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AMAPrima Prague to Budapest


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Budapest - We had a lovely sail-in with narrations from the bridge, explaining what we were passing. The weather was sunny and very warm so we enjoyed the views from the sun deck. Since we were spending two full days post-cruise, one with a private guide, we elected to participate in a Limited Edition tour, Goulash Making. We were bussed along with other participants, about 14, to the Sofitel Hotel, accompanied by a lovely guide, who narrated some of the sights during our ride. We were met at the Sofitel by our instructor chef (I am sorry I do not remember his name - he was truly fun). We were issued new Sofitel aprons and chef hats (ours to keep). The class was held in one of the Sofitel's small restaurants and while we sat and had an introduction to the cooking lesson, we were given some nice sparkling water. We did the preparation in groups of three and four, in an open kitchen setting, while the others in our group gathered around and watched from the other side of the prep area. Our chef explained each ingredient and step, allowing the cooks of the moment to actively participate. It was fun and entertaining. It was explained that the goulash must cook for at least three hours, so we would be sampling the results of a class from the previous day. Before eating, we were treated to a tour of the Sofitel's large food preparation area. It was very interesting. The goulash was yummy, and we were presented with the recipe and a packet of paprika. This will truly remain one of the highlights of the trip. After a week of organized tours of the sights along the Danube we were ready for something a little more unique; this was perfect.

After returning to the ship for lunch, my DH and I headed out to visit the Marketplace. It was an easy walk from the dock (but very hot). The size of this place is amazing. Wish we could have brought more of the yummy food home, but we were able to purchase paprika, sweet, hot and paste. I also purchase some of the lovely embroidered blouses for my granddaughters. Credit cards were accepted. (Again, my currency converter really came in handy so I could get a grasp on what things actaully cost in USD.) We headed back to the ship for cocktails and dinner. Prior to dinner there was a Hungarian Folklore Show that was entertaining.

Following dinner we cruised to view the illuminated city. There was lovely background music playing and I can't imagine a more magical experience. It was just gorgeous. One of our friends proclaimed Budapest to be even more beautiful than Paris at night! Sadly - our last night onboard :(.

Embarkation is handled very efficiently, with the distribution of specific colored luggage tags.


I will speak briefly of our post-cruise time in Budapest. We had hired Andrea Makkay seven months prior. She needed to cancel, but provided us with another guide, who met us at the ship along with the midi-van and our driver for the day. We were disappointed, that our private tour did not live up to our expectations. I had spent some time expressing our preferences and touring style, but it seemed to be pretty standard tour. In fairness, the fact that we were tired and hot probably did not make us the best audience either. The one exception was the wine lunch I had specifically requested. We dined at Bor La Bor for lunch, with a wine sampling at each course. Nothing short of fantastic! I will post a glowing review on Tripadvisor. If we ever get back to Budapest, a repeat visit will be on my "must do" list. On the tour we visited Gellert Hill, Church in the Rock, Gellert Baths (just a walk-around), had lunch, drove around the Pest Side to see the Cathedral, Synagogue, and more, then visited the Palace Hill, walking around, etc. It was a very full and exhausting day.

We stayed at the Hotel Vistoria, which was again, another disappointment (review on Tripadvisor). It is located in an exceptional area, and there are excellent views from most of the rooms. The next day we rode the Funnicular to the castle district and explored for most of the morning. We then ventured to the Pest side, eating lunch at a nice little sidewalk cafe, walking for miles and taking tons of photographs. Don't miss the Shoes on the Danube, a very unassuming yet powerful tribute. We had purchased the 24 hour metro pass from an unmanned kiosk, which refused all chip and signature cards. Luckily, we have a try chip & pin card so we purchsed passes for our friends. We took the Parlimant Building tour (purchased tickets ahead of time). There were way too many people on the tour, and we missed much of what was beind said by the guide, but I am very glad we did not miss out on seeing the interior of this building. It is one of the most amazing places ever! We had planned on going back into Pest to dine again at Bor La Bor, but there were so many nice choices on the Buda side, and we were just too tired, so we stayed there for dinner.

FYI - five in our party visited the Gellert Baths for soaking and/or massages. They loved it!

I will try to finiish up with my general impressions of the trip in another post.(Sorry for the typos, I'll blame it on jet lag!)

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Thought I would finish up with some general observations and comments:

We used the laundry onboard twice. It was reasonable and the clothes came back on hangers. We were very pleased with the service.

