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Compensation for ruined cruise


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It would be nice if the cruise line did the right thing.


The right thing? Why is giving them something "the right thing"? There is no "right thing" in this situation. The rules were put in place and they knew about them. Why in the world should they think that an exception should be made just for them?

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Good Luck! It would be nice if the cruise line did the right thing.


Imagine! They actually had to be with their own kids for the entire cruise. What a horrible thing to force upon parents! What awful torture they must have had to endure! What a travesty! Give them all of their money back, plus a free cruise. Forced to be with their own kids - imagine that!


The sense of entitlement some of you have is absolutely mind boggling! Gimme, gimme, gimme! :eek: :rolleyes:

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Imagine! They actually had to be with their own kids for the entire cruise. What a horrible thing to force upon parents! What awful torture they must have had to endure! What a travesty! Give them all of their money back, plus a free cruise. Forced to be with their own kids - imagine that!


The sense of entitlement some of you have is absolutely mind boggling! Gimme, gimme, gimme! :eek: :rolleyes:


They simply wanted what they booked, paid for but did not get. They went through the process to check and believed what was told by the representative. I agree it's travesty that this kind of rubbish happens. Better, imagine not be able to enjoy a nice dinner uninterpreted with your significant other. Not having the chance to enjoy a bottle of wine and a quite moment, a gentle kiss and vacation $#$@. Wait, that's not important, the sense of injustice. Not everyone waits for vacation to spend time with their kids so a little break can be needed and nice for all. Hmmm, spending every waking hour with your child is more important that a few minutes with your spouse, really? I agree, there is entitlement to those kids who were raised like that- imagine:eek:


Some people actually value their relationship/time as a couple as they do as parent, so it is horrible when the opportunity is lost. Agreed:D

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The right thing? Why is giving them something "the right thing"? There is no "right thing" in this situation. The rules were put in place and they knew about them. Why in the world should they think that an exception should be made just for them?


They were told by the rep and mistakenly believed. Think about it like the dress code, they say one thing but do something else. Don't care much for their own rules.

Why an exception, because they are infamous for not following through with the rules they have in place. Plus the OP was misled and deceived so wouldn't care to use this line again.

Not everyone care to be lied to, ok maybe more like misinformed but if some do, don't put it on others!

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They simply wanted what they booked, paid for but did not get. They went through the process to check and believed what was told by the representative. I agree it's travesty that this kind of rubbish happens. Better, imagine not be able to enjoy a nice dinner uninterpreted with your significant other. Not having the chance to enjoy a bottle of wine and a quite moment, a gentle kiss and vacation $#$@. Wait, that's not important, the sense of injustice. Not everyone waits for vacation to spend time with their kids so a little break can be needed and nice for all. Hmmm, spending every waking hour with your child is more important that a few minutes with your spouse, really? I agree, there is entitlement to those kids who were raised like that- imagine:eek:


Some people actually value their relationship/time as a couple as they do as parent, so it is horrible when the opportunity is lost. Agreed:D


They booked and paid for a cruise and they got a cruise. The on-board amenities are always subject to change without notice. While everyone can understand the OP feeling disappointed, but to say that a whole cruise was ruined because of 15 to 18 hours? That is a bit over the top. DW and I both cherish our time together but we also realize that we only have our children for a very short time. Now that we are looking at empty nest within the next two years I can assure you we are not looking back at the last 20 some years and commiserating about the time alone that we didn't have.

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I am surprised some of you put down your pom poms long enough to respond.


1. In this technology advanced time its in inexcusable for the cruise line not to spend ten minutes to search their booking data base filter out the booking with the children's birthdates that were affected and contact them.


2. They were informed by a representative of this company that there was a exception they qualified for and they were good to go. I have ran a business before and one of the first things you learn is never give an exception to policy unless you are prepared to give it again. Also some of you want to blame the OP for poor training by the cruise line that is just nuts.


