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Shameful vegan experience on Rhapsody

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What would have been an acceptable meal for the cruise line to prepare?? Guess I always thought Vegan just didn't eat red meat. What kind of meals are prepared at home that fit the requirements? Seems like a tough task for ship to make something so restrictive with so few Vegans onboard.

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Is the OP still here or did they give up in the wash of unrelated and unnecessary jokes and math arguments? They seem to be answering the "Ask a cruise question" section of CC.


I wanted to ask the OP this: I agree that if RC promised something they should deliver. You mentioned about the specific problems on one specific night. How were the meals on the other nights you ate in the MDR? What were the problems?

Edited by TBone2K
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...especially if you want indian food, plenty of vegetarian/vegan choices. ...


Indian food on the ships is usually NOT Vegan. It's prepared with lots of ghee, yogurt, etc. Even the Dal she mentions will have quite bit of butter in it unless they actually make her a special batch, vs. just grabbing some that was made for the numerous Indian crew members.

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What would have been an acceptable meal for the cruise line to prepare?? Guess I always thought Vegan just didn't eat red meat. What kind of meals are prepared at home that fit the requirements? Seems like a tough task for ship to make something so restrictive with so few Vegans onboard.


Vegans eat NO animal products, so no meat, fish, poultry, dairy, gelatin, honey and I'm sure many other things.

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What would have been an acceptable meal for the cruise line to prepare?? Guess I always thought Vegan just didn't eat red meat. What kind of meals are prepared at home that fit the requirements? Seems like a tough task for ship to make something so restrictive with so few Vegans onboard.


Vegans eat NO animal products' date=' so no meat, fish, poultry, dairy, gelatin, honey and I'm sure many other things.[/quote']


What would have been an acceptable meal for the cruise line to prepare?? Guess I always thought Vegan just didn't eat red meat. What kind of meals are prepared at home that fit the requirements? Seems like a tough task for ship to make something so restrictive with so few Vegans onboard.


While I'm not vegan (or even vegetarian by any stretch!) it's not terribly difficult to do. I'll go with a themed menu and then a "standard American" menu that would fit in on a ship


Themed - Thai

Appetizer - Green Mango Salad (contains green mangoes, salt, sugar, cilantro, mint, red bell pepper, red onion, unsalted peanuts, unsalted cashews)


Entree - Sweet and Sour Tofu (contains tomato paste, rice vinegar, lime juice, sugar, water, vegetable oil, tofu, garlic, onion, red bell pepper, tomato, cucumber, pineapple, mushrooms, soy sauce, salt, cornstarch, water, green onion, black pepper, cilantro, jasmine rice)


Dessert - Sticky Rice Pudding with Mango (contains sticky rice, coconut milk, sugar, salt, water, mango)



Appetizer - Quinoa salad with red bell pepper and cilantro (contains quinoa, water, salt, pepper, red bell pepper, jalapeno, red onion, cilantro, lime juice, olive oil, mustard, garlic, cumin)


Entree - Potato Gnocchi with Tomato-Mint Sauce (contains potatoes, flour, salt, olive oil, onion, carrot, celery, tomatoes, basil)


Dessert - Summer Berry-Basil Kissel (contains vanilla, sugar, cornstarch, salt, moscato, blackberries, raspberries, basil, lemon juice)

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What would have been an acceptable meal for the cruise line to prepare?? Guess I always thought Vegan just didn't eat red meat. What kind of meals are prepared at home that fit the requirements? Seems like a tough task for ship to make something so restrictive with so few Vegans onboard.



vegan is ZERO animal products of any sort( to include by products such as milk/dairy eggs etc. no gelatin or consomme either) so that leaves out anything but a vegetable based broth and pretty much all versions of gravy.


vegetarian is easy( and often the best option on the menu) some vegetarians 'cheat' by consuming fish.


thing is a lot of vegetarian items are not really vegan.. and I don't mean because the ravioli is stuffed with cheese. I mean the tomato soup may actually have a beef bouillon foundation. hell my ancient family recipe for French onion soup starts off life as a hunk of bone marrow from Bessie.

