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Very alarmed. Just been reading a review from passengers who have just returned from a cruise on Queen Elizabeth. They travelled in the Queens Grill and said that there had been major changes to the menu and cutbacks in other areas. I am very concerned as we are on the Christmas cruise in the Princess Grill and its an expensive holiday - just hope we are not going to be disappointed - it's our first time in the grills. Have already booked for July in the same cabin so now a bit worried. Any members had the same experience of menu changes and cutbacks? David.

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Am on Queen Victoria in Princess Grills, no change to menu that I can see, the classic Grills menu is still the same with Dover sole, rack of lamb etc, or you can choose from the daily menu. Had an excellent turbot from the latter menu a couple of nights ago.

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Strike up a relationship with your Maitre d' and Head Waiter and treat your wait staff pleasantly rather than like the hired help (not suggesting you ever would, but you get my drift). If the food is a little off-par don't be afraid to mention it but if a meal has really hit the spot be sure to say so as well.


In my experience it never fails to engender some interest in giving you a good dining experience and if they also know you are first timers, chances are they will make a special effort. Ask for suggestions and guidance and see what gets pulled out of the hat. I can't comment on PG but I can't imagine it being massively different to QG.


It's a slippery slope going Grills though, there may be no going back once you've sampled the experience. Enjoy the voyage!


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Very alarmed. Just been reading a review from passengers who have just returned from a cruise on Queen Elizabeth. They travelled in the Queens Grill and said that there had been major changes to the menu and cutbacks in other areas. I am very concerned as we are on the Christmas cruise in the Princess Grill and its an expensive holiday - just hope we are not going to be disappointed - it's our first time in the grills. Have already booked for July in the same cabin so now a bit worried. Any members had the same experience of menu changes and cutbacks? David.


I wouldn't take too much notice about the review you have just read as I'm sure I know the one and on which site you are referring to.


I've been reading that site for years and there are an awful lot of posters who take great delight in telling everyone how poor Cunard is now. In fact, there are some posters who constantly cruise with Cunard and then complain about every cruise but then continue to sail on Cunard. On the site in question I've seen a staggering amount of drivel over the years - they will swear blind something factual and it won't be true at all.


I'd not let the other site bother you.

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I wouldn't take too much notice about the review you have just read as I'm sure I know the one and on which site you are referring to.


I've been reading that site for years and there are an awful lot of posters who take great delight in telling everyone how poor Cunard is now. In fact, there are some posters who constantly cruise with Cunard and then complain about every cruise but then continue to sail on Cunard. On the site in question I've seen a staggering amount of drivel over the years - they will swear blind something factual and it won't be true at all.


I'd not let the other site bother you.


I had assumed that the reference was to the review posted on this site's 'Member Review' Section.



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I am certain I was on the same cruise as the reviewer referred to (cruise critic member reviews), and I fully endorse the remarks made in that review about the new menu in Queen's Grill which commenced with that voyage. We were informed that the new menu was to be rolled out to QM and QV next year.

I cruised with QV earlier in the year and food was superb.

Unfortunately on this cruise the menu was very different, and the quality and choice very disappointing and very limited. Food was served barely warm on several occasions, and vegetables seemed to consist solely of broccoli and carrots and nothing else (usually cold).

I am not a Cunard knocker - I sincerely believe(d) they represent the best in quality. Unfortunately the QG dining experience on this cruise was indeed awful. I sincerely hope that Cunard have a re-think.

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I was on Q519. New menu in QG which will be rolled out to QV and QM next year. The choice and quality of food served left a lot to be desired. The wait staff were excellent, but they do not have control over the choice or quality of food. The choice is limited and some evenings it was difficult to make a choice. Most dishes arrived luke warm. Extra vegtables served consisted mainly of carrots and broccoli, the last few evenings of the cruise we got a few new potatoes. We have 3 cruises booked for 2016 on QE and are considering cancelling them. Dining in QG should be a 5 star restaurant experience, this was most certainly not

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Thank you for all of your comments. We are always extremely polite to all members of the crew. What concerns me is that the selection and quality of the food has been dumbed down. We are paying a lot of money for this cruise and the next one in July. If we are disappointed at Christmas we will cancel the July one. Hopefully, things won't be as bad as some say. We had a wonderful Christmas cruise last year on Queen Elizabeth when we dined in Britannia Club. Couldn't fault it. Just thought PG would be even better.

