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Beverage Package Pricing Increase

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I wanted to share some news that we just received regarding our beverage packages.


Beginning on April 6' date=' 2015 for all sailings beginning on or after that date, we will be raising most of our beverage package prices onboard.


Didn't he list ALL!?!?!?


Soda Package $8.00 --> $9.00

Premium Water Package $14.00 --> $16.00

Classic N/A Beverage Package $16.00 --> $18.00

Premium N/A Beverage Package $20.00 --> $22.00

Classic Beverage Package $49.00 --> $55.00

Premium Beverage Package $59.00 --> $65.00


This has to be the best April Fool's Joke on CC.


HAHA Celebrity you got us good! :rolleyes:


Odd how you removed this line from that post:


Lastly, the wine package pricing will not be changing.

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Beginning on April 6, 2015 for all sailings beginning on or after that date, we will be raising most of our beverage package prices onboard. *From April 6, 2016 - April 19, 2015, our current prices will remain pre-cruise, thereby giving a "pre-cruise pricing advantage." *As of April 20, 2015, however, the pre-cruise prices will be raised to match the onboard prices.


Post 247

April 6 th is mentioned twice, but the 2 nd time ( April 6 2016) must be a typo, as the following date is April 20 th 2015.

Edited by upwarduk
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I know it's not "free" but not really an impact if one has a free beverage package. But for someone buying a package ... you really need to do the math and figure out if the packages are worthwhile at those prices. It would not be for me.


Unless I'm misunderstanding, what I don't understand is why you get charged from the old package price to upgrade to the new price. If I have a classic package as a perk, it should still be $10 to upgrade not $16.


I will likely upgrade my kids from Classic N/A to Premium, but it should be $4 the increment between the two packages.


Yes we were looking at the Premium package as we don't have a package, guess we need to purchase now for our Cruise in November because I'm not paying the price increase price, it's dear enough as it is.

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Although I do a lot of lurking here on the boards, I don't tend to post much. As can be seen from my username, I'll tend to cruise annually a few times over a stretch of a few years, then get burnt out and not cruise for a few years, then repeat the cycle. I thought Celebrity really stood out twenty years ago when we started cruising, but IMHO they are quickly going downhill in the last 2-3 years since we've started cruising on Celebrity again. But having not been on other lines in a while, I'm sure they are as well. But I just loved not having to sign those stupid slips everytime I wanted something!


If it truly does turn out to be a $16 onboard upgrade to the premium package for all of us that received the classic package as a perk (which I can't believe it will once the dust settles), I look at it as a pure and simple money grab by Celebrity. For it to be announced the day after the promotion stops and then to be implemented in such a short period of time just reinforces that notion and that they flat don't care.


As some have mentioned, how in the world will the bartenders know for how much and/or when the classic package was bought/comp'd in order to determine the upgrade price? I don't think Celebrity can get that much smarter in a couple of weeks. And for the overwhelming majority (of the several thousand I'm sure that received the perk) that do not look at these boards and will not know of the change in the upgrade price until perhaps after boarding, there will be some sticker shock and P.O.'d folks thinking it will be at or at least near the $10/day+grat when they booked.


It appears to me (at least from the feedback from the CC boards) that most people upgrade their packages. I've always either upgraded or outright bought the premium package more as a matter of convenience of not having to worry as much about what is/is not covered in the classic. I probably don't get my extra "money's worth" for the week, but I accept that for the said convenience. Adding another $50pp on top of that for a 7 day cruise will certainly make me think about it. I know it's "only" fifty bucks, but it's just more nickel and diming.


But what really amazes me, and the main reason for my post, is that the Celebrity rep that replies on these boards was not sure of the answer (and perhaps is still not sure) to a question that they surely had to know would be coming. I do appreciate the fact that he/she looks at these boards and responds, although I don't think they respond to any real "controversial" topics (except now maybe for this one:)), and understandably so. But I would hope that all scenarios would had to have been discussed at great length there at Celebrity HQ when looking at the revenue forecasts, resulting reduction in the number packages purchased, upgrade backlash, etc., etc., for these pricing increases. I guess our Celebrity CC rep was not privy to those discussions/results. Too bad, he/she might have brought some common sense to the table!


Betting it will not be fully settled and clarified by the 20th either.


