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Princess is the absolute WORST!

Bruin Steve

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The third person I spoke with claimed that there was a "slightly" higher than usual number of reported cases of "gastrointestinal" illnesses on the current voyage...but still less than 15.


Some of you may want to "side with Princess" on this...but, many loyal Princess cruisers here seem to "side with Princess" every time anyone has a complaint.


Truth is that I may actually know a little bit more than your speculation here.




With two more days to go before the current cruise is over there is plenty of time for a noro situation to get much worse.


And, no I am not siding with Princess. I just am happy that they try to keep a noro situation under control and hopefully not spread from one cruise to another.


I also, doubt that Princess is really saving any money by not serving as much food. They also lose all of the money from what they could sell at the bars and what the casino and shops would bring in. I happened to talk to the hotel manager on one of our cruises that was also delayed. From what he said that lost revenue is not an insignificant amount.


Sorry this is going to happen to your cruise.

Edited by ar1950
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I'm on the same cruise.It doesn't make sense.

They need all afternoon to clean the terminal? Really? Who will clean it? Why is t it cleaned now? And, do departing passéngers even enter the area where departing passengers are?

Yes. I want compensation- I paid for a three day cruise. If I am going on a two day cruise, I want to pay for two day, not three days.

That first night will be lost along with the whole afternoon.

That leaves one sea day, a day in Ensenada and back in San pedro!

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I think Princess is very wrong and even though there are noro cases on the ship, they should allow you to board anyway. Of course, that means you would be exposed but at least you would be able to board and start your cruise right away. Not sure the CDC and the health inspectors would allow this but maybe Princess can ignore them.


There are ALWAYS at least a few Noro cases on every ship and cruise line. To say that there aren't is disingenuous. There may not be the number that requires reporting to the CDC but trust me, it's onboard.

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about 15 people maybe 30 had the virus last week on the c mas cruise we just returned from last Saturday, I'd say be happy they're trying to get at it..supposedly it'd been cleaned after the one before our trip, but look what happened. I don't think the local reps are kept up on it. ?I think it was just 1 day out on this 7 day someone fell ill. Too bad they cant contain it on the crown.

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Here’s a news flash – the “Flu” is at epidemic levels right now across the country. It’s a strain that the flu shot doesn’t cover. Many hospitals are reporting high admissions. My daughter was telling me yesterday about how they usually have about 3 cases a month average on her floor and now they are seeing 15-20 patients a week. And there is no way someone can know if they have the flu without taking a test to determine if they have it. Flu signs vary. Just because it doesn’t come up on Cruise Critic as a subject doesn’t mean there aren’t viruses onboard. I’m guessing they failed an inspection since it's a 72 hour notice.


I sympathize with the delay and inconvenience. I’ve stood in hot parking lots for hours or enclosed crowded rooms due to delayed boarding many times. It isn’t fun. Sometimes we were told in advance. Sometimes not. In this case at least you know now instead of later. I can say it’s never ruined a cruise for us. Also I've never been compensated for a delay.


I wouldn’t be concerned for people flying in as the numbers are very few. The Baja cruises are designed for CA weekend getaways – not as a destination cruise. I made the mistake 20 years ago going on one of those. But it's nice for the locals.

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This does seem like the perfect use for cancel-for-any-reason policies.


I am not cheerleading this, FYI.


Princess contact center people are, how shall we put this delicately. . . notoriously isolated from onboard realities. Add in that this guidance could be coming from not just Los Angeles county, but also USPHS (a uniformed service, I might add, roughly equivalent in power to the Coast Guard, albeit without as impressive of firearms), CDC or Princess/Carnivore fleet operations and you get a situation where imperfect information is present at the edges, which is where paying guests interface.


My personal conspiracy theory is that the powers that be have ordered a deep disinfection of the potable water system or something similarly disruptive, rather than just a surface cleaning.


Not only was embarkation previously delayed some, but there was a mysterious duplication of the delay notice (verbatim) 10 hours after the first one was sent yesterday. This appears to have been a long time coming.


The CDC/USPHS reporting guidance is a floor, not a ceiling. If numbers have been trending non-zero and doing a terminal clean may keep them out of the Red Zone without jeopardizing the critical components of an itinerary, I think the current plan is quite reasonable.


