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Speaking of chair hogs...


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I have to ask, why not eat in the MDR? I'd be freaked out with that many people around. it would have made it so much easier.


Unfortunately the MDR is not always open at lunchtime.

We also find that eating 3 large meals a day is just too much. We usually just have some sushi or a sandwich for lunch.


We never eat in the Lido at night. The food quality does not begin to compare with the MDR.

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If there is a large table in the buffet, and only one or two are sitting there, we have no problem joining them....just put your stuff down and say, "Do you mind?"...if they mind, they leave...if not, you have new friends to chat with!

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That is actually one of the funniest things ever, and any sort of communicable disease works well with that ...


"Surely it can't be Tuberculosis, right?"


"Thank god these chicken pox are almost all cleared up, I can't wait to go swimming"


I actually learned this technique by accident when I was in college. My friends and I were bio majors. One day several of us went into the snack bar for lunch, still discussing a difficult lab we'd just left. I think it may have been how hard it is to get the cartillage away from the shark's brain without damaging the cranial nerves. Something about a dissection. Anyway, all of a sudden, we realized that the people at the table next to ours had moved to a table much farther away. Or maybe we just smelled of formaldehyde... :eek:

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I actually learned this technique by accident when I was in college. My friends and I were bio majors. One day several of us went into the snack bar for lunch, still discussing a difficult lab we'd just left. I think it may have been how hard it is to get the cartillage away from the shark's brain without damaging the cranial nerves. Something about a dissection. Anyway, all of a sudden, we realized that the people at the table next to ours had moved to a table much farther away. Or maybe we just smelled of formaldehyde... :eek:


i use this technique all the time. it works wonders for when you're in a line up (say at the grocery store or DMV) and the person behind you seems to -


1. think that by standing super close to you the lineup will move faster and

2. has no idea what personal space is.


Its incredibly effective :D

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If there is a large table in the buffet, and only one or two are sitting there, we have no problem joining them....just put your stuff down and say, "Do you mind?"...if they mind, they leave...if not, you have new friends to chat with!


Not real hard is it.


In fact it may just be how they ended up at the large table, joined people who were half way through their meal, and when they finished left.


Or maybe the large table was the only one free when they arrived.


But it seems some want to just assume they are selfish.

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I have to confess there is a degree of perverse entertainment value to reading this (and the related lounge chair) thread. There seem to be a few posters who insist on having the last word.


I certainly agree with the people who are speaking out against selfish behavior on cruise ships. It seems to show up in the same predictable places. I doubt anything we say will ever change that.


However, I always wonder about the source of these conflicts. Part of the blame has to be directed at HAL as well. They seem to create artificial shortages (lounge chairs, seats at the Lido, seats at the shows, machines in the gym, etc.) and then let the passengers blame each other for "hogging" a scarce resource. If the public spaces were bigger and there were more chairs, we wouldn't have to fight with each other about what the policy should be for using them. It's a shame to see the stress and conflict between passengers who are just trying to have an enjoyable vacation. In their attempt to squeeze as many passengers onto the ship as possible, HAL is creating a situation that results in these unnecessary conflicts.

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I have to confess there is a degree of perverse entertainment value to reading this (and the related lounge chair) thread. There seem to be a few posters who insist on having the last word.


I certainly agree with the people who are speaking out against selfish behavior on cruise ships. It seems to show up in the same predictable places. I doubt anything we say will ever change that.


However, I always wonder about the source of these conflicts. Part of the blame has to be directed at HAL as well. They seem to create artificial shortages (lounge chairs, seats at the Lido, seats at the shows, machines in the gym, etc.) and then let the passengers blame each other for "hogging" a scarce resource. If the public spaces were bigger and there were more chairs, we wouldn't have to fight with each other about what the policy should be for using them. It's a shame to see the stress and conflict between passengers who are just trying to have an enjoyable vacation. In their attempt to squeeze as many passengers onto the ship as possible, HAL is creating a situation that results in these unnecessary conflicts.


