoid potential snowy cities, I would take the flight that goes through Houston. It gives her an hour+ between flights.


Just my 2¢.

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Hi Cruisestitch:


Yes, we clear US C&I in Vancouver.


We are flying in to FLL the day before the cruise.


Yes, there are a number of later flights, both on United and other Airlines.


Choice Air tells me that they have an Assured Arrival policy. I haven't flown with Choice Air before, but that policy sounds good, in theory anyway.


Just because they guarantee it doesn't mean the airlines can accomodate you. I book my own air and control the reservation. Choice Air can only do so much.

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Being the curious sort, I checked United's website. :) If I picked correctly, she now has 37 minutes and not 36 between flights.


Anyway, I checked to get flight numbers so I could see which gates these flights usually go to. I was also able to see their flight arrival times for today.


The flight from Vancouver was 8 minutes early today and arrived in Terminal 3 at gate 89. The flight out was at gate 73. VERY doable to get there in time, assuming you're off the plane ASAP. It's tight though.


If it was me, in order to avoid potential snowy cities, I would take the flight that goes through Houston. It gives her an hour+ between flights.


Just my 2¢.

While doable for the passengers, I'd be truly surprised if the baggage handlers could off-load, sort and reload their luggage in that amount of time. Other routings or other connections at SFO would still be my choice.

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While doable for the passengers, I'd be truly surprised if the baggage handlers could off-load, sort and reload their luggage in that amount of time. Other routings or other connections at SFO would still be my choice.


I'm sure they could. I got the info from United's website. They're the one setting it all up, so I would suspect that they have a way to make sure the bags make it. ;)

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Way too tight for my liking and I am a very frequent flyer for both business and pleasure. Its going to take you 15 minutes to get off the plane. Maybe longer if you are seated towards the rear. A ten minute delay in takeoff or landing and you get to do the OJ Simpson thing thru the airport and hope your bags do as well. Been on lots of flights where the plane has had to sit and wait because the aircraft at our arrival gate had not departed yet. Longest wait was over 30 minutes but most were shorter. If you are late arriving at a busy airport you could miss your landing slot and be stuck in a holding pattern until your flight can be accomodated. Had that happen more than once as well. There are just way too many variables at play for such a short connection time and I haven't even mentioned the weather. While the connection may be legal doable is another thing all together even if it is 37 minutes and not 36.

Edited by Gunner22aa
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Way too tight for my liking and I am a very frequent flyer for both business and pleasure. Its going to take you 15 minutes to get off the plane. Maybe longer if you are seated towards the rear. A ten minute delay in takeoff or landing and you get to do the OJ Simpson thing thru the airport and hope your bags do as well. Been on lots of flights where the plane has had to sit and wait because the aircraft at our arrival gate had not departed yet. Longest wait was over 30 minutes but most were shorter. If you are late arriving at a busy airport you could miss your landing slot and be stuck in a holding pattern until your flight can be accomodated. Had that happen more than once as well. There are just way too many variables at play for such a short connection time and I haven't even mentioned the weather. While the connection may be legal doable is another thing all together even if it is 37 minutes and not 36.


I agree that the logistics will work only in an ideal situation. We fly into SFO frequently and fog is a major issue. They only have four runways, with only two usually used for landings. Since the Asiana crash in July they will only allow one plane to land at a time if it's a foreign carrier, instead of landing two side by side.

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The tickets may be regular tickets that are identical to ones you can purchase yourself...if so, why not purchase yourself? The fare should be identical and you become the airline's customer.


If the Choice Air fare is lower than what you can buy on UA.com, that's prima facie evidence it's a "specially negotiated", "bulk", or similar fare. Demand the complete fare code (usually 6 characters)...not just the booking class such as Y or Q. You can then look up the gory details before you pay.


You mentioned avoiding "snow" cities...that's good, but keep in mind SFO has delays due to their own weather and other operational issues. There's a reason pilots nickname for SFO is "The Delay by the Bay". Also, the plane on your first leg inbound to SFO has to come from somewhere....what if it's ORD or YYZ? That could delay it just as badly.


Out of 6 flights on AA in the past 2 weeks, 3 were oversold. Part of the deal was a confirmed seat on a later flight, which varied from 6 to 24 hours later! (and these were on routes with a lot of frequency such as ORD-LAX and yesterday's DFW-BOS). Half the flights being oversold shows how full flights are running, and confirmed by the next available flight being many hours later. None were on heavy travel days or bad weather patterns. So don't assume many flights on a route guarantees a minor inconvenience....it could mean missing the cruise.


