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Can someone explain to me the dark art of women packing?


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I can tell you why it takes women weeks and men one hour. Simple my DH removes from his wardrobe everything I had washed, ironed and chosen as suitable for cruising. He does not plan a thing, just knows his formal wear is in that spot in the wardrobe, his Tommy Bahama shirts are hanging in another spot, his shorts in the drawer and his undies all lined up next to his socks. All matched correctly and ready to pack.


It is not the packing that takes time, it is preparation for packing and men seem to have a blind spot and think elves look after their clothes.


This does not include me making sure my DH has enough clothes in the first place and purchasing replacements as required pre cruise.


I make my husband come into the closet and try on all the clothes he wants to take on a cruise. We check for loose buttons, fit, what tie, etc. If I left him alone we would end up with:


- his two Hog's Breath tee shirts from Key West

- His "I'm Up and Dressed, What More Do You Want? tee shirt

- a jillion pairs of black knit shorts

- all his OLD white socks, because he can throw them away

- tropical shirts that probably have shrunk, have frayed collars, etc.


It takes a village.................................................


By the way, my husband can make just about anything from scratch. He is a genius with metal and cars. Smartest, funniest man I've ever met in my life (next to his two sons), but the guy is hopeless when it comes to making a bed or clothing.

Edited by pcur
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Same here


I was single for a good many years between my 1st and 2nd marriages , and before that no one would ever confuse my first wife with a home maker . I cook , clean , do laundry etc for myself and my 2 kids . And have to say I am pretty good at it.


Not every husband is some dope that would eat cold beans out of a can , put a diaper on a baby upside down , and wear dirty clothes that don't match if their wives took a day off


I'm sure you are a wonderful homemaker, but we are talking about ORGANIZING AND PACKING clothes here. Totally different animal.

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Its not rocket science.


No, it's a Dark Art. I challenge you (and your wife) to organize and pack her wardrobe for your next cruise to her satisfaction. Be sure to choose the appropriate shoes and jewelry, shop for the new stuff, too, organize the outfits, and pack it for minimal wrinkles.


There are many threads over on the Cruise Fashion board to give you pointers, too! :D

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Same here


I was single for a good many years between my 1st and 2nd marriages , and before that no one would ever confuse my first wife with a home maker . I cook , clean , do laundry etc for myself and my 2 kids . And have to say I am pretty good at it.


Not every husband is some dope that would eat cold beans out of a can , put a diaper on a baby upside down , and wear dirty clothes that don't match if their wives took a day off

.....but mine was. If I didn't pack for him, he would wear camouflage cut offs and Snead's Ferry sneakers (fishing boots) to dinner.....

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Many woman have to try on each piece to see if it still fits, and if it does, what will fit that goes with it, then what shoes....jewelry....etc.


So, basically, it involves lots of mirror time.:rolleyes:


PS I don't do this but have witnessed many who do.

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Its not rocket science.




The lid of that Ark has just been cracked open a wee bit!


Shield your eyes.... Don't look!!!!!




There are some inalienable universal truths in this world of ours.

1. One plus one equals two,

2. Human's need water to survive,

3. Light travels faster than sound,

4. You can't cheat death (I'm working on the taxes thing;)), and

5. Man can never, ever, ever ever, win an argument with a woman about womens' stuff.:D


Of course Man can never, ever, ever ever, win an argument with a woman about men's stuff either.;)

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Our cruise isn't until April 2015 and we are only taking carry-on. I have already started my packing list :)


DH is another day-before, one-hour packer. He gets stressed out and starts asking me what he should be taking LOL I need to be completely done before him as I end up "helping" him at the last minute.


My DH didn't even know which cruise line or ship we are going on when asked by his mother! He was just going to go to the airport and follow me around he said. LOL

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This is the argument my wife and I get into every time we go away, whether it be one night or one week or one month. I have a carry-on suitcase that I can fit one weeks worth of clothing in. I will buy clothes on the trip to wear and leave behind for charity clothes I don't need anymore. Washed of course. I come back even.


Now on to the Mrs.


