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I missed the ship last week! Allure, at first port... what to expect...


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Unless I've missed something, post #174 was the last time we heard from the OP. He had been taken to the motel and told Alfred would "try" to see if a flight could be found the next day, and we haven't heard from him since. OP, I would really like to hear the rest of the story. ?????

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Let me say a few things


1) I'd never get back on a ship without my kids, wife, grandma, whoever. Screw the ship, we're family, we came together, we leave together. But I'm always back on the ship much earlier.


2) I've heard the meeting time story part repeatedly and get it, but the rest has me perplexed.




I don't know who this Alfred guy is, but talk about some bad information.


The major airlines fly out of Nassau daily, multiple times a day. What's he mean, "try" to get a flight???


Now, it will usually take you an overnight to get there, which may be too late depending on how long it takes the ship to get there... so you might have to meet in Cozumel. But I would think the ship couldn't leave Nassau and get to Falmouth in 1 day.


The US Embassy is actually walking distance from the pier... no crazy van rides needed. it's a few blocks behind Señor Frogs.


Did he work for RCI? Was he the port agent? You would think he'd have a better plan than yelling at some lady, his job is to handle this. The way you describe this is so hap hazard. it's not the RCI I know.



I don't know why he brought you to such a dinky hotel. There's a very nice Hilton right near the pier, not to mention the Atlantis, and a really nice hotel across from the Embassy too.


I wouldn't listen to Alfred and stay in an unsafe place that I had to pay for. I'd be like I'm staying at the Hilton and catching a cab to the Embassy to get my passport and then the airport, thanks and goodbye dude!


Not sure what other advice anyone needs.


Call the hotel, get a room. Make your calls, ask RCI what to do when you arrive in Falmouth and to give you a local contact. Sleep. Go to the Embassy in the morning, Get your passport. Go to the airport, fork over the fortune, get on a plane, fly to their hub and then on to ship wherever you can catch it.


Once there, re-register and try to enjoy the last day or so.


Not being mean, but i just don't understand.


You're last comment says it all, YOU JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND! Thanks for making this easy... I'll answer some of your questions and address some of your comments later. But one thing, Alfred was not yelling at anyone, he was asking her to take care of me, to handle it. Obviously she had better things to do (wanted to go home?!). Regarding flights, I'll comment on that also.

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I understand the skepticism and the questioning why this is taking so long. BTW, everyone has the right to post what they think about it.


I believe he missed the ship. Do I believe it was as dramatic as he's making it? No. Him being "terrified", etc seems a lot over the top. Do I think he enjoys the attention (neg and pos), yes I do. There are tourists in Nassau after dark and traffic through town as well as cops. I think he really enjoys stringing us all along just to tell a story that could have been written in word and pasted into a thread in two or three posts. Most reviews of 7+ day cruises can be done in 3-4 posts and be pretty thorough.


Been to Nassau many times, stayed at Atlantis for several days also. Are there bad areas in town? Sure, just like any town, but as others have said, everything he needed was in a few blocks, including a very nice Hilton.


Tough guy, l take it... ;) PLANNED trips are not a problem, I've been all over the world. It's when the unexpected happens, the unplanned.... No need to explain myself to you, just move on

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The only people dragging this out are all the people commenting (I'll include myself on this now) on:


1) Not believing him.

2) "I would have..."

3) People feeling sorry and anticipating the rest of the story.


Chances are this guy has a life outside of cruise critic. He obviously has a family. I'm sure he isn't going to take a day off from work or cancel his Saturday plans just to tell some crazy people on the internet what happened. I appreciate his style of relaying the events, makes it more interesting to read.


I believe him. I heard about this situation when it first happened. dirtgirl had posted the initial scenario on another site when she first found out about this. I believe her. Therefore I believe him.

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The only people dragging this out are all the people commenting (I'll include myself on this now) on:


1) Not believing him.

2) "I would have..."

3) People feeling sorry and anticipating the rest of the story.


Chances are this guy has a life outside of cruise critic. He obviously has a family. I'm sure he isn't going to take a day off from work or cancel his Saturday plans just to tell some crazy people on the internet what happened. I appreciate his style of relaying the events, makes it more interesting to read.


I believe him. I heard about this situation when it first happened. dirtgirl had posted the initial scenario on another site when she first found out about this. I believe her. Therefore I believe him.


Funny thing is, most everyone does believe he missed the ship. I believe that too which I posted previously, but let's not let facts get in the way of a good story. The questioning has more to do with him dragging out this story, the flight issues and the type of help he got from Alfred.


