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Standing on line at Guest Relations and.....

Lois R

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[quote name='Muushka']Ah. Thank you. Very helpful.:rolleyes:

I guess I should have used a better example. But bottom line, you have a quick question, would it bother anyone if someone just went up to the desk and asked a quick question (one whose answer was not in Celebrity Today)?[/quote]

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[quote name='DebbieMacG']I think the problem is that sometimes what you think is a quick question turns out not to be because perhaps the person you are speaking to doesn't know the answer and needs to find out. If everyone cut the line to ask a quick question it makes those people waiting patiently have to wait longer.

I think everyone should just wait in line and not presume they are more important or their query is more important than the persons in front of them :) (not meaning you btw)[/quote]

Not only that, but after 20 X 15 sec questions have jumped the line, those in line have been waiting an extra 5 minutes.
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[quote name='Oville']Tom, can the concierge in Michael's remake your cards for you? I know on RCCL they can.[/QUOTE]

They would have to take the card to guest relations because they do not have the ability at their computer to program sea pass cards.

For me it would be easier to just go to guest relations myself.
Normally the line is not that long:)
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[quote name='TommyD3']They would have to take the card to guest relations because they do not have the ability at their computer to program sea pass cards.

For me it would be easier to just go to guest relations myself.
Normally the line is not that long:)[/QUOTE]

My guess is the day will come when the MC's concierges will be able to reprogram, but who knows.

I've met your wife and son on previous Constellation cruises, hope we meet this December. Edited by Oville
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[quote name='Muushka']

I guess I should have used a better example. But bottom line, you have a quick question, would it bother anyone if someone just went up to the desk and asked a quick question (one whose answer was not in Celebrity Today)?[/QUOTE]

But then you have to ask yourself is my quick question quicker than anyone else's in the line. There is a line for a reason. Often when the line is long a person or two from GS will ask what you are there for and may be able to answer or help you immediately.
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[quote name='Lois R']She was rude......she started to answer me back and then she left in
a huff.......and to be honest, I don't think I was wrong for saying something to her. I pointed out there was a line....and your perspective
thinks I was wrong for saying something?....oh well.
Oh wait, you mean it was ok for her to bust in line.......well, you are right about one thing...we have different perspectives on
right and wrong. And I will help folks who are challenged.....actually I was at the grocery store today..there was a man in
his wheelchair who was trying to get into his van and I could not help him (he was a large person) so I ran into the store
and asked a Manager to come help him....2 managers came outside and helped. So there are good people in the world.
(since you mentioned the grocery store).......but I think they are totally different circumstances and I still think she
was wrong.[/QUOTE]

Lois, you were absolutely right to call her on her behavior. She was huffy because she got caught. She knew what she did was wrong. It's not up to the individual to decide that "their 15 second transaction" trumps everyone else in the line.

I was on a HAL cruise last April, and a man and his wife did just that. Walked right by myself and another woman in front of me, did their business at the desk, and I told them pretty loudly that the line actually was back here. They made "oooooh, we're in trouble now" comments, but I ignored them.

This is the SAME guy that I caught pulling up his brand new shorts in Walmart in Honolulu. He was STEALING them. Seriously. They were right from the rack next to him. I calmly told him the dressing room was "over there". He was really shocked that he got caught.

People will try to get away with stuff like this until they are made aware that it ISN'T acceptable. If enough people remind them, they might stop doing it. At the least it's satisfying to call them out on it.

I was on a thread a few days ago where a number of us were trying to convice this guy that bribing the porter with $20 to help him jump the long line to get in the terminal (I think it was FLL or SJU) was NOT OK. He kept insisting that he was the right one because he was smart enough to avoid the long line. Just did not get the point. He said people SHOULD be doing this for themselves.

So, good on you, Lois.
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[quote name='Oville']My guess is the day will come when the MC's concierges will be able to reprogram, but who knows.