Wi-fi in the cabins is excellent. We did not spend much time on it but downloading the currency conversion app, checking weather, etc., was very useful. The entertainment options on the system are nice too. Great selection of movies, etc.

Because I had read previous concerns regarding the quality and quantity of the free beer and wine, I want to mention that we felt the offerings were of good quality and we rarely had to ask for a refill, as there was always a server pouring.

Little extra touches onboard:

Maps of every port to take with you as you embark daily.

Free AMA postcards, that they will mail for you from the ship (free advertising).

Plush terry robes, slippers, umbrellas.

Nice bathroom amenities

The best homemade ice cream and breads ever



More options for those who prefer DIY style of travel. Although the tours and guides were good, we would have liked some more options such as concerts, performances, etc. We have concluded that buses and following the herd is not our preferred way to see things. I did appreciate the fact that we were not obligated at all to participate, and when we did, there was usually the option to bow out, or have free time after. I know that on some ships, there is a concierge-type service to acquire tickets for you (such as the Parliment Tour). I take full responsibility for not doing more research to educate mysef on the ports, feeling we paid for the tours, so would rely on them as our primary activity. Some ship-sponsored tours were excellent, some ok and others, meh! Our two Limited Edition tours were great on an "enrichment level". More please AMA!

Boarding Passes - passengers are responsible to get one each and every time you leave the ship, and turn it in when you return. C'mon, use technology such as the big lines do to "ding" passengers on and off. It was really annoying to stand in line at reception each morning, and one day someone else took our passes so we had to get new ones. (I know this is nit picking, but seemed senseless to me.)


Gratuities - We fully expected to pay these and were more than willingto tip extra for those crewmembers who went over and above, which we did. But we do have one question. We received a separate envelope for the Cruise Manager (suggested tip was 30 Euros for those doing pre-cruise, and 21 Euros for those cruise-only guests). This is not divided, whearas the 84 Euros per passenger is divided among the entire crew. The Cruise Manager was great but at even 21 Euros times 155 passengers that's a tip of 3,255 Euro.Most passengers did the pre-cruise in Prague, so the amount is higher. Are they not salaried? It just seemed our of proportion.


I do want to mention the noise in the cabin - the sound that resembled frogs happily croaking and knocking in the ceiling. It was never resolved and we received a bottle of wine for the inconvenience (perhaps a hint to drink it before bed?). One crew member told me they were well aware of it and handed me a box of earplugs! Since it was most bothersome while sailing, it wasn't an issue every night, but perhaps three of the seven I was awakened a few times. I made a video of it and the Hotel Director asked for a copy.


The ship is gorgeous in every way. The crew delightful! I'm not sure that I could even consider another river cruise line after experiencing AMA, and you can see by my signature that we are not loyal to any one ocean cruiseline.


Trip Highlights:

Chef's Table Dining - Erlebnis

Wachau Valley Sail

Limited Edition Goulsah Making Tour

DIY in Vienna

Budapest Night Sail

Our private tour in Prague (I wish we had spent more time there; this city is on my repeat list).


If I can manage to download my photos soon, I will add a couple. Thanks for following along.

Next up - Myanmar looks enticing!

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Gratuities - We fully expected to pay these and were more than willingto tip extra for those crewmembers who went over and above, which we did. But we do have one question. We received a separate envelope for the Cruise Manager (suggested tip was 30 Euros for those doing pre-cruise, and 21 Euros for those cruise-only guests). This is not divided, whearas the 84 Euros per passenger is divided among the entire crew. The Cruise Manager was great but at even 21 Euros times 155 passengers that's a tip of 3,255 Euro.Most passengers did the pre-cruise in Prague, so the amount is higher. Are they not salaried? It just seemed our of proportion.


I have been told that they are NOT salaried. The tips are all they get. And they work so hard on each cruise that they have to take the next one off to recuperate. I wish all the cruise lines would adopt Tauck's approach and build this in to the fare.

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I have been told that they are NOT salaried. The tips are all they get. And they work so hard on each cruise that they have to take the next one off to recuperate. I wish all the cruise lines would adopt Tauck's approach and build this in to the fare.


That would make sense. And yes, I agree, they are on their game virtually 24/7. The information sheet we received does uses the language "Gratuities to your Cruise Manager and ship crew ...." It goes on to say, " For the Cruise Manager, who is not part of the ship's crew ....".

