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Freedom of Seas "suites come first?????"

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We sail on FR a couple of times a year. Rahul and Bertie have been our concierges on various cruise and both are excellent, polite and full of class. Have NEVER observed the behavior that the OP described. Their lounges are very well run (remember they supervise the waiters and check hors d'owerves levels etc.) They have both done special services for us when we have not been in suites (only upgraded once on FR to a GS).


Feel bad for Rahul as his vacation was postponed again (like the end of his contract). We


Hope both concierges are on FR from our upcoming 4 FR cruises.

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I think what needs to be understood is that the obnoxious behavior we have seen from a couple of D+ and Pinnacles is in the vast minority. Most people we have met have been great, but we witnessed behavior on the Member's cruise on EX in 2012 that just made me cringe. I think the couple was D+ and not P but the husband was horrible to every staff member. He would yell across the CL and the Suite breakfast area and snap his fingers. He talked loudly about everywhere they had traveled, etc. He may have thought he was impressing people (not a chance), but to me he was a moron. Then there was the D+ woman on FR in 2011 who held court and had a couple of hangers on. She had a nickname which I won't use on here in case someone knows her. She thought she owned the CL. I've always told DH that these people are the ones who were never popular in HS and now they think they're "all that" and think they're somehow better than everyone. We will be D+ after this upcoming cruise, but unless asked, I never tell anyone what our status is. We have met mostly wonderful people, but just like anything else, there are always a few that aren't so wonderful. In both instances, the concierge didn't say a word.

Edited by BND
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I agree the bad behaviour of some D+ and Pinnacles who are holding court in the CL is in the minority, it is the behaviour of a few that can tarnish the reputation of the majority.


As for people asking what C&A level you are, I disagree, I believe it happens more than you realise. Example, us lowly diamonds but in a suite, and a pinnacle asked what level we were. Retort 'it's because of you that this CL is too busy'. It was supposed to be a joke, but guess what I never spoke to them again.


Next, another pinnacle bragged how they only book the cheapest cabin, but then complain so much until they get an upgrade to at least a balcony.


Another dressed in shorts in the CL during cocktail hour, loudly announced to his sychophants about someone who had come into the CL, something to the effect of 'probably borrowed the card to get in'.


All this was on 1 sailing! Now you know why I won't be visiting the CL on our upcoming Liberty sailing, even though we could. As far as I'm concerned the CL on Freedom and Voyager class ships are univiting venues with no windows so no view like the DL.

Edited by peteukmcr
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Oh Gosh. Booked our first GS on Radiance for a 16 nighter in Feb next year. Was looking forward to the CL. My wife and I like to meet new friends especially from other parts of the world. We're easy going people but I'm hoping we don't run across any of the "Child Like" or "Sense of Entitlement" others have described here. That would spoil it and make us avoid the place altogether.


Don't worry too much tangogulf. We have been in the CL for a number of cruises and it has always been very nice. Friendly fellow cruisers from different parts of the world, great bar service and great concierges. I have no doubt that the incidents/people described on here occur but they would be in the minority and now we are all forewarned and have some great tips to respond!

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I really got to laugh at the people who say "I never tell anyone my Status" etc, etc, but yet there status is big and bold in their CC signature.

So in reality it's more like this. I never tell anyone my status but i show it to the world on CC. :p

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You should see the looks I get because I'm obviously not D+. :p I honestly don't care if people judge me or not as I'm surely judging them. I have a special, internal smile for everyone who wears their Pinnacle or C&A pin all-day, every day (mine may go on my tux for formal night ... maybe).


I did get upset on my TA cruise when our table at breakfast was ignored for 15 minutes because the crew were busy helping a table of pinnacles. However, I (fairly calmly) talked to the head waiter and we were treated very well for the rest of the trip.


I don't envy the thankless task of providing great customer service to so many people who are on vacation (which I believe is a different self with a different set of behaviors).

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I wonder if the Diamond drink vouchers and the booze packages you can purchase will help bring the number of people down in the lounges since you can drink elsewhere.


If I do decide to go in the Diamond or CL lounge and someone asks to see my card, I will have to pull up my big boy pants and not potty mouth the whole thing but I certainly wouldn't oblige them.

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I think what needs to be understood is that the obnoxious behavior we have seen from a couple of D+ and Pinnacles is in the vast minority. Most people we have met have been great...


