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Ohio couple Claims to Have Been "Held Hostage" on RCL Cruise

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No need to INSULT the good people of OHIO! There's just as much ( or more ) STUPID in Texas!


This was just tongue in cheek. Heck, I was even poking fun at myself, my wife and my in-laws (who are great by the way).


There are dumb people everywhere.


As for Texas, I was only just relocated here a year and a half ago. I don't know what is up with all the YANKEES that hate on Texas. It is a pretty nice place to live. The economy is strong; it is a good place to raise kids; taxes are low; overall, people are friendly; and people embrace liberty and freedom. If you don't like that, you probably wouldn't like Texas.


Having lived in many different places including foreign countries (relocated during my father's career as well as my career), there are a lot of GREAT places to live. You just have to look for the positives, relax and get involved in the community. If you do so, you can even enjoy living in the armpit of the U.S. known as Cleveland, Ohio (lol).

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It sounds like the wife was calling the additional luggage review situation as the cruise line "going overboard", not that she was going to "go overboard". That said, I guess it could have been lost in translation or more likely, their behavior was aggressive which caused the detainment. That's my theory/pure guess. I would expect they have only provided the details that fit their version of events and make them look wronged.


It would definitely be interesting to see the stories released in the correct order. In the linked post in the initial thread, the wife told a reporter she said maybe she could go overboard and a dolphin could take her back to shore. And then other reports say that she said the luggage review overboard. If the linked post was the first one, it definitely sounds like she's changing her story to make her look more sympathetic. Or I guess if the linked post is the more recent one, she could have changed the story to make it seem like "See? I was just being silly." Either way, there are definitely two reports of what she claims she said out there...

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Well, the story on whio.com is totally different:


Former Dayton resident Michele Baker told this reporter that she said, “Maybe I could go overboard and a dolphin could take me back to shore,” in a private conversation with her husband after he was nearly detained and arrested by Port Authority for a gun magazine that he had forgotten to take out of his bag.

A security guard overheard Michele’s comment, reported it and she was placed on suicide watch.


So which is it? Did she say "This is going overboard" or was it the dolphin comment? :confused:

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Well, the story on whio.com is totally different:


Former Dayton resident Michele Baker told this reporter that she said, “Maybe I could go overboard and a dolphin could take me back to shore,” in a private conversation with her husband after he was nearly detained and arrested by Port Authority for a gun magazine that he had forgotten to take out of his bag.

A security guard overheard Michele’s comment, reported it and she was placed on suicide watch.


So which is it? Did she say "This is going overboard" or was it the dolphin comment? :confused:


Exactly. The story has changed one way or the other. Either she's trying to make it seem like something said in exasperation at the situation ("This is going overboard") or she's trying to make it seem like something that was (to her apparently obviously) said in jest. But that drastic a change of story would definitely make any court case problematic I'd think. Not to mention he'd have to admit to having those hollow point bullets in NJ, which is illegal.

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Exactly. The story has changed one way or the other. Either she's trying to make it seem like something said in exasperation at the situation ("This is going overboard") or she's trying to make it seem like something that was (to her apparently obviously) said in jest. But that drastic a change of story would definitely make any court case problematic I'd think. Not to mention he'd have to admit to having those hollow point bullets in NJ, which is illegal.



I agree. Those inconsistencies are not a good look for them. And why the need for so much publicity for this? Get a lawyer and handle it. Why all the hoopla?

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The couple contacted truthvoice while on board, making that the first version, imo.


So that would mean the dolphin comment has started later in the press tour over this - I'm guessing to make it seem more like "It was clearly a stupid joke" as opposed to exasperation at a (IMHO with those bullets) security check, which I'm sure most people would agree is a time to keep your mouth shut just like at the airport.

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It sounds like the wife was calling the additional luggage review situation as the cruise line "going overboard", not that she was going to "go overboard". That said, I guess it could have been lost in translation or more likely, their behavior was aggressive which caused the detainment. That's my theory/pure guess. I would expect they have only provided the details that fit their version of events and make them look wronged.


I guess it all depends which version of their story you believe.... the article I read stated:




Former Dayton resident Michele Baker told this reporter that she said, “Maybe I could go overboard and a dolphin could take me back to shore,” in a private conversation with her husband after he was nearly detained and arrested by Port Authority for a gun magazine that he had forgotten to take out of his bag.




That's a far cry from saying "this reaction is going overboard"...









Sorry, I didn't refresh my screen before writing my post -- I see others have pointed out the exact same inconsistency in the stories being told.