Part of me, as a shareholder, says cancel an entire sailing with a modest goodwill gesture to affected passengers and make a dramatic point about how seriously you take vessel sanitation and the protection of guest and crew health along with brand reputation. 2500 very cheesed-off guests on a 3NT that they were literally giving away for port charges vs how many people that see "poop cruise" stories every time a vessel exceeds mandatory reporting limits? If I'm Arnold Donald, I look at this blip in revenue vs the PR and internal signal that a full cancellation would send, and I might be slightly inclined to have the moral high ground when faced with a non-cruising public that frequently cites Noro as a top-three reason not to cruise.


Again, this last part is a thought exercise. I'm miffed that I'm missing a day by the pool soaked in Mai Tai drippings, but Im trying to be "big picture".

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Finally we get to the crux of the issue......



The "crux" of the issue is that I bargained for a three night cruise.

Money is secondary. I wish a 7 night cruise would have fit my schedule...and I would have gladly paid for that. As it is, a 3 night cruise is far too short for my liking...but, it fit.

I don't like getting short changed on the itinerary...

And there's a world of inconvenience that goes with it--parking at the pier with two large ships leaving that day will be impacted...Getting there later than everyone on the other ship may mean ending up in the auxiliary lot--where they tend to stack park. I was parked there once and couldn't get my car out until EVERYONE disembarked...as the last four people off the ship seemed to be parked next to, in front of and behind me.

It also impacts our enjoyment of our first night onboard, what little is left of it--Anytime dining will be a complete mess--more than usual...They cannot seat EVERYONE arriving late...

A cruise should be relaxing and enjoyable...THAT is the crux of the matter...


As a completely secondary issue, they should make some accommodations, including, perhaps, some form of compensation...1) Reserve a portion of the Parking lots for Crown passengers. 2) Not use traditional dining first night so as to best accommodate everyone as they arrive 3) Alter the muster drill to allow it to be attended at alternate times and without need to bring the life vest (most other cruise lines no longer require the vests). 4) Reschedule the show times to allow for the change in arrival times, possibly adding an additional show during the at sea day for those forced to miss the first night 5) Provide free tours in the LA area for those with flights arriving earlier in the day or hotel check-out times earlier in the day...6) Give out lunch vouchers for use in local restaurants to replace the meal being taken away onboard...and dinner vouchers for those being asked to board later than ordinary dinner time.7) provide local shuttles from the pier to San Pedro and Long Beach for those forced to wait...and so on...


Princess needs to show that they give a dang for their customers...

Edited by Bruin Steve
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I was on the infamous Thanksgiving cruise on Crown. Because of intensive ship and port cleansing, our embarkation was staggered by deck, beginning at 6:30 PM and ending at 8:45 PM. We received no compensation for the missed half day and lunch. We were not even allowed into the port til 6:00 PM. However, Princess ran free shuttles to and from Long Beach for those who had air arrangements, etc. for early arrival. They may do that for you. If you just received one email so fair,I am sure you will receive updates. We received two more emails after the first one that told of the delay.

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I too am wondering how it is you "know" what is currently taking place on the Crown. I follow the Crown often because of our experience in Feb 2012 when we left Ft. Lauderdale, floated around for two and a half days before being ordered back to Ft. Lauderdale because of a severe outbreak. Boarding for that cruise was delayed until 10:00pm to allow for a "complete cleaning" (which didn't do any good). If they are already scheduling a cleaning, my guess is there is an outbreak and they are trying to get ahead of it. Go, have fun! :)




Wasn't that a fun cruise. We were also on that one. :-(





Sent from Iphone 6 using Cruise Critic App

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This does suck royal lemons for you and the other passengers. We haven't taken a short (less than 7 days) cruise since 2002 and the last seven day cruise we took in 2004. My hubby has decided those are even too short. Once we get aboard, we don't want to feel it'll soon be time to pack up for getting off the ship.


With the weather conditions this last few weeks in So Cal (gusty winds, which has kicked up my allergies) and temps in the 40s/low 50s during the day (the prediction is that this year's Rose Bowl parade will take place during a record low temp), there will be many people with colds and flu. And add to it, those escaping from the truly wintery areas too. So whether or not there's a lot of noro this last week on the ship, there will be plenty of other germs.