I agree. I've come to adore many Pinnacle members. My wife and I are young compared to these people so at times we are still looked at as the kids in the room, but that does not bother me one bit. Some are obnoxious, as are some first time cruisers, but most of the Pinnacles I've met I consider to be friends.


I was recently on a Vision cruise that had more Pinnacles/D+ on board than any of my other recent cruises, including a few of the very top cruisers. I gotta say...I thought everyone was great. The CL was open to the entire Viking Crown every evening and frankly, it was one of the nicest CL experiences I've ever seen.

Edited by Aquahound
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Please don't be freaked out. Go to the Concierge Lounge, give it a try.


Don't let what is being said on this thread about rude guests deter you. We have encountered very few rude guests. Rude guests are a very small percentage of people in the lounge. Much like a rowdy child in a classroom, the rude/rowdy guest tends to be noticed and noted more than the well-behaved children and guests.


Almost all guests are delightful. Many guests enjoy chatting with other guests, many keep to themselves. The CL usually has a "happy" atmosphere that is not at all rowdy.


Sometimes (and we have been guilty of this) frequent cruisers are in the lounge with guests whom they have become friends over the years. Sometimes when they sit together they laugh a little too much or too loudly, but not because it is a rowdy bar but because they enjoy each others company. (If there is a large group of us we tend to go to the Diamond "overflow" area and sit together rather than take up a lot of seats in the CL.)


As far as taking a well-behaved child into the lounge, we have seen many and have often complimented the child and/or parents about their behavior.


Please, go and enjoy and do come back and report your experience.


Wish there was a "LIKE" button for your post! Just stopping in to say, "Hello!":D

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These People !!!, and exactly how old does one have to be to become a "these people" person. We are still young compared to others but did not realise that age was also a requirement to become a Pinnacle member, bearing in mind that there are Pinnacles who are so old and now in their thirties :eek::D


I agree. I've come to adore many Pinnacle members. My wife and I are young compared to these people so at times we are still looked at as the kids in the room, .........................
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These People !!!, and exactly how old does one have to be to become a "these people" person. We are still young compared to others but did not realise that age was also a requirement to become a Pinnacle member, bearing in mind that there are Pinnacles who are so old and now in their thirties :eek::D


Yep, "those people." If anyone who knows me reads that post, they won't be offended one bit....mainly because they know my joking nature. ;)


But yes, I do realize there are younger Pinnacles. That said, the context of my post was not meant to be insulting whatsoever. I was actually complimenting Pinnacles. :)

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And I know that, no offence taken, and that is why I also put a big Smiley Grin on my post :D there is another one for you



Yep, "those people." If anyone who knows me reads that post, they won't be offended one bit....mainly because they know my joking nature. ;)


But yes, I do realize there are younger Pinnacles. That said, the context of my post was not meant to be insulting whatsoever. I was actually complimenting Pinnacles. :)

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I really got to laugh at the people who say "I never tell anyone my Status" etc, etc, but yet there status is big and bold in their CC signature.

So in reality it's more like this. I never tell anyone my status but i show it to the world on CC. :p


Well, I guess I have to explain it to you then...


We know a few cc members in person. To everyone else on here, we are anonymous, so that means when they meet us, they have no idea. In person, we never tell anyone. Nor have we ever thrown our status around. I have never asked anyone their status either and can't imagine doing so, no matter mine. You won't ever hear me say "we're D so we should get xyz" or would we ever tell anyone they don't belong somewhere or anything like that, even jokingly.


Got it?:rolleyes:


If another cruiser ever asked me to show them my card, I'd probably laugh at them. Seriously?


We have also never, ever worn our pins. Heck, I accidentally threw out our D ones and never asked for new ones. The others (the ones we actually received) are in a drawer somewhere. BTW, from what I've heard Pinnacles are asked to wear theirs.

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Met "Bertie" in CL of FOS. He snootily reminded us "remember, suites come first" when we introduced ourselves. 600 points counts for crap on FOS? Has RCI taken this stand that only suites merit politeness and service? We spend a fortune cruising but tonight we will skip the CL and bar hop with our vouchers. We ran into this same attitude in July on grandeur, so a dozen of us D +++ and P went to the diamond lounge instead. What gives?


