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Medallion Lapel Pins... All Gone and 1-5 Star Lapel Pins...


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Sail Thank you for this post and your others on this thread.


You are so right and you explain things so well. Some people cannot understand this, so just let it go and enjoy.


In relating this thread to my DH, he keeps saying it is impossible to explain how we feel, but you have done a such a good job.


Really hope to meet you some day. Look for the pins!


:) Thank you Sail, for those wise words.:)




Thank you. :)


I sincerely hope we are so lucky to meet someday on a cruise. It would be my pleasure. :)


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And this is important how? It all sounds like classic Narcissisim. Guess I cannot understand statements like "It is just true days sailed." This matters how? Oh... I get it! If you have more days then the next guy it makes you feel important? Okaaay.




Because it's a club! Sorta like Marriott Rewards - think Gold or Platinum. I remember being in the Concierge one evening and overhearing two people talking about how they attained their Gold status by staying in "real" Marriotts - and not a Fairfield Inn. Frankly, I'm pretty sure that Bill Marriott doesn't care where you stay - as long as you stay in one of the Marriott subsidiaries.


. . . then there's that cachet of "days actually cruised".


It's not a gang - it's a club.


I still like the idea of Mariner Tank Tops. HAL could silk screen your name and cruise days on each shirt and hand them out at embarkation. Everyone could wear them to lunch on the Lido on the days after Formal Nights.


That would be perfect.

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If you sincerely are searching for our meaning, kindly reread by most recent post.


If you cannot understand that, fine.

You probably never will not matter now many times we try to reword a description of our feelings. That also is fine.


If you are so inclined, give my words a moment's thought. Rather than arguing the point, you just might find something you can agree with........ or maybe you cannot but I will know I have tried hard to express myself in a way that is inoffensive to all yet description to many.


No one suggested anyone who does not wish to wear a pin or a Medallion. However, some of us suggested we be afforded the understanding for those who wish to wear ours to not be called names and be described using very insulting words. You don't like the pins; don't wear it. We like the pins; please be respectful and kind and try to understand our desire to wear our pins impacts you in no negative way whatsoever. Ignore us if you wish.


Wishing you all the very best in the New Year...... my resolution is to try very hard to have an open mind and a warm and open heart to all I encounter in the days going forward. I am making sincere effort to understand other people's point of view though, certainly, I never plan to always agree. :)


Good Health and Happiness to all here on CC. :)



Good heavens, Sail - so because I said I choose not wear them, that's being disrespectful? I suggest you do some re-thinking yourself. Not once did denigrate those who choose to wear their pins.

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You neglect to factor that as the 60 year olds become 65 years old, the 55 year olds turn 60 and the 50 year olds turn 55. There is a constant stream of all of us aging. When the current 70 plus year olds stop cruising and/or die off, the supply of seniors does not end. It is an ongoing process of all of us aging a day at a time.


For those hale, strong, young 'uns among us, don't forget we were once you and if you are very fortunate you may once upon a time become us and you can be HAL's greys that comprise a large number of their loyal Mariners. Don't brush aside so thoughtlessly........ you will someday be us. While we are HAL's present, you are their future.


Here's a reality check: Your young age is not frozen in time. ;)




Well Said Sail, Well Said!!


(Had to yell it because this is such a TRUE statement!!)



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Well Said Sail, Well Said!!


(Had to yell it because this is such a TRUE statement!!)




:) Thanks, Joanie.

A little 'reality check' is sometimes helpful. :D


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I owe a HUGE thank you to my CC friends. I called Mariner Society and they were able to find several of my past cruises that put me at 3 star!

I really thought I would have to start from scratch- they are GREAT and so nice!



GREAT news.


How many days did they add for you?


We have always found Mariners Society to be so helpful. They are really responsive and so nice!!! :)

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Until I started reading this, I was looking forward to receiving our gold medallions on our next cruise. It's too bad that so many seem to find this all very silly! If anyone has their gold pins in a drawer and would never wear them, I'd be happy to wear it! :)


You won't be getting any of ours.

All pins that we have received are on our most recent ribbons holding our medals.

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We have our full series of pins, also.

I used to put them on our Medallion Ribbons but now DH enjoys wearing his Platinum on a blazer or jacket lapel when on the ships. :)


Depending what I am wearing and if it has a lapel or collar, I decide whether to wear my pin or not. :)




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So the medallions (for being members of the HAL Frequent Cruisers Club) have now become medals? Awarded for what accomplishment? Spending lots of money on one particular cruise line?


While I don't usually share the CC posts I find -well, interesting is not the right word - but I don't want to disparage anyone - I shared this one with my husband. He has lots of medals for real, substantive accomplishments. He's proud of the work he did to EARN those medals.