While I'm inclined to agree to be fair to HAL it applies to all lines and big part of the reaon for those shortages is hat space on a ship is expensive, and every 150 or so square that goes to space in the buffet or by the pool or in the gym is one less cabin to earn money from.

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I have to confess there is a degree of perverse entertainment value to reading this (and the related lounge chair) thread. There seem to be a few posters who insist on having the last word.


I certainly agree with the people who are speaking out against selfish behavior on cruise ships. It seems to show up in the same predictable places. I doubt anything we say will ever change that.


However, I always wonder about the source of these conflicts. Part of the blame has to be directed at HAL as well. They seem to create artificial shortages (lounge chairs, seats at the Lido, seats at the shows, machines in the gym, etc.) and then let the passengers blame each other for "hogging" a scarce resource. If the public spaces were bigger and there were more chairs, we wouldn't have to fight with each other about what the policy should be for using them. It's a shame to see the stress and conflict between passengers who are just trying to have an enjoyable vacation. In their attempt to squeeze as many passengers onto the ship as possible, HAL is creating a situation that results in these unnecessary conflicts.


The situation exists in all forms of travel -- look at all the complaints about reclining seats in airlines, or discussions of "manspreading" or seat hogging on busses/trams/trains.


And even if there were enough seats for every passenger to have one in the Lido, people would still complain that other passengers were hogging the "good" seats -- either those close to a window or close to the serving lines. Even in assigned seating in the dining room people complain about the tables because some are at the window or the rail, some are too close to the kitchen doors, or too far from the doors, or turned the wrong way, or the table over there got better flowers in the vase.


People are always going to find something to complain about. And that tendency increases when it is perceived that someone else is getting something "better."

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Unfortunately the MDR is not always open at lunchtime.

We also find that eating 3 large meals a day is just too much. We usually just have some sushi or a sandwich for lunch.


We never eat in the Lido at night. The food quality does not begin to compare with the MDR.


Once again, yes I realize it's not open every day. I know for one thing I eat much more in the lido than the MDR. I was asking the question from the person I quoted. They were in pain so why not try to ease that. Nothing was mentioned about portion control or food choices. I'm sorry that keeps getting glossed over.

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... Part of the blame has to be directed at HAL as well. They seem to create artificial shortages (lounge chairs, seats at the Lido, seats at the shows, machines in the gym, etc.) and then let the passengers blame each other for "hogging" a scarce resource. If the public spaces were bigger and there were more chairs, we wouldn't have to fight with each other about what the policy should be for using them...


Great post - I particularly like the highlighted portion. IMO you are spot on in your analysis of the public space issue. Your comment also illustrates how HAL's attempts to balance its need to maximize revenue with its desire to accommodate the (sometimes unreasonable) demands of its customers can have unintended consequences.


Specifically I am referring to the Private Cabana areas that HAL created for passengers wanting an exclusive area in which to lounge. To meet the demand for private lounge areas, HAL converted public spaces into revenue centers. Judging by the comments in other CC Threads, many loyal HAL cruisers are not pleased by HAL's actions, going so far as to refer to the Cabana areas as "Tent City". Regardless of how a person feels about the Cabanas, it cannot be gainsaid that they have added to the public space scarcity ... and maybe to the incivility, bad manners, discourteous behavior, boorishness, etc. memorialized on this Thread.



Edited by avian777
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Once again, yes I realize it's not open every day. I know for one thing I eat much more in the lido than the MDR. I was asking the question from the person I quoted. They were in pain so why not try to ease that. Nothing was mentioned about portion control or food choices. I'm sorry that keeps getting glossed over.


Ummm maybe I'm stupid, how can they eat in the MDR if it's not open?

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I have to ask, why not eat in the MDR? I'd be freaked out with that many people around. it would have made it so much easier.


I have to ask, if there so much trouble getting a seat in he Lido why not eat in the MDR.

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You can't be serious:rolleyes:. Just knock on the door and they'll let you in. Please, find a new hobby.


So the MDR is now open 24/7 all I need to do is knock and tell hem you said so.


No I'm very happy with the hobbies I have thank you.


I really appreciate your advice though on hobbies.

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I have to ask, why not eat in the MDR? I'd be freaked out with that many people around. it would have made it so much easier.


