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Farewell to the Martini Bar


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Surely the beauty of the sound should be in the ear of the beholder? I would hope those who run the martini bar use their discretion in these situations and go with the flow of the majority of their customers at any given time.


Unfortunately some people like it loud others prefer it turned down. The examples given appear to demonstrate different waiters trying to appease both sides of the spectrum.

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I would have asked to speak to a supervisor since the bartender complied with your request and a wait person took it upon themselves to turn it back up.....sounds like the wait person is more concerned with "their" interests than the guests.....I would have made at least one attempt to speak to management about it before giving in and vacating the area....


That does no good. During our Equinox cruise last February, the music in the martini bar was also that techno crap at full volume. A conversation was impossible. When the waitstaff told us they were not allowed to turn it down, we went to Customer Service and complained. They sent up a lovely lady (supposedly a supervisor) who apologized, but said she would look into it and see what she could do. She also gave us her extension to call her if it wasn't resolved. Well....it wasn't resolved, and when we called her extension, it was a bogus number!!! We were finally worn down and tired of complaining, so we just put up with it.


I was under the impression that over the past 6 months, things had turned around and that loud music was no longer an issue. But I guess I was wrong.

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We got back from Equinox last week, having spent 12 nights on her in Feb as well. For the most part, this time was great, volume wise. In Feb, the volume was so loud in the theatre that we had to leave - as did many other people. Even the vocalist was having a problem as the backing music was so loud and asked the sound mixer to fix it! This trip was for the most part an entirely different affair. Levels in the theatre were great and even the poolside music didn't drift like it did in Feb. The groups in various venues were mostly at a sensible level as well. My only real complaint is the 'competition' between different areas, leading to a cacophony of sound in some places. Sitting at the rail near Cafe al Bacio, we were bombarded with music from there, the Martini Bar, the act in the Foyer AND the Passport bar. Thankfully, after a few days, they did seem to turn the music down in the Martini Bar when there was an act in the Foyer, so that we could hear them comfortably. Mind you, when there wasn't entertainment happening, we had it coming at us from all sides still! Quite confusing to say the least.

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In fairness to the official Celebrity Cruises poster, they certainly have read and even commented on this issue in other threads previously…as noted by this past post:



Old March 11th, 2014, 12:29 PM

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Hi all,


We want to ensure that everyone is enjoying the music on our ship, and we never want to have music that is too loud, or too low. We have looked into the issue, and we will make sure that the volume is corrected on all of our ships. This process may take a few days, but rest assured we have passed on your feedback and want to provide the best cruising experience for all of our guests.


However, since this thread seemed to branch out into a myriad of different topics/comments…e.g…experiences of others on past cruises, (sometimes no ship/date listed); whats loud/whats not loud; what some hope to find on their next cruise; hearing aids; one's yearly hearing check-ups; baby-boomers; volume on a Princess ship; bartender makes a lousy Cosmo; kinds of music; etc, etc…I think the Celebrity Cruises poster was trying to narrow down between the jibber-jabber, if this was more related to an isolated 3 nights on a specific Solstice sailing, that the OP mentioned in the first post, or perhaps an issue that needs to be addressed again.


and like you said…Thanks to Celebrity for listening, taking the time to comment and trying to clarify the problem.




Ah, a voice of reason. Welcome to Cruise Critic.

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We were on the Equinox in February and had a similar experience. The music in the Martini Bar was terribly loud techno stuff and we could hardly talk to each other even in the curtained alcoves. And - service was not consistent. Sometimes pretty good, other times you wondered if you'd become invisible. We had used the Martini Bar as a pre-dinner meeting place, but it got so bad we started going elsewhere. The good news is that we did more exploring! :p

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We love the Martini Bar and on our past 7 Celebrity cruises that was our "pre-dinner and night cap" bar. Just off the Solstice and after 2 nights of very loud pounding music(?) we and others just had to leave on the 3rd night. Conversation was impossible and a headache was a strong possibility.


Before we left on the 3 rd night a group of us asked one of the bartenders if he could turn down the volume, which he did, only to have one of the waiters turn it up 5 mins later. He turned it down again- server turned it up! We all left.