3. I have raised two of the most successful and terrific parents you would ever want to meet and the wife and I actually had a few dinners just us heaven forbid. The cruise line advertises this service OP you did nothing wrong in wanting just a little adult time.



In short two more things, OP you didn't help by bringing up the missed port in your original post it distracted from your legitamnet complaint. To the posters I think we all sometimes forget that not everyone spends hours on CC that the vast majority book a cruise and depend on the cruise line to keep them informed. For that reason I think it is to easy for the folks here to just give the cruise line a free pass on anything they do. This is one of those times, the OP has a legitimate complaint and no matter how much the cheerleaders jump in that doesn't change.

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I am surprised some of you put down your pom poms long enough to respond.


1. In this technology advanced time its in inexcusable for the cruise line not to spend ten minutes to search their booking data base filter out the booking with the children's birthdates that were affected and contact them.


2. They were informed by a representative of this company that there was a exception they qualified for and they were good to go. I have ran a business before and one of the first things you learn is never give an exception to policy unless you are prepared to give it again. Also some of you want to blame the OP for poor training by the cruise line that is just nuts.


3. I have raised two of the most successful and terrific parents you would ever want to meet and the wife and I actually had a few dinners just us heaven forbid. The cruise line advertises this service OP you did nothing wrong in wanting just a little adult time.



In short two more things, OP you didn't help by bringing up the missed port in your original post it distracted from your legitamnet complaint. To the posters I think we all sometimes forget that not everyone spends hours on CC that the vast majority book a cruise and depend on the cruise line to keep them informed. For that reason I think it is to easy for the folks here to just give the cruise line a free pass on anything they do. This is one of those times, the OP has a legitimate complaint and no matter how much the cheerleaders jump in that doesn't change.


I agree with you and said much the same last evening. People should be ashamed and really embarrassed that they have chosen to attack this OP. Its rather disgusting that they actually seem to take joy in the the fact that two small children who were essentially lied to by the cruiseline were really sad on their cruise. Dispicable and heartless posts.

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Being told, even in an email, that a child too young under the revised rules would be allowed if certain conditions were met might possibly amount to grounds for hoping for compensation. Were all conditions met? If so, then OP has the right to hope for some compensation - for the child who was not allowed to,participate. The fact that the older child decided not to participate is, at most, a consequential damage - and consequential damages are very rarely deemed worthy of compensation. A weather- related port cancellation is unfortunate, but is an even more absurd basis for claiming compensation.


Yes, OP is entitled to hope for compensation for the young child - but the rest is really over-reaching- and the remaining hope certainly is not an entitlement.

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Some of the biggest CC bullies are out in full force on this thread!


It is possible to disagree with someone without being ugly about it, but I suppose its to be expected when one has the safety of a keyboard to hide behind.


Well said!

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The right thing? Why is giving them something "the right thing"? There is no "right thing" in this situation. The rules were put in place and they knew about them. Why in the world should they think that an exception should be made just for them?


Yes, The right thing! The cruise line should have stepped up to the plate and contacted the passengers that would be affected by this rule change. The rules were put in place after their reservation was made. Not sure compensation is in order but the cruise line did a lousy job of handling the situation.

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Totally disagree with almost every response on here.


I believe you are entitled to full compensation. You went expecting a cruise to be enjoyed by adults while the kids were away. But they did not allow that to happen. This is not a little thing, this is an entire ruined vacation.



if you want an adult only vacation, then it is up to YOU to make sure that's how it is.. by leaving the kids behind to be spoiled rotten by the grandparents.


going anywhere and expecting/demanding that someone else babysit or entertain your kids when you are unwilling to do it yourself is just asinine. what would your response have been if the kids got sick and were told they could not go back to the kids club for health reasons? or Junior decided he hated the kid's club and refused to go back? is that the cruise line's fault?

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I agree with you and said much the same last evening. People should be ashamed and really embarrassed that they have chosen to attack this OP. Its rather disgusting that they actually seem to take joy in the the fact that two small children who were essentially lied to by the cruiseline were really sad on their cruise. Dispicable and heartless posts.