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As so many People say if RCI promises they Need to deliver, why not have a look at what RCI promises;)


We make every effort to accommodate our guests' dietary requirements whenever possible. We can accommodate dietary needs such as:


Food allergies, Gluten-free, Kosher, Low-fat, and Low-sodium.


Vegetarian Meals (including Indian-style vegetarian) are available on all menus in the Dining Room and Windjammer Cafe every day. Guests do not need to make a special request for these meals.


Lactose-free/soy milk, Ensure, and kosher meals are available no extra charge. All you have to do is notify us at least 45 days prior to sailing (90 days for European/South American Itineraries).


Kosher for Passover meal requests MUST be received 90 days in advance in order to be accommodated.


Contact your travel agent or Certified Vacation Planner and request that the remark be noted in your reservation details. If you made your reservation online at royalcaribbean.com you may add your request to the "update personal information." section. You may also send an e-mail request to special_needs@rccl.com; please include in the e-mail the guests' names, booking number, ship name and sail date. E-mails will receive an automated response. We kindly ask that guests do not call Royal Caribbean International suppliers with specific questions.


Special meal requests that are received less than 45 days of sailing (90 days for European/South American itineraries) are dependent on the ship's product availability. We will try to accommodate to the best of our ability.


Please note: Baby food is available via our Gifts and Gear page via our Babies To Go program and infant formula is not provided on board.


Guests may not bring on board any food items other than baby food and/or dry, nonperishable snack items (cookies, crackers, chips, energy bars, etc).


They don´t even mention vegan anywhere and only say vegetarian is provided.


I appreciate the OP has received vegan Food before and expected the same on Rhapsody, but they nowhere promise to accomodate vegans.

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Why do Vegans think a ship that carries 3000+ passengers think the Chef should bend over backwards to accommodate their needs? :rolleyes: Food allergies are a total different situation and can be a life or death thing for some people. Not a valid comparison at all. Vegans CHOSE their lifestyle and I highly doubt its gonna kill them to eat regularly or at least be a vegetarian for a week.


Flame away. I can handle it.


You said exactly what I wanted to say. And from what one poster said, the vegan meals cannot be prepared close to animal products. Seriously? I can see it now...The Chef says, "I'll be back in a bit, I have to go to the pool deck to prepare ONE passengers meal. Oh wait, I can't do it there, we cooked hamburgers there yesterday. Guess I'll have to go to the helipad" I know that's probably an exaggeration. But probably not far off from the truth.


You chose this lifestyle so you need to figure out how to accommodate yourself. Don't expect everyone to bend over backwards because you won't eat anything that has a face or anything that face produced.

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Here is the real question for me. The OP did not give any details to what they were served. Were they served vegan meals they just didn't like or were they not served any meal at all? I read about the one night. But what about the others nights?


What exactly did you order? I know there are all kinds of veggies on the menu every night. Would those not do? I'm just curious to what your expectations are.

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Gotta love it. The apologists are out in full force.


Coming on here with descriptive words such as shameful, horrible etc and so forth with a post that wreaks with self entitlement and expecting empathy. Lol, good luck with that!


I'm curious as to what the OP thought some faceless cronie on social media could do for her late at night 1000 miles away and on land?


I'm not sure what your personal issue with vegans is, but it sure seems powerful, as you have posted more than once on this thread. I assure you that your snide cynicism is coming through loud and clear.


How about if we shake hands and clear the air? Yes, I posted a rant. Yes, I was upset when I posted it. If my post 'wreaked with self entitlement' it was unintentional, and I apologize. I've been on CC long enough to not expect empathy, and I wasn't looking for any. And I did fully expect that those who feel a need to mock vegans would be sure to post on this thread, as they always do when the topic come up.


