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WARNING: Floating Mats are not life saving devices!!!

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Miss L.A.P, I would have also told the lifeguard to get in the water since you had 3 hysterical people to deal with who could not swim. The lifeguard could have helped them use the mat he threw.


Ignore the judgmental comments of two people who were not there.


Not judgmental. You apparently are as well trained in life guarding as Miss LAP and, therefore, neither one of you has any business telling a lifeguard what to do.:rolleyes:

Edited by Ocean Boy
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So you decided to add another one to even things out?


Mine was a simple statement, not a derogatory remark to anyone. There is absolutely no need for the sneering remarks being made on this thread. Just saying ...



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Mine was a simple statement, not a derogatory remark to anyone. There is absolutely no need for the sneering remarks being made on this thread. Just saying ...



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I think you may have zeroed in on the wrong contributor.



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I think you may have zeroed in on the wrong contributor.



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No don't think so. I 'zeroed' in on the contributor who 'accused' me.


Not commenting more on this thread - gave my opinion on OP's comments with regard to lifeguards and have nothing more to add about that in any event. I just do not see the need for the somewhat 'aggressive' remarks aimed at the OP and other contributors.



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Why so nasty?



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I don't think I was nasty. I was accused of being judgmental when all I have done is try to present fact. However, I do get a bit frustrated when posters try to inform someone on these boards about something and instead of attempting to learn anything they persist in erroneous thinking and blaming someone who did his/her job appropriately. Not to mention the fact that they condone interfering with someone who is trying to do his/her job according to proper methods. This is not an opinion thread. Proper lifeguarding techniques are not opinions. They are taught..and learned...skills.


And if anyone here who has actually had guard training wants to disagree with me go at it. As for the uninformed.... try learning something... or not. Just don't interfer with or try "teaching" others how to do their jobs appropriately. It kind of reminds me of politicians who can't do their own jobs but think they know best how everyone else should do theirs.

Edited by Ocean Boy
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I don't think I was nasty. I was accused of being judgmental when all I have done is try to present fact. However, I do get a bit frustrated when posters try to inform someone on these boards about something and instead of attempting to learn anything they persist in erroneous thinking and blaming someone who did his/her job appropriately. Not to mention the fact that they condone interfering with someone who is trying to do his/her job according to proper methods. This is not an opinion thread. Proper lifeguarding techniques are not opinions. They are taught..and learned...skills.


And if anyone here who has actually had guard training wants to disagree with me go at it. As for the uninformed.... try learning something... or not. Just don't interfer with or try "teaching" others how to do their jobs appropriately. It kind of reminds me of politicians who can't do their own jobs but think they know best how everyone else should do theirs.


Of course you do realize that this is Cruise Critic which it is populated with all sorts of people whose sole purpose if life is to shout to the Universe that THEY are the only ones who know best and have an almost pathological need to tell everyone how to act, behave, think, and do their jobs.;)


In other words, you are not only tilting at a few windmills you are tilting at the whole darn windmill farm. :)


No worries though there are a few of us here who will gladly tilt with you. ;)

Edited by DirtyDawg
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While there are several scenarios that "could have" played out in this story "if" various things had happened, the end result is that the people mentioned by the original poster took an unnecessary risk by going out so far when they could not swim. I am thankful for people like Miss LAP who are willing to at least try to help. Too often now, it is always someone else's problem. If everyone had sat around assuming someone else would do something, all three of these kids might have drowned due to panic. At least the OP made an effort to try to intervene. Regardless of whether the kids or their parents were "stupid," the situation occurred and someone tried to help.


I am not a lifeguard so I do not know the proper protocol for the US or any other nation, land or jurisdiction. It sounds like the lifeguard throwing them a mat may have been a good start to getting the situation diffused.


I am glad everyone was okay in the end. Hopefully the entire family will take swimming lessons now and try to be safer in the future. That was just a bad situation all around.


Thank you Miss LAP for taking a step outside of your own convenience and enjoyment to help someone in need. The world needs more people like you.

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While there are several scenarios that "could have" played out in this story "if" various things had happened, the end result is that the people mentioned by the original poster took an unnecessary risk by going out so far when they could not swim. I am thankful for people like Miss LAP who are willing to at least try to help. Too often now, it is always someone else's problem. If everyone had sat around assuming someone else would do something, all three of these kids might have drowned due to panic. At least the OP made an effort to try to intervene. Regardless of whether the kids or their parents were "stupid," the situation occurred and someone tried to help.