We love music and the house band Top Notch was great- played a wide variety of music and always drew a crowd & got guests of all ages up and dancing. They were not a "quiet" band but it was music not the techno pounding that was piped into the Martini bar.


So unfortunately we have to say farewell to the Martini bar & those luscious large Martinis - oh well on the bright side we'll save some $ as gin & tonic, piña coladas, etc are less expensive!


I've spent many evenings with the OP Jelayne and her husband at the Martini bar. I have mixed feelings. I like the music personally , though maybe it gets a little loud.

There are six other bars with little or no music, or an ensemble band as in the Rendezvous lounge. It's reasonable to expect one venue with somewhat louder music.

If they turned down the music to the level they would need to satisfy the most sensitive of the passengers, they might as well turn it off.....which would kill the vibe for the others that like it... Like myself

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I don't think the music was loud on our cruise was it? I think some cruises have had rather loud music. And others have music where you can carry on a conversation. Were you able to have conversations at the Martini Bar in April? Just curious.


Yes, no problem having conversations at the martini bar at all. I foud the people to be loud, not the music :D

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Music is one of those subjective things in life cause it involves the senses (in the same way that food & drink likes and dislikes are subjective. So personal attacks make no sense here any more than saying someone is ridiculous because they don't like a particular food item)


With music there are soooo many types plus the issue of volume


Truth is we all have our tastes & preferences


And like it or not as we age it is natural for us to dislike high volume (find it disconcerting / uncomfortable) or perhaps aren't fond of the latest genre (notice all the comments that say "techno crap" here, lol)


Sorry folks but time marches on in spite of us all


Celebrity's strong demographic for years has been the 40 to 70 year old cruiser


In order to stay competitive they also have to stay relative to attracting that lower end of the market


Their tastes are just naturally going to be different than the higher end of that scale (which sad but true diminishes in their number of customers every year... Stop cruising cause of disposable income, health, or mortality)


Based on our past Cruises, I would say that Celebrity provides a good mix of venues (for Food & Drink). Something for everyone in the demographic IMO


Mr Sloop & I are young at heart... We go out a lot. We enjoy Wine Bars, Martini Bars, Craft Beer Parlours, Pubs, Sports Bars, Jazz Clubs, and Dance Clubs, as well as Shows, Live Theatre & Comedy Clubs.


We would say that Celebrity has done a good job creating these various types of venues on the Ships...


Martini Bars have flair bartenders, modern loud music, and a general sort of "frenzic" atmosphere. They are not your Father's Frank Sinatra Piano / Crooners Bar that focused on Martinis in the 1950s thru 1970s. Yes folks they have changed / evolved beginning with Tom Cruise's Cocktail movie in 1988... And on thru this the 21st Century (did no one catch that when watching Sex in the City... Quiet Martini Bars not happening... There was a new lively / loud trend )


Mr Sloop and I actually prefer an old time Piano Bar / Crooners Bar / Lounge when we sip Martinis. So we seek those out on land. We quickly figured when we first cruised on The Solstice in 2012 that Celebrity's Martini & Molecular Bars were not what we were looking for... So we went elsewhere the majority of the time. Our Favourite spots being either because of their atmosphere, drink offerings or both (depending on our mood).


Did we miss the Martini Bar... No not really. We often did take away drinks.


Now to be fair we did not miss it perhaps as much as others because as new cruisers for us it had just always been this way


So I understand where frequent Celebrity Cruisers would be upset if in someway their Favourite venue changed (in this case different music & louder).


But as I said earlier...


Time marches on. Every year Celebrity has to find newer, younger Customers. The world (and Celebrity Ships too) evolve not just FOR THEM... but BECAUSE OF THEM


For now Celebrity works for us...


But we are quite aware that that not always will be necessarily so... In which case we will have to make a decision.


For now we pick up a Martini and move elsewhere.


In the future we may have to change ships / cruise lines not just venues / spots to sit in personal comfort


It is the way the works and has since the beginning of time... Time marches on, things change... C'est la vie



Edited by Sloop-JohnB
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I've spent many evenings with the OP Jelayne and her husband at the Martini bar. I have mixed feelings. I like the music personally , though maybe it gets a little loud.