Be sure to carry a full passport since that's required to fly you beyond Florida to catch the cruise if the next port is non-US.

Edited by kenish
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Ummm, there is a problem with the 36 minute connection here.


It's not a legal connection in SFO, where UA requires a minimum of 45 minutes for a domestic to domestic connection (and planes flying in from YVR are domestic arrivals thanks to clearing US customs and immigration at YVR.) Also, as greatam pointed out elsewhere, the minimum connecting time assumes you are able bodied. Also, should you arrive in Terminal 3 and connect to a flight leaving from Terminal 1; all bets are off even though you will be shuttled between the terminals in a way to avoid going through security again. The only thing going for you on this one is that you are flying in the day before.

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On the posting about not being consolidator fares and the paragraph from Choice Air: That paragraph pertains to the lowest fare available, not what kind of tickets they use. Just like hotels and their "best available rate", they don't do it against opaque sites (Expedia, Orbitz, etc.), sites where you don't know the actual hotel until after you buy it (hotwire, priceline) or bulk purchases (i.e. consolidator). Some tickets may or may not be consolidator with Choice Air, but they DO use some.

When you book with Choice Air, you are giving up control of when you arrive/depart. If a flight is cancelled or delayed, you have to wait for Choice Air to figure out what to do with you. They have no magic powers to get you on a flight ahead of anyone else. You'll have to take what they come up with. If you book yourself, you control what happens - you are talking with the airline directly and can say "no" or suggest (if you are prepared) a routing/flight…


If you are flying to go on a closed-loop cruise, always know what your options may be for catching up, if even possible….it may be that, even if you can get flown to another port, the circumstances of the cruise may make it illegal for you to board...

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"If you are flying to go on a closed-loop cruise, always know what your options may be for catching up, if even possible….it may be that, even if you can get flown to another port, the circumstances of the cruise may make it illegal for you to board... "


If this might be part of the plan make sure you have a passport with you because you won't be boarding the plane to a foreign country without one.

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Ummm, there is a problem with the 36 minute connection here.


It's not a legal connection in SFO, where UA requires a minimum of 45 minutes for a domestic to domestic connection (and planes flying in from YVR are domestic arrivals thanks to clearing US customs and immigration at YVR.) Also, as greatam pointed out elsewhere, the minimum connecting time assumes you are able bodied. Also, should you arrive in Terminal 3 and connect to a flight leaving from Terminal 1; all bets are off even though you will be shuttled between the terminals in a way to avoid going through security again. The only thing going for you on this one is that you are flying in the day before.


Although like most others, I'd never subject myself to this 36 minute connection, FWIW UAL.com sells it. And, according to this chart, the minimum connecting time UA to UA domestic to domestic in SFO is 30 minutes.




If UA has increased the minimum connecting time from 30 to 45 minutes, why would they even sell a 36-minute connection?

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IMHO 36' window is a perfect recipe for turning a perfect itinerary into one for the ages. Money and a few extra hours for connect are better than missing a connection. Sometimes my SO wonders why I insist on 45' minimum but many a flight 45' is barely enough. I can' imagine doing that little at a place like SFO. The only way I'd consider if you were early flight in from the east and arrive like at 9am or so in the morning. Once you get into the day too easy for backups to delay things everywhere.


I have just been offered an itinerary from Choice Air on a trip from YVR to FLL that gives me 36 minutes to change planes in SFO. The airline is United.


Under normal circumstances, I would never even consider this, but in all other ways, this is the perfect flight itinerary for us.


I have changed planes in SFO on the way home before, but never on the way out.


Is it even doable to change planes in SFO in 36 minutes? Are there any chances that our luggage would make the change of planes in that short a time?


I am a bit of a gambler, but I don't know if I'm a big enough gambler to try this itinerary.


I would appreciate hearing about your experiences with changing planes in SFO.



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Although like most others, I'd never subject myself to this 36 minute connection, FWIW UAL.com sells it. And, according to this chart, the minimum connecting time UA to UA domestic to domestic in SFO is 30 minutes.




If UA has increased the minimum connecting time from 30 to 45 minutes, why would they even sell a 36-minute connection?


From page 2 of the UA December 2012 Timetable: "Minimum connecting times vary between airports. Please allow at least 45 minutes for a domestic connection and at least 90 minutes for an international connection."


It sounds to me (greatam help me here) that this was assembled by a consolidator using outdated info. Even if the plane change did not involve switching terminals, I think 45 minutes would be pushing it given the size of Terminal 3 at SFO.