Funny, we were on last week and spent considerable time in the DL. Interfaced with him on several occasions before and during "Happy Hours" and detected no such attitude on his part. We have never experienced an attitude from any RCI Concierge!

There were a few folks I know from CC in the DL. I'm sure they will comment if they agree or disagree with the OP.

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Anyone over the age of 29. :)

I'm there, just with quite a few years of experience at it. :D


Nobody's ever asked for the cards from us. Might be that DW is a 'lanyard person' so it's usually out there, or might be despite our relative youth we carry ourselves well enough where folks are unsure enough to err on the side of keeping quiet.


We did the math and at our current rate we'll be 88 and 89 by time we get to Pinnacle. By then I'll probably forget why I wanted it. Or RCL will have created "Double-plus Pinnacle" and mere Classic Pinnacles don't get into the CL anymore. I blame my parents. "Why wait until I was 41? Why didn't you take me on cruises in my 30s, and 20s, and teens to help me rack up some status??" :confused:


Next, another pinnacle bragged how they only book the cheapest cabin, but then complain so much until they get an upgrade to at least a balcony.


I've run into this. It has served me as a lesson that if ever I can't or don't want to spend enough to travel in the cabin of my choice, I need to just stay home.

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We have never been asked to wear ours, we only wear ours on formal night if invited to the Captains table and then they come of straight after dinner :D

Although others will tell you that they are asked to wear theirs all the time, for me that is their choice and I respect their decision to wear it if they choose to.:)


........... BTW, from what I've heard Pinnacles are asked to wear theirs.
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I was on Freedom for the past two weeks and spent a considerable amount of time in the Diamond lounge and never sensed any negative attitude from Berty. I wasn't staying in a suite either. He was always friendly and helpful to me.

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I've met many Pinnacles during my cruises and have found the overwhelming majority to be nice people who just have a passion for cruising. Of course there are always exceptions but those are a small minority in my humble opinion.

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If a Pinnacle asked to see my card, I'd say"OMG! You are Pinnacle AND you work for Royal Caribbean?!" :D


Seriously, I'm a pretty new D+ and the Pinnacles I've met have been lovely. I HAVE heard some stories otherwise, but I'm sure they are few and far between. I hope so anyway.


I just love cruising and meeting wonderful people!

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We met a couple who were new Pinnacles in the Diamond Lounge on Freedom. They were a lovely couple, and we didn't even know that they were Pinnacle until the second night.


On the other hand, we met a couple on the Enchantment who were sitting in the Centrum before sale away. The lady - and I use that term loosely - looked down her nose at me and said, and I quote - "And WHAT are you?" No, she did not mean who are you, she meant what level of C&A were we. Really?


There are nice people and obnoxious people at ALL levels of C&A. I would hope that ones overall temperament and attitude does not change just because they give you a special pin!

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I was on Freedom for the past two weeks and spent a considerable amount of time in the Diamond lounge and never sensed any negative attitude from Berty. I wasn't staying in a suite either. He was always friendly and helpful to me.



I just want to know if you warned Berty and Rahul we were coming again soon? Were there any stalkers this cruise?



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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There is always a small subset of rude and ignorant people in any crowd. Some of them will be Pinnacle and some of them will be at every level underneath. I confess I am fairly new to RCI, having only cruised twice and some time ago. I am reading and participating here because now that the smoking policy has changed I am coming back to RCI and very much looking forward to my upcoming cruise on Freedom. I normally cruise Celebrity and have reached the level there to be invited to the Elite events (and heavens, how we hate that name - the problems it has caused!!). If you go to the Celebrity boards you can find threads just like this one. I can tell you that in all my visits to that lounge, I have never, ever encountered people flaunting their level, demeaning others, or demanding to be treated special. I have to believe it will be the same when I visit the Diamond Lounge on FOS.


I don't doubt those who have encountered that behavior - but the rare bad behavior onboard from fellow passengers is truly irrespective of level or type of cabin IMHO. Perhaps you'll meet an occasional Pinnacle level person who is an arrogant jerk. Perhaps you'll meet an occasional Platinum level person who lets their kids run wild and disturb other passengers. Perhaps you'll meet an occasional Emerald level person who gets stinking drunk and obnoxious. I just have found in my 30+ cruises over five different lines that bad behavior cannot be categorized by level or cabin type., and that most people are wonderful to cruise with. I can't imagine I will find it any different on my upcoming cruise:)

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