Like me - he thinks wearing the medallions out and around the ship - to be silly.


Neither of us collect the pins and medallions. While I appreciate the benefits of Mariner status...I don't feel the need to publicize this status.

Others do - but don't criticize those of us who don't.


And no, I don't applaud when medallions are given out at the Mariners brunch - it would be hard to do since I have never gone to one. It's a cruise...I have many other far interesting things to do.

Edited by Windsailer
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You neglect to factor that as the 60 year olds become 65 years old, the 55 year olds turn 60 and the 50 year olds turn 55. There is a constant stream of all of us aging. When the current 70 plus year olds stop cruising and/or die off, the supply of seniors does not end. It is an ongoing process of all of us aging a day at a time.


For those hale, strong, young 'uns among us, don't forget we were once you and if you are very fortunate you may once upon a time become us and you can be HAL's greys that comprise a large number of their loyal Mariners. Don't brush aside so thoughtlessly........ you will someday be us. While we are HAL's present, you are their future.


Here's a reality check: Your young age is not frozen in time. ;)


Aging is a reality, yes. But someone who is 40 today will not have the same expectations of a cruise line at 80 as today's 80-year-old does. Cultural changes, generational changes, etc., have shaped today's Gen Xers (generally agreed to have been born from the early 1960s to the early 1980s) into different people than the Baby Boomers before them and the Millennials after them. Some changes aren't evident now because today's 40-year-old hasn't lived the next 40 years yet.


And, yes, that's a generalization (I know you don't like them), but generalizations serve a useful purpose. In general. ;)

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We have our full series of pins, also.

I used to put them on our Medallion Ribbons but now DH enjoys wearing his Platinum on a blazer or jacket lapel when on the ships. :)


Depending what I am wearing and if it has a lapel or collar, I decide whether to wear my pin or not. :)






DH wears his lapel pin on Tuxedo or Suit on formal nights.

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You neglect to factor that as the 60 year olds become 65 years old, the 55 year olds turn 60 and the 50 year olds turn 55. There is a constant stream of all of us aging. When the current 70 plus year olds stop cruising and/or die off, the supply of seniors does not end. It is an ongoing process of all of us aging a day at a time.


For those hale, strong, young 'uns among us, don't forget we were once you and if you are very fortunate you may once upon a time become us and you can be HAL's greys that comprise a large number of their loyal Mariners. Don't brush aside so thoughtlessly........ you will someday be us. While we are HAL's present, you are their future.


Here's a reality check: Your young age is not frozen in time. ;)



Would you please share with me where exactly I brushed aside folks of a certain age so thoughtlessly?


And I must admit Sail, your comment regarding young age being not frozen in time is certainly indicative of the very divide that I mentioned that exist between HAL's traditional pax and it's newer pax.

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And I must admit Sail, your comment regarding young age being not frozen in time is certainly indicative of the very divide that I mentioned that exist between HAL's traditional pax and it's newer pax.




Age not frozen in time and that is a reality....

it is not an opinion, it is not variable, it is a constant.

The only way to not get older is to stop having birthdays. Not a great alternative.


No one has yet found the Fountain of Youth so the Youth of

Yesterday and the Youth of Today ultimately become the

senior of the next generation.


It is not something new and is not indicative of any divide that has not always existed

since man first walked this earth.

Not any kind of new or original concept. :D


Youth traditionally think themselves immortal and have no concept of their mortality......

until they are no longer the youngest generation. ;)


We, who are in our sixties, were once you (generally speaking) in your twenties and

thirties. We didn't leap from childhood to sixty without all those years along the way.


If you are very fortunate, you (generally speaking) will be the traditional pax vs the new pax on

HAL one day in the not so far off future. It is the cycle of life.




Edited by sail7seas
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How nice would it be if some of the sour reponders (so someone has a different opinion than yours and you call that poster names?) could manage to find a bit of happiness for those of us who enjoy such a simple tradition. It hurts no one; it provides some of us with a chance to enjoy wonderful memories; we have an opportunity to meet others who have sailed a huge number of days that we may be unable to identify without seeing their medallions; we enjoy the reception and I've mentioned how happy I am to receive the photo of DH and me with our Medallions standing with Captain and Hotel Manager. (it is great that you enjoy the rewards program. HAL's marketing program has clearly worked for you. Why can't you accept that it holds little value for other paxs? I have provided the reasons why, yet you seem unwilling to accept a different point of view)


It would be so lovely if you could find a tiny little place within you to soften your sterness (actually, it is you who continually demonstrates sternness by not accepting another's point of view) and disparagement toward us and perhaps smile at bit to see people getting joy and pleasure from such a small, innocent activity.