The easy thing to do would be to just finish up in a post or two and give people the info they need.

Edited by BND
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I was trying to catch up, got sidetracked by the flamers.. I apologize for responding to them in the manner that I did.. It's so flipping frustrating when you take the time to possibly help others, to share info., just to see what it's like when something like this happens, and then to be flamed for it. I really wish that those who don't believe me move on and go.


I need to clarify a few things: Alfred was the port authority. He is a nice and good man. The place was not a dump, just something that I am not accustomed to. He didn't deliberately drop me off at the first dive. Obviously he knows this place, feels comfortable and knows that its close to everything.


Also, by no means am I trying to be dramatic or get attention. I have a life outside of CC, sorry! I'm in Socal, it's 80 degrees, I can be doing something else, but I want others to learn from my mistake...

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Nana and BND, the story continues.....


After paying and getting my keys, Alfred says to keep in touch after I get my passport. I'm escorted to my room upstairs. It was a small, clean room, with a shaking ceiling fan and an AC that blew hot air. No big deal.


I dump the backpacks on the bed, I sit in the chair, and this is when it all sinks in. I'll admit it, this is when I got emotional. I still couldn't believe that this happened to ME. First, I'm never late to anything, I'm always 5 - 10 minutes early to everything. 'Bad' things never happen to me. Yes, I've almost missed ONE flight once, but that was it.


After a few minutes of staring at the bed and feeling sorry for myself, I said, that's it, enough of this. I'm not on the ship, my family is, but I need to make the best out of this. 'Snap out of it, get up and do something' is what I told myself....

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I have always wondered what happens to those left by the ship in a foreign port. I will patiently wait for the rest of the story.


I appreciate you taking the time to write your story and let all of us know the outcome. Like someone mentioned earlier, it would be nice for anyone else that missed the ship to report of their experience.

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I got my backpack and flipped it over and dumped everything out to see what I had. I had suntan lotion, wallet, old pp, birth certificate, my cell phone, headphones and RCL stuff. Oh, my swimming trunks and an extra shirt, which I usually do NOT carry or have on me, but for some reason I did ;)


I frantically grab my phone to call my family, it rings then nothing. I tried several times, then finally, my phone DIES!! HOW CAN THIS BE!??? No phone! I have no charger either, now what!? I grab the other backpacks and dump everything out! My friends and his daughters clothes from them changing at Atlantis, my sons clothes, TWO CELL PHONES! A charger for an iPhone, which I do no have. Two wallets, CASH, glasses and a wrinkled up $20 bill!....


I go to use one of the phones, it needs a PASSWORD! OMG, I don't have my friends pw. I grab the other phone, which belongs to his daughters. Bingo, no pw needed!! I start to call my other friend, which happens to be the phone owners uncle. HE ANSWERS!!! My wife, my sons are all there! FINALLY, I hear their voices! First thing I hear, we love you, we miss you! And my son, saying 'dad, I 'm so sorry, I didn't know you told us to be back at 330, I would've been there'. I said, its ok, I know YOU would've, its ok. As long as you guys are on the boat together, that's all that matters. I was teary eyed, but obviously had to act like I was ok and that I was in control. They asked me what happened? Where did I go? Where am I? Am I scared? No, of course I'm not, lol! ;) They didn't need to know.....

Edited by klfhngr
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I believe your story and am so sorry this happened to you.


I want to hear the whole story- is there any way you could just tell the rest of it in one post? I know you have a life but we are interested and would love it if you could finish without having to wade through all the post in between yours from the folks who don't believe you.



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After talking to them and my friend, the brother of the one that didn't show up (let me explain, the friend that didn't show up, his brother went also), it was time to say goodbye. The phone line was bad, I think because they were getting further and further at sea. I did hear him say FACEBOOK! Finally, good bye, be careful dad and they were all gone.


I looked at the working phone, I realized that it only had 36% of life left, and the charger was NOT for this phone. I sent a few texts to my boys and wife and one of them answered. I also texted my friend, he replied. So at least I knew I could contact someone if I needed too.


I couldn't rest in the room, it was too hot. So I went downstairs. They had two pc's, so I hopped on one. I went straight to Facebook and found my friend, he purchased an internet package just to keep in touch with me. We spoke for a while, trying to make a plan. My wife and boys talked a little, I finally told them to GO HAVE FUN! You're on the ship, ENJOY IT! I'll be ok! GO! So go they did.


