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Suggested improvements for the dress code issues

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Not sure where in Texas you are, Bon - but I hear ya! Our low in the Dallas 'burbs this morning was 16, at 10:30 its all the way up to 19 and snowing fairly heavily. Yuck and double YUCK!


I'm in Plano which I think might be considered a Dallas "burb. I moved here from NY with my down jacket which has gotten more use this winter than all past 10 winters combined.


Had to change my font color. I kept thinking I was posting bigque's comments while scrolling thru the thread :rolleyes::eek:

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Regarding your bold print and previous post. It appears you think wearing shorts, a t-shirt and ball cap indicate that person pays little or no attention to their clothing and neglects their appearance.


Thom Browne seersucker shorts = $1,495

Kayne West white t-shirt = $120

Just Don python bill ball cap = $695

TOTAL = $2,310 :eek:


Just curious...how much did your precious tux cost.


LOL, I think a better question to ask is why anyone would pay that much for a pair of shorts, a t shirt, and a baseball cap.:eek:

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RCCL has this already....Its called the Windjammer.


My solution has been to have separate areas or sections for "dressed" and "come as you are" (obviously there are dress levels at which safety comes into play for safety/sanitary reasons, such as shoes or shirts); or make MTD a "dress up optional" venue. That way people who need other people to be dressed like them would have a section of others who feel that way and would never get stuck next to someone that isn't dressed up, since it bothers them. Other folks could be in the other section dressed however they like (tux or tees) and since they don't care, it won't matter. :D



Edited by awhcruiser
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Sent Thom Browne seersucker shorts = $1,495

Kayne West white t-shirt = $120

Just Don python bill ball cap = $695

TOTAL = $2,310 :eek:


Just curious...how much did your precious tux cost.


Pretty silly post, but if you REALLY want to go there:


Brioni tuxedo =$48,000




Do I own one? Not only no but hell no! But then, I'm willing to bet you don't own that outfit you posted either... ;)


Sent from my Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

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I'm in Plano which I think might be considered a Dallas "burb. I moved here from NY with my down jacket which has gotten more use this winter than all past 10 winters combined.


Howdy neighbor! McKinney here!


Sent from my Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

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So nice to meet a neighbor! I KNEW you had to be close by.

Amazing this thread still has life.


Agreed! I started it trying to propose a "middle ground" strawman for discussion. There's been quite a bit of good discussion, but unfortunately a few want to go into personal attacks - so I think it's run its course... :)


Sent from my Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

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OK, I think I may have come across as thinking EVERYONE should be forced to wear tuxes for Formal Nights, and that's most certainly not the case.


As it stands now, there is obviously a very poorly enforced and unevenly enforced dress code which makes it pretty much a farce. Many have said that shorts, tee shirts and ball caps are not allowed - but I don't think that's actually stated anywhere in writing by RCI and many have seen others let in with that attire. All that's there is the suggested/requested attire, which on Formal Nights for men is either a tux or a dark suit & tie.


If I were Adam (I'm obviously not!) here's what I think I'd do:


  • Keep the current requested/suggested dress code statements pretty much as is
  • Add - for Formal Nights - a "minimally acceptable" dress code and I'd suggest that that be slacks & collared dress shirt for men.
  • Add a list of items prohibited in the MDR any evening - shorts, jeans, t shirts, flip flops, ball caps.
  • Then actually ENFORCE the above uniformly!
  • (Suggested by someone else on Adam's blog) possibly offer a small incentive - a free drink or a free 5x7 photo per couple or similar - for everyone on Formal Night who's dressed according to the requested/suggested code. A carrot is better than a stick!

Thoughts? Reasonable?

Haven't read the entire thread but my thoughts on a dress code are forget about it and let everyone wear what they want. Nothing to enforce makes it real easy on staff.

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Looks like a Collin County gathering...I'm from Allen!


My 1st response went Poof! Howdy to another neighbor. I know the Allen Outlets intimately :)


There's a group of nice folks who are on a DFW cruisers thread in Floataway Lounge. I haven't particiated in years and not sure it still exists. We used to get together every so often. I'll look for it now. Unfortunately, I am computer challenged and have no way of posting the link in here. Look for it. Maybe I'll see you and LetsGetWet there.


