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Celebrity Launches Advocate Program


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Having just finished the Advocate training, the entire chat is stored, all customer interactions are stored, and multiple interactions by same customer are stored in a single file so long as the customer uses the same email address when making multiple contacts - all of this is in fact accessible to Celebrity staff who also verify the information presented, and update the relevant FAQ's to the Advocate portal. It stores the location of the individual based on their IP address, method of contact (web browser type, phone device, tablet, computer), and if they allow Facebook linking, their photo and all Facebook particulars.


Sounds like this system is very much similar to what you are talking about. Celebrity maintains the "guts" of the system - filling going th e necessary details and developing the "knowledge base", we just get to see it and present it. If we find errors or omissions, we get to suggest edits to the FAQ we have access to.


Based on reading the NCL case study, it seems we won't actually be quoting fares and booking reservations (I think their are just way too many dynamics and variables involved), we would pass it off to X to handle, we are there more to make people comfortable with cruising, explain how things work, and "triage" questions people may have, thus reducing wait times with Official celebrity channels for mundane and routine issues. I think the hope also is we tout shore excursions and benefits of booking the "extras".


The training component indicated the "sales catalog" is an optional feature dependent on the partner, and I don't think it could really be set up to properly sell cruises given the multitude of variables without a long term specialized training and systems.


Curt, since it is obvious that you want this gig and you are both knowledgeable and articulate, I hope you get it.


With regard to the above, what you are describing is just organized chat logging.


Customer service uses a very sophisticated contact tracking database. Every single time a person contacts CS, that contact is combined with all other contacts and detailed notes about the conversation are included by the rep.


Also, I would agree with the other posters. Celebrity would do well to better maintain their website and ensure that all information is correct and functional. The website gives an overall impression of poor quality once you have made a booking.

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Not just the website. My experience twice with the call centre yesterday involved some mis truths in relation to charges and currency. When I am dealing with financial transactions I record my calls. I have asked for further clarification so hopefully will receive.



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I hope that CC changes it's policies to require advocates who receive any sort of compensation for advocacy to identify themselves in their signatures. There is a big difference between someone being a "cheerleader" and one who is part of a formal advocacy program with compensation of any sort.

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I hope that CC changes it's policies to require advocates who receive any sort of compensation for advocacy to identify themselves in their signatures. There is a big difference between someone being a "cheerleader" and one who is part of a formal advocacy program with compensation of any sort.


Maybe not a bad idea.


Should also apply to cruise line employees and Travel Agents, and anyone who has achieved status with any particular cruise line, as all these would likely tend to skew opinions, and in the case of TA's and employees, they are definitely being compensated by the company they work and book for.

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I hope that CC changes it's policies to require advocates who receive any sort of compensation for advocacy to identify themselves in their signatures. There is a big difference between someone being a "cheerleader" and one who is part of a formal advocacy program with compensation of any sort.


Although a lot of posters, including myself, have signatures turned off so we don't see them.

Edited by CruisingChick
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I hope that CC changes it's policies to require advocates who receive any sort of compensation for advocacy to identify themselves in their signatures. There is a big difference between someone being a "cheerleader" and one who is part of a formal advocacy program with compensation of any sort.


Actually, if memory serves, the infamous "Royal Champions" proudly identified themselves as such -- in their CC signature lines, and elsewhere. The rest of us just weren't in on the little secret that they were getting a quid-pro-quo, for their glowing accolades! :rolleyes:

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Actually, if memory serves, the infamous "Royal Champions" proudly identified themselves as such -- in their CC signature lines, and elsewhere. The rest of us just weren't in on the little secret that they were getting a quid-pro-quo, for their glowing accolades! :rolleyes:


I'll be interested to find out if Celebrity will require subcontracts for its independent contractor "Advocates" with signatures required. Moreover, will there be a gag clause forbidding mentioning of any negative comment, independent tours or Cruise Critic for that matter? Time will tell.

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I'll be interested to find out if Celebrity will require subcontracts for its independent contractor "Advocates" with signatures required. Moreover, will there be a gag clause forbidding mentioning of any negative comment, independent tours or Cruise Critic for that matter? Time will tell.


There is no such provision in the contract, it was an electronic signature. It's a fairly boiler plate subcontract agreement that fits on a page and a half, that really does not much more than insert language to ensure "Independent Contractor" status meets all necessary IRS hurdles so as not to be considered an employee.


About the only thing that comes close is language:

  • not use the System, or engage with any Shopper, to participate in any activity that might be deemed or perceived as fraudulent or illegal, or otherwise use the System in any manner, or for any purpose, not expressly authorized by this Agreement

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Although a lot of posters, including myself, have signatures turned off so we don't see them.