I have to wonder how many responders to this post actually read my original post to the end? Because in the last paragraph I stated that one of the reasons I was posting was to give a heads up to vegans- especially those to whom I had posted assurances over the years- that even after years of successful vegan cruising, you can unexpectedly hit a brick wall.


Is the OP still here or did they give up in the wash of unrelated and unnecessary jokes and math arguments? They seem to be answering the "Ask a cruise question" section of CC.


I wanted to ask the OP this: I agree that if RC promised something they should deliver. You mentioned about the specific problems on one specific night. How were the meals on the other nights you ate in the MDR? What were the problems?


Yes, I'm still here- but, I am on a cruise, so happily busy with cruise fun, and also at the mercy of the ship's wifi connection, which we know can be erratic at times. (Please note that we have a sea day tomorrow, so connection likely will be slow, so I may not be online to respond if this thread is still 'alive'.)


When I mentioned the specifics of one night, I also said it was the latest incident, and that every night had been difficult, and things were getting worse. I'll be willing to post a detailed list once I am home and have more time to spend online.


Please, everyone- can't we all be compassionate? Neither by posting or by being a passenger on Rhapsody was I looking for attention, for special treatment, to cause grief or to raise a ruckus. Those of you who have an interest in veganism likely are familiar with my posts over the years; those who are not familiar with them can find them in my posting history.


Why does veganism raise such hackles on these boards? Whenever and wherever I find myself sharing a dining table with others I do all I can to make my needs as unintrusive as possible. Many of my posts have given advice on how to do exactly that. Does my diet require some attention by the dining staff? Yes, it does, but my needs have always been met with smiles and assurances that the staff wants to ensure that every diner is happy with their complete dining experience.


Am I expecting too much? Making unrealistic 'demands'? On none of my previous 15 vegan cruises have I been made to feel that I was. On the kitchen tour I took on Allure last year, we were proudly shown the special kitchen areas set aside for different dietary needs, and introduced to the chefs responsible for them (this was on a regular kitchen tour, not one conducted for people with special needs).


Let me emphasize that on this cruise, as on every cruise, I wasn't asking for or expecting gourmet cuisine. I wasn't even asking for a 3 course meal - I always specify that I would be fine with simple cut raw vegetables as a starter and a fruit plate for desser - something that I learned from noticing what many non- vegan cruisers were requesting. But this is the first cruise where I was presented with a small plate of steamed broccoli and carrots for a main course- and that happened the first two nights.


The good news is that my wifi connection has been strong while I wrote a much longer response than I had planned. The even better news is that I have a show to get to, and a few more days of cruising to enjoy (yes, I am enjoying this cruise even with my dining disappointment). So I hope you will indulge me and understand that I may not be posting replies to this thread consistently for the next few days.


Apologies for any inappropriate or less than pleasant replies I may have posted. Veganism may raise the hackles of some people, and their replies may raise hackles of my own, no matter how hard I try to not let them.

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I have been following this thread mostly out of curiosity. Perhpas the biggest thing that I think the OP is frustrated with, is that for her past cruises they were able to accommodate her and now on this ship, they cant. I can understand where after x amount of cruises you were always taken care of that you would develop a sense of comfort in your eating habits. I do however, think it would be hard ( if you did not just want simple veggie plates) for the main kitchen of the ship to comply. I eat very very healthy, but certainly NOT vegan and sometimes the trouble I go through just to get a restaurant to not put salt or some kind of sauce on my steak or chicken. OR even to just get steamed veggies that are not soaked in butter seems like an insurmountable task. But.... This is my choice to eat this way... I would probably just go to the buffet or seek out something where I knew I would be more successfull.


For fun I googled a vegan menu on the internet just to see more specifically what I was dealing with. ( since so many people confuse, vega, vegetarian, etc.. including myself)


No matter what our food choices are, there is not a reason to bash the OP .. I just think they have put themselves in a difficult situation to be succesful.