There are six other bars with little or no music, or an ensemble band as in the Rendezvous lounge. It's reasonable to expect one venue with somewhat louder music.

If they turned down the music to the level they would need to satisfy the most sensitive of the passengers, they might as well turn it off.....which would kill the vibe for the others that like it... Like myself


Hi, good to see you are still on the boards and cruising. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like we have any upcoming cruises in common.


This was a Alaska cruise we got off last week. It was too cold & windy for the Sunset bar, Molecular doesn't serve champaign, wine, or Martinis ( the drinks we prefer), Cellar Masters was empty ( they would have loved to have you drop in :)) Rendezvous music isn't our cup of tea but we did go occasionally - place was always busy before dinner. We ended up hanging at the Passport bar pre dinner which, by mid cruise, was standing room only. Most nights it was the Skye Lounge after dinner. So we didn't go thirsty!


We did a B2B on the Eclipse in July and were at the Martini bar every night. We sail her again in Jan and hope to be back at the Martini again. Hope we met up on a ship in the future.

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Yes, no problem having conversations at the martini bar at all. I foud the people to be loud, not the music :D[/quote


I think our last cruise did not have the decibel level described here.

Maybe they turned it up on the OP's cruise to drown out the people or for the staff. i have had staff that made the music atmosphere to their liking rather than what was programmed.


If we don't like the music, hey no need to upgrade that package.


While I have an opinion on what music I like I can hardly have one about the volumn of a cruise I was not on.

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The S-Class ships were all built with a Quasar Disco and Bar to specifically provide a venue for loud, pounding upbeat music. It's a large venue capable of holding all the people who aren't interested in speaking to each other. I wonder why it hasn't been used.:rolleyes:


Even so, it seems that most people are really not particularly even objecting to the type of music being played in the Martini Bar at loud levels as long as they can at least speak to someone close to them. The objections come when it is so loud that it's not possible to hear anyone at all. My question is for the few people here who say they like it....do you like it when it's not possible to have any kind of a conversation at all, even when yelling? If so, do you think the Martini Bar is a venue where people should enjoy other people's company? If so, how do you think that's possible?

Edited by Ma Bell
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Flair Bartending is enterntainment; I'd hope that would not stop or end for the one or two who get annoyed by it.


And I think that is what we are discussion, the differences of opinion of aspects of the Martini Bar and how the cruise line may need to temper overall enjoyment.


While I can't speak with authority about others, I can suggest that in the past there was not a complaint that the Martini Bars on Celebrity, and even on the older ships were dull and boring. They were no complaints.


What changed was the addition of loud music, not flair bartenders, not martinis, not guests.


If anyone desires a good martini, the Martini Bar is the place to go. It's is not subject to age or demographics or muscal preference, its a venue for the enjoyment of Martini. A basic Martini, a creative Martini, a Martini Flight. Those are the things that this venue has been well known for. And without question, the Flair Bartenders bring a level of entertainment which is generally enjoyed.


That an emphasis on loud music has become bigger than the venue itself is where Celebrity has diverted and seems to have left behind the basic platform that suited nearly all of its participating guests. The venues are lovely, the cocktails are wonderful, the energy in the venue is exciting; people are enjoying themselves and are sharing that enjoyment with one another in a pleasing social environment.


There is no need to overwhelm guests or to drown them out.

Edited by MizDemeanor
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Flair Bartending is enterntainment; I'd hope that would not stop or end for the one or two who get annoyed by it.


And I think that is what we are discussion, the differences of opinion of aspects of the Martini Bar and how the cruise line may need to temper overall enjoyment.


While I can't speak with authority about others, I can suggest that in the past there was not a complaint that the Martini Bars on Celebrity, and even on the older ships were dull and boring. They were no complaints.


What changed was the addition of loud music, not flair bartenders, not martinis, not guests.


If anyone desires a good martini, the Martini Bar is the place to go. It's is not subject to age or demographics or muscal preference, its a venue for the enjoyment of Martini. A basic Martini, a creative Martini, a Martini Flight. Those are the things that this venue has been well known for. And without question, the Flair Bartenders bring a level of entertainment which is generally enjoyed.