It would have been helpful to include additional information if the gratuities are the main source of income for the CM. We did adhere to the recommended amount but heard some buzz about the amount.

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I enjoyed your final 2 posts and have a few questions(you knew that was coming:))

Budapest- did the guide not take you to the sites you had planned to see or was it her style of touring or lack of knowledge that disappointed you? We have hired Andrea and I do hope that she doesn't cancel and send someone else in her place.


Vienna-did you take the ship's tour first and then DIY? Did AMA provide transportation to and from the city center for those who want to go on their own? I know that the metro or taxis are available but wondered if AMA at least provided some transportation.


About the tipping, are guests able to put the tips on their ship board account or must they be on cash?


Prague-those who started their cruise in Prague, were most doing this thru' AMA or on their own? Since you stayed at the hotel that AMA used, were you able to get info from the CD or was he/she only available for those who booked thru' AMA?


I really appreciate your very detailed and honest review that included not only the good (and that was the majority) but also the not so good. I'm glad to know that overall you were very pleased with AMA and would sail with them again.

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I enjoyed your final 2 posts and have a few questions(you knew that was coming:))

Budapest- did the guide not take you to the sites you had planned to see or was it her style of touring or lack of knowledge that disappointed you? We have hired Andrea and I do hope that she doesn't cancel and send someone else in her place.


Vienna-did you take the ship's tour first and then DIY? Did AMA provide transportation to and from the city center for those who want to go on their own? I know that the metro or taxis are available but wondered if AMA at least provided some transportation.


About the tipping, are guests able to put the tips on their ship board account or must they be on cash?


Prague-those who started their cruise in Prague, were most doing this thru' AMA or on their own? Since you stayed at the hotel that AMA used, were you able to get info from the CD or was he/she only available for those who booked thru' AMA?


I really appreciate your very detailed and honest review that included not only the good (and that was the majority) but also the not so good. I'm glad to know that overall you were very pleased with AMA and would sail with them again.


Glad to be able to help!

Budapest - I had not named specific places to visit, but had forwarded the ship's tour with a request that we not repeat any of those places. I also mentioned that we were interested in the unusual or unique facets of a Budapest. We spent over an hour at the top of Gellert Hill, reviewing the history of the city and viewing the layout - just was not interesting, especially in the hot sun. (In a prior e-mail, I had requested a recommendation for the baths, not an actual visit, We were taken to Gelkert to see the inside and the wave pool - much like our US water parks). The lunch with wine tasting, which was a specific request of ours, was fantastic and unique. Half of the group fell asleep during her commentaries in the van. The rest of the day - unremarkable, she was lovely but there was just no "sparkle", it was more like a canned history monologue. I hate to be too critical as we were tired and hot, but I did better DIY the following day.


Vienna - We elected the ship's Hidden Gems Limited Edition Tour. We knew we wanted to DIY Vienna using Rick Steve's audio guides (had used them oreviously in Italy),The tour lasted about 90 minutes, then we were off on our own. So we were bused into the city center courtesy of AMA. I'm sure anyone could use the bus in even if you were DIY - just explain to the CM. Unless you were returning to the ship with the tour, which most did, you need to return to the dock independently. There were clear directions given onboard for the metro or taxi, We used the metro, but did have some difficulty figuring out how to get to the ship from the station.


Tips could be applied to your shipboard account, you just had to authorize that. We also got blank envelopes to give a few additional tips in cash.


Prague pre-trip: most passengers did seem to participate in the AMA group. I'm not sure how many did DIY in Prague, then took the AMA transfers, Later we learned that only 12 passengers were boarding directly at Vilshofen. We elected not to do the pre-cruise at a substantial savings, and our desire to tailor a more personalized tour experience. As I have mentioned, our private tour was nothing short of exceptional. We did think the Hilton was perfect in every way too. The CM treated us no differently than the group participants. We were welcomed at the AMA desk and our many questions readily answered. I wish we had arrived a day earlier to have more time,


Thank you for your positive comments. I do really hope I was able to convey how perfectly amazing this trip was. My impressions are a compilation of our group of 14 (we all did very different things at various points) and it was nice to be able to hear their viewpoints too.