Day 1



Day 2



Day 3



Day 4



Day 5



Day 6



  • Breakfast: Ezekiel cereal with soymilk, nuts & berries
  • Lunch: Vegan meal at a restaurant (Chipotle, for example)
  • Snack: Blue corn chips & guacamole
  • Dinner: Veggie Chili

Day 7



  • Breakfast: Ezekiel cereal with soymilk, nuts & berries
  • Lunch: Scrambled tofu
  • Snack: Apples & raw almonds
  • Dinner: Vegan meal at a restaurant, or try vegan convenience food

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I have to wonder how many responders to this post actually read my original post to the end? Because in the last paragraph I stated that one of the reasons I was posting was to give a heads up to vegans- especially those to whom I had posted assurances over the years- that even after years of successful vegan cruising, you can unexpectedly hit a brick wall.



Your cruise is not over, you are supposedly( we assume) actively trying to work things out( and that does not mean eating at Izumi every night unless they are comping it for you) and yet you are screaming to the rafters how rotten it all is.


you said so yourself, years and years of great service but man the second they have an off day you are castigating the line. you aren't even willing to give them a break.

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Your cruise is not over, you are supposedly( we assume) actively trying to work things out( and that does not mean eating at Izumi every night unless they are comping it for you) and yet you are screaming to the rafters how rotten it all is.


you said so yourself, years and years of great service but man the second they have an off day you are castigating the line. you aren't even willing to give them a break.


Not an off DAY, it was an off WEEK. I posted that it was day 7 of 9, all of them with little vegan food provided. I think I exhibited extreme patience and made efforts to work things out in ways beyond what few others here would manage. As to 'screaming to the rafters' I admitted in a post above that I had posted a rant. How about giving me a break?!

Edited by happy trailer
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I live in an area where there is a large number of vegetarians and vegans. One problem is that the definitions can vary from one person to the next. Some vegetarians will eat fish some vegans have honey. Others are more extreme and food needs to be prepared separately. Most vegans I know are reasonable, they just want good food without any animal products included. It's really not that difficult. I am not a vegetarian but my meat intake is not very high. One of my favourite restaurants is Vegan. I love taking friends there who are dedicated carnivores and to see their amazement at how a good vegan meal can be.


I guess what I am trying to say is that any good kitchen should be able to produce creative and enjoyable vegan dishes as long as the consumer does not have unrealistic expectations. Some I have heard of will only eat vegan food prepared by vegans in a kitchen without any animal products and all ingredients must be certified organic. Then that would not be possible but a normal vegan should be.


I sympathise with the OP.

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You said exactly what I wanted to say. And from what one poster said, the vegan meals cannot be prepared close to animal products. Seriously? I can see it now...The Chef says, "I'll be back in a bit, I have to go to the pool deck to prepare ONE passengers meal. Oh wait, I can't do it there, we cooked hamburgers there yesterday. Guess I'll have to go to the helipad" I know that's probably an exaggeration. But probably not far off from the truth.


You chose this lifestyle so you need to figure out how to accommodate yourself. Don't expect everyone to bend over backwards because you won't eat anything that has a face or anything that face produced.


That is exactly what they are supposed to do- if they can prepare halal, kosher, they should be able to prepare vegan foods. That is what they DO for a living- cater. It's not being demanding, just asking for her dietary requirements to be met. They could even look up some menus on the internet if they run out of ideas.



Broccoli and carrots, steamed, are no one's idea of a main course..

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Why do Vegans think a ship that carries 3000+ passengers think the Chef should bend over backwards to accommodate their needs? :rolleyes: Food allergies are a total different situation and can be a life or death thing for some people. Not a valid comparison at all. Vegans CHOSE their lifestyle and I highly doubt its gonna kill them to eat regularly or at least be a vegetarian for a week.


Flame away. I can handle it.


Not always. For some it's a medical necessity.