She needs to bring one full large suitcase. Usually six pairs of shoes and two weeks too many of clothes. Our conversation always seem to go like this in my mind:


"Honey, you already packed a blue blouse. Why do you need another one?"


"Well, this one is more of a darker blue that goes with these shoes that I packed over here. The other blue shirt is a light blue that goes with that pair of pants and these shoes. Now if the moon isn't in the right position in the sky on the second Friday we are away then I will need these shoes to go with the dark blue top that I'm holding. And I can interchange with one of the four red shirts I'm bringing. What are you bringing?"


"7 t-shirts, 3 shorts, a pair of sandals, a nice outfit for formal night some underwear and socks and whatever I wear to the airport."


"You're such a guy!"

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As a single gal - this mystery befuddles me. But having watched my parents pack for many years, it usually went that Dad *could* pack in an hour for his clothes.


But Mom ended up packing all the toiletries, all the accessories, and all the miscellaneous "other" stuff that Dad never thought of while packing but *always* asked for once the trip had started. Think sunglasses, razor, knee brace, alarm clock, the popup hamper, etc.


No matter what the trip - Mom always had responsibility for everything except the clothes that went in Dad's suitcase. Though truth be told, she always did a "double check" on that, too!

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This is why I plan what I am taking and packing. In my day to day life I don't wear dressy cloths. Going on a cruise is like living in a fairy tale for me. No cooking or cleaning. All I have to worry about is what I will wear. I want my outfits to look nice with matching accessories. So, this is where the planning comes in. I go through my closet and take the best with me. When I pack for me it is one of the only times I can think about me. I makes me look forward to our cruise





Geocruiser's post nailed it for me.


My normal world consists of cleaning, cooking, washing etc, and with home improvement projects that leave my hands in disrepair.


Then there is cruising. Yes, planning what to wear gives me great pleasure.


My husband needs under 30 min to pack, and he manages to take everything he will need. It boggles the mind!





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Our cruise isn't until April 2015 and we are only taking carry-on. I have already started my packing list :)


DH is another day-before, one-hour packer. He gets stressed out and starts asking me what he should be taking LOL I need to be completely done before him as I end up "helping" him at the last minute.


My DH didn't even know which cruise line or ship we are going on when asked by his mother! He was just going to go to the airport and follow me around he said. LOL


OT, but simply hilarious!!!

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My DH didn't even know which cruise line or ship we are going on when asked by his mother! He was just going to go to the airport and follow me around he said. LOL


Now, THAT'S really funny! :D


This thread is reminding me it's time to corral my husband into the closet and make him decide what he's taking, and try them on.

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We want to look beautiful for you! :D


Also, many of us women are the ones who are responsible for all the shared items for the couple or the family: camera (batteries/charger, cords, memory cards), electrical converters, alarm clock, as well as vitamins, kleenex, sunscreen, bug repellent, the kids' toys, etc.

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This has to be the funniest thread I've read in a long time.

DH has proclaimed that he will stand on top of the wardrobe and throw his clothes....whatever lands in the case is going with us!:D


hahahaha, sounds like my DH. Before we were married, he traveled like...well I don't know what to call it, but he packed everything in shopping bags and threw those into his suitcases. Clothes just balled up willy nilly inside.




He still packs that way but I've convinced him to abandon the plastic Target/Walmart bags at least. And I make it mandatory he pack wrinkle free clothing. At least that way no one will think his wife doesn't care enough to pack/iron his clothes. ;) lol

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Same here


I was single for a good many years between my 1st and 2nd marriages , and before that no one would ever confuse my first wife with a home maker . I cook , clean , do laundry etc for myself and my 2 kids . And have to say I am pretty good at it.


Not every husband is some dope that would eat cold beans out of a can , put a diaper on a baby upside down , and wear dirty clothes that don't match if their wives took a day off


I applaud you for not being one of the 'dopes' as you put it. But I could honestly say, my DH as much as I love him and he's wonderful.....has done at least two of the three you've mentioned. I'll leave you all to guess which two ;)


Worse? He thinks it's completely normal. *shrugs* I accept it, but I just take it as a women venus men mars type thing :D

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I make my husband come into the closet and try on all the clothes he wants to take on a cruise. We check for loose buttons, fit, what tie, etc. If I left him alone we would end up with:


- his two Hog's Breath tee shirts from Key West

- His "I'm Up and Dressed, What More Do You Want? tee shirt

- a jillion pairs of black knit shorts

- all his OLD white socks, because he can throw them away

- tropical shirts that probably have shrunk, have frayed collars, etc.