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I enjoyed your review. We have been on 10 ocean cruises and one bus trip in Europe. We take the trips to see and learn, but we also enjoy our time on the balcony to relax. We aren't sure if we should take a river cruise or a DYI train trip to see the ports you saw. It seems that the river cruises are way more expensive than our ocean cruises even though we book a mini-suite (Princess) or a suite (NCL or Celebrity). The tv ads look wonderful for the river cruises, but now I am learning about "rafting" which would not take away from relaxing on the balcony. What do you think? Do most people pay the over $500 per person per night, or do most get a better deal? Thanks for the help from any and all.

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Thanks for all the information, I am doing the same itinerary in October. Never river cruised before, and more of an DYI person. So this has really helped me to realize that I will probably not take advantage of the group tours, which is ok with me. We were looking for the best company to travel with and narrowed down to AMA & Tauck (was sold out this year)

The BOr la Bor sounds great, waiting for your review on TA. Can't remember if you said you did Cafe Kor? If so is it really that good? So many places are recommend, I feel as though it is a popularity contest. Thanks again



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Glad to be able to help!

Budapest - I had not named specific places to visit, but had forwarded the ship's tour with a request that we not repeat any of those places. I also mentioned that we were interested in the unusual or unique facets of a Budapest. We spent over an hour at the top of Gellert Hill, reviewing the history of the city and viewing the layout - just was not interesting, especially in the hot sun. (In a prior e-mail, I had requested a recommendation for the baths, not an actual visit, We were taken to Gelkert to see the inside and the wave pool - much like our US water parks). The lunch with wine tasting, which was a specific request of ours, was fantastic and unique. Half of the group fell asleep during her commentaries in the van. The rest of the day - unremarkable, she was lovely but there was just no "sparkle", it was more like a canned history monologue. I hate to be too critical as we were tired and hot, but I did better DIY the following day.


Vienna - We elected the ship's Hidden Gems Limited Edition Tour. We knew we wanted to DIY Vienna using Rick Steve's audio guides (had used them oreviously in Italy),The tour lasted about 90 minutes, then we were off on our own. So we were bused into the city center courtesy of AMA. I'm sure anyone could use the bus in even if you were DIY - just explain to the CM. Unless you were returning to the ship with the tour, which most did, you need to return to the dock independently. There were clear directions given onboard for the metro or taxi, We used the metro, but did have some difficulty figuring out how to get to the ship from the station.


Tips could be applied to your shipboard account, you just had to authorize that. We also got blank envelopes to give a few additional tips in cash.


Prague pre-trip: most passengers did seem to participate in the AMA group. I'm not sure how many did DIY in Prague, then took the AMA transfers, Later we learned that only 12 passengers were boarding directly at Vilshofen. We elected not to do the pre-cruise at a substantial savings, and our desire to tailor a more personalized tour experience. As I have mentioned, our private tour was nothing short of exceptional. We did think the Hilton was perfect in every way too. The CM treated us no differently than the group participants. We were welcomed at the AMA desk and our many questions readily answered. I wish we had arrived a day earlier to have more time,


Thank you for your positive comments. I do really hope I was able to convey how perfectly amazing this trip was. My impressions are a compilation of our group of 14 (we all did very different things at various points) and it was nice to be able to hear their viewpoints too.


Thanks for the quick reply. Yes, your posts have really presented a very favorable impression of your trip. We are so looking forward to ours!


Not sure where my head was when I asked you about Vienna! Your response reminded me that you had already mentioned the Hidden Vienna tour and I had also mentioned it in an earlier post to you. I have read other posts talking about the walk from the metro station to the ship, some have said it is confusing and some have commented on the distance especially after walking the sites in Vienna. We may consider a taxi...we'll see. Glad you commented on Rick Steves audio tour as I recall you said in a much earlier post that you intended to use it in Vienna. I see he covers Prague too and since we will be there for 4 full days, it may come in handy for us. Like you. Prague will be DIY and we are booked at the Hilton Old Town with the advance pay rate. I assumed the total cost would be immediately charged to our cc but so far it hasn't been although I made it thru' the Hilton web site and have a confirmation number. Interesting that most did the pre stay thru' AMA. How was the WiFi in the Hilton lobby? With so,many guests staying there on tours, did you find that caused a bottleneck at breakfast or were items replenished quickly and were tables always available? OK so I just need to know what to expect, my DH says I worry too much but it is what it is:)


I can imagine your disappointment in the Bidapest tour after anticipating your experience based on the wonderful reviews received by your originally booked tour guide(the same one we have booked). I wonder if she will contact you to ask about your experiences? I can't imagine that spending a long time in the hot sun would be enjoyable especially once the details became uninteresting. So much to see and do there, it would be frustrating to not "move on". BTW, does the replacement guide work for her or does she have her own tour business? On a better note, I'm glad your Prague guide did not disappoint. Since we will have 4 days in Prague, planning our time is proving to be a challenge. There is so much to see and do and we want to make sure we plan our time carefully. I have downloaded a money converter to my iPhone and played with it-turned off my wifi and it worked great!