I didn't want to go back to the room, so I started posting on FB. A few friends started replying, they could not believe that ME, xxxx would ever miss a ship! Then next thing you know, my T/A sends me a chat! Can you believe it, my TA? Which type of TA would do that? As soon as she hears of my ordeal, she goes into mother hen mode, lol :) Where am I, am I safe? What do you have on you? Etc.. I explained the whole story and she made a few great recommendations. Start looking for flights NOW. I explained to her what Alfred said, she again strongly recommended that I start looking now. So glad I did, I'll explain shortly.


The part that amazes me the most was that my travel agent, who happened to be celebrating Thanksgiving, was actually talking to ME, comforting me and actually making plans for ME! I felt so at ease, finally. I actually felt like my life was going back to normal, I spoke to my family, friends, my TA, lol, and even a few on FB.


So, I began to look for air....

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Have been reading this with interest to see were it was going, sorry to say that this story is getting to be a taller story as we go along returning to the ship and report a minor missing would have stop the ship from sailing, RCI are port of registry is the Bahamas. No doudt we will be able to watch this on NBC or Fox next year 48 hours in the life of a cruise idiot.:)


and the idiot that didn't believe him ;)

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It's Klfhngr's thread and story to tell on his schedule and as he sees fit. If you don't like the story or his style, it's your right to stop clicking!


Agree, and that goes for anyone else who has a problem with it.

Although, we all say it will never happen to me, It might and this will help with the outcome when it does.

Op's mistakes are our gain.

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The OP appears to have gone off on his own, and was not on an Independent Tour with a privately arranged guide.


We always book private tours with a reputable guide who has a high rating here on CC and on TripAdvisor. Their reputation and the survival of their business is dependent upon getting you back to the ship in time. It is not necessary to exclusively book through the ship in order to be secure as long as you do your research and are choosy with whom you book.

If it's not RCL sponsored tour and your "reputable" tour excursion is late or held up I'm afraid you may be screwed.
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The reason that the recommendation NOT to get air was just in case I ran into an issues at the embassy. What if I got air, but then I didn't have my pp ready?


But when I started to look for air, I was shocked. I know a few of you have mentioned that it's easy to get out, it's easy to find air, etc. I went on Expedia, I could not find a flight from Nassau to Jamaica. I got stuck on land on a Monday, I wanted to fly out on Tues and wait for the ship in Jamaica and join it on Weds. The only flight were in the AM on Tues., but that's when I was going to be at the embassy! So the next option came up. A 7 AM flight on Weds., lands in Ft Lauderdale at 7:40. Then an 11:00 flight from Ft Lauderdale landing in MoBay at 11:40 (time change, just in case the flamers start questioning this).


I decide 'lets to this'. The price was $360, I think about it for a few minutes, I start recalling what Alfred said but then think to myself, 'I have two days to get pp., and what if prices go up or if the flight sell out'? So I booked it! By this time it went up $10!! True story!


I go back up to the room, its like an oven now. I try to turn the light on, but it doesn't turn on. I hit the switch on the wall, the AC turns off.. oops, wrong switch! I try to turn back on, no more AC! I'm sitting up on the bed (earlier, when I was sitting on the chair, I noticed tiny bugs crawling across the bed, I think they were tiny ants) but cant sleep. So I head back downstairs. By this time, it's almost 11PM... I can hear loud TV's from the other rooms, I hear sirens outside, no guns though ;) As I open my door, there's a HUGE cockroach in front of my door, lol! It's ok, I used to be an exterminator years ago, so I just ignored it.


I go downstairs and tell the gentleman that my ac is out. He goes up but cant fix it. He offered me another room, but decline. He asked again, are you sure, its going to be hotter later tonight. No, its ok I say. HUGE MISTAKE!

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I got my backpack and flipped it over and dumped everything out to see what I had. I had suntan lotion, wallet, old pp, birth certificate, my cell phone, headphones and RCL stuff. Oh, my swimming trunks and an extra shirt, which I usually do NOT carry or have on me, but for some reason I did ;)


I frantically grab my phone to call my family, it rings then nothing. I tried several times, then finally, my phone DIES!! HOW CAN THIS BE!??? No phone! I have no charger either, now what!? I grab the other backpacks and dump everything out! My friends and his daughters clothes from them changing at Atlantis, my sons clothes, TWO CELL PHONES! A charger for an iPhone, which I do no have. Two wallets, CASH, glasses and a wrinkled up $20 bill!....