It takes a village.................................................


By the way, my husband can make just about anything from scratch. He is a genius with metal and cars. Smartest, funniest man I've ever met in my life (next to his two sons), but the guy is hopeless when it comes to making a bed or clothing.


Where is my like button when I need it?


This is my DH to a 'T', except for the cooking. But he'll fix anything, do any chore or task around the house, etc. Just don't ask him to care about clothes, packing, etc.


Eh. We can't all be perfect, right? LMAO

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Our cruise isn't until April 2015 and we are only taking carry-on. I have already started my packing list :)


DH is another day-before, one-hour packer. He gets stressed out and starts asking me what he should be taking LOL I need to be completely done before him as I end up "helping" him at the last minute.


My DH didn't even know which cruise line or ship we are going on when asked by his mother! He was just going to go to the airport and follow me around he said. LOL


Wow. It seems many of us must have married the same clone. hahahaha


Seriously. This post had me literally LOL at my monitor. Love it!

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What a hilarious thread :D


......needed a laugh after a tough day at work


As others have said, the thrill for me as a girl is very much the 'gathering' bit


....just love making lists, getting things together, shopping for new toiletries and things like that - and absolutely agree its an endorphin thing as doing these things really makes me happy :)


I don't overpack though and have travelled far and wide with just one suitcase :)


Not married, but my brothers are very much 'pack an hour before leaving' people


.....think it's genetic myself :rolleyes:

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We just had the "closet walk" in preperation for packing for our upcoming cruise. (Think "perp walk", or "dog going to the vet" walk).


He tried to hand me things he wanted to take, but noooooo I say, you try everything on. Well after umpteen pants and shirts, we finally had the selection. I have ironing and alterations to do, but it's nailed.


Honestly, that's harder than the packing.

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My DH didn't even know which cruise line or ship we are going on when asked by his mother! He was just going to go to the airport and follow me around he said. LOL


This is my hubby. I plan/purchase/keep paperwork together along with the schedule of where we're supposed to be when. He figures out how to pay for it. He can tell you where our next cruise is, possibly when and the cruise line, but that's it.


He does *mostly* pack independently, but usually runs it by me to make sure he hasn't forgotten something. And, in our marriage, he's the one to over pack.

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Of course, there are the many dissertations on "Man the Hunter vs. Woman the Gatherer" that might begin to scratch the surface... but that's so clinical and boring. I like DirtyDawg's Raiders of the Lost Ark comparison so much better. :)


As a card-carrying woman, I can assure you gents that not all women pack this way. Yes, I have a 1-page checklist with stuff I want to bring, but it's a short enough list to pack in a couple of hours. What makes this possible - and it was not always so - was the mantra I acquired around age 50 that now makes travel much less stressful:


I will probably never see these people again.


This means:

I CAN wear the same dress pants 7 nights in a row.

I CAN wear the same formal outfit both formal nights.

I CAN bring only my worst undies and throw them away instead of bringing them back home (thus creating space for - yay! Shopping.)


Appearing neat and clean is important, but I can do that with a 22" roller bag. This rocks for many reasons.


In defence of over-packers, however, it may be that the process of gathering the vacation stuff together is an important part of the pleasure of vacationing. See? We're back to the Hunter-Gatherer thing after all. While she's searching for the magnets, Post-It notes and duct tape, go cook your woman a steak and everyone will be happy!





Yup, yup. 'pack heavy or pack happy. pick one.'

I have a packing list. Usually pack a month out, but it takes only a hour - max. I pack early, so I don't accidentally wear something, and then have to scramble to get it cleaned/pressed.

Everything coordinates. Bottoms are black or dark navy, and go with almost everything.

14-days, a carry-on suitcase and a tote bag.

Edited by mdvlprof
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