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Silversea Water Cooler: Welcome! Part Two

CC Help Michell

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Evening All......been flying around all week finalising everything so l can hopefully have a peaceful voyage!! Still a few loose ends to tie up before l head to the airport on Saturday afternoon....then total chillax time..[emoji16]


Good to see the foodie pics again Jeffers...those lamb chops had me a drooling...so much so I've got a shank in for my lunch tomorrow courtesy of Tesco for convenience!


Pleased to see that the Spirit is the only ship in Lauderdale on Monday so that should make embarkation stress free and hopefully quick as I'm told the ship isn't full.


Spins....I'm looking forward to the fish, chips and mushies too.....great atmosphere last year in the Panorama for that one!

Also looking forward to the Wild Boar Stew in La T which was delicious......so much to look forward to in fact and just days away!


Safe travels and Bon Voyage to all ....


S [emoji4]





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I can see it. Like you, Jeff, I don't do any post-processing, because our pics are simply for memories. But many photography buffs use their pictures as a form of art, with amazing results. To do that requires lots of modification. The results can be spectacular, and I for one am appreciative of their efforts. :D


Yummy lamb. We're cleaning out the fridge so it will be random food for the next 2 days.



I have no photographic talent or inclination other than sometimes suggesting to DH that he might want to take a picture of this or that (like a spiderweb in the kitchen recently) and then let him figure out the best way to do it. I only take iPhone pictures when I travel alone. But DH uses digital photography as a way of combining his lifelong technical skills with a means of artistic expression, so he will definitely clean up and modify pictures he takes, and gives them titles to reflect the intent. Indeed, our joint travels focus primarily on my looking for places he can take interesting pictures. When he is away, I typically run Apple TV in screensaver mode showing a "Photo Parade" of his photo stream pictures slowly flashing by in random order, which I then set to some music I pick for the day, and just let myself get hypnotized as the pictures float by (a glass of wine in hand also helps :))


Here is a link to his public flickr photo stream (everything from motorcycle trips to close-ups of wine corks, and of course the spider web)



Edited by Catlover54
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When does the safe cracking course start? :p


In the meantime - hopefully my sweating and panic about those goddamn French Air Traffic Controllers and their current strike action (can you believe these people have had 43 strikes since 2009!!!!)


I knew they had 2 strike days last week and 100s of flights from the UK cancelled. Yesterday I saw that they were striking again tomorrow for 32 hours.... and with my outward flight from Gatwick set for the 12th April ready for the Wind departure from Barca on the 13th, panic was raised. I've been frantically trying to find further news (on further planned dates and looking at alternative routes - inc a 12 hour or so train journey on Eurostar to Paris and TGV tickets)


Today, I've finally seen something which eases the pain and sweat (sorry to those who've had it heaped on to them!)... and dates published showing we are in the middle so should be safe to fly. That said, the Greek Air Traffic Controllers are also in Strike action from today too - but if we get stranded at the end of the holiday in Athens - so be it!


When is the strike and which travellers will be affected?


French air-traffic controllers have called nine days of strikes between 8 April and 2 May


The largest air-traffic control union, the SNCTA, is in a long-running dispute with the French government about everything from retirement age and pensions to restructuring plans aimed at simplifying European skies.


A strike had been called for late last month, but it was called off as a mark of respect to the victims of the Germanwings crash in the French Alps.


There will be a 48-hour strike on 8 and 9 April; a second set to run from 16 to 18 April, at the end of the Easter holidays for many British schools; and a third strike, lasting four days, from 29 April to 2 May.


Source link







Hopefully this doesn't affect anyones plans - and they don't decide to add more dates in between!

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My flight back from Athens (ie my flight number and equivalent departure on the 23rd of April) has been cancelled today because of the Greek Air Traffic Controllers strike.


If our flight was cancelled on the way back home for a day or so - I'd not be happy - but I wouldnt lose any sleep over it either. Missing the cruise however...... lol


I'm surprised these disputes and their effects are not more "publicised".

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Don't post on Seabourn, but I know we have chatted about Thomas Keller and his try at Seabourn. For those foodies interested this is a blog review of his efforts on Seabourn Quest.






Jeff - for a rather different view, look at the latest post on Thomas Keller on the Seabourn board. We are all very diffferent!;)

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Today I cooked one of my favourite dishes. It's Italian and a very rich dish and came from a cookbook by Marcella Hazan. It's pasta with a chicken liver sauce and is needs a fairly light touch to do well. You need a chopped shallot, some garlic which are lightly sautéed in oil and butter. Then you add pancetta and fresh sage. Then some minced beef. Then the chicken livers which you cook until they loose their rawness. Then add vermouth with some tom puree and cook for about 10 minutes. I serve with one of my favourite pastas, Bretelle, which is almost meaty. Absolutely no parmesan with this dish!


The first pic is what we call mise-en-place and then the finished dish.





Edited by Fletcher
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Nice food Fletch .....