I am not a lifeguard so I do not know the proper protocol for the US or any other nation, land or jurisdiction. It sounds like the lifeguard throwing them a mat may have been a good start to getting the situation diffused.


I am glad everyone was okay in the end. Hopefully the entire family will take swimming lessons now and try to be safer in the future. That was just a bad situation all around.


Thank you Miss LAP for taking a step outside of your own convenience and enjoyment to help someone in need. The world needs more people like you.


Let's play devil's advocate for a bit here... The OP took upon herself to enter the water to try and help the three non-swimmers. What if the OP herself then became endangered by the non-swimmers actions? It then becomes four people in danger rather than three. The OP does not have any rescue training beyond what she has seen at Fort Lauderdale Beach or possibly on Baywatch. She does not know how to evaluate the situation, to defuse the situation, or even how to prevent herself from becoming part of the situation.


The proper thing for her to have done would have been to watch the situation and to delegate someone standing around to find a lifeguard or a crew member/staff person. It's amazing how well people will respond to simple orders in an emergency situation.


Secondly, if you disagreed with a fireman on how to conduct their job would you bark orders at them? Same with a paramedic or a policeman. Why is it okay for her to bark orders at the lifeguard when she doesn't have the training to understand the situation or the knowledge of the environs to fully know what to do?


Yes, this worked out (this time) for the OP and the non-swimmers. But she got lucky. She could very well have turned into one of the victims also.


People, please let the first responders do their jobs that they were trained to do and do not take it upon yourselves to go into situations that you were not trained for.

Edited by tahqa
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Too often now, it is always someone else's problem.


That one sentence right there sums this up prefectly. However, I do not share your delightful sentiments toward the op....at least, not completely. The reason I say that is, this thread was started with intent to bash the lifeguard and flame him for throwing a floating mat.




At what point did it become so common to blame the responders? These people can't swim, yet they voluntarily put their own lives in jeopardy by floating out into deep water. That was the root of the problem in this case. What happened after is nobody's fault but theirs.


That said, I do commend the op for taking action rather than just standing on the sideline like most people do. But place blame where it belongs, not on the man who had to respond to someone else's stupidity. It reminds me of the people who haul a$$ on the highway and then bash the cops for writing them a speeding ticket.

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Perhaps responding himself or herself was not the very best choice, but at least the OP did SOMETHING! At least he or she didn't just sit on just/her mat crying while witnessing a drowning.


Could it have been worse? YES.


Was it? NO!


I guess my point was that at least someone tried to do something. To the previous poster who went ballistic assuming I would bark orders at a first responder (assumption), I would not.


My only point was that at least the OP tried to do something.

Not that the lifeguard or anyone else was negligent.

If I were the parent of these kids, I would be grateful that someone tried to help my children.


The world is too filled with self centered folks and cowards who don't intervene b/c they are scared to be sued.

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Perhaps responding himself or herself was not the very best choice, but at least the OP did SOMETHING! At least he or she didn't just sit on just/her mat crying while witnessing a drowning.


Could it have been worse? YES.


Was it? NO!


I guess my point was that at least someone tried to do something. To the previous poster who went ballistic assuming I would bark orders at a first responder (assumption), I would not.


My only point was that at least the OP tried to do something.

Not that the lifeguard or anyone else was negligent.

If I were the parent of these kids, I would be grateful that someone tried to help my children.


The world is too filled with self centered folks and cowards who don't intervene b/c they are scared to be sued.


Okay, let's simmer down a little bit. The 'you' in my previous post was a metaphorical one and was not directed at you in particular. :o


I was using your post as a jumping off point for a bit of a teaching moment. You were correct in that it was good that the OP tried to do something. My point is that she could have done things better. What's done is done, but my training kicked in and tried to explain things for people that may find themselves in the same situation in the future.


The most important thing that you can do is to get past the bystander effect and tell other bystanders what to do. Watch the situation and tell someone else to go find help. That is absolutely the best thing for a non-trained person to do.

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That one sentence right there sums this up prefectly. However, I do not share your delightful sentiments toward the op....at least, not completely. The reason I say that is, this thread was started with intent to bash the lifeguard and flame him for throwing a floating mat.




At what point did it become so common to blame the responders? These people can't swim, yet they voluntarily put their own lives in jeopardy by floating out into deep water. That was the root of the problem in this case. What happened after is nobody's fault but theirs.