Modern Luxury is quickly becoming Modern Deception. Legal, probably. Good for business, probably not.


We'll see how I feel after our Dec cruise in eight months. I might get over it by then.


Rant over.


Thanks for listening.



And the real question should not be the upgrade cost although I recognise it's effects many with the "free" drinks package, I would just not upgrade if it was me, but the price increase moving forward if the 123 promo does not return. An increase of 12% on top of a gratuity increase from 15 to 18% is shocking. The premium package is not value for money after the latest increases in my view, has to be one of the dearest in the entire cruise industry. I'm guessing the number of people with an all inclusive package on board is going to drop like a stone now the promotion has ended.

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If you upgrade pre-cruise before April 20th, you’ll only be paying the current difference to upgrade to Premium ($10 per day + 18% gratuity).


If you upgrade pre-cruise as of April 20th or onboard as of April 6th, then you’ll be paying the new upgrade rate to Premium ($16 per day + 18% gratuity).




Could you please advise how we can upgrade pre-cruise from the Classic Package (Comp on 123go promotion) to the Premium package, before 20th April?


Thank you - Glenn & Patricia

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Could you please advise how we can upgrade pre-cruise from the Classic Package (Comp on 123go promotion) to the Premium package, before 20th April?


Thank you - Glenn & Patricia



Either phone celebrity or ask your travel agent to do it!

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And the real question should not be the upgrade cost although I recognise it's effects many with the "free" drinks package, I would just not upgrade if it was me, but the price increase moving forward if the 123 promo does not return. An increase of 12% on top of a gratuity increase from 15 to 18% is shocking. The premium package is not value for money after the latest increases in my view, has to be one of the dearest in the entire cruise industry. I'm guessing the number of people with an all inclusive package on board is going to drop like a stone now the promotion has ended.


I agree and I can't believe it took 247 replies before someone made this comment. It just goes to show that Celebrity has conditioned use to always expect a free drink package promo. This can hurt them on future bookings if they don't offer it. I for one would never consider the premium package at that price. I'm not even sure I would purchase the Classic package. I would have to weigh out the new prices of individual drinks before I made my decision.

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I agree and I can't believe it took 247 replies before someone made this comment. It just goes to show that Celebrity has conditioned use to always expect a free drink package promo. This can hurt them on future bookings if they don't offer it. I for one would never consider the premium package at that price. I'm not even sure I would purchase the Classic package. I would have to weigh out the new prices of individual drinks before I made my decision.


Agree. They have also been raising the prices of individual drinks too! I am sure the individual drink price increases were done to make the package pricing attractive based on some 'assumed daily consumption' model. Classic package has none of the beers I like, at least the last list I saw, so I would have to upgrade. I can and we have at times, enjoyed local beers off ship for example.


I can enjoy one Martini or I can enjoy a second one or not. I can enjoy one beer or glass of wine or I can enjoy a second beer or glass of wine or not.


I like tap water too! :)


One thing for sure is I will NOT let pricing ruin my trip. I can take $100 and count it as a treat and then just have a nice time. I do this mental process with my casino donation each cruise.


My concern is though, $100 here, $125 there, etc and it starts to become real money. :)


I am not sure this push for revenue at every turn is limited to Celebrity.

Edited by shipshape sam
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I agree and I can't believe it took 247 replies before someone made this comment. It just goes to show that Celebrity has conditioned use to always expect a free drink package promo. This can hurt them on future bookings if they don't offer it. I for one would never consider the premium package at that price. I'm not even sure I would purchase the Classic package. I would have to weigh out the new prices of individual drinks before I made my decision.


On our cruise in November it's near a $200 increase for the two of us if we don't purchase now, I'm sorry but what's inflation running at ?

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It's starting to look very attractive to become/ be Elite, for those who don't have a package, eg TransAtlantics.




The 'Elite Happy Hour' doesn't have the same 'pull' if you have a beverage package.



We have just become elite after our last cruise but to be honest I think we will still buy the drinks package on transatlantic cruises for the freedom of it to drink where we want and not have to go to a dedicated lounge to enjoy the perk!


Saying that they do tend to give out vouchers to be used around the ship on transatlantics but we prefer the molecular/martini bar options so think increase or no increase the premium package is the way to continue!! [emoji483][emoji483][emoji483][emoji39]

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What a wonderful way to get an influx of cash! We all scramble to upgrade before the posted date, I have 30 days booked, so $10.80 times 60 is $648. I will be adding to their coffers to save $424.80. ($6.plus 18% times 60 days, 30 days for each of us).


