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Teen Curfew?


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Just so I understand. You didn't like the question and that one person thinks it's ok for her teen to hang out eating pizza until 2am, so you've made a sweeping judgement and ruled out an entire cruise line? Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. LOL



don't put words on my keyboard. your attitude is only one more item in a long list of policies and on board experiences as noted by many other people that in my research leads me to believe NCL is not a cruise line I would enjoy.


that same research leads me to believe that Princess may actually be a good fit for us IF and WHEN we opt to expand our experience beyond Royal and Celebrity.


also that same research tells me Carnival Disney and HAL also woudl fail to meet our needs/expectations for an enjoyable cruise.


it is unfortunate that you failed to do sufficient research on a subject which obviously has a greater importance to you before plonking down thousands of dollars. if you are willing to play chaperon even from a slight distance no one will pitch a fit as you are abiding by cruise line policy. it was when you came across as wanting to let your child run free because YOU were too busy enjoying yourself in the late night dance club or cozily asleep in your cabin that people took offense. we also had an issue with your casual dismissal of cruise line policy and your snobbish assertion that it was stupid.

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If teens that were out past curfew gathered together and ate pizza, danced in appropriate venues, gathered in public areas and played cards or board games, etc. or did activities that were safe and didn't bother others, there would be no need for a curfew.


But since some teens will drink smuggled alcohol, run up and down hallways yelling, and engage in other inappropriate behavior, a curfew is necessary.

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I wasn't looking to argue. I asked a question and expressed my opinion in a civilized manner. I posted here because the countdown to quantum boards are pretty dead. Few responses.


I answered you with the same response as here. As did a couple of others.

Edited by Iron-Maiden's-No1-Fan
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If teens that were out past curfew gathered together and ate pizza, danced in appropriate venues, gathered in public areas and played cards or board games, etc. or did activities that were safe and didn't bother others, there would be no need for a curfew.


But since some teens will drink smuggled alcohol, run up and down hallways yelling, and engage in other inappropriate behavior, a curfew is necessary.


And so it should be.

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I'm sure your teen is now used to following rules that are in place because others can't comport themselves appropriately. We all have to. If everyone was capable of making good decisions about how fast to drive their cars, we wouldn't need speed limits. We don't get to decide ourselves what the safe speed is.


There will be a few different groups of teens on board:


- ones whose parents will insist they're in bed at a "reasonable" time so as to be able to enjoy shore excursions etc.

- ones like yours who (according to you) will behave and just hang out, not being a problem

- and...the ones, who because their teen brains don't always make sound decisions, will be causing trouble, disturbing other passengers, getting in the way of the crew trying to work. Those whose parents are in bed thinking their kids are either in their own room next door, or think their kids are in group 2, or who don't care ("I'm on vacation...")


Unfortunately, the third group makes it necessary for the curfew. First two groups don't need a curfew. Or maybe group one does, but their parents make it unnecessary.


I don't think 1 am is a "ridiculous" curfew. Maybe it's early for some, but if my teen stays up later than that, he'll sleep till 1 or 2 pm (Or later, I think 4:30 is his record, left to his own devices to decide when to go to bed and when to get up...he's now lost that privilege, he's a teen with a "bedtime.") He'll miss the port, opportunities to use the Flowrider, rock wall, pool, etc. He may be on vacation, but if he just wants to stay up late and sleep all day, it's cheaper to leave him at home!

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If teens that were out past curfew gathered together and ate pizza, danced in appropriate venues, gathered in public areas and played cards or board games, etc. or did activities that were safe and didn't bother others, there would be no need for a curfew.


But since some teens will drink smuggled alcohol, run up and down hallways yelling, and engage in other inappropriate behavior, a curfew is necessary.


