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The color of lifeboats


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I was typing my post as you posted yours. :) I always appreciate your posts and read your information with great interest - always learn a lot from you.


Lots of my posts are edited, or I stop writing to research something, so I tend to cross posts a lot.

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Wow! :eek: I'm only the messenger passing along a "fun fact" about the Disney cruise line's use of Disney's special shade of yellow. I am not the one who made arrangements for this color. If you need to challenge that fact, you should be contacting the cruise line, not shooting the messenger. :D


Additional fact: the yellow used on Disney ships is specific to their color pallet. It is not a "standard" yellow. That is why they needed a waiver to use THEIR shade of yellow.


OK, everyone - you can now begin typing the challenges to THAT statement. ;)

Edited by boogs
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Wow! I'm only the messenger passing along a "fun fact" about the Disney cruise line's use of Disney's special shade of yellow. I am not the one who made arrangements for this color. If you need to challenge that fact, you should be contacting the cruise line, not shooting the messenger.




Wow... I am sorry you interpret my question as shooting the messenger. There was no intent. Your post simply triggered a question for which I am appreciative to have received great responses.


Please do not take any of my post personally. It was not about you. It was about the subject and it is something I'd never thought of before.


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Would you want to be recognized standing on the deck of a ship painted like that?



:D Not me. Absolutely not!! :)


I cannot figure out what they think is attractive about what looks like graffitti to me. Whenever we see those ships in port, it amazes me someone would do that to the side of what might otherwise be a beautiful ship.


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As do most of the RCI ship classes - Oasis / Freedom / Voyager / Brilliance. The exception is Vision and Sovereign class, which are white bottom / orange top. Oasis and Brilliance class are white bottom / yellow top, and Freedom and Voyager class are yellow bottom / yellow top.


Unless "Disney yellow" is a special color, I guess they were granted special permission too or there is a standard yellow that can be used as well as orange.


Wow! :eek: I'm only the messenger passing along a "fun fact" about the Disney cruise line's use of Disney's special shade of yellow. I am not the one who made arrangements for this color. If you need to challenge that fact, you should be contacting the cruise line, not shooting the messenger. :D


Additional fact: the yellow used on Disney ships is specific to their color pallet. It is not a "standard" yellow. That is why they needed a waiver to use THEIR shade of yellow.


OK, everyone - you can now begin typing the challenges to THAT statement. ;)


Please re-read my post to you above in its entirety. Nowhere did I challenge you or any information you provided. All I did was respond with similar factual information regarding yellow in use with RCI.


More to the point, if you read my comment highlighted in bold I believe I was suggesting the very fact you point out with your last comment highlighted in bold. This only confirms and supports your comments.


Your comments - if pertaining to me - are completely unfounded and undeserved.

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Wow! :eek: I'm only the messenger passing along a "fun fact" about the Disney cruise line's use of Disney's special shade of yellow. I am not the one who made arrangements for this color. If you need to challenge that fact, you should be contacting the cruise line, not shooting the messenger. :D


Additional fact: the yellow used on Disney ships is specific to their color pallet. It is not a "standard" yellow. That is why they needed a waiver to use THEIR shade of yellow.


OK, everyone - you can now begin typing the challenges to THAT statement. ;)


Not shooting the messenger, just getting the facts right. I see on the Disney fun facts page about the USCG and the boat color, and it might be fun, but it ain't a fact.


Again, the USCG has nothing to do with it, they would have had to apply to the Bahamas Maritime Authority, even if the USCG said it was okay.


I've looked at photos of Disney boats, and RCI boats, and don't see much color difference (though color resolution may be poor, or lighting changes may contribute). They may have applied for an "approval" for their color choice, but it is not a "waiver", nor does it mean that other lines could not use the same color (unless copyrighted), and the approval would come from the IMO.


Don't want this to get into a p***ing contest, its just that the facts should be correct.

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Two statements of fact.....


1. Lifeboat color being unaesthetic? Just when I thought I've seen it all on CC.


2. The whole Disney thing came from a television show where a Disney rep said the lifeboat color was obtained after receiving approval from the Coast Guard. Folks, this is not true. Chengkp75 got it right. USCG inspects for SOLAS regulations and those yellow boats are a standard color from the manufacturer. Yes, Disney chose yellow to fit their scheme but no, it was not a special request requiring special permission. That part was Disney embellishing.

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Wow... I am sorry you interpret my question as shooting the messenger. There was no intent.


Please re-read my post to you above in its entirety. Nowhere did I challenge you or any information you provided.