Thanks for reminding me of that option! Much easier to read now without scrolling through some of the encyclopedic signatures that go beyond the occasional countdown clocks.

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I hope that CC changes it's policies to require advocates who receive any sort of compensation for advocacy to identify themselves in their signatures. There is a big difference between someone being a "cheerleader" and one who is part of a formal advocacy program with compensation of any sort.


I agree... status of a person being paid to extol the virtues of X goes beyond someone who is a shareholder...that was the issue with the Royal Champs! (And will their posts or other comments be monitored by X to see if they are being good "advocates" .Will they have booking goals/quotas to meet?).


Athough the business relationship is independent contractor, such "advocates" are being paid to be Cheerleaders! Cheap labor at that.,...and even less if they have to declare the income and ultimately pay tax on it...


Guess Celebrity cruises no longer sell themselves by reputation and quality.. if ships are all sailing full why do they need this.....?

Edited by hcat
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I agree... status of a person being paid to extol the virtues of X goes beyond someone who is a shareholder...that was the issue with the Royal Champs! (And will their posts or other comments be monitored by X to see if they are being good "advocates" ...).


Athough the business relationship is independent contractor, such "advocates" are being paid to be Cheerleaders! Cheap labor at that.,...and even less if they have to declare the income and ultimately pay tax on it...


Guess Celebrity cruises no longer sell themselves by reputation and quality.. if ships are all sailing full why do they need this.....?


Couple points...


The income to the advocates isn't going to be earth shattering. Frankly by the time home office deductions, internet fees, office expenses, depreciation on the computer etc. come about (all expenses one would normally pay anyway) are offset to the income, there will be near zero taxable income unless one makes it a career, then good for them, gotta pay taxes anyway. no matter where you work.


X has the ability to review the work advocates do, it is covered in the training process, as X has to monitor it to know what information to add into the FAQ catalog that is referenced when dealing with clients, many of who eventually get transferred over to X who can review the chat log and information presented to those clients (access to the FAQ is recorded within the chat record) to know how to proceed. So anyone pushed on for a sale, the details will be known, whether X actually reviews those that do not convert to a sale, is an unknown.


An advocate is never allowed to ask for personal information or payment methods, all that is handled by X if to gets to that point.


A big benefit that should come of this program isn't necessarily increased cabin bookings (they already know they are sailing full, focus is now in increasing revenue streams), but increased extras and on board spending. At the same time, they have to continue marketing, so what's wrong with trying a new way of marketing, something modern, than millennials and younger people crave.


Advocates get bonus points for asking questions. Its supposed to draw on the conversation and allow for thoughts on how to enhance the experience.


Do you have kids? Great, X has a great children's program, here's a link to it.


Your first cruise? What are your thoughts on meals? You don't like the idea of banquet dining? well try Select dining, but you can also dine in a number of specialty restaurants for $45 cover charge, here's a sample menu. I might consider booking a 3 dinner package for $XXX or an unlimited dining package for $XXX.


Why are you interested in a cruise? Oh good a cruise is a great way to celebrate an anniversay. Here's a link to the Gifts by Celebrity program, here you can order special decorations or other enhancements to surprise your wife. Have you considered sailing in a suite? A sky suite costs just a bit more than your Veranda cabin and comes with these benefits: (insert suite perk FAQ link), but if you want more personalized service, think about the Celebrity Suite for access to Michael's Club.


Then they prebook this stuff if they like the idea. This helps newbies who may have never even herd of Gifts by Celebrity, or because of the website, doesn't look like there is a single kid on board, to gain comfort. Also those who follow needle, trust the advocates, as they get scores that people can see. It's a lot like why UBER is so popular with the younger set, and YELP! reviews can make or break a business these days.


Who knows, maybe the millennials will start to replace some of the old grizzled people who have nothing but negative things to say about Celebrity and RCL. Perhaps that's the focus.

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people who have nothing but negative things to say about Celebrity and RCL. Perhaps that's the focus.


No one would have negative things to say if they Celebrity still upheld the same quality and standards on food and service as they have had in the past and stopped cutting back on every little thing they can think of.

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I get bemused by these schemes. I will be a new celebrity customer this month. Yet my first experience with their call centre (and lack of response since) is making me think it could well be my last. Misquoted a price for an add on, charged more than quoted and then told it will take two months to reappear on my account. Total of 1500 euro so not small money. Now how will an advocate deal with that?



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I just read this post and obviously this person is not an old grizzled person and it's their first Celebrity cruise. They felt the same way about the food and service as we did on our Summit cruise to Bermuda.




Proof that food is way to subjective to be a meaningful discussion point. They loved the lobster as "a standout" in the MDR!


Also not a surprise, 1st night in MDR was a mess.