Well, it's a shame that teens like that gave to ruin it for all the rest. The same an be said of many adults- maybe there should be an adult curfew

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I'm sure your teen is now used to following rules that are in place because others can't comport themselves appropriately. We all have to. If everyone was capable of making good decisions about how fast to drive their cars, we wouldn't need speed limits. We don't get to decide ourselves what the safe speed is.


There will be a few different groups of teens on board:


- ones whose parents will insist they're in bed at a "reasonable" time so as to be able to enjoy shore excursions etc.

- ones like yours who (according to you) will behave and just hang out, not being a problem

- and...the ones, who because their teen brains don't always make sound decisions, will be causing trouble, disturbing other passengers, getting in the way of the crew trying to work. Those whose parents are in bed thinking their kids are either in their own room next door, or think their kids are in group 2, or who don't care ("I'm on vacation...")


Unfortunately, the third group makes it necessary for the curfew. First two groups don't need a curfew. Or maybe group one does, but their parents make it unnecessary.


I don't think 1 am is a "ridiculous" curfew. Maybe it's early for some, but if my teen stays up later than that, he'll sleep till 1 or 2 pm (Or later, I think 4:30 is his record, left to his own devices to decide when to go to bed and when to get up...he's now lost that privilege, he's a teen with a "bedtime.") He'll miss the port, opportunities to use the Flowrider, rock wall, pool, etc. He may be on vacation, but if he just wants to stay up late and sleep all day, it's cheaper to leave him at home!


But what if that's what makes a great vacation to him?!? I don't have the issue myself. Ours stayed out late but they all also met at 10 or 11 for breakfast. And he was up ready to go and excited on port days

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In my experience security has always been on the ball with enforcing the curfew.


I don´t care about what the teen(s) desire of a great vacation is and I don´t care about what the parents think.


RCI has a guest conduct policy and a curfew, so if they set this rule I will remind them of enforcing it if they don´t do by themselves.


I have no Problem at all to call security from the next phone to take care of any unsupervised Teens after 1am. Doesn´t make a difference to me if they sit somewhere silently or running wild. They shouldn´t be there one way or the other and security better takes Action.


If the rules don´t fit you or your Teens, take a vacation that fit your Needs.

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You sound like a really fun guy/girl.


Again, we are trying Anthem and RCCl for the first time. I was very surprised to see a curfew mentioned for teens of 1am. I wanted to hear about experiences with it. So, thank you to the 5 or 6 people who answered the question.


I don't know how it's going to work for our family. I hope everyone likes it and has a great time. I anticipate the 1am thing being met with annoyance after not having that limitation on other cruises. I hope they are able to enjoy themselves. He's such a nice kid, he would never bother a fly.

Edited by conandrob240
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We, as parents, should get to decide our teens curfew. Not the cruise line we paid $1000s to. If you want yours home at 1am and that works for you, great. I don't have that rule and should be allowed to decide for myself.


I disagree agree with you about being able to decide for your self. The problem with that is that a lot of parents don't seem to care what their kids do. This applies to day and night time young and older. They are on vacation and often just want the kids out of their hair. I have seen it so many times. They will let them run wild, sometimes even when they are in the area such as the pool. It's is very disrupting and annoying for others. It bothers me because I also want to enjoy the vacation that we paid for.


I'm not saying this applies to you since I don't know you or how your kids behave. I have also seen many very well behaved kids just doing their own thing and not bothering anyone. We chose not to have kids so I don't know how I would feel about the curfew with older teenagers. As a kid myself once, I don't think I would like it very much if I was on cruise vacation and had a curfew of 1:00, but we did have curfews. It would be nice to allow them some extra time to hang out and get some food after the kids programs/activities.

To bad they don't have such a place.


Maybe Royal doesn't cater to kids as much as NCL or some others do. I am sure they have the curfew in place for many reasons. Hopefully your son will be able to enjoy the cruise while abiding by it. If not, chalk it up to a lesson learned, albeit an expensive one. Also, encourage them to do more of the physical activities with their friends and no napping during the day. It will help them tire out more easily and maybe want to go to bed sooner. Best of luck.