Prefect, this is also about the kids who were looking forward to something. After the change an email was needed so an informed decision can be made. Credit cards do this after there is change in the original agreement. Why care about the kids and that this affected them. If they were here they would have been flamed too, so better the parent take it for them. Truly heartless and these type of people being in and around kids make it sad for the next generation. Cruise for years pride itself in providing multi-generation vacation, something for the children, something for the parents, and something for the family on the same trip, until now!


There is no care or humanity for many behind the keys of these message board. The good thing is some don't have kids or have a spouse worth spending time with, so forgiveness should be in order.

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I am somewhat shocked at a few of the heartless responses to the OPs situation. So let us look at this from a legal perspective.....with the assumption that the OP has accurately posted the facts. The OP entered into a legal contract with the cruise line at the time they made their booking (they received a reservation for their "consideration" which was a deposit). The cruise line later altered some of the terms of the contract....which would normally give the OP the right to withdraw from the transaction (the cruise booking). But the OP is again reassured, in writing, that there is no problem. Then the cruise line reneges on their contractual obligation for no apparent reason other then they could. At that point (on the cruise) the OP has no recourse since they are already on the cruise. From a legal perspective the OP is owed some kind of compensation (which is usually negotiable).


This issue is not about emotions, or "feelings," but rather about a broken contractual obligation. But, as usual, cruise lines will fall back on the so-called "passenger contract" which essentially says that everything you have been promised is a lot of "hooey" and we can treat you any way we want because WE CAN. There are certainly times when a cruise line is forced to break their promises because of things beyond their control. But this is clearly not one of those times...and seems to be a typical miscommunication between various parties who work for the cruise line.


I also have an issue with those questioning whether the OP should have used a good TA (hard to find) vs booking with a cruise line. Since the OP had a promise in writing, it is unlikely any TA would have questioned that promise. The issue here is actually quite simple....and its a broken contractual promise.



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Wow. This couple booked a cruise two years in advance, found out about a change, checked into it with the cruise line, was given an answer in writing, which wasn't honored, and they are criticized? Wow.


a change that happened more than a YEAR prior to sail date allowing ample opportunity to make changes. furthermore the OP failed to follow up on the 'exception' that was assured on the phone A YEAR AGO to make sure that was indeed still the policy and it appears that they also failed to get said information in writing.


the ball was dropped by the OP, and no they are not owed anything in my opinion.

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the the fact that two small children who were essentially lied to by the cruiseline were really sad on their cruise.


I don't like to see kid's be sad, and certainly take no joy in it, but they need to learn how to deal effectively with life's disappointments because there are a lot of disappointments in life. This was one of those times. Disappointing? You bet. A totally ruined cruise because of it? No.

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a change that happened more than a YEAR prior to sail date allowing ample opportunity to make changes. furthermore the OP failed to follow up on the 'exception' that was assured on the phone A YEAR AGO to make sure that was indeed still the policy and it appears that they also failed to get said information in writing.


the ball was dropped by the OP, and no they are not owed anything in my opinion.


Always best to read the original post on a thread. The OP HAD it in writing that the child in question COULD attend the kids club if they met the criteria of being potty trained.


So does that change your stance now?

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I don't like to see kid's be sad, and certainly take no joy in it, but they need to learn how to deal effectively with life's disappointments because there are a lot of disappointments in life. This was one of those times. Disappointing? You bet. A totally ruined cruise because of it? No.


That's a pretty big and totally avoidable disappointment that an almost 3 year old and his slightly? older brother had to deal with. Geez!