I've met your wife and son on previous Constellation cruises, hope we meet this December.[/QUOTE]

Are you on the 12/13 Connie sailing?
I am.
Hope to see you there:)
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I agree 100% with Lois R. We experienced something similar on our Equinox cruise last month. Being a "gentleman" or practicing "chivalry" has nothing to do with dealing with rude and inconsiderate people who believe in cutting the line as their natural born right. I would not mind at all if it were a real emergency. Not just a card key issue.
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[quote name='Muushka']Ah. Thank you. Very helpful.:rolleyes:

I guess I should have used a better example. But bottom line, you have a quick question, would it bother anyone if someone just went up to the desk and asked a quick question (one whose answer was not in Celebrity Today)?[/QUOTE]

Yep. Stand in line just like everyone else and wait your turn. Pretty darn simple.
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Lois ~ sorry I wasn't with you..... I don't care how quick anyone's question is. They should wait in line just like everyone else. The fact that they no longer really have a queue really makes this worse. I would have asked to see the Guest Relations manager....politely...

Sorry this happened to you...I continue to be amazed (I shouldn't be) by how inconsiderate some folks can be.

Think of all the nice folks out there, too! ;)
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[quote name='TommyD3']

I agree with Lois that it is wrong, but Celebrity does not care:confused:

Why is that the reoccurring theme in here?

It's obvious that they don't. I hate to say this, but they need to. Eastern Airlines anyone?
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Hi Anne:).....there was a line.....they had the poles going down the
middle......you know where Guest Relations is located on the S class
ships.....and they had the poles that had ropes are them and the line
was in the middle......she just chose to walk up to the counter from
wherever she came......:eek:

Good to see you again:)
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[quote name='TommyD3']Are you on the 12/13 Connie sailing?
I am.
Hope to see you there:)[/QUOTE]

I am, also the 8th. I think I'd recognize your wife and son. We won't be in MC's but if I see you elsewhere I'll say hello.

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[quote name='Lois R']..having that rude person go up to the counter who was never on line.:rolleyes:

I was on Reflection last week and yes, I was next up and all of a sudden
I see this person walking up to the counter (she was not on line).......
I said "excuse me, the line starts back there"--------> and I pointed
to the back the line......she said, "oh this will only take a minute, I just
have to get them to give me a new S&S card":eek:.......
I said, no....we have all been waiting on line......well, the gal at
Guest Relations helped her.......:rolleyes:......I then had my turn and politely
told the young lady she should not have helped that person. The
line was long as it was the day before we disembarked and alot of
folks were needing different things. Guest Relations could see the line.

I did have a wonderful cruise and met some lovely people over the
week but this lady?......she is in the group who have no manners and
"it is all about her"..........[/QUOTE]

Uh-oh, yes, I know "that group" Lois. Had the same issues one year all week with "that group." Lol

Hope your cruise was wonderful, otherwise :)
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[quote name='ghstudio']Sorry, but if your room key is demagnitized (and it can and does happen very easily), it is a very quick transaction at guest services. It's a bit like being in a grocery store where there is a line of folks with baskets of food and someone comes up wanting to check out just two items....I let them jump ahead. I put getting a new card key into the same bucket.....it's not going to delay you very much. It's not being entitled or special.....it's just reasonable to let someone get a new key without standing in line.

when the new aqua spa cafe format started, I wanted to order one of the specials...that's it....just order it. There was a long line of folks wanting salads made to order. I thought about it and decided that it was unreasonable to have to wait in a long line, just to order something...about a 15 second transaction....so I went up to the counter and between folks in line, got my order in. Maybe I should have waited in that 10 minute line to place my 15 second order.... I guess I'm now a "special people"....[/QUOTE]

I disagree. A rule is a rule. If someone has been patiently waiting their turn and someone else strolls up for anything, it is cutting and it is wrong to do so.

The analogy at the grocery store is not comparable to a cruise ship line or any other line, for that matter. I don't have the right to go to the front of the line in an airport or at a security checkpoint. I see no difference in the line at the pursers desk. Lois was actually a lot nicer than I would have been. What nerve of someone to barge their way in. Imagine if 50 different people had "quick" little transactions and they wanted to jump ahead :rolleyes:
No. I especially resent when some play the "dumb" act hoping that nobody else notices. Most people won't speak up. I,however, have never been very shy about asserting myself in situations like this. ;) Edited by 4cats4me
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[quote name='ghstudio']What every happened to just being nice. What happened to chivalry? We were on a tender on our recent cruise and all the seats were taken...by passengers of course. Our friend has an obvious walking problem and uses (and was using) his walker. Not one passenger offered him a seat. What about our wives...nada...not one gentleman said, would you like my seat. Not a surprise, one lady did offer her seat (turned down, but the offer was appreciated).l