Any problems with electronics at the airport when you flew home? We are going from BUD to Frankfurt so still wondering if the new electronics check will be at the gate or someplace else. Haven't seen much on this subject.


I know I have said it before but will again because you have been such a big help and a wealth of information....thank you:)

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Thanks for doing this - very helpful! We are doing the same cruise in November.


One question - can you recall the menu for the Chef's Table? I would love to book it but my husband hates all forms of seafood, so if it's really heavy on seafood we may have to skip it.



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Thanks for doing this - very helpful! We are doing the same cruise in November.


One question - can you recall the menu for the Chef's Table? I would love to book it but my husband hates all forms of seafood, so if it's really heavy on seafood we may have to skip it.




Just wondering the dates of your cruise. We are also doing this cruise in Nov.Sonata-wine cruise.

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Just wondering the dates of your cruise. We are also doing this cruise in Nov.Sonata-wine cruise.


We are on the AMASonata on Nov 19th (from Budapest to Nuremburg). Is that the same one as you? I don't think ours is wine though.

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And thank you for spending the time to review your cruise. I enjoyed reading it and there is a river cruise in our future. I have a couple questions regarding room service, is there anything in the mornings and in place of dinner in case you just don't want to have a large dinner?

Also, do you know what they do for Non Alcoholic beers? NA beers I much more prevalent in Europe, so wondering if they are included in the included beer?

Again thanks for the review.

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No room service except for Suites.


There is one main restaurant so that is the only option for dinner. You could order only a course or two without any problem though.


Cannot answer about the beer as we are wine drinkers.

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Thanks for doing this - very helpful! We are doing the same cruise in November.

One question - can you recall the menu for the Chef's Table? I would love to book it but my husband hates all forms of seafood, so if it's really heavy on seafood we may have to skip it.



I do not recall the menu, but do know there were varied options, not just seafood - many of us had the filet. The food was interesting and delicious. I'm sure you could ask for a copy of the menu when you board, and then decide if you'd like to make a reservation. (Make your booking early as some dates filled up quickly.)


And thank you for spending the time to review your cruise. I enjoyed reading it and there is a river cruise in our future. I have a couple questions regarding room service, is there anything in the mornings and in place of dinner in case you just don't want to have a large dinner?

Also, do you know what they do for Non Alcoholic beers? NA beers I much more prevalent in Europe, so wondering if they are included in the included beer?

Again thanks for the review.


There are "light offerings" in the Lounge for both breakfast and lunch. At breakfast in the Main Diningroom, it is mainly buffet style (although is is a limited menu for things like Eggs Benedict). There are many healthy or light choices - oatmeal, yogurt, fruit, cereal, etc. No need to think you need to sit down for a huge breakfast (although you can do that too - :D). For dinner, you can certainly have as little as you'd like, soup and salad for instance; the waitstaff will be happy to serve you anything available. No room service.

Sorry, I cannot comment on the beers. Our group went for those containing alcohol and really enjoyed the European brews.

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Thanks for all the information, I am doing the same itinerary in October. Never river cruised before, and more of an DYI person. So this has really helped me to realize that I will probably not take advantage of the group tours, which is ok with me. We were looking for the best company to travel with and narrowed down to AMA & Tauck (was sold out this year)

The BOr la Bor sounds great, waiting for your review on TA. Can't remember if you said you did Cafe Kor? If so is it really that good? So many places are recommend, I feel as though it is a popularity contest. Thanks again

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Glad the review is helpful. Our AMA trip sold our very early even though it took place during the less popular summer season. I know they were running a waiting list months out from the sailing. We booked 15 months out. I'm sure you would be happy with either line.

The review on Borlabor should be posted any day - it has been submitted. We did not go to Cafe Kor. As always, the reviews and rankings do need to be taken with a grain of salt, paying careful attention to the "one review wonders".


Thanks for the quick reply. Yes, your posts have really presented a very favorable impression of your trip. We are so looking forward to ours!