I go to use one of the phones, it needs a PASSWORD! OMG, I don't have my friends pw. I grab the other phone, which belongs to his daughters. Bingo, no pw needed!! I start to call my other friend, which happens to be the phone owners uncle. HE ANSWERS!!! My wife, my sons are all there! FINALLY, I hear their voices! First thing I hear, we love you, we miss you! And my son, saying 'dad, I 'm so sorry, I didn't know you told us to be back at 330, I would've been there'. I said, its ok, I know YOU would've, its ok. As long as you guys are on the boat together, that's all that matters. I was teary eyed, but obviously had to act like I was ok and that I was in control. They asked me what happened? Where did I go? Where am I? Am I scared? No, of course I'm not, lol! ;) They didn't need to know.....

OMG!! This actually brought tears to my eyes. I can't imagine the relief to hear they were all OK.

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Having stayed there and spent a lot of money I can understand them being less helpful to day guests. We spent 5 nights there in 2009 and the place at times was overrun with tourists which took away from our experience. I was glad they limit the number of day guests as the pool area is crowded enough.

I think everyone needs to allow everyone to have an opinion. And to think that those are more empathetic are better people, that's just completely wrong. Someone who believes everything they read is not a better person who doesn't and vice versa. Some are taking comments way too personally.


I think OP is currently reading this thread and loving every minute of it. Anyone who is that dramatic in their writing loves the chaos and drama they create. It's a very dramatic and engaging read, but that doesn't have to mean that every single word is completely 100% true and correct. This is just his perception of what happened.


What I would really love is that others who have actually missed a ship and had to rejoin it later would come on and post their experiences also so we have a balanced variety of experiences.


Then maybe Atlantis should forgo the income received from "day visitors" and limit the resort to those staying there. But as long as they open the resort to visitors and willingly accept their money then maybe they should be a bit more accomodating.


I certainly understand your point about visitors lessening the experience for guests who are staying there. I remember a thread in the past where somoeone suggested RCI allow "day visitors" onto the ships and my thought was that why should people who paid to cruise on the ship have to deal with these visitors coming aboard and taking up space in the venues and lessening the experience for the cruisers aboard the ship.

Edited by Ocean Boy
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There are more flights between places like Nassau and Jamaica, but they are not with major airlines that you will find on kayak and other travel search sites. We have friends in the Bahamas who have lived in more remote places than Nassau. It was very interesting flying with some of the companies we found. Let's just say, there was prayer involved - a lot of it.

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I mentioned before that I would explain what was going on 'on the other end'... with my wife and family....


My son and wife left Atlantis, they didn't want to but I said that they had to, I'd meet them there. They left, and as SOON as they walked on the ship, they saw my son, my friend and his daughter! My wife said, 'what's wrong with you?! Where were you? Why didn't you come back'! 'We said 330, xxxx is waiting waiting for you! OMG'!!!!".


This is when they all began calling me. I've estimated that by this time, I was already in the van heading there way, so it wouldn't have mattered. My wife stated that Royal was being compassionate, telling her that they'll try to wait. Sail time was 5:00 PM and it was already getting close. My wife and kids kept begging them to please wait, he'll be here any minute.


My wife could hear them and the captain (or his crew) talking. They kept asking, how many people? Where are they? Have you contacted them? At one point, she even heard Captain Johnny thru the walkie talkie or phone say, 'we can't wait for ONE person'! That was it. My wife, sons, friends are begging, but no dice.


My wife starts balling, my son and friend want to get off the ship. They are strongly advised against doing this by Royal and family. Royal tells my wife that he's in good hands, he'll be ok, we'll take care of him. The gangplank was down, they start to raise it.. the boat begins to move..


And this is where I came into the picture, this is when I drove up in the golf cart.. but as I said, it was to late. On the boat, my wife and kids go to the room. My friend is apologizing over and over and over. Everyone is numb and in shock. They all try to contact me, but to no avail. So they all head to the rooms. The party is officially over.

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Why is everyone (family, TA) asking if you're "safe"? You were at a Caribbean vacation destination, not the terrorist strongholds in Syria.....


Even if it was 11:00PM, I would have been out of that hotel to somewhere with air conditioning and a bug free bed. Things were bad enough without dealing with that.

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Then maybe Atlantis should forgo the income received from "day visitors" and limit the resort to those staying there. But as long as they open the resort to visitors and willingly accept their money then maybe they should be a bit more accomodating.



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