That an emphasis on loud music has become bigger than the venue itself is where Celebrity has diverted and seems to have left behind the basic platform that suited nearly all of its participating guests. The venues are lovely, the cocktails are wonderful, the energy in the venue is exciting; people are enjoying themselves and are sharing that enjoyment with one another in a pleasing social environment.


There is no need to overwhelm guests or to drown them out.


Spot on!

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I've spent many evenings with the OP Jelayne and her husband at the Martini bar. I have mixed feelings. I like the music personally , though maybe it gets a little loud.

There are six other bars with little or no music, or an ensemble band as in the Rendezvous lounge. It's reasonable to expect one venue with somewhat louder music.

If they turned down the music to the level they would need to satisfy the most sensitive of the passengers, they might as well turn it off.....which would kill the vibe for the others that like it... Like myself

You are correct, the Martini Bar is a venue that needs a vibe. It needs more current music, just like other Martini Bars that I've been to on land. If they turn the music down to the volume some want, it will just end up being a sleepy bar and IMHO Celebrity's revenue in that bar will drop.


It seems like everyone wants to only go to the Martini Bar, those that like the music loud and those that want it quiet, so what is the solution, without ticking off one of the groups. Possibly Celebrity could make it more sleepy prior to 8:00pm for pre-dinner drinks and then amp up the atmosphere after 8:00pm for after dinner drinks. This way everyone can enjoy the kind of experience they are looking for. I see no reason why either group should not be able to enjoy the venue. It is just that people wouldn't always have it their way, they would have to compromise.


The more I think about it, I think I will copy this post to Mr. Bayley as a way to solve the problem, as I see it, at the Martini Bar.

Edited by NLH Arizona
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NLH....there are some who go to the martini bar because it's the only place you can get many of the vodka's and martini's.....not so much for the vibe. I like to try and compare different vodkas...that's my motivator, not the vibe or the music....but I've been on cruises where the music has me going elsewhere or skipping a drink or three (translated, that means lost revenue).


I'd suggest another solution. Make all or most of the "stuff" available at the martini bar available somewhere else on the ship....spread the opportunity to spend money in the venue of your choice.

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NLH....there are some who go to the martini bar because it's the only place you can get many of the vodka's and martini's.....not so much for the vibe. I like to try and compare different vodkas...that's my motivator, not the vibe or the music....but I've been on cruises where the music has me going elsewhere or skipping a drink or three (translated, that means lost revenue).


I'd suggest another solution. Make all or most of the "stuff" available at the martini bar available somewhere else on the ship....spread the opportunity to spend money in the venue of your choice.

That is a great idea. We all do things for different reasons and have different motivators. I would leave the Martini Bar as is (because if one goes to any land Martini Bars, they have the same vibe or at least the ones I've been to) and make all of the selections available in another bar, with a more sedate vibe and maybe play jazz. There are always ways to solve an issue, it is just that not everyone will have it their way, but if you get 50 percent of what you want, it is better then not getting anything.


Hopefully you send your suggestion to Celebrity.

Edited by NLH Arizona
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As far as what a boomer is, other than a great dogs name. Originally it did not include very late fifties and sixties births. I was suprised when we got lumped in to the group as our experiences were not the same. We were at one time a small group considered slightly more conservative and independent. Although these days the definition of conservative is not the same either.



Yes. When did that happen. Late "50's was never originally considered a boomer.

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That is a great idea. We all do things for different reasons and have different motivators. I would leave the Martini Bar as is (because if one goes to any land Martini Bars, they have the same vibe or at least the ones I've been to) and make all of the selections available in another bar, with a more sedate vibe and maybe play jazz. There are always ways to solve an issue, it is just that not everyone will have it their way, but if you get 50 percent of what you want, it is better then not getting anything.


Hopefully you send your suggestion to Celebrity.


So all they need to do is serve the Martini's in Quasar and the problem is solved. They can have all the really loud music there where it's contained the way it was planned to be. Sounds like a great compromise to me.

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