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First of all, to the OP I am sorry it has not been a great cruise for you, but wanted to congratulate you on becoming Diamond!!!


Anyway, it is very unfortunate that they can not accommodate you as being vegan is not at all rare or unusual. My only thought could be that they don't get many Vegan cruisers in the area that you are sailing in and this could be a reason - again only speculation.


Have you tried to meet with the Food and Beverage manager or the Guest Services manager about this? It is certainly something that is important to you and should be resolved at least for future cruises at this point. Also, have you tried dinner in the Windjammer where you can pick your own stuff. Again, not familiar with what is offered a cruise to that area as things tend to vary a bit depending on where on the globe that the ship is.


Either way, I hope other than the dining issue you are managing to have a good cruise.

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Guest maddycat
What difference does it make if the OP "chose" to be vegan, or it is actually necessitated for some health reason?


If the cruise lines says they will accommodate you as long as you notify them outside of the 45 day window- they should do so. Even if you are within the 45 day window and they CAN accommodate you, there is no reason to deny "reasonable" accommodations.


I guess that's where things break down. "Reasonable." That's not a thing many people understand. What's "reasonable" to me, may not be "reasonable" to someone else.


There are more and more people all the time "choosing" the vegan lifestyle. There are people "choosing" all manner of "alternative" lifestyles and most of them are accommodated and not made to feel like second class citizens.


I am not vegan or vegetarian, but I do think if someone informs the cruise line in the specified time limit and they talk to the designated person (I am guessing the head waiter is that person) in the dining room- they should be able to have their needs met.


Just because it's not "YOUR" choice, it doesn't mean THEIR choice should be disregarded.


People are missing the point. It makes no difference what a particular dietary restriction is, if RCI committed to accommodating it, then they should do so. Otherwise, DON'T OFFER the accommodation at all.


So, who cares what the accommodation is? They failed to deliver as per their agreement.


I am in full sympathy with the original poster. She relied on her experience with RCI delivering satisfactory vegan meals on her previous cruises. RCI promised and they should deliver.


I can't understand how mean spirited CC posters can be when someone posts a legitimate complaint.

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First of all, to the OP I am sorry it has not been a great cruise for you, but wanted to congratulate you on becoming Diamond!!!


Anyway, it is very unfortunate that they can not accommodate you as being vegan is not at all rare or unusual. My only thought could be that they don't get many Vegan cruisers in the area that you are sailing in and this could be a reason - again only speculation.


Have you tried to meet with the Food and Beverage manager or the Guest Services manager about this? It is certainly something that is important to you and should be resolved at least for future cruises at this point. Also, have you tried dinner in the Windjammer where you can pick your own stuff. Again, not familiar with what is offered a cruise to that area as things tend to vary a bit depending on where on the globe that the ship is.


Either way, I hope other than the dining issue you are managing to have a good cruise.


Happy trailer is a woman, so everyone can say "she" from now on. :D


She has tried to meet with the F&B manager, but so far has not had contact. She has talked to her Maitre D', her headwaiter, her waiters............


Even in the Windjammer, you have to track down the managers and ask them WHAT is in the prepared dishes. You all seem to think that she can just go up to the Windjammer and put on the feed bag. It's not necessarily more vegan-easy.


I have cruised with Happy Trailer and she is very easy-going, and as she has repeatedly posted here in this thread, she has been a HAPPY vegan cruiser in the past. This cruise has been very frustrating because she has gone a week without being served properly in the dining room. Not one day. Not one meal - A WEEK.


I join with the few posters on this thread who condemn the vicious and nasty and self-involved character of way too many of the posters on Cruise Critic.


So, thank you, maddycat. :)


I am in full sympathy with the original poster. She relied on her experience with RCI delivering satisfactory vegan meals on her previous cruises. RCI promised and they should deliver.


I can't understand how mean spirited CC posters can be when someone posts a legitimate complaint.

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