That said, I do commend the op for taking action rather than just standing on the sideline like most people do. But place blame where it belongs, not on the man who had to respond to someone else's stupidity. It reminds me of the people who haul a$$ on the highway and then bash the cops for writing them a speeding ticket.



You are 100% WROOONNNNGGG!!


I did not start the thread to bash the lifeguard. How dare you say that? So many people on this post trying to belittle and demean others for their own self worth. Calling the people in the water stupid and idiots, for what?


I have read all the posts and have learned a lot from many especially those who were lifeguards but I am not going to have you or anyone else flat out lying about what my intentions were when writing the thread.

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Wow, OP, well, thanks for helping these three people! I cannot swim and I attest to the panic of being in water that you believe is too high. I never go in above my waist/chest, this is why I can't swim in most cruise ship pools, they are mostly 6' deep. Once, on a land vacation, my boyfriend and I were in the pool and he thought it would be "funny" to grab me and pull me out to the deeper end of the pool. I immediately panicked and started pushing down on him, trying to keep my own head above water, I was pushing him under. I will never forget how panicked that made me and how self survival kicked in. PS, dumped him shortly after our return. :)

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I guess that someone finally takes what is happening seriously and the lifeguard shows up and what does he do, he throws them a floating mat. I told him to get his butt (not the word I used) in the water NOW!!


You are 100% WROOONNNNGGG!!


I did not start the thread to bash the lifeguard. How dare you say that? So many people on this post trying to belittle and demean others for their own self worth. Calling the people in the water stupid and idiots, for what?



I suspect that the title of your thread and the quoted sentence in your original post led many people (myself included) to conclude that you were in fact bashing the lifeguard.


The fact that those who are more knowledgeable (such as Aquahound) have come on the thread to correct you has created a defensive stance on your part now. Let's hope we've all learned something from this thread but perhaps it's time to move on and stop the bashing. :)

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My parents gave me swimming lessons when I was 6. Why? Not sure, but I am happy they did. That was 50 years ago.


For those who cannot swim, and you are on a small floating thing, even a row boat, or canoe you should be wearing a life vest at all times, not just have one available as on a cruise ship.


Panic will often kill you, but far less likely if you are wearing a life vest.


For humans, swimming is not a natural talent, it is not intuitive, and must be learned from an instructor. The first thing you usually should learn is how to tread water, this will allow you to stabilize your situation, and keep your head above water until rescue. Otherwise, wear a life vest.


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So many people on this post trying to belittle and demean others for their own self worth.


I guess that someone finally takes what is happening seriously and the lifeguard shows up and what does he do, he throws them a floating mat. I told him to get his butt (not the word I used) in the water NOW!!
Agree, that was pretty demeaning. ;)
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My parents gave me swimming lessons when I was 6. Why? Not sure, but I am happy they did. That was 50 years ago.


For those who cannot swim, and you are on a small floating thing, even a row boat, or canoe you should be wearing a life vest at all times, not just have one available as on a cruise ship.


Panic will often kill you, but far less likely if you are wearing a life vest.


For humans, swimming is not a natural talent, it is not intuitive, and must be learned from an instructor. The first thing you usually should learn is how to tread water, this will allow you to stabilize your situation, and keep your head above water until rescue. Otherwise, wear a life vest.



Agree 100%! I was taken to swimming lessons the summer I turned 5 and again the summer I turned 6 to reinforce the skills and get me back in the water (my best friend who was also taking them with me the summer I turned 5 got sick one day during lessons, and as it turns out he had a brain tumor and then suffered an aneurysm and died (not at the pool...he was just sick there, but his mom took him to the doctor and I never saw him again), and at barely 5 my brain linked water with sick and not around anymore), and I am so thankful!


For all these adults who cannot swim, I can almost guarantee you that if you live where you have access to the internet there is an adult learn to swim program close to you. If you're going to cruise and frequent beaches, PLEASE do yourself a favor and take those lessons!

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No. That was the truth.


As others with actual lifeguarding experience have pointed out, getting into the water at that point was the last thing he should have done. The hysterical female had already pushed one person underwater resulting in one more person becoming hysterical (or two...I'm a little unclear on the spreading of the hysteria timeline). If he had jumped in at that point, in all likelihood they would have pushed HIM under in their hysteria rendering him incapable of providing help - and in fact becoming, as others have said, another victim.


So yes, telling someone FAR more trained to deal with such situations how to do his (or her, though you have said it was a guy) job with unnecessary language IS in fact demeaning.

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