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We have just got back from a cruise on QV in QG we were very disappointed with the dining so much so we are regretting booking for next year. It simply wasn't worth the money. The food was good but no off menu ever offered indeed when our table mates asked for rice pudding from the lunch menu for dessert at dinner they were refused. The sommelier was downright rude to the point it was funny. We were never offered vegetables I had to send 1 main course back and ended up with no meal because it took so long to sort! We are not going to leave a review as we don't want to be seen to put a "downer" on Cunard

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Please don't feel you can't leave an honest review, when you have paid for QG you have every right to expect things (especially the food) to be very good.

It sounds as if the introduction of this new menu has been a shambles so far, I'm so sorry you were disappointed.


I remember a few years ago when a new Grills menu was introduced just before we were due to be in PG in QV. A lot of the wrinkles had been ironed out by the time we travelled but there had been plenty of complaints in the weeks before. I know it's no consolation when you have been the guinea pigs but hopefully they will respond to the feedback.

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Thanks Hattie! I hate to be seen to be bad mouthing Cunard but the dining and the entertainment have left a bad taste. We are not going to leave a review at this point until we receive a reply from Cunard to our letter of complaint

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I had assumed that the reference was to the review posted on this site's 'Member Review' Section.




Ah, I did assume it was on another site. I should take my own advice and assume nothing !!

Edited by ToadOfToadHall
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We have just got back from a cruise on QV in QG we were very disappointed with the dining so much so we are regretting booking for next year. It simply wasn't worth the money. The food was good but no off menu ever offered indeed when our table mates asked for rice pudding from the lunch menu for dessert at dinner they were refused. The sommelier was downright rude to the point it was funny. We were never offered vegetables I had to send 1 main course back and ended up with no meal because it took so long to sort! We are not going to leave a review as we don't want to be seen to put a "downer" on Cunard


I am a little confused about this.


Was the A La Carte menu still operating?


I have always had to ask for more vegetables in the Grills.

I too had food served a bit cold on our last cruise and always sent it back and insisted they bring out hot dinner plates and hot food at future meals.


This is very sad news and hope it may prove to be a one-off.

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Reviewing messages on all the boards identifies a general trend towards reducing the dining experience in the MDR and alternative venues on all cruise lines.


I Was a regular patron on Celebrity and have done a QM2 TA last June.


If the Grills now come with a reduced dining product and service, with no price reduction, then this is not acceptable. The Grills should be 5 star period.


What I find interesting in reviewing posts on many cruise line threads is this - despite the downgrading trend, people keep booking cruises and paying significantly more for a reduced product. Many in marketing departments have labelled consumers such as this as "obedient consumers"


It is not just the Carnival corporation. I have fired Celebrity as the last 2 cruises have been disappointing with the much reduced quantity and quality of food, reduced services and stressed out employees and combined with their recent BBB pricing scheme. I have also fired my previous favorite restaurants because of the same trend.


This trend will continue until consumers stop purchasing.


As Ann Landers once said "nobody abuses you without you having given them your permission".



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...If the Grills now come with a reduced dining product and service, with no price reduction, then this is not acceptable. The Grills should be 5 star period.


What I find interesting in reviewing posts on many cruise line threads is this - despite the downgrading trend, people keep booking cruises and paying significantly more for a reduced product. Many in marketing departments have labelled consumers such as this as "obedient consumers"...


This trend will continue until consumers stop purchasing...


So true. But if customers book for price and then go to Celebrity because the same itinerary is cheaper, than Cunard is forced to look at how they can compete with Celebrity's pricing. Everyone wants a bargain but premium services and amenities at deep discounts don't co-exist very long.


I've felt a huge disconnect with several members here who don't seem to understand the concept of "value for value". "It doesn't make sense to spend more money then necessary", as one bargain hunter put it. Slower crossings to save fuel are another example - "If you love being on QM2 why shorten your experience?", I've been admonished.

