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Tauck Grand European Cruise or break it up into 2 separate cruises?


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For years DW and I have been looking at the Tauck Grand European cruise that goes all the way from the North to Black Sea. It looks great except that I'm a bit hesitant to go on that long a trip at around 24 days total.


The trip is essentially a combination of the Amsterdam to Budapest and Budapest to Black Sea cruises. I could split it up into two separate trips, except that the eastern portion (to Black Sea) is only around 12 days. I really don't care to pay to fly to Europe for less than 2 weeks. The advantage of the Grand cruise is that I'd only pay airfare once rather than going back over again later for whichever part of the entire journey that I skipped.


The Grand cruise is a great itinerary, but I just don't care for being away from home that long due to pets being in the kennel and just things that need doing around the house. I typically try to limit our trips to around 2 weeks or less, and yet this cruise that goes all the way from Amsterdam to Black Sea looks like it'd be really nice. Another thing is that I've never done a river cruise and so am thinking that doing a shorter one might not be a bad idea. I'm wondering if it could actually start to feel a bit long and a bit repetitive at around 3 weeks in length. Given that river cruising is quite port intensive and thus quite busy, I am also wondering if 3 weeks of it could get a bit exhausting. We recently did a 2-week Baltic cruise that involved seeing a different port each day, and while everything we saw was great, by the end we were really tired. Not sure I'd want to do a 3-week that is very port intensive. Yet another concern is that several people here report that the sailing from Budapest east is not near as nice as some other trips.


Has anyone done the Grand cruise or for that matter either segment? And if so I'd love some feedback or suggestions. The other thing is when they are offered. The Grand cruise is only April through the summer, whereas Amsterdam to Budapest is offered much more often. I like the idea of going in fall rather than spring - much less work around the house and property, etc. It seems like the most popular of the two segments, by far, is the Amsterdam to Budapest. I'm not new to cruising, but have never done a river cruise before.




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For years DW and I have been looking at the Tauck Grand European cruise that goes all the way from the North to Black Sea. It looks great except that I'm a bit hesitant to go on that long a trip at around 24 days total.


The trip is essentially a combination of the Amsterdam to Budapest and Budapest to Black Sea cruises. I could split it up into two separate trips, except that the eastern portion (to Black Sea) is only around 12 days. I really don't care to pay to fly to Europe for less than 2 weeks. The advantage of the Grand cruise is that I'd only pay airfare once rather than going back over again later for whichever part of the entire journey that I skipped.


The Grand cruise is a great itinerary, but I just don't care for being away from home that long due to pets being in the kennel and just things that need doing around the house. I typically try to limit our trips to around 2 weeks or less, and yet this cruise that goes all the way from Amsterdam to Black Sea looks like it'd be really nice. Another thing is that I've never done a river cruise and so am thinking that doing a shorter one might not be a bad idea. I'm wondering if it could actually start to feel a bit long and a bit repetitive at around 3 weeks in length.


Has anyone done the Grand cruise or for that matter either segment? And if so I'd love some feedback or suggestions. The other thing is when they are offered. The Grand cruise is only April through the summer, whereas Amsterdam to Budapest is offered much more often. I like the idea of going in fall rather than spring - much less work around the house and property, etc. It seems like the most popular of the two segments, by far, is the Amsterdam to Budapest. I'm not new to cruising, but have never done a river cruise before.





We did the Grand European cruise on Vantage last July. Two segments - Bucharest to Budapest then Budapest to Bonn. As with you, by the time we pay for that much airfare (and travel that far) we wanted to be sure to see a lot. Our cruise was one month total. We did a 4 day add on in Bucharest also. Our reasoning, again, was - we weren't likely to get back to that part of the world again real soon, so we'd better do it now.


It was our first river cruise. And I'd do it again.


Next time we do a river cruise in Europe we're thinking of doing it, most likely, around May. The only issue we had with July was we had a distinct probability of being stopped by the low water issues. This past summer was extremely hot and minimal rain. We were the last river cruise boat through the stretch between Passau and Regensburg.