I think when one comments about "special people" or "wait in line no matter what the situation".....one really has to think about how people treat people these days. We do live in a "me first" world....I find that a bit sad.[/QUOTE]

The issue is the line at the purser's desk. By referencing seats, that's an entirely different issue. Apples and oranges.
Focusing on the purser line discussion, (apples) since these threads always see to go in a circuitous route, it seems as if you feel entitled at the expense of others who have patiently waited. I would always give up my seat (oranges) to a person on a walker (chivalry) however, I would not feel the need to give up my place in line if someone strolled up in front of me on a walker, cutting the line (non-chivalrous)
But I would offer to hold their place in line if they happened to stroll up behind me and if they wanted to have a seat nearby so that they wouldn't have to stand, and I would let subsequent passengers arriving in line behind me know that I am holding a place for the person with infirmities. Edited by 4cats4me
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[quote name='tgmtgm']Our local In-N-Out Burger often has a 10-15 person deep line during peak lunch hours. I know I want a #3 combo with the onions grilled. Total transaction time- 10 seconds. According to your Aqua Spa Cafe theory, I should just jump to the front of the line since MY transaction is so quickly finalized?

Sorry buddy, wait like everyone else is waiting. You and your request/issue has no priority over anyone else's. Same principle pertains to cruise ship guest relations lines.

Hi Lois! :D


Well put. Big thumbs up!
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I also agree with Lois. I've had the demagnetized key problem many times, and it doesn't take 10 seconds to remake a key. Heck, I've had some persons behind the desk take 5 minutes to do the key change.

You go, Lois. I admire your moxy.
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[quote name='ghstudio']

I think when one comments about "special people" or "wait in line no matter what the situation".....one really has to think about how people treat people these days. We do live in a "me first" world....I find that a bit sad.[/QUOTE]

Yes, it seems we do live in a "me first" world. Like going to the front of the line at GR because your problem will only be a second, or going in front of the line at the Aqua spa cafe because it will only take 15 seconds, & the other people's time doesn't really matter, does it?:eek:
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Sailed on Celebrity Solstice last November and one suggestion could be ...... when you arrive at the Customer Relations area there is a machine which dispenses Ticket Numbers. Then, when your number is called or is lit up on a board above the Customer Relations desk, you go to desk No.1, 2, 3, 4 etc. and get served. Using this method means you don't have long, snaking lines, but everyone can either stand around casually or take a seat somewhere close by. Very civilized in my books.
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A quick score so far:

people who think it's OK to cut in line: 1
people who think it's [B]NOT[/B] OK to cut in line: 40+

So nice to see that all but one person here understand that cutting in line is rude and inappropriate. For most people, practicing good manners is the best way to behave. Sadly, one person has no clue. Edited by sloopsailor
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[QUOTE=CCC's;44800228]Sailed on Celebrity Solstice last November and one suggestion could be ...... when you arrive at the Customer Relations area there is a machine which dispenses Ticket Numbers. Then, when your number is called or is lit up on a board above the Customer Relations desk, you go to desk No.1, 2, 3, 4 etc. and get served. Using this method means you don't have long, snaking lines, but everyone can either stand around casually or take a seat somewhere close by. Very civilized in my books.[/QUOTE]

Great idea,
It works well at the Deli counters, maybe someone in X's IT department
can get to work on setting it up, should be up and working by 2099 😜
What I don't understand is when on a cruise why all the hurry, apart from
the rudeness and being selfish some people just don't care.
I'm with you Lois, but if I had been waiting there would be no way
that person would have been seen before me.
It's a pity sometimes that the GR staff don't grow a pair and send
these rude people to the back of the Queue,
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[quote name='sloopsailor']A quick score so far:

people who think it's OK to cut in line: 1
people who think it's [B]NOT[/B] OK to cut in line: 40+

So nice to see that all but one person here understand that cutting in line is rude and inappropriate. For most people, practicing good manners is the best way to behave. Sadly, one person has no clue.[/QUOTE]

right, so explain to me why it is that people widely believe that boarding times do not apply to them?
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