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Keep in mind too that when you are staying up late chaperoning him with his new group of friends, every single friend will need their parent there too. You cannot be responsible for children/teens that are not your own.


I'm not sure this is the case ... I have seen small groups of teens out late with an adult sitting nearby ... and I've heard adults mention that they were staying up late with their own child & some friends ...


And I do agree that 1 am is kinda early for some teens, especially on vacation. I haven't seen the other thread, so I don't get all of the arguments going on here, but you know your own child best, and if you're willing to stay up with him, I don't see an issue.

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There's no mystery. The other thread was the same question on the oddly placed and infrequently viewed "Countdown to Quantum" section. I received only 2 replies so I repeated the thread question on the broader board.


I am not really sure what everyone's got their panties all up in a bunch about. I didn't say I WAS going to make my own rules, I said I felt 1am was too early and that it should be up to me to decide for my own self and my own child how we spend our time. I wanted to know if the curfew was strict or more of a guideline and if there was leeway if they were out with friends. I didn't say I was going to murder anyone, for crying out loud.


If my teen wants to stay out and I am up anyway, I'll gladly sit with them for an hour while they grab pizza and talk. Some of you act like I am taking them to a bar and buying them shots and hookers.

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From the NCL website:


Guest Conduct Policy



Ship’s management reserves the right to enact and enforce curfews on an individual, group, or ship-wide basis, if in the sole judgment of the ship’s Captain, such steps become necessary to ensure guest or crew safety. Children under the age of 17 are not allowed unaccompanied by an adult after 1:00 am.

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Interesting post… Really had me thinking about my own kids and their curfew. At home, their staying out late is not an issue for me… I know them, they know the consequences for not making good decisions, and more importantly I know all of their friends and their friends' families. I guess my thought is, on a boat with people they don't know all that well, I do pay more attention. (Keep in mind, you don't know the other kids in this newly formed group well.) And yes I do remember staying up to the wee hours of the morning when I was a teenager, and some of the things I did were not always the smartest. (But it seemed like such a good idea at the time! :)) Again, in good company I wouldn't worry as much...with kids I don't know, I am a bit more careful.


To the OP -- I appreciate you wanting to reward your kid for being a good kid, and that you are willing to stay up with him. (And I applaud you not going the hooker and shots route... Seriously, too funny.) But I also agree that a few parents let their kids run wild, and it stinks that it ruins it for the kids who DO follow the rules.


Hopefully your son (and you!) have a great cruise on RCCL, but if NL is a better fit, at least you know you have found the line that's the right fit for YOUR family. And you know, this whoooole post might be a non-issue if he meets an awesome group of people, gets involved in activities during the day and is so tired by 1am that he is ready to sleep. :)

Edited by widallas
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To me staying up (either alone or with friends at our house or theirs) and staying out are two different things. I see sitting and having pizza while talking to friends on a cruiseship- where no one (them or others) is driving, where violent crime is almost zero, where there is security around and where they really can't go very far- more like staying UP than staying OUT. No, he's not allowed to go out with friends at home in a car and stay out past midnight but if he's home or at his friends, they can stay up all night if that's what they want to do. If school suffers, that right gets taken away.


I also don't parent based on what he might do. If he ever got caught drinking or doing drugs, then it'd be dealt with accordingly. If he's never done any of those things, then he has my trust he won't do them. If it's broken, it's a new ballgame-then and only then is he a kid I don't trust.

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I guess all teens are different. I was a teen not that long ago, and I was very rarely out past 1am. I usually would go home around midnight.


Anyhow, I find it hard to believe that having to go to the room 1 hour earlier is going to ruin your sons vacation? C'mon. Leave the teen club a bit earlier and go get pizza and soda from 12-1 instead.


I get your point, that your son is only going to be hanging out and talking, but unfortunately, they can't only apply a curfew to some teens. There are many that would be doing loud and obnoxious things, and therefore, ruin it for the rest of the teens. It is how it is.