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Long embed, so skip this unless you want to delve into MCT for UA at SFO. From the Reference section of KVS:


[KVS Availability Tool 7.2.4 - Reference: Minimum Connection Time [MCT]: SFO/UA-UA]

                                               DD  DI  ID  II   
STANDARD:         SFO                          050 060 105 105  
UA-UA ONLINE      SFO                          030 045 080 070  

A/L FLT-NBR  EQP TR DEPARR AREA                                 

UA 0001-9999               CA                  SUP SUP SUP SUP  
UA 0001-9999               CA                                   

UA 0001-9999               MX                  SUP SUP SUP SUP  
UA 0001-9999               MX                                   

UA 0001-1764               CA                  050 --- --- ---  
UA 3250-6539     1                                              

UA 3250-6539               CA                  050 --- --- ---  
UA 0001-1764     1                                              

UA 3250-6539 EM2           CA                  035 --- --- ---  
UA 3250-6539 EM2                                                

UA 3250-6539 EM2           CA                  035 --- --- ---  
UA 3250-6539 CRJ                                                

UA 3250-6539 CRJ           CA                  035 --- --- ---  
UA 3250-6539 EM2                                                

UA 3250-6539 CRJ           CA                  035 --- --- ---  
UA 3250-6539 CRJ                                                

UA 0001-1764               CA                  050 --- --- --
UA 3250-6539 EM2                                                

UA 0001-1764               CA                  050 --- --- ---  
UA 3250-6539 CRJ                                                

UA 3250-6539               CA                  050 --- --- ---  
UA 3250-6539 EM2                                                

UA 3250-6539               CA                  050 --- --- ---  
UA 3250-6539 CRJ                                                

UA 3250-6539 EM2                               030 --- --- ---  
UA 3250-6539 EM2                                                

UA 3250-6539 EM2                               030 --- --- ---  
UA 3250-6539 CRJ                                                

UA 3250-6539 CRJ                               030 --- --- ---  
UA 3250-6539 EM2                                                

UA 3250-6539 CRJ                               030 --- --- ---  
UA 3250-6539 CRJ                                                

UA 0001-1764                                   045 --- --- ---  
UA 3250-6539 EM2                                                

UA 0001-1764                                   045 --- --- ---  
UA 3250-6539 CRJ                                                

UA 3250-6539                                   045 --- --- --
UA 3250-6539 EM2                                                

UA 3250-6539                                   045 --- --- ---  
UA 3250-6539 CRJ                                                

UA                                             --- --- 095 ---  
UA 3250-6539 EM2                                                

UA                                             --- --- 095 ---  
UA 3250-6539 CRJ                                                

UA 0001-1764        MEX                        --- --- --- 105  
UA 9640-9739                                                    

UA 3250-6539        MEX                        --- --- --- 105  
UA 9640-9739                                                    

UA 0001-1764     1         CA                  --- 055 --- ---  
UA 0001-1764                                                    

UA 0001-1764     1         CA                  050 055 --- ---  
UA 3250-6539                                                    

UA 3250-6539     1         CA                  050 055 --- ---  
UA 0001-1764                                                    

UA 3250-6539     1         CA                  --- 055 --- ---  
UA 3250-6539                                                    

UA 3250-6539 EM2           CA                  050 --- --- --
UA 0001-1764                                                    

UA 3250-6539 EM2           CA                  050 --- --- ---  
UA 3250-6539                                                    

UA 3250-6539 CRJ           CA                  050 --- --- ---  
UA 0001-1764                                                    

UA 3250-6539 CRJ           CA                  050 --- --- ---  
UA 3250-6539                                                    

UA 0001-1764               CA                  040 --- --- ---  
UA 3250-6539                                                    

UA 3250-6539               CA                  040 --- --- ---  
UA 0001-1764                                                    

UA 8015-8714               CA                  --- SUP --- ---  
UA 1900-3249                                                    

UA 8015-8714               CA                  --- SUP --- ---  
UA 6549-8014                                                    

UA 8015-8714               CA                  --- SUP --- ---  
UA 8715-9999                                                    

UA 3250-6539 EM2                               045 --- --- ---  
UA 3250-6539                                                    

UA 3250-6539 CRJ                               045 --- --- --
UA 3250-6539                                                    

UA 0001-1764                                   --- --- --- 060  
UA 9640-9739                                                    

UA 1900-3249                                   025 --- --- ---  
UA 1900-3249                                                    

UA 1900-3249                                   --- SUP --- ---  
UA 6549-9999                                                    

UA 1900-3249                                   SUP --- --- ---  
UA 8015-8714                                                    