Sorry, Bigque, this has been my font color for years. I don't do change very well :p I hope you're good at sharing.


Just checked Floataway Lounge. The DFW Cruisers are not listed : ( Maybe someone will see this and let me know if they moved locations.

Edited by BonTexasNY
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As I stated earlier, how you like to dress for dinner on vacation has nothing to do with respect. Saying it over and over again does not make it true.


The problem on this website (not on the cruise) is that some people try to impose their views on others by telling them they are not being respectful! How's that for irony? As you stated, maybe we should bring respect back into our lives.:rolleyes:


You statement just proved my point....Respect is when it is a formal night, and you show up at dinner wearing jeans and a t-shirt, and any circle, is disrespectful. You also cleared up the point that it is about "ME" and not the other table mates, who are dressed up. Yes, it is about respect. Not to dress appropriately for an occasion is "disrepctful" Unfortunitely, in today's society, this is no longer taught.

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I am not going to get drawn into the fashion drama, however, I do want to address this statement. I have a son that began losing his hair at 18, and at 21 is very nearly bald. This is a VERY embarrassing situation for him and he wears a ball cap most of the time. The only exception is work and out to dinner in a nice restaurant. While he would not wear a ball cap in the MDR or the specialty restaurants, he would wear it at any other venue on the ship.


Be careful saying that something is a sign of disrespect. You don't know why someone might be wearing that ball cap. Maybe they are dealing with cancer or some other illness and wear the cap for their own self-confidence.


We follow the dress "suggestions" or eat in other venues on formal night. However, I would never presume to judge anyone else because I don't know their personal story.


Sorry to hear your story. My Father would take his baseball cap off, even at McDonald's. He had cancer. I work with many "bald" people. They wear hats outside. However, I have never known one to wear a hat at lunch inside.

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My 1st response went Poof! Howdy to another neighbor. I know the Allen Outlets intimately :)


There's a group of nice folks who are on a DFW cruisers thread in Floataway Lounge. I haven't particiated in years and not sure it still exists. We used to get together every so often. I'll look for it now. Unfortunately, I am computer challenged and have no way of posting the link in here. Look for it. Maybe I'll see you and LetsGetWet there.


Sorry, Bigque, this has been my font color for years. I don't do change very well :p I hope you're good at sharing.


Just checked Floataway Lounge. The DFW Cruisers are not listed : ( Maybe someone will see this and let me know if they moved locations.

I just found a "*****Dallas Fort Worth M&M Lounge - Part 2*****" in Floataway and posted in it. Is "M&M" "meet and mingle"??


Thread link here: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1422670&page=6

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11 pages and STILL no one has identified whom those who choose not to don formal attire are "disrespecting". Is it:


a. RCL?

b. The waitstaff?

c. the "lavish" decor of the MDR?

d. fellow passengers?


If anyone has a solid answer please reply and post your rationale. And please, no "all of the above" trite responses.



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Ok I am another one for not noticing what others wear. I wear a nice pair of pants and pretty top - not sparkly. Hubby wears dockers and a collared shirt. I have seen some in shorts and t shirts and some in tuxes. I really do not care what anyone wears. I am there to have a nice dinner and enjoy the company I am with..

I also do not think it is a lack of manners or disrespectful for people not to follow the "suggested" dress code..

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11 pages and STILL no one has identified whom those who choose not to don formal attire are "disrespecting". Is it:


a. RCL?

b. The waitstaff?

c. the "lavish" decor of the MDR?

d. fellow passengers?


If anyone has a solid answer please reply and post your rationale. And please, no "all of the above" trite responses.




I think we've made it very clear that it's disrespectful to fellow passengers who enjoy an aesthetically pleasing environment and were led to expect that there would be a formal night on the ship.


Just as me talking loudly next to you in the solarium while you were reading would be disrespectful, or smoking a cigar on my balcony would be disrespectful, or saving a row of chairs in the theater would be disrespectful.


Bascially anything you do because it's convenient for you, when you know other people will find the behavior unpleasant, is disrespectful.