Not shooting the messenger, just getting the facts right.


Please re-read my post and notice the ;) and :D icons. I posted that with tongue in cheek. Seems as if you ended up being just as defensive as you assumed I was being. I can assure you I was not. I was just adding a bit of levity.


How about we share a big hug and be friends again? :D:):p;) (again, please notice the icons!!!!)

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Unless "Disney yellow" is a special color, I guess they were granted special permission too or there is a standard yellow that can be used as well as orange.



Additional fact: the yellow used on Disney ships is specific to their color pallet. It is not a "standard" yellow. That is why they needed a waiver to use THEIR shade of yellow.


I worked for Disney reservation center when the Magic first splashed. We were told by our managers that Disney yellow required special permission because it is not the standard yellow, but a mustardy yellow that matches Mickey's shoes.:D

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I worked for Disney reservation center when the Magic first splashed. We were told by our managers that Disney yellow required special permission because it is not the standard yellow, but a mustardy yellow that matches Mickey's shoes.:D


Good marketing tactic and actually very interesting!


And certainly not challenging you or what you indicate, but as pointed out by both chengkp75 and aquahound who, without discussing their backgrounds, suffice it to say have very authoritative knowledge regarding the industry, this information is not factual.

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I worked for Disney reservation center when the Magic first splashed. We were told by our managers that Disney yellow required special permission because it is not the standard yellow, but a mustardy yellow that matches Mickey's shoes.:D


Very possible. However, they would have gone to the boat manufacturer, and said, "we don't like your colors, we want this one", and the boat manufacturer would have gone to either the BMA or more likely the IMO for approval, and since there is no real requirement, other than highly visible, it wouldn't have taken much to get approval. But as LeaveItAll says, a good marketing ploy. And as Aquahound says, it has probably morphed into an urban legend, bolstered by the "fun facts".


And for boogs, I tried to post a reply twice, but it wouldn't save, so I guess we'll have to pass on the hug. :D Not much for hugging anyway, so I'll buy the first round of craft beers if you're ever in Maine.

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Very possible. However, they would have gone to the boat manufacturer, and said, "we don't like your colors, we want this one", and the boat manufacturer would have gone to either the BMA or more likely the IMO for approval, and since there is no real requirement, other than highly visible, it wouldn't have taken much to get approval. But as LeaveItAll says, a good marketing ploy. And as Aquahound says, it has probably morphed into an urban legend, bolstered by the "fun facts".


I really do value all your factual information on the boards-keep up the great responses! :)


It wouldn't have been the first time managers have "lied" to us. I haven't been there in years and they are probably still embellishing the party line!:rolleyes:

Edited by Ethel5
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I really do value all your factual information on the boards-keep up the great responses! :)


It wouldn't have been the first time managers have "lied" to us. I haven't been there in years and they are probably still embellishing the party line!:rolleyes:


No worries Donna. I'm sure they just took some ounce of fact and embellished into a more interesting story. I guess it's not enough to just say its Mickey Mouse themed.....they had to go the extra mile and say a portion of the US Government gave them a concession....because they're Disney.

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No worries Donna. I'm sure they just took some ounce of fact and embellished into a more interesting story. I guess it's not enough to just say its Mickey Mouse themed.....they had to go the extra mile and say a portion of the US Government gave them a concession....because they're Disney.


Without getting way off topic-let's just say Walt would be rolling over in his grave.

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Actually, Disney uses a specific shade of yellow for all its Mickey-themed items. It is a specific, proprietary shade, just like Tiffany's jewelry boxes are one specific shade of robin's egg blue.


According to several sources, including an article by the New York Times (http://www.nytimes.com/1997/01/16/garden/now-it-s-heigh-ho-off-to-sea-we-go.html) Disney did receive special approval for that specific shade.


The Disney Company is known for their branding and their themed architectural design, down to the last detail. If anyone would go to the trouble of specifying uniquely-colored lifeboats, they would.

Edited by mstigerlily18
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:D Not me. Absolutely not!! :)


I cannot figure out what they think is attractive about what looks like graffitti to me. Whenever we see those ships in port, it amazes me someone would do that to the side of what might otherwise be a beautiful ship.



I'm relieved to learn I'm not the only one.

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Some of you folks need to take a chill pill with the subject of my posting. I was just looking for open dialog between us cruisers. There has been very good information posted about why or why not the life boats can be modified. :)


I must disagree above having white covers or the smokey plexiglass, there are very clever engineers who could clearly come up with a system that does not impede safety.