UA 3250-6539                                   --- --- --- 060  
UA 9640-9739                                                    

UA 6549-8014                                   --- --- SUP ---  
UA 8015-8714                                                    

UA 6549-8714                                   --- --- --- SUP  
UA 6549-9999                                                    

UA 6549-8714                                   --- --- --- SUP  
UA 8715-9589                                                    

UA 6549-8714                                   --- --- --- SUP  
UA 9640-9739                                                    

UA 6549-9999                                   --- --- SUP --
UA 1900-3249                                                    

UA 6549-9999                                   --- --- --- SUP  
UA 6549-8714                                                    

UA 8015-8714                                   SUP --- --- ---  
UA 1900-3249                                                    

UA 8715-9589                                   --- --- --- SUP  
UA 6549-8714                                                    

UA 8715-9589                                   --- --- --- SUP  
UA 9590-9639                                                    

UA 8715-9589                                   --- --- --- SUP  
UA 9740-9999                                                    

UA 8715-9999                                   --- --- SUP ---  
UA 8015-8714                                                    

UA 9590-9639                                   --- --- --- SUP  
UA 8715-9589                                                    

UA 9590-9639                                   --- --- --- SUP  
UA 9640-9739                                                    

UA 9640-9739                                   --- --- --- SUP  
UA 6549-8714                                                    

UA 9640-9739                                   --- --- --- SU
UA 9590-9639                                                    

UA 9640-9739                                   --- --- --- SUP  
UA 9740-9999                                                    

UA 9740-9999                                   --- --- --- SUP  
UA 8715-9589                                                    

UA 9740-9999                                   --- --- --- SUP  
UA 9640-9739                                                    

UA                                             050 060 105 ---  
UA 1900-3249                                                    

UA                                             --- 060 --- ---  
UA 6549-8714                                                    

UA                                             --- --- --- 105  
UA 6549-9999                                                    

UA                                             050 --- --- ---  
UA 8015-8714                                                    

UA                                             --- 050 --- ---  
UA 8715-9589                                                    

UA                                             --- 060 --- ---  
UA 9590-9999                                                    

UA 0001-1764 W             CA                  050 --- --- --
UA               1                                              

UA                                             045 --- 095 ---  
UA               1                                              

UA 0001-1764 W   1         CA                  050 --- --- ---  

UA 3250-6539 EM2           CA                  --- 055 --- ---  

UA 3250-6539 CRJ           CA                  --- 055 --- ---  

UA 8015-8714               CA                  --- 060 --- ---  

UA 3250-6539 EM2                               --- 050 --- ---  

UA 3250-6539 CRJ                               --- 050 --- ---  

UA 0001-1764 W                                 040 --- --- ---  

UA 1900-3249                                   050 060 105 ---  

UA 6549-8014                                   --- --- 105 --

UA 6549-9999                                   --- --- --- 105  

UA 8015-8714                                   050 --- --- ---  

UA 8715-9999                                   --- --- 105 ---  

UA               1         CA                  --- 055 --- ---  

UA                         CA                  035 050 --- ---  

UA               1                             045 050 --- ---  


[DD]    Domestic To Domestic      [DI]    Domestic To Intl    
[iD]    Intl To Domestic          [iI]    Intl To Intl        
[TR]    Terminal                  [A/L]   Airline             
[DEP]   Departure Airport         [ARR]   Arrival Airport     
[EQP W] Wide-Body Aircraft        [EQP N] Narrow-Body Aircraft
[sUP]   Suppressed/Undefined      [EFF]   Effective Date      

Given that you need to know flight numbers, equipment and terminals for some of the exceptions, I'll just note that Domestic to Domestic is listed as 30 minutes. YMMV.
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Interesting list. What intrigues me is all the exceptions to the rule covering flights that use Terminal 1 in any way, shape of form and / or RJs. At least the issue of the former will eventually go away when all UA flights depart out of Terminal 3.


Long embed, so skip this unless you want to delve into MCT for UA at SFO. From the Reference section of KVS:


Given that you need to know flight numbers, equipment and terminals for some of the exceptions, I'll just note that Domestic to Domestic is listed as 30 minutes. YMMV.

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For me, KVS is worth it's weight in gold. Being software, that's pretty light, but still....you know what I mean. :D


There are multiple versions, with an increasing feature set depending on the level of subscription. Some version is about right for almost everyone. And the "Reference" section gets you to much info that is hard to find elsewhere.

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