Also not a surprise, as a first-timer they bought everything, upgrade drinks, unlimited internet, photo packages. Great revenue producers.


It is nice to see that other than the couple meal and MDR issues, they enjoyed their cruise. They even found service at Martini Bar to be great, even I have issues with Martini service times, but when they are busy it is what it is. SO i guess service levels are increasing from my experience. thats pretty great.

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I guess Celebrity has decided to compete with Cruise Critic....that's kind of interesting. When new folks come here, they typically get some different views and recommendations from real people who aren't trying to sell anything. I think CC does a great job of giving real/accurate information to new cruisers.


On the other hand, the advocate program may provide better information than one gets by calling celebrity directly.....you know....if you don't like the first answer, call back...that sort of stuff.


It will be interesting to see what Cruise Critic does. As I said on a previous post, I hope they require "celebrity advocates" to identify themselves so a (new) cruiser who asks a question will know that they are getting a potentially biased answer from some users....due to their affiliation with the celebrity advocate program.

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I guess Celebrity has decided to compete with Cruise Critic....that's kind of interesting. When new folks come here, they typically get some different views and recommendations from real people who aren't trying to sell anything. I think CC does a great job of giving real/accurate information to new cruisers.


On the other hand, the advocate program may provide better information than one gets by calling celebrity directly.....you know....if you don't like the first answer, call back...that sort of stuff.


It will be interesting to see what Cruise Critic does. As I said on a previous post, I hope they require "celebrity advocates" to identify themselves so a (new) cruiser who asks a question will know that they are getting a potentially biased answer from some users....due to their affiliation with the celebrity advocate program.


Most people come to CC to obtain an unbiased view, from real cruising pax. On many threads both sides of the argument/question is posted, therefore, it's not a sales ploy, and new cruisers can make up their own mind rather than being given a 'sales pitch'. IMHO, that's its beauty: honest opinions from a wide spectrum of different pax (not just one person's opinion, which could cause a conflict of interests if being paid for that advice).


Even (good) TAs will give an honest account of which cruiseline they feel bests fits your requirements - they also want you to return to them, so it's in their interests to provide the 'best fit' or lose your future revenue. Anyone affiliated with a particular cruiseline is going to be biased, otherwise they won't last long in that position.


If the advocate scheme is just to confirm X ship details on cabins, layout, specialty restaurants etc., then the money should be spent to improve the website to a standard that fits the 'Modern Luxury' statement. Additional staff training should also go into that mix.

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BTW...it will be interesting to see if the advocates are allowed to suggest that folks come to Cruise Critic for roll calls, ports of call or insurance information, etc.

Edited by ghstudio
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Celebrity better be sure to get advocates who don't have a bias to any particular age or economic demographic or they may do themselves more harm than good.


Curt, I respect your opinion on a lot of things but if it were my company i couldn't in good conscience recommend they use someone with your attitude about older people as a representative. There's one thing to remember and that is that all these "grizzled" old people were once young but the young people have never been old and all the young "whippersnappers" of today will be saying hello to their golden years before they know it. There is also the fact that because there is a certain amount of time and money necessary to be able to cruise on a regular basis, the older generation will probably always make up a large part of the cruising population.


It seems to me they need people with a balanced perspective to make this a successful program. The beauty of Cruise Critic is there are a lot opinions from a wide variety of individuals giving all sides of the equation and many of the people who are well informed and generous with their opinions are too busy to become paid advocates. There is obviously a certain type of personality that would be interested in this kind of a position and I'm not so sure that they will be serving themselves well by directing people to a limited group fellow cruisers. I can see this opening a whole can of worms for them.

Edited by Ma Bell
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Luckily for X, some folks described as old Grizzled people, still book alot of nice cabins, spend money in shops, spa, excursions casino, etc,


my word!


And if those old grizzled folks ever stopped booking, Celebrity ships would be sailing 75% empty, until the advocates worked their magic!

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[quote name=Ma Bell;47337276


I can see this opening a whole can of worms for them.


And if those old grizzled folks ever stopped booking' date=' Celebrity ships would be sailing 75% empty, until the advocates worked their magic![/quote]


Ma Bell and Rich -- Thank you both for speaking up. :cool: Please add me to the "Like", "thumbs-up", "plus-one" column (or whatever the young whippersnappers are calling it, these days ;)).

Edited by wwcruisers
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I get bemused by these schemes. I will be a new celebrity customer this month. Yet my first experience with their call centre (and lack of response since) is making me think it could well be my last. Misquoted a price for an add on, charged more than quoted and then told it will take two months to reappear on my account. Total of 1500 euro so not small money. Now how will an advocate deal with that?



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


EXACTLY! "Advocates" will not be your advocate....they are sales people!

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