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I think Princess is very wrong and even though there are noro cases on the ship, they should allow you to board anyway. Of course, that means you would be exposed but at least you would be able to board and start your cruise right away. Not sure the CDC and the health inspectors would allow this but maybe Princess can ignore them.


There are ALWAYS at least a few Noro cases on every ship and cruise line. To say that there aren't is disingenuous. There may not be the number that requires reporting to the CDC but trust me, it's onboard.


I agree with Pam; you should be able to board on time no matter the outbreak of Noro; and as you board, you should get several of those special bags to collect all that stuff that is produced when exposed :eek: I really do feel your pain but sounds like your options are limited with the best one being, smile and make the best of it. I would suggest that you contact Captain Circle Host/Passenger Service when you get onboard and see it they can "compensate" in some way.

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This stinks, I agree. I have gotten to the point where I am shocked if a ship sails on time out of San Pedro. If I were on this sailing I would be miffed but not surprised.


Out of 9 cruises out of San Pedro, we sailed on time 9 times!


To the OP, this can and has happened on all cruise lines, so ... maybe you'd prefer a land based vacation?

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This does seem like the perfect use for cancel-for-any-reason policies.



I had the same thought -- between the shortened cruise and OP's frame of mind, maybe it would be best to cancel this cruise before it even starts.

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Wasn't that a fun cruise. We were also on that one. :-(





Sent from Iphone 6 using Cruise Critic App


It certainly was. Still remember waking up on the third day and saying to the DW, "the sun is coming up from the wrong direction", followed by the Captain's announcement that the ship had been ordered to return.

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The "crux" of the issue is that I bargained for a three night cruise.

Money is secondary. I wish a 7 night cruise would have fit my schedule...and I would have gladly paid for that. As it is, a 3 night cruise is far too short for my liking...but, it fit.

I don't like getting short changed on the itinerary...

And there's a world of inconvenience that goes with it--parking at the pier with two large ships leaving that day will be impacted...Getting there later than everyone on the other ship may mean ending up in the auxiliary lot--where they tend to stack park. I was parked there once and couldn't get my car out until EVERYONE disembarked...as the last four people off the ship seemed to be parked next to, in front of and behind me.

It also impacts our enjoyment of our first night onboard, what little is left of it--Anytime dining will be a complete mess--more than usual...They cannot seat EVERYONE arriving late...

A cruise should be relaxing and enjoyable...THAT is the crux of the matter...


As a completely secondary issue, they should make some accommodations, including, perhaps, some form of compensation...1) Reserve a portion of the Parking lots for Crown passengers. 2) Not use traditional dining first night so as to best accommodate everyone as they arrive 3) Alter the muster drill to allow it to be attended at alternate times and without need to bring the life vest (most other cruise lines no longer require the vests). 4) Reschedule the show times to allow for the change in arrival times, possibly adding an additional show during the at sea day for those forced to miss the first night 5) Provide free tours in the LA area for those with flights arriving earlier in the day or hotel check-out times earlier in the day...6) Give out lunch vouchers for use in local restaurants to replace the meal being taken away onboard...and dinner vouchers for those being asked to board later than ordinary dinner time.7) provide local shuttles from the pier to San Pedro and Long Beach for those forced to wait...and so on...


Princess needs to show that they give a dang for their customers...


Maybe the best thing for you to do is cancel. You seem very upset and may not enjoy whatever cruise you do take. Princess doesn't have to guarantee any itinerary. Read the contract you agreed to. Now, it's a bummer about the ship situation. Hope you have trip insurance and can reschedule.

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Problem is that, since I regularly read Cruise Critic, I know that there is NO CURRENT outbreak of Norovirus. The last Norovirus outbreak reported on the Crown Princess was back in MID-NOVEMBER...


So, what Princess has decided to do, in response to a situation that passed several cruises ago, is to arbitrarily ruin OUR cruise experience on less than three days notice.


A wonderful first day of only three...Thank you, Princess Cruise Lines!



You need to take a deep breath, perhaps mix a stiff drink, relax, and think about what's happening. Right now you're only reacting emotionally to a change in plans. There is no reason to doubt what Princess told you in the email. They do not arbitrarily ruin someone's cruise.


You do not know there is no outbreak currently on Crown. All you know from CC is that there has been no outbreak reported on CC. There is a difference. Any outbreak could have been small. There might be few CC members on board. The ones that were might not be aware of any noro problems. Those that know might not consider making a report using expensive internet minutes a priority.