Multiple that by the future bookings you see on just on THIS board.


This is a cash flow dream! Whoever thought this one up should be getting a raise!

Edited by Keys Kathy
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We are truly over the price increases on everything. We are going to "wing it" and just go with the flow. I'm sure we will find something to drink in the classic package or give our livers a holiday as well. Baileys is included and on ice that is a pleasant and a nicely fattening drink. I'm sure there will be something we can endure and in a port intensive cruise we will probably be better for being up early and feeling perky. Was going to upgrade on board but this has been the final straw and this posting has caused panic for some where they should not have. If you did not get on CC then you would not know, so that is where we are going to pretend we are - not knowing. If after a few days one of us or both feel we need to upgrade we will, but we won't feel pressured to upgrade before - is this a money grab? How many have panicked and upgraded, when maybe they could of waited?

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All these different changes may be for a different reason, early booking.


SW Air has long been the benchmark on how to get fuel supply at a lower cost than the others.


So maybe the top brass at X that have the daunting task of arranging for the supplies to be obtained on a long term bases, have figured out if a sailing is sold out at an earlier date, ( than the current Final Pymt point ) they can get contracts signed long term at a better price.


Lower supply cost will effect the bottom line a lot more than not having a mint on the pillow:D


Just a thought while walking the dog this morning;)


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What a wonderful way to get an influx of cash! We all scramble to upgrade before the posted date, I have 30 days booked, so $10.80 times 60 is $648. I will be adding to their coffers to save $424.80. ($6.plus 18% times 60 days, 30 days for each of us).


Multiple that by the future bookings you see on just on THIS board.


This is a cash flow dream! Whoever thought this one up should be getting a raise!


Marketing is all about getting consumers to spend on impulse. However, if they really wanted to create cash flow they would have emailed all who have a reservation and informed them of the increase. CC is only 2% of their audience.

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We're going to enjoy our Classic package and if we decide to buy a "special" drink, we'll use the money we're saving by NOT upgrading :D :eek:


We did 2 TAs with the Classic package , and enjoyed it, but I rather have rum or rye then a martini

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We're going to enjoy our Classic package and if we decide to buy a "special" drink, we'll use the money we're saving by NOT upgrading :D :eek:


That's exactly what I thought!

At $10 a day it didn't matter that we only had one Molecular Bar drink (which may not be available anyways) or one or two glasses of nicer wine.

At $16 - we'll just decide which one we want that day and limit ourselves to something simpler the rest of the time.

Edited by chamima
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I agree and I can't believe it took 247 replies before someone made this comment. It just goes to show that Celebrity has conditioned use to always expect a free drink package promo. This can hurt them on future bookings if they don't offer it. I for one would never consider the premium package at that price. I'm not even sure I would purchase the Classic package. I would have to weigh out the new prices of individual drinks before I made my decision.


That was the first thing I considered when I saw yet another "increase".


However, we would NEVER buy ANY beverage package since we would never drink HALF of what we would need to justify it. In fact, at $16 plus gratuity per day, it's ludicrous to even consider upgrading since sometimes we only have a couple of drinks a day (on port days) to begin with. That upgrade amount alone could have BOUGHT us our two drinks each. When we calculated our cruise price, we factored in that the beverage package was only worth about $100-$125 to each of us, so the cruise price was still good based on that.


We were only going to consider upgrading (at $10 per day) if, after a few days, we wanted to try the Martini bar or found there wasn't enough choice of wine in Classic.


Now, at $16 a day - there is no way we would upgrade. In fact, we will likely make this first Celebrity cruise our last. Celebrity has a way of making us feel that not only are we NOT getting "Modern Luxury", but we are getting more nickel-and-dimed than anything else. Just since we booked our first cruise (October 2014), many brands of liquor have been removed from the Classic package, there has been an increase in gratuities and now an increase in beverage package prices.


It's crazy. I have never seen anything like this.


This, combined with the horrific website and the different answers you get depending on who you speak to at Celebrity, has completely turned us off to Celebrity.


As I said, this will likely be our first AND last Celebrity cruise.

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