Edited by brillohead
I'm a doofus! LOL
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Breaking the law because you are too stupid to go through your luggage VERY CAREFULLY before you travel internationally??? Port Authorities were right to tell him it was his lucky day. Hollow point? Come on! It doesn’t MATTER that it was an unintentional mistake – the law was broken.


Seems like her "joke" backfired. She may say she was joking all she wants but the story really sounds like she pitched a little fit and the consequences were severe. Sarcasm and caustic comments are going to get lost in translation when dealing with international crew members. Listening to the audio from the radio show they called into - she was a big drama queen. Traumatized? :rolleyes: He said he has taken 8 cruises - they really should have been better prepared for what can happen in a crisis situation. Listening to their account, I would bet you my next cruise that they became argumentative and aggressive. Once that happens, you’re toast.

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I did read their roll call, and under in their signature it says "Future cruises: None! Never! We're done!". Not a surprise.


Not unusual since they are probably banned by RCCL brands and other lines who share such threats.

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Based on the article from 'truthvoice' (never heard of them before seeing the post on the roll call) there was a time separation. One incident happened with Port Authority. The second (the comment) was overheard on board.


From 'truthvoice':

After being detained during the luggage search, Tim Baker was interrogated and asked questions such as, “Why do you need to own a gun?” and “Are you in law enforcement?”


I can actually believe this part. Port Authority police once gave us a tough time at JFK because I had a unloaded, disassembled handgun in my checked luggage (not carry-on) that I declared beforehand to the airline staffer during check-in during a flight to Florida. And I was actually in Law Enforcement at the time, and I presented them with my Law Enforcement credentials and my Concealed Carry Permits for both Pennsylvania and Florida. But they still detained us for three hours and jerked me around before deciding there wasn't anything they could charge me with.

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I just read about this yesterday on another site.


Hope they realize that their cruising days with RCI are over and maybe on other cruise lines as well.


Sorry, but not true. On our last Oasis cruise I had been sitting at a deck bar every afternoon talking to a fellow. One day I noticed he was checking his watch often and mentioned that if he needed to be some place I would just see him later. That is when he said "...just let me tell you what is going on." He told me a similar story to this other couple. Granted that in this case the person was drinking too much and made a scene at dinner. At some point she said something about maybe being better off if she were gone. Same thing happened to her though - escorted by security to an inside cabin with no number on the door. Guard placed outside the door. Food brought with no silverware and anything with which someone might easily harm themselves had been removed from the cabin. She called her husband the next morning in their original cabin and told him to take clothing for her to guest services. They would not let her husband see her but pulled him into a private room and told him that his wife was being taken to see a RCL approved psychiatrist in port. He could not join her. They told him he had no choice in this matter and that his wife would be back on the ship by noon that day. My conversation with him took place about 2pm and she still was not back. She finally did come back near dinner time.


The next day I spoke with the guy again and he handed me a note with a list of their future cruises, one of which they had just booked onboard that day.


So don't assume RCL (or any other cruise lines) would not welcome someone back who had been sent to the "naughty room."

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Granted that in this case the person was drinking too much and made a scene at dinner. At some point she said something about maybe being better off if she were gone. Same thing happened to her though - escorted by security to an inside cabin with no number on the door. Guard placed outside the door. Food brought with no silverware and anything with which someone might easily harm themselves had been removed from the cabin. She called her husband the next morning in their original cabin and told him to take clothing for her to guest services. They would not let her husband see her but pulled him into a private room and told him that his wife was being taken to see a RCL approved psychiatrist in port. He could not join her. They told him he had no choice in this matter and that his wife would be back on the ship by noon that day. My conversation with him took place about 2pm and she still was not back. She finally did come back near dinner time.




This is what makes me believe what she said is not exactly what she says she said. Any ship has to take seriously a threat to jump even if said in the heat of the moment. After the gun magazine fiasco I don't understand why the just didn't keep their mouths shut. They need to take this as a lesson. Make sure your bag is empty before packing and watch what you say. Also, perhaps the captain was made aware of the magazine and after the comment thought they were planning a double suicide at sea.

Edited by janrey1234
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They're already gearing up for their lawsuit, as she had her first nightmare last night about the event. I bet these people think they have won the lottery... and sadly, they probably will be "rewarded" handsomely.:rolleyes:


I think they will get zero compensation.