Spins, I think the ambience and sort of informal quality of what Keller is trying to do seems good to me. I received an SB e-mailing this morning and was impressed with the lighter feel of their new suites on the new ship. Light woods etc and I can see why established SB'ers might be resistant to change but to me it looks like SB has a plan to lighten, modernise and informalise whilst trying to improve actual quality on softscape shut as food. I am ignorant of SB experience wise but it looks like joined up well thought through writing to me. Just an impression.


Down to Seaside next week for a week or so on The Balcony for lots of salad and seafood and evening deliveries of curry.


Lot's of coolers are off on proper travels and I do so hope they all go spiffingly and have great travels and adventures. I have invented a new word for posting things on the cooler in a relaxed and informative and affectionate way "to coolerise (American: coolerize)" so please coolerise abundently whilst you are all on your trips as much as your inclinations and the technology allow.





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Yum Jeff looks delicious. I'm all miserable with a leg in plaster from a tendon repair and at the moment can only dream of travelling and vistas new. Keep entertaining us with your witty and incisive comments. You keep my spirits up. Jane

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Unlurking for a minute - loving those salads Jeff - yum.


Safe travels to all those who are off on adventures - June can't come soon enough for me!


Up to my ears in cleaning and readying Mom's old house for the next tenants - I think I'm too OCD for this sort of thing!



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How lovely of you Jane, your note elevated my spirits .... so thanks!


I don't have have the excuse of plaster or tendons but I feel quite bored at the moment with general life stuff. I'm glad you liked the food piccies, being on the moderately cuddly side of the scale I am trying to eat a touch more sensibly at the moment which expains the verdant nature of recent food. I have decided to defer my wife and my own state pensions so it increases and I am determined to cheat them out of every month we can.





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Greetings Coolers!


Hope all are doing well! The food pics are drool-worthy Jeff! Enjoy your time at seaside!


We have been in Dubai for the last couple of days and are now sailing to Muscat, Oman. While in Dubai Myster and I did the Hop On Hop Off bus tour in the morning returning to the ship in the early afternoon. At 4:30 pm we were picked up for our private dinner in the desert tour. It was magical!!!!! At the edge of the desert the tires of the F150 were deflated and we headed out across the dunes to the red sand area. It was like being on a roller coaster! Awesome! When we reached the camp we had sparkling wine while enjoying the sunset. Dinner was delicious - barbecued lamb chops, chicken, hummus, baba ganoush, olive salad, green salad, garlic yoghurt dip served with an Australian merlot. Perfection!


Here are a couple of pictures.






This was definitely one of the highlights of this wonderful adventure!


Have a great day/evening Coolers!

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Quick greetings from Budapest! Making a lunch stop, then off for more touring.


mysty: Dubai' date=' U.A.E. We have been in Dubai for the last couple of days and are now sailing to Muscat, Oman. While in Dubai Myster and I did the Hop On Hop Off bus tour. At 4:30 pm we were picked up for our private dinner in the desert tour. [b']It was magical!!!!![/b] At the edge of the desert the tires of the F150 were deflated and we headed out across the dunes to the red sand area. It was like being on a roller coaster! Awesome! When we reached the camp we had sparkling wine while enjoying the sunset. Dinner was delicious - barbecued lamb chops, chicken, hummus, baba ganoush, olive salad, green salad, garlic yoghurt dip served with an Australian merlot. Perfection!


Fletcher: Today I cooked one of my favourite dishes. It's Italian and a very rich dish and came from a cookbook by Marcella Hazan. It's pasta with a chicken liver sauce and is needs a fairly light touch to do well.


Appreciate these wonderful updates and details' date=' especially the visuals. Can't get enough pictures from mysty!! Want to see lots and lots more from your WC adventures and all of the stops . Very interesting and inspiring. Jeff's pictures are always good. Loved Fletcher doing the "before" cooking putting together of the various items . . . and then the [b']super dining results!![/b]


Looking forward to lots more from J.P. and Chris in Budapest.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 139,738 views for this posting.

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The desert dinner looks incredibly mysterious and sounded phenomenal.


Good news JP has arrived safely.


Love the food photos from Jeff and Fletcher.


The photographs sent via a link by catlover were outstanding.


Thanks for all the Bon voyage wishes, I send the same for all travelers.


Thanks Lola for the good words.


Terry the photos of your spring flowers are beautiful. I imagine your property must be taking on a lush look by now, or did the Spring snows halt that process?


Sophia, I hope you are already on your way and wish you bonne journee.


It's a spectacular south Florida day here, 68 F. Not humid, sunny and clear skies. Birds happily singing and DH out runnning with our border collie, Eloise, who has come out of her depression after the demise of Brommie.

DH all packed and ready to go. We requested permission for a visitor, and DD will come aboard to have lunch and then wave goodbye. Eloise will be staying with her for the duration, she will enjoy playing with the children but doesn't much care for their puppy, Gaia, who destroys her toys.