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Everyone wants a bargain but premium services and amenities at deep discounts don't co-exist very long. I've felt a huge disconnect with several members here who don't seem to understand the concept of "value for value". "It doesn't make sense to spend more money then necessary", as one bargain hunter put it. ...
Hi BlueRiband


I agree with you.

I don't know what the answer is, indeed I can only see this situation getting worse, not just on Cunard ships.


The vast majority of people buy on price, sometimes on price alone.

Spending hours searching the internet, getting a few $ or £ etc off here or there.

The result is, say with "white goods", that in order to get the price down, quality of components and construction is sacrificed, and the new 'fridge/washing machine/dish washer etc lasts only a couple of years before it needs replacing, whereas "the old one" worked for decades previously.

The cheaper food that has no taste, the bargain clothes that fall apart after a couple of washes, the cheap flight that charges a small fortune for a glass of water.

More and more manufacturers, retailers and those in the service industry are building everything around a headline price; quality, well-trained staff, customer service, and long-term customer satisfaction count for nothing. It is everywhere, sadly.


That bargain that seemed too good to be true, often is.


The same people who boast about getting an amazing deal, are most often the same ones who complain that things that used to be complimentary, are now charged for. Under heavily-discounted fares, if these things can't be charged for, then they won't be provided.

Since I first boarded QM2 ten years ago, I've noticed the cutbacks, things quietly vanishing.


It is simple economics; one person's amazing discount... is another person's cutback.


As I said, I don't know what the answer is. I know, for my part, that I usually book the voyage I want, at the grade of cabin I want, and then never look at prices again. Sadly I think I am alone in this.


Best wishes.

Edited by pepperrn
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Hi Pepper


You are quite correct. However, Cunard have not been offering any discounts on Grills since Peter Shanks left, and his successor declared that he wanted to add value to the brand.


Therefore, it seems to me that the Grills pax are subsidising the cheapo prices, and losing out as the perks diminish.



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Hi Pepper You are quite correct. However, Cunard have not been offering any discounts on Grills since Peter Shanks left, and his successor declared that he wanted to add value to the brand.

Therefore, it seems to me that the Grills pax are subsidising the cheapo prices, and losing out as the perks diminish. Stewart

Thank you BigMac1953,


I'm afraid I don't regularly look at Grills prices, sadly (I wish I had need to track them ;) ), and Peter Shanks is a name I was trying to forget...


If the current boss is "trying to add value to the brand" then the latest (reported here) Grills menus don't seem to be the right way to do things, to say the very least! As for rolling them out across QE and QM2 in due course... :eek:


In my post above I didn't mention those few people who don't buy on price, who want quality and know that this has to be paid for. They are the people who book the Grills expecting a standard of service and quality of food, cooking and preparation, and of choice, that will meet their high expectations.


If Cunard have now turned their sights on Grill passengers as their next target for cost-cutting measures, then the management of Cunard have truly "lost the plot".


Overcharge people for indifferent food, service and choice, and they'll never return; people are not stupid, but Cunard management are stupid if they try it.


Best wishes to you :)

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We are travelling Cunard for the first time next year. We have booked a Grill Suite and will expect, for the price, a standard of accommodation, service and food that live up to the reputation that Cunard tries to maintain of being of very high quality. If it's not we won't be back. There are plenty of choices at the higher end of the cruise market (I'm thinking Silversea, Seabourn, Regent) that do offer a premium product at a similar per diem rate (in fact, I think Cunard is quite expensive) but only Cunard seems to have this high-end provision on a large ship.


We like the smaller ships and all-inclusive nature of the other companies and I think Cunard will need to be quite special to get our grey pounds in the future.

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Agree 100%. I paid the Grill price on the expectation of enhanced food selection with no problem with off menu orders (I don't mean caviar or lobster, just alternate starters, and grilled fish etc for mains), plus fine unhurried service. Last Christmas it was lovely having table side flambés I in Britannia Club and would definitely expect the same in the Grills. Should Cunard cut back on what the Grills offer over and above Britannia then it's just not worth paying the considerable supplement. If I want to travel on their ships I would travel Britannia, if I wanted something extra Crystal, who I love. If I am disappointed with the Grill this Christmas I will cancel our July cruise - hope and pray that it won't come to this but I won't be taken for a fool twice.