And this is regardless of whether you "understand" why others will find it unpleasant. The standard of society is that understanding is not required. I don't understand why "retarded" which simply means "delayed" as in tardy, or "retard the spark" (in the old days of engine tuning changing ignition timing so that the spark occurs later was retarding the spark, the opposite was advancing) is worse than saying "delayed" which means exactly the same thing, but I've been told it's offensive, so I don't say it, regardless of my personal feeling on the subject.


I hope that's clear. Of course you will likely disagree that it's disrespectful, but I trust you at least understand my position.

Edited by DrD
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I think we've made it very clear that it's disrespectful to fellow passengers who enjoy an aesthetically pleasing environment and were led to expect that there would be a formal night on the ship.


Just as me talking loudly next to you in the solarium while you were reading would be disrespectful, or smoking a cigar on my balcony would be disrespectful, or saving a row of chairs in the theater would be disrespectful.


Bascially anything you do because it's convenient for you, when you know other people will find the behavior unpleasant, is disrespectful.


And this is regardless of whether you "understand" why others will find it unpleasant. The standard of society is that understanding is not required. I don't understand why "retarded" which simply means "delayed" as in tardy, or "retard the spark" (in the old days of engine tuning changing ignition timing so that the spark occurs later was retarding the spark, the opposite was advancing) is worse than saying "delayed" which means exactly the same thing, but I've been told it's offensive, so I don't say it, regardless of my personal feeling on the subject.


I hope that's clear. Of course you will likely disagree that it's disrespectful, but I trust you at least understand my position.

You "neglected" to use "ragged".

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I just found a "*****Dallas Fort Worth M&M Lounge - Part 2*****" in Floataway and posted in it. Is "M&M" "meet and mingle"??


Thread link here: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1422670&page=6


Wonderful! I posted and saved the link so I can keep popping back in. Not sure why I didn't see it listed in the first place. Why am I not surprised? :rolleyes:


I need to add that smoking on a balcony cannot be placed in the same category as "improper" dress in the MDR. Someone wearing "improper" clothing never got anyone sick, especially one with asthma. Besides, smoking on balconies is now moot. Just sayin....

Edited by BonTexasNY
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I think we've made it very clear that it's disrespectful to fellow passengers who enjoy an aesthetically pleasing environment and were led to expect that there would be a formal night on the ship.


Just as me talking loudly next to you in the solarium while you were reading would be disrespectful, or smoking a cigar on my balcony would be disrespectful, or saving a row of chairs in the theater would be disrespectful.


Bascially anything you do because it's convenient for you, when you know other people will find the behavior unpleasant, is disrespectful.


And this is regardless of whether you "understand" why others will find it unpleasant. The standard of society is that understanding is not required. I don't understand why "retarded" which simply means "delayed" as in tardy, or "retard the spark" (in the old days of engine tuning changing ignition timing so that the spark occurs later was retarding the spark, the opposite was advancing) is worse than saying "delayed" which means exactly the same thing, but I've been told it's offensive, so I don't say it, regardless of my personal feeling on the subject.


I hope that's clear. Of course you will likely disagree that it's disrespectful, but I trust you at least understand my position.


By your definition, the nice lady pictured below was being disrespectful when she decided to sit in the front row of the bus.


If a small group people choose to be feel disrespected that is their problem. It is not my responsibility to "understand" or manage their expectations and/or needs.


Smoking where you shouldn't be directly affects me as a non-smoker. Saving a row of seats directly affects my ability to see a show.


How does what someone wears at the next table directly affect your dining experience? Does the food taste worse? Is the service slower? The fact is that

you don't like it and you let it bother you. So the only person adversely affecting your own dining experience is in fact, you.


This is not about manners or being polite.


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I don't have the energy to play fashion police. Besides, I officiate high school basketball and HAVE to do it there...not going to do it on vacation.


On formal nights I wear a suit...last time grey. Brought two dress shirts and two ties so I would have a different look.


If there is anyone who doesn't like what I am wearing they can bite me. I always take the approach that those that matter don't care and those that care don't matter.

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