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I am somewhat shocked at a few of the heartless responses to the OPs situation. So let us look at this from a legal perspective.....with the assumption that the OP has accurately posted the facts. The OP entered into a legal contract with the cruise line at the time they made their booking (they received a reservation for their "consideration" which was a deposit). The cruise line later altered some of the terms of the contract....which would normally give the OP the right to withdraw from the transaction (the cruise booking). But the OP is again reassured, in writing, that there is no problem. Then the cruise line reneges on their contractual obligation for no apparent reason other then they could. At that point (on the cruise) the OP has no recourse since they are already on the cruise. From a legal perspective the OP is owed some kind of compensation (which is usually negotiable).


This issue is not about emotions, or "feelings," but rather about a broken contractual obligation. But, as usual, cruise lines will fall back on the so-called "passenger contract" which essentially says that everything you have been promised is a lot of "hooey" and we can treat you any way we want because WE CAN. There are certainly times when a cruise line is forced to break their promises because of things beyond their control. But this is clearly not one of those times...and seems to be a typical miscommunication between various parties who work for the cruise line.


I also have an issue with those questioning whether the OP should have used a good TA (hard to find) vs booking with a cruise line. Since the OP had a promise in writing, it is unlikely any TA would have questioned that promise. The issue here is actually quite simple....and its a broken contractual promise.




All well and good but the contract does not cover the kid's club and makes no warranties to any of the amenities onboard.

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That's a pretty big and totally avoidable disappointment that an almost 3 year old and his slightly? older brother had to deal with. Geez!


I think a bigger disappointment would have been not to go on the cruise, but maybe that's just me.

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a change that happened more than a YEAR prior to sail date allowing ample opportunity to make changes. furthermore the OP failed to follow up on the 'exception' that was assured on the phone A YEAR AGO to make sure that was indeed still the policy and it appears that they also failed to get said information in writing.


the ball was dropped by the OP, and no they are not owed anything in my opinion.


Yep, it happened a YEAR prior to the sale date. And they did what is reasonable, they called the actual cruise line to confirm. If they had been told the truth, they could have then made the decision whether or not the cancel the cruise. Instead, they were told an exception would be made, and according to the OP, this was confirmed in writing, so they carried on with their plans. I'm not sure where you get that they didn't get it in writing. OP certainly wasn't trying to skirt the rules or trying to get something he/she wasn't entitled to.


And I'm not sure why the cruise line gets a pass for giving wrong information. Why isn't everyone up in arms about that, instead of picking on the OP for wanting what he/she thought they was paying for and what was confirmed by the CSR for the cruise line?? And at the same time, implying he/she's a lousy parent and lecturing her about how much time he/she spends with her kids on her vacation. Not only is this beside the point, it's totally unsolicited and extremely rude.

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All well and good but the contract does not cover the kid's club and makes no warranties to any of the amenities onboard.


Where the contract ends, decency starts. This is about providing information after a change was made. She got it in writing that the service was going to be available. So unless you appreciate being lied to or deceived,which seems obvious, others don't, especially where kids are involved. If you can accept this for your family and your kids good for you but sad for them.

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I think a bigger disappointment would have been not to go on the cruise, but maybe that's just me.


No, some people have lives and homes that a cruise can't compete with. This is the cheap cruise mentality on-board these days. There are many like you wanting to be on a cruise under any circumstance or not caring about deception. I passed on the Princess FREE cruise promo just to give myself the extra anticipation to be on the Royal for our 20th anniversary. You darn right, no kids, but did take our daughter to Hawaii this year for our 19th. She had her own activities.

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I think a bigger disappointment would have been not to go on the cruise, but maybe that's just me.


Wrong. The OP said the kids were very sad on the cruise they took. The reason that they were sad was because the youngest couldn't go to the kids club and the oldest stayed back for his brother. ( nice gesture BTW)


The family enjoyed the ports.


My feeling is another cruise that offered a kids club for the little guy, or an AI vacation with a kids club would have been what this family would have chosen if they were not assured in writing that the child was allowed to attend the kids club. There were other options a year out. Also the child would not have remembered at almost 2 that he was suppose to be on an NCL ship and now he's on a ( blank) ship or an AI.

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