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I totally support the comments from BlueRiband and pepperrn regarding today's consumer and the increasing desire to get the lowest price. I call it "the great rush to the bottom". Also indeed correct, that people whine when something is taken away or reduced in quality.


I am a value shopper so do not participate in the need to get the last $ off. This appears to make my household a consumer dinosaur.


We have stopped all vacation travel for now because the costs keeping increasing significantly and see nothing but reduced offerings. I monitor the situation on various cruise lines in the event pricing and product become supportable to me. Not just travel, no more eating out either because prices are way up and product down.


The Grills are the best eating venue on Cunard, they should be positioned and marketed that way and the product and service meet the highest standards every single time. Carnival corporation and Cunard executives should have huge pride in this shipping line and realize there are many consumers who are fleeing the mass lines (I call myself a Celebrity refugee for example) and looking for the product of 5 years ago - good quality, good service and more tradition etc. Why does Cunard not capitalize on the discontent of many sailing other lines? Seems to me to be a lost opportunity. Not every cruiser wants to be part of the "dumbing down" of cruising.


As I posted, the corporations will not change their approach until such time as people stop purchasing. I do not begrudge increase costs in line with inflation - but the cost increases I have seen on Celebrity for example are well above this.


The release of the new menus in the Grill as noted by the earlier posters is totally inappropriate and tells me that corporate greed is first and foremost.


I will keep my fingers crossed that glorious Cunard line can rise above the "rush to the bottom" and market their product with success and become the envy of all other lines.


Happy and safe sailing to all



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Thank you BigMac1953,


I'm afraid I don't regularly look at Grills prices, sadly (I wish I had need to track them ;) ), and Peter Shanks is a name I was trying to forget...


If the current boss is "trying to add value to the brand" then the latest (reported here) Grills menus don't seem to be the right way to do things, to say the very least! As for rolling them out across QE and QM2 in due course... :eek:


In my post above I didn't mention those few people who don't buy on price, who want quality and know that this has to be paid for. They are the people who book the Grills expecting a standard of service and quality of food, cooking and preparation, and of choice, that will meet their high expectations.


If Cunard have now turned their sights on Grill passengers as their next target for cost-cutting measures, then the management of Cunard have truly "lost the plot".


Overcharge people for indifferent food, service and choice, and they'll never return; people are not stupid, but Cunard management are stupid if they try it.


Best wishes to you :)


Let me take your comments a step further as you and I have been sailing and observing for more than a few years. Ten years ago Cunard rarely sent out any sales material on the Grills. Those that sailed Grill knew what it involved, knew the cost and booked in sufficient number to fill them on a regular basis. Of course then there were but two ships not three and then was then and now is now with many of the true grill passenger having passed to that great ocean in the sky. Now it is a rare day that an expensive mailer does not land with a thud in my mail box flogging the charms of the Grills. Also, ten years ago the number of Grill passengers posting to CC were very rare. Did one "Ever" hear from the Rosenbergs? who used to book both QG master suites for full world cruises on the QE2. Therefore, in my opinion Cunard feels that with their mass marketing of the Grills, they are reaching a market that for the most part does not live the Grill life back home and anything "above and beyond" so to speak will work. This has allowed Cunard (or so they think) to slowly reduce the real Grill experience.

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"In my post above I didn't mention those few people who don't buy on price, who want quality and know that this has to be paid for. They are the people who book the Grills expecting a standard of service and quality of food, cooking and preparation, and of choice, that will meet their high expectations."


I totally agree. I have been commenting on other cruise line threads often when people expect the same quality as xx number of years ago but at the same time want a bargain. You rarely get both.

I often travel solo so get stung on price anyway but I am willing to pay over the odds for something I know I will enjoy. I can't afford grills prices -particularly as a solo traveller - but I still expect good quality food, accommodation and entertainment.

If I get that then it's worth the money I paid. If I don't then it's worth nothing because I would not pay anything for poor quality.

Hope that ramble makes sense!


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