Edited by OfTheSeasCruiser
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To me staying up (either alone or with friends at our house or theirs) and staying out are two different things. I see sitting and having pizza while talking to friends on a cruiseship- where no one (them or others) is driving, where violent crime is almost zero, where there is security around and where they really can't go very far- more like staying UP than staying OUT. No, he's not allowed to go out with friends at home in a car and stay out past midnight but if he's home or at his friends, they can stay up all night if that's what they want to do. If school suffers, that right gets taken away.


I also don't parent based on what he might do. If he ever got caught drinking or doing drugs, then it'd be dealt with accordingly. If he's never done any of those things, then he has my trust he won't do them. If it's broken, it's a new ballgame-then and only then is he a kid I don't trust.


The thing is, if they are at our house (or their friends'), then yes they are staying up. But if they are in the promenade or walking around the ship -- and their parents are back in their cabin -- then for me they ARE out. If parents are there, whole different story.


And I think you are missing my point -- although I may trust my own kids, on the last cruise I never got to know the people they were hanging around with very well, and that matters a lot to me. Sure, hang out with your buddy in a teen-supervised activity, but outside of that? Time to check in. Security can vary wildly ship-to-ship, and there are very few officers for a large vessel. Although crime is low on a cruise, it is certainly not non-existent. In fact is is much more likely to happen in the early hours of the morning, with fewer people around to intervene.

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To me staying up (either alone or with friends at our house or theirs) and staying out are two different things. I see sitting and having pizza while talking to friends on a cruiseship- where no one (them or others) is driving, where violent crime is almost zero, where there is security around and where they really can't go very far- more like staying UP than staying OUT. No, he's not allowed to go out with friends at home in a car and stay out past midnight but if he's home or at his friends, they can stay up all night if that's what they want to do. If school suffers, that right gets taken away.


I also don't parent based on what he might do. If he ever got caught drinking or doing drugs, then it'd be dealt with accordingly. If he's never done any of those things, then he has my trust he won't do them. If it's broken, it's a new ballgame-then and only then is he a kid I don't trust.


Based on everything that you have written, the bottom line is simple: If you are there with them, there is absolutely no problem. It's UNACCOMPANIED minors who are subject to the curfew.


Problem solved!


Bon Voyage. I loved the Quantum. "liveliness" or "stultifying deadness" are factors of demographics, not of ships. Good luck getting lots of younger, livelier fellow passengers!

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Based on everything that you have written, the bottom line is simple: If you are there with them, there is absolutely no problem. It's UNACCOMPANIED minors who are subject to the curfew.


Problem solved!


Bon Voyage. I loved the Quantum. "liveliness" or "stultifying deadness" are factors of demographics, not of ships. Good luck getting lots of younger, livelier fellow passengers!


Well said! :)

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But what if that's what makes a great vacation to him?!? I don't have the issue myself. Ours stayed out late but they all also met at 10 or 11 for breakfast. And he was up ready to go and excited on port days



If I'm paying, then I get some say in what he does on his vacation :) When he can pay his own way, he has 100% control of what he spends his vacation doing (subject to the rules of wherever he is, lol!)


Our recent cruise, the kids were in their own room, and I think there were some late nights playing games on the iPad. There were a few challenging mornings getting him up.

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Based on everything that you have written, the bottom line is simple: If you are there with them, there is absolutely no problem. It's UNACCOMPANIED minors who are subject to the curfew.


Problem solved!


Bon Voyage. I loved the Quantum. "liveliness" or "stultifying deadness" are factors of demographics, not of ships. Good luck getting lots of younger, livelier fellow passengers!


Not necessarily. I think the breakaway is a lively ship because it sails from a lively place and there are many locals. Hoping same is true of Anthem. It's not just about the weekly crowd-it always has a similar vibe

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