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Sorry, but not true. On our last Oasis cruise I had been sitting at a deck bar every afternoon talking to a fellow. One day I noticed he was checking his watch often and mentioned that if he needed to be some place I would just see him later. That is when he said "...just let me tell you what is going on." He told me a similar story to this other couple. Granted that in this case the person was drinking too much and made a scene at dinner. At some point she said something about maybe being better off if she were gone. Same thing happened to her though - escorted by security to an inside cabin with no number on the door. Guard placed outside the door. Food brought with no silverware and anything with which someone might easily harm themselves had been removed from the cabin. She called her husband the next morning in their original cabin and told him to take clothing for her to guest services. They would not let her husband see her but pulled him into a private room and told him that his wife was being taken to see a RCL approved psychiatrist in port. He could not join her. They told him he had no choice in this matter and that his wife would be back on the ship by noon that day. My conversation with him took place about 2pm and she still was not back. She finally did come back near dinner time.


The next day I spoke with the guy again and he handed me a note with a list of their future cruises, one of which they had just booked onboard that day.


So don't assume RCL (or any other cruise lines) would not welcome someone back who had been sent to the "naughty room."



Twaddle. Utter twaddle. Handed me a note of future cruises. OK.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Sorry, but not true. On our last Oasis cruise I had been sitting at a deck bar every afternoon talking to a fellow. One day I noticed he was checking his watch often and mentioned that if he needed to be some place I would just see him later. That is when he said "...just let me tell you what is going on." He told me a similar story to this other couple. Granted that in this case the person was drinking too much and made a scene at dinner. At some point she said something about maybe being better off if she were gone. Same thing happened to her though - escorted by security to an inside cabin with no number on the door. Guard placed outside the door. Food brought with no silverware and anything with which someone might easily harm themselves had been removed from the cabin. She called her husband the next morning in their original cabin and told him to take clothing for her to guest services. They would not let her husband see her but pulled him into a private room and told him that his wife was being taken to see a RCL approved psychiatrist in port. He could not join her. They told him he had no choice in this matter and that his wife would be back on the ship by noon that day. My conversation with him took place about 2pm and she still was not back. She finally did come back near dinner time.


The next day I spoke with the guy again and he handed me a note with a list of their future cruises, one of which they had just booked onboard that day.


So don't assume RCL (or any other cruise lines) would not welcome someone back who had been sent to the "naughty room."


There is a BIG difference between ONE later determined to not be legit threat and what happened in the case of this couple (as evidenced by them not disembarking her and though you don't specify I am figuring releasing her back to her husband and initial cabin).


Regardless of what she said - whether it was in the naughty room and allegedly using "overboard" in reference to the security procedures or in allegedly a "joke" about going overboard and finding a dolphin to ride back to shore on. This also included them having in their possession something that is illegal period in NJ (hence why he really should have been taken to jail) IN ADDITION to what clearly (from the twitter feed and from reports of how they came off on the podcast) appears to be an extreme display of attitude. A threat to self is bad enough. But to have in your possession things that can damage OTHERS? And then to have issues with being questioned about it? That is something completely different from the situation you described.

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Sorry, but not true. On our last Oasis cruise I had been sitting at a deck bar every afternoon talking to a fellow. One day I noticed he was checking his watch often and mentioned that if he needed to be some place I would just see him later. That is when he said "...just let me tell you what is going on." He told me a similar story to this other couple. Granted that in this case the person was drinking too much and made a scene at dinner. At some point she said something about maybe being better off if she were gone. Same thing happened to her though - escorted by security to an inside cabin with no number on the door. Guard placed outside the door. Food brought with no silverware and anything with which someone might easily harm themselves had been removed from the cabin. She called her husband the next morning in their original cabin and told him to take clothing for her to guest services. They would not let her husband see her but pulled him into a private room and told him that his wife was being taken to see a RCL approved psychiatrist in port. He could not join her. They told him he had no choice in this matter and that his wife would be back on the ship by noon that day. My conversation with him took place about 2pm and she still was not back. She finally did come back near dinner time.


The next day I spoke with the guy again and he handed me a note with a list of their future cruises, one of which they had just booked onboard that day.


So don't assume RCL (or any other cruise lines) would not welcome someone back who had been sent to the "naughty room."




I wonder if your leg wasn't being pulled a bit on this one.



RCL approved psychiatrist. ..........not allowed to see or be with his wife...............

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Not unusual since they are probably banned by RCCL brands and other lines who share such threats.



They had joined three other future RCI cruise roll calls, so I am guessing that they canceled these, or had them cancelled for them.

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Responsible Gun Owners don't leave magazines laying around or in their luggage.


Guns, Magazines, and Ammunition should always be stored in a safe and secure place.


Hear, hear Trainman, well said and SO true.

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Having lived in many different places including foreign countries (relocated during my father's career as well as my career), there are a lot of GREAT places to live. You just have to look for the positives, relax and get involved in the community. If you do so, you can even enjoy living in the armpit of the U.S. known as Cleveland, Ohio (lol).


Wow, you are just determined to insult someone, aren't you?

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