Enjoy the day all.

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Terry the photos of your spring flowers are beautiful. I imagine your property must be taking on a lush look by now, or did the Spring snows halt that process? Enjoy the day all.


Appreciate the kind comments and wishes from our Florida friend about the "LUSH LOOK" being enjoyed now in Central Ohio. BUT, however, it is not true!! Sorry!! It does look pretty this morning here, but it is the landscape existing now with a light layer of snow outside on the ground now in Columbus.


Below from AccuWeather shows what our temperatures and conditions are currently. Hope the dafs and other floral treats survive this April 9 cold snap.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio

For details and visuals, etc., from our July 1-16, 2010, Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. This posting is now at 196,577 views.




Here is what AccuWeather is showing earlier this morning for Columbus, Ohio. Sorry, it's not warm and sunny right now!! First below has temps in the American/F readings, then second has the more European/C standard for temperatures. All converted to make it handy for both sides of the Atlantic!!:





Here is the European/C standard for our temperatures today:



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Good Morning Coolers ..... and it was cool here last night at zero!


Lovely magical piccies M. My daughter did that trip on the honeymoon and thought it wonderful. She had a night in the desert and then back to luxury. Did you stay overnight in a tent?


JP/Chris has Budapest going ...... hope you are giving up wine for Lent and replacing it with some of the best beer in the world. Any migrant issues there?


Received some lovely nut-cams from Soapy last night who is wending here way towards her cruise .... and just received news from her from the Virgin lounge where I can tell you she is having a memorable time .......

I'll let coolerise as she wishes ...... and I will have to remain enigmatic. ;):p


Sharing Jeremy Clarkson's column in today's Sunday Times with Coolers which I think pretty much picks up the current Brit zeitgeist at the moment





Yesterdays lunch continues on a careful keel. A shrimp, falafel humous salad with a bean paella side.


Happy days and travels all .....










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Thanks for sending the link to that Clarkson piece, Jeff. I hardly ever see his columns these days as we don't buy papers anymore and I refuse to suck up to Rupert's pay wall.


I'd say the Med was a no-go area in August regardless of any security concerns or migrant masses. I'm going to Rhodes next month for a week (not a beach hotel) and then in October I've just booked a tour of Iran. Endless and expensive visa hassle and my wife needs a new wardrobe.

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Happy to assist Fletch ...... and admire your sacrifice with respect to Rupert! :D


Just ensure you avoid all papers that take feeds from The Press Association, all books from Harper Collins, news feeds from Sky News, and anything Dow Jones related .......:eek:


Clarkson is sadly seen by too many as a buffoon but he is a very talented journalist and programme maker. It will be interesting to see what he does with £4m per episode on his new programme ...... when you think The Night Manager which was lavish was only £3m per episode the mind boggles.


I agree re most of Europe in August. Daft idea. Good luck with your trip to Iran, you are much braver than me.


What are you cooking today?



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I relented and we've eaten some convenience roast beef, yorkshire pud and veg!


I see you're going to Rhodes next month and that sparked me off thinking and looking. I fancy walking around the old town early morning and late evening which we would enjoy ..... and eating there in the evenings ie when the cruise ships our gone, and don't fancy actually staying in the old town as I think you'd feel sort of imprisoned. Had a look at the Amathus Elite Suites but they are a taxi ride away from the town and on the main road ...... we like to walk .....


Where are you staying if you don't mind me asking?



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We're at the Rodos Park Suites. It's just across the road from the old town, a 5 minute walk, and it looks nice and quiet, with a garden and a pool. I'm not bothered by the beach in May and fancy a sort of 'city' hotel. We looked at two hotels in the Old Town - Spirit of the Knights and the Avalon but while they looked bursting with character I think they might be noisy and a little cramped.


We saw The Guns of Navarone recently (again!) and thought, Rhodes looks interesting.

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in October I've just booked a tour of Iran. Endless and expensive visa hassle and my wife needs a new wardrobe.


UKCruiseJeff: Good Morning Coolers ..... and it was cool here last night at zero!


Appreciate Fletcher's upcoming travels' date=' including the very different and interesting [b']trip to Iran[/b]. YES, want to read many more details for how that works, see a large number of pictures, hear what is happening with the people/conditions there, etc.


In Central Ohio today, it will be up to 55F or 13C. Warmer than yesterday.


For a little "eye candy" below is an Africa picture that I had not previously posted on my live/blog. On another CC board, a question came up about a cruise on the Zambezi River near Victoria Falls. I pulled this picture out of my photo files. Compared our Central Ohio weather now, I would much rather be back in these warmer and more exciting parts of Africa.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Dozens of nice visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc. We are now at 211,227 views for this live/blog re-cap, including much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:




Here is a view from the back of the Zambezi Queen as we sailed that famous river in Zambia and enjoyed the setting sun near Victoria Falls. Very scenic and interesting!!:



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