Now think about what you want Princess to do? Sail a 'sick ship' exposing several thousand passengers to noro? The incubation for noro is three days. If you caught it on the ship, you would probably be on your way home when the symptoms hit meaning you would be spreading noro along your way. You're not flying are you? Noro would be a lot of fun on a flight.

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The "crux" of the issue is that I bargained for a three night cruise.

Money is secondary. I wish a 7 night cruise would have fit my schedule...and I would have gladly paid for that. As it is, a 3 night cruise is far too short for my liking...but, it fit.

I don't like getting short changed on the itinerary...

And there's a world of inconvenience that goes with it--parking at the pier with two large ships leaving that day will be impacted...Getting there later than everyone on the other ship may mean ending up in the auxiliary lot--where they tend to stack park. I was parked there once and couldn't get my car out until EVERYONE disembarked...as the last four people off the ship seemed to be parked next to, in front of and behind me.

It also impacts our enjoyment of our first night onboard, what little is left of it--Anytime dining will be a complete mess--more than usual...They cannot seat EVERYONE arriving late...

A cruise should be relaxing and enjoyable...THAT is the crux of the matter...


As a completely secondary issue, they should make some accommodations, including, perhaps, some form of compensation...1) Reserve a portion of the Parking lots for Crown passengers. 2) Not use traditional dining first night so as to best accommodate everyone as they arrive 3) Alter the muster drill to allow it to be attended at alternate times and without need to bring the life vest (most other cruise lines no longer require the vests). 4) Reschedule the show times to allow for the change in arrival times, possibly adding an additional show during the at sea day for those forced to miss the first night 5) Provide free tours in the LA area for those with flights arriving earlier in the day or hotel check-out times earlier in the day...6) Give out lunch vouchers for use in local restaurants to replace the meal being taken away onboard...and dinner vouchers for those being asked to board later than ordinary dinner time.7) provide local shuttles from the pier to San Pedro and Long Beach for those forced to wait...and so on...


Princess needs to show that they give a dang for their customers...


Perhaps you should just go ahead and cancel your cruise. You've already got your underpants so bunched up now that there is no way you are going to allow yourself to have a good time.

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I can't believe Princess wanted to do this. It seems to me every hour people are not on the ship is one less hour to sell them stuff like alcohol, pictures etc.


I bet there probably is some concern about Noro.


I would rather lose 3 hours out of caution than 3 days because of Noro.


If it were me I would chill out at some bar or restaurant at Ports of Call.


I hardly think this incident, although I agree it is a downer on such a short cruise, qualifies Princess as being the "worst."

Edited by dfields1814
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Perhaps you should just go ahead and cancel your cruise. You've already got your underpants so bunched up now that there is no way you are going to allow yourself to have a good time.


Maybe the best thing for you to do is cancel. You seem very upset and may not enjoy whatever cruise you do take. Princess doesn't have to guarantee any itinerary. Read the contract you agreed to. Now, it's a bummer about the ship situation. Hope you have trip insurance and can reschedule.








Edited by Colo Cruiser
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I think Princess is very wrong and even though there are noro cases on the ship, they should allow you to board anyway. Of course, that means you would be exposed but at least you would be able to board and start your cruise right away. Not sure the CDC and the health inspectors would allow this but maybe Princess can ignore them.


There are ALWAYS at least a few Noro cases on every ship and cruise line. To say that there aren't is disingenuous. There may not be the number that requires reporting to the CDC but trust me, it's onboard.


Sorry, but I don't think Princess is in any position to "ignore" the CDC...


It is sad, but it happens. The op should make the most of a bad situation.

Edited by AKman2495
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Sorry, but I don't think Princess is in any position to "ignore" the CDC...


It is sad, but it happens. The op should make the most of a bad situation.


I think that Pam probably had her tongue firmly planted in her cheek when she made that post........:cool:

Edited by ar1950
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I can't believe Princess wanted to do this. It seems to me every hour people are not on the ship is one less hour to sell them stuff like alcohol, pictures etc.


I bet there probably is some concern about Noro.


I would rather lose 3 hours out of caution than 3 days because of Noro.




Major loss of revenue when the shops and the casino are closed. And basically losing 8+ hours of bar sales is really gonna hurt.

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