Like you. Prague will be DIY and we are booked at the Hilton Old Town with the advance pay rate. I assumed the total cost would be immediately charged to our cc but so far it hasn't been although I made it thru' the Hilton web site and have a confirmation number. Interesting that most did the pre stay thru' AMA. How was the WiFi in the Hilton lobby? With so,many guests staying there on tours, did you find that caused a bottleneck at breakfast or were items replenished quickly and were tables always available?

I can imagine your disappointment in the Bidapest tour after anticipating your experience based on the wonderful reviews received by your originally booked tour guide(the same one we have booked). I wonder if she will contact you to ask about your experiences? I can't imagine that spending a long time in the hot sun would be enjoyable especially once the details became uninteresting. So much to see and do there, it would be frustrating to not "move on". BTW, does the replacement guide work for her or does she have her own tour business? On a better note, I'm glad your Prague guide did not disappoint. Since we will have 4 days in Prague, planning our time is proving to be a challenge. There is so much to see and do and we want to make sure we plan our time carefully. I have downloaded a money converter to my iPhone and played with it-turned off my wifi and it worked great!


Any problems with electronics at the airport when you flew home? We are going from BUD to Frankfurt so still wondering if the new electronics check will be at the gate or someplace else. Haven't seen much on this subject.


I know I have said it before but will again because you have been such a big help and a wealth of information....thank you:)


Regarding Hilton Old Town - I was positive that I had prepaid the hotel when booking, since it was advance purchase, and it stated your card would be charged. They asked for payment at checkout and I was taken aback. They assured me my card had not been charged prior to the stay. We paid it, then my DH checked back on our credit card statements when we returned home. There never was a charge. However, there were parties in our group who booked the same rate, and did pay before the trip. Go figure? I did confirm by e-mail prior to the trip for my own peace of mind. There was very little congestion at breakfast, although the breakfast area was full. There was usually a line at the omelet station. Some people went into the adjacent lounge area to eat. The food was plentiful and replaced constantly. One of the nicest breakfast buffets we've seen.

The wi-fi was great in the lobby and first floor public areas. It really is quite ridiculous that a large hotel such as the Hilton does not have it available in the rooms for free, but it is what it is.

No problem at the airports whatsoever. The previous day our friends reported very long lines and waits, but no unusual check-in procedures in Budapest; we breezed through. We were never asked to power up/down our electronics. The airport is very comfortable with many options for eating and shopping and nice seating areas (free wi-fi).

I have not heard anything from Andrea. She may still be away. It is a bit disappointing since she was aware of my anxiety regarding the substitution. My understanding is that our guide is a colleague, but I believe independent. She told us she works almost every day, but I was unable to find much of anything about her online. I know can can also reach out myself to Andrea, but thought I'd give her a chance to follow-up.

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Thanks, Sippican, you have been a wealth of information...I owe you big time:)

I've also enjoyed reading your answers to others' questions. Honestly, I can't imagine leaving on this trip without gathering all the info that everyone has been so kind to offer.

I too will confirm with the Hilton via email and also remind them that I have requested a non smoking room. Funny about some in your group being charged beforehand and others not. Yes, wifi should be available everywhere in the hotel as an included item but I guess that if they can charge for it, they will....like the airlines charging for just about everything.


Thanks again for all your help.


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Glad the review is helpful. Our AMA trip sold our very early even though it took place during the less popular summer season. I know they were running a waiting list months out from the sailing. We booked 15 months out. I'm sure you would be happy with either line.


The review on Borlabor should be posted any day - it has been submitted. We did not go to Cafe Kor. As always, the reviews and rankings do need to be taken with a grain of salt, paying careful attention to the "one review wonders".





I saw the review on TA, I will keep this on my list of places to eat places. I love wine, and food. Looking for something not over rated. We were lucky :AMA was just about sold out, the cruise we booked had 2 cabins left.

I am glad you enjoyed and shared. It was helpful.

Edited by catskier
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How nice! 6 of us on this cruise. Looking forward to meeting everyone.


That is great! There are 5 of us in our party....us, my parents and my dad's brother. We did an AMA cruise last year from Basel to Amsterdam and loved it so decided to do it again. We are so looking forward to it. We have 3 days pre cruise in Prague on our own and then 3 days in Budapest on our own before we go to Paris for a few days. It can't come fast enough!

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