Here is another thought about life boats. Lets have them in the center belly of the ship and have them capitulated out to sea to launch. Once a ship lists to far the Life boats are useless.


Yes it may be a ignorant idea but think of this as a round table meeting to get ideas open for discussion. Peace

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:D Not me. Absolutely not!! :)


I cannot figure out what they think is attractive about what looks like graffitti to me. Whenever we see those ships in port, it amazes me someone would do that to the side of what might otherwise be a beautiful ship.


I'm relieved to learn I'm not the only one.


Trust me, you aren't the only one. I think they are absolutely horrid and cheap looking. And especially on the Epic, which is the ugliest cruise ship in the business, that graffiti makes it look like a cheap whore with bad makeup. Just proves to me that NCL has no idea whatsoever what real "class" is. Just one reason among many why NCL will not be getting any of my hard earned money.

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Some of you folks need to take a chill pill with the subject of my posting. I was just looking for open dialog between us cruisers. There has been very good information posted about why or why not the life boats can be modified. :)


I must disagree above having white covers or the smokey plexiglass, there are very clever engineers who could clearly come up with a system that does not impede safety.


Here is another thought about life boats. Lets have them in the center belly of the ship and have them capitulated out to sea to launch. Once a ship lists to far the Life boats are useless.


Yes it may be a ignorant idea but think of this as a round table meeting to get ideas open for discussion. Peace


The whole idea of lifesaving equipment is that the minimum amount of process steps or the minimum amount of equipment is needed to launch it. While there could be things designed to "hide" boats, the simple fact that you are introducing either something that needs to be removed, or something that needs to move during launching (and can therefore break, preventing launching), impedes safety. This is why the quadrantal davits of the Titanic era (which had to be cranked outboard by the crew) were replaced by today's gravity davits (you raise the brake handle, and gravity drags the boat down); it replaces several steps with one, and replaces mechanical gearing with a natural force like gravity.

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Some of you folks need to take a chill pill with the subject of my posting. I was just looking for open dialog between us cruisers. There has been very good information posted about why or why not the life boats can be modified. :)


I must disagree above having white covers or the smokey plexiglass, there are very clever engineers who could clearly come up with a system that does not impede safety.


Here is another thought about life boats. Lets have them in the center belly of the ship and have them capitulated out to sea to launch. Once a ship lists to far the Life boats are useless.


Yes it may be a ignorant idea but think of this as a round table meeting to get ideas open for discussion. Peace


It does happen that when a ship lists the lifeboats on the high side become impossible to launch. However the one constant about lifeboats is that they are always able to be launched by gravity alone. Loss of power would disable lifeboats on both sides - and loss of power must be at least contemplated in a situation requiring launching of lifeboats.


Beyond that, the notion of a lifeboat filled with 100 plus passengers being "catapulted out to sea" from the "center belly of the ship" requires a fair amount of explaining.

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Here is another thought about life boats. Lets have them in the center belly of the ship and have them capitulated out to sea to launch. Once a ship lists to far the Life boats are useless.



:D You do come up with some fun suggestions


Ignore the short-sighted critics on this thread, they have no vision. :rolleyes:

The boats could be shaped like space shuttles, powered by their own rocket motors, and fitted with wings for those on the high side plus scuba gear for those on the low side. A great idea for RCI when the novelty of waveriders & such wears off.

And kids love inflatable bouncy castles, so one could be located next to each life-rocket and when instructions are given to abandon-ship they could be loaded into the rockets so that passengers could be thrown around without breaking too many limbs.


But sadly the cruise line bean-counters would see money-spinning opportunities.

NCL would of course call it a thrill ride and make it a pay-extra facility.

Disney would set up automated cameras so that survivors could buy photos of their ride.

And all cruise lines would apply standard money-spinning procedures & charge for jump-the-line tickets, front row seats, wet weather ponchos, ............. .


But the simplest ideas are the best.

Bruce Ismay thought the boats too unsightly, so he just reduced the number of them. What could possibly go wrong. ;)

To reduce demand for the reduced supply of lifeboats, passengers could be given the option of an add-on supplement if they want to book a seat. This would have to be bought pre-cruise, because the Guest Relations desk would be under-water when demand peaked.


Yes, the graffiti-covered cruise ships are ugly.

Lifeboats will never be painted the same - not because they're more difficult to find, but because discerning rescuers would ignore them.


Keep those great ideas rolling in. ;)


JB :)

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