In an attempt to prevent further thread drift and to avoid offending those who love the MDR, let me just say that, for reasons I cannot even fully explain to myself, I do not find the MDR experience enjoyable; I much prefer the hustle and bustle of the Lido.

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In an attempt to prevent further thread drift and to avoid offending those who love the MDR, let me just say that, for reasons I cannot even fully explain to myself, I do not find the MDR experience enjoyable; I much prefer the hustle and bustle of the Lido.


As you are entitled to do.


Anyone who can't get a table because you are using one can perhaps go to the MDR.

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In an attempt to prevent further thread drift and to avoid offending those who love the MDR, let me just say that, for reasons I cannot even fully explain to myself, I do not find the MDR experience enjoyable; I much prefer the hustle and bustle of the Lido.


Thx for the explanation. I just thought that it might be more comfortable since you were in so much pain. I don't understand the love affair with a cafeteria but everyone is different. Nothing wrong with it:).

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Forgive my ignorance, but I thought that public spaces, were indeed that, public.

As long as they are being used, I don't understand the issue? I always assume that those that are lounging in the lido or other public space are those that say "the room I get doesn't matter, I spend very little time there"

I did get annoyed at chair hogs by the pool, that reserved chairs and never showed up, but if someone got there before me, and occupied the space, good for them.

I solved that problem by getting a cabana. As long as someone is using it, it is their space.

I get at least a veranda, if not a suite, so that I don't have to sit in public all day, but that is my preference. Some people love the "hustle and bustle" To each their own.

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It is simply more expedient for us to find a table at noon in the Lido before getting our food. I get my food and then my husband goes to get his. Since we both go to different areas for our food, if we got the food first we would be wandering around looking for each other before wandering around again looking for a table.

It not really a big deal to have him holding a table. I am back with my meal within five minutes; not nearly enough time for someone else to have taken the table and had their lunch.


I hate the MDR at lunch as there is nothing on the menu I am interested in. I just want a light salad and a roll.

Edited by sapper1
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It is simply more expedient for us to find a table at noon in the Lido before getting our food. I get my food and then my husband goes to get his. Since we both go to different areas for our food, if we got the food first we would be wandering around looking for each other before wandering around again looking for a table.

It not really a big deal to have him holding a table. I am back with my meal within five minutes; not nearly enough time for someone else to have taken the table and had their lunch.


I hate the MDR at lunch as there is nothing on the menu I am interested in. I just want a light salad and a roll.


That's what we do too. We don't waste time in the Lido, just get on with our lunch and then leave.

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It's very hard to find a suitable Lido table when you're riding a scooter. There aren't a lot of decent parking spaces that are close enough to walk to. It's essential for me, as a scooter rider, to find a place first, put something there to hold my place, then get my food, bring it back, park, and come to the table.

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At some point one has to blame the cruise line for not providing ample seating facilities for the number of guests on board, especially when they decide to add more cabins or private cabanas (displacing the poolside Lido tables) to an older ship!


I should not have to eat and run while on vacation, and a group should be able to grab a table before loading up with food.







The thread about those who grab loungers early, park their belongings then go off for the day reminded me of one of my pet peeves - chair/table hogs in the Lido.


These come in two types:


1) groups that come in and send one member to find a table and hold it while they graze through the buffet/cafeteria;




2) those that stake out a table to sit and chat, do the crossword, read a book, etc. - anything except eat - while the room is crowded and folks are wandering about looking for a place to sit and eat.


In the first instance, I can sit, eat and be gone long before the group has collected all of their food, while in the latter case there are many, many other areas of the ship where reading and other activities can occur without inconveniencing those looking to eat a meal and get on with their life.


It's all about courtesy and consideration - something that's usually in short supply on a cruise.

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In an attempt to prevent further thread drift and to avoid offending those who love the MDR, let me just say that, for reasons I cannot even fully explain to myself, I do not find the MDR experience enjoyable; I much prefer the hustle and bustle of the Lido.


Hustle and bustle


Code words for "People Watching";)


I'm guilty too:)

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