We all have enough pain and unhappiness to cope with through the years that by the time someone has sailed 800+ days on the same cruise line, that little moment of pleasure on each ship seems a small enough thing for others to be respectful and let us enjoy. (You are free to enjoy it all you want. My not enjoying it should in no way take away from your enjoyment, but apparently it does as you appear to be asking us to stop talking about the fact that we perceive little value in the program).


If not, well, there's little that can be said other than I hope you find your private joys also in places that are so innocent to others.


You have no way to know the pain in our lives because most of us don't tell you. We try to counter the pain with what joys matter to us. Some of us have to search for that pleasure for a variety of reasons. Please try to be a bit more tolerant. (so apparently if someone has a differing opinion than yours and voices it they are not being tolerant?) Someday it just might be you.

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Age not frozen in time and that is a reality....

it is not an opinion,

it is not variable,

it is a constant.


No one has yet found the Fountain of Youth so the Youth of

Yesterday and the Youth of Today ultimately become the

senior of the next generation.


It is not something new and is not indicative of any divide that has not always existed

since man first walked this earth.

Not any kind of new or original concept. :D


Youth traditionally think themselves immortal and have no concept of their mortality......

until they are no longer the youngest generation. ;)


We, who are in our sixties, were once you (generally speaking) in your twenties and

thirties. We didn't leap from childhood to sixty without all those years along the way.


If you are very fortunate, you (generally speaking) will be the traditional pax vs the new pax on

HAL one day in the not so far off future. It is the cycle of life.





Thank you Sail. These are great examples of the very generalizations that many people find so offensive.

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How nice would it be if some of the sour reponders (so someone has a different opinion than yours and you call that poster names?) could manage to find a bit of happiness for those of us who enjoy such a simple tradition. It hurts no one; it provides some of us with a chance to enjoy wonderful memories; we have an opportunity to meet others who have sailed a huge number of days that we may be unable to identify without seeing their medallions; we enjoy the reception and I've mentioned how happy I am to receive the photo of DH and me with our Medallions standing with Captain and Hotel Manager. (it is great that you enjoy the rewards program. HAL's marketing program has clearly worked for you. Why can't you accept that it holds little value for other paxs? I have provided the reasons why, yet you seem unwilling to accept a different point of view)


It would be so lovely if you could find a tiny little place within you to soften your sterness (actually, it is you who continually demonstrates sternness by not accepting another's point of view) and disparagement toward us and perhaps smile at bit to see people getting joy and pleasure from such a small, innocent activity.

We all have enough pain and unhappiness to cope with through the years that by the time someone has sailed 800+ days on the same cruise line, that little moment of pleasure on each ship seems a small enough thing for others to be respectful and let us enjoy. (You are free to enjoy it all you want. My not enjoying it should in no way take away from your enjoyment, but apparently it does as you appear to be asking us to stop talking about the fact that we perceive little value in the program).


If not, well, there's little that can be said other than I hope you find your private joys also in places that are so innocent to others.


You have no way to know the pain in our lives because most of us don't tell you. We try to counter the pain with what joys matter to us. Some of us have to search for that pleasure for a variety of reasons. Please try to be a bit more tolerant. (so apparently if someone has a differing opinion than yours and voices it they are not being tolerant?) Someday it just might be you.




Thanks for your imput on this thread.


While I stand firmly besides Sail on this topic, please let me say that I do understand your attitude towards the benefits of the Mariner program (your post 94). Until a pax hits the higher number of points (200) the rewards are not so great. Once at the 4 and 5 star level, they are considered by some to be quite reasonable.


That said, your description of the "hardware" for Mariners as "ostentatious" and of pax wearing them as "showing off" (your post 95) speak clearly to your propensities to generalities.


Thanks again and may you hit 5 star soon!

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Actually, I wasn't writing in generalities. From Webster's dictionary:


ostentatious: designed to impress or attract notice, admiration, or attention. This is one of the very reasons that Sail continues to state as to why she wears the pins.


Proud: Feeling pleasurable satisfaction over an act, possession, quality, or relationship by which one measures one's stature or self-worth. Measuring your self worth by the amount that you consume can be seen by others as "showing off."


As you can see, I was not writing in generalities, I was actually using the correct definitions of the words.

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Thank you Sail. These are great examples of the very generalizations that many people find so offensive.


Actually, I do not believe my post about youth and aging was speaking generalization.


I don't know anyone who managed to avoid growing old without dying young. If one survives decade after decade, we ALL become seniors.


There is no generalization about either having a birthday or not. Those are the only two possibilities. Until someone finds a fountain of youth, it will remain that way.


The youth of today sailing HAL will one day be the senior Mariners if they remain sailing on HAL and HAL continues to sail.


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