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Hi and thanks for the reply. The reasoning makes sense about trying to see as much as you can considering the cost to fly over, but again I'm stuck on the length. A month would be entirely too long for me. If I lived in a place with no yard / property maintenance, no pets, no houseplants, and someone readily available to frequently check on my place, I might do it. And really no matter what trip I've ever been on, after about 2 weeks I'm more than ready to come home.

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Hi and thanks for the reply. The reasoning makes sense about trying to see as much as you can considering the cost to fly over, but again I'm stuck on the length. A month would be entirely too long for me. If I lived in a place with no yard / property maintenance, no pets, no houseplants, and someone readily available to frequently check on my place, I might do it. And really no matter what trip I've ever been on, after about 2 weeks I'm more than ready to come home.


We regularly take longer trips (3 weeks seems about right). Being gone a month didn't really feel as overwhelming as our first back-to-back (Med/Westbound TransAtlantic) did. That was 24 nights and by night 20 I was so tired of having to choose what to eat for dinner, I really just wanted a McDonald's burger.


But, the river cruise didn't seem that bad. Maybe because some of the excursions included "local" food and all the stops were different.


We do have a yard that needs maintenance, and mail that needs to be picked up, but we still have our adult sons living with us, so that works.

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Is this your first river cruise? The usual advice is that 14 days may be too long -- because some people (even seasoned ocean cruisers) just don't like river cruising. My advice would be to take the western part of this itinerary and see how it goes. As to the second half being too short at 12 days, you should always fly in at least 1 day (and preferable 2) early and depending on where you are ending up you may want to stay on a day or two after. The larger cities can only be tasted in the time available on a cruise. Amsterdam, Vienna, Budapest, Prague all should get a little extra time.

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Thanks for additional replies! I think I like the advice to keep the first river cruise to no more than 2 weeks. I do always like to fly in a day early to adjust to the time change, and yet when the trip is already 24 days I'm hesitant to tack on any pre or post days. I think the western part of the total trip is the one to do. We've done a brief part of it (the Durnstein / Vienna area) before as part of a one-day river experience that was part of a land tour, and found it to be lovely, so I surely wouldn't mind seeing that section again anyway. As was also suggested, I can easily boost up the shorter, eastern segment to around 2 weeks or a bit more by adding extra days.

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In May 2014 I made my first river cruise, which was with Tauck, from Bucharest to Amsterdam, and loved every minute of it.


The majority of the passengers who boarded in Bucharest disembarked in Budapest, and new guests joined for the Budapest-Amsterdam segment.


I certainly did not find 24 days too long, and in fact felt that it was an advantage that the various contrasting experiences were contained within the one time frame rather than spread over two, perhaps separated by in excess of a year.

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We're booked on Tauck this September for the 14-day segment, BUD-AMS, and will extend that by 5 days total at both ends, so the trip will be 20 days. That's around the right length for me to Europe at least.


However, the collected wisdom is to try a 7-day river cruise first, because some people really do dislike river cruises. You could do a shorter itinerary like that, and extend it with stays at both ends.


We ourselves have no yard work or pets to worry about (actually I have a cat but he's well taken care of when we're away.) We did a "big" trip to SE Asia last year and were gone for just over a month. I did not in any way feel that it was too long away from home. But then I like to travel.

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Glad to hear you enjoyed it. Thanks so much for the reply. This will be a tough decision.


Might I suggest a petsitter as an alternative to kenneling your pets? Don't know what you have, but I can speak from experience that cats (I have them) do much better with a petsitter coming in once a day to scoop the box and change water and food than being in a kennel cage with other animals near by. The best referrals will come from your vet.

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Hydrokitty, It's not just a matter of the pets (dog and cat). I have an extensive houseplant collection that needs watering every week. Also, yard mowing / flowerbed weeding, etc. Then, too, I really don't care to book any substantial trips from the end of May through October since that is swimming season. I used to be a teacher and so ALL my trips were during summer vacation and so always missed out on relaxing at the pool (have own inground that was recently renovated). So I kind of promised myself that I will stay home during swimming season. Made an exception already last summer to do a Baltic cruise, but would really like to avoid travel during late spring / summer / early fall. Being away while the pool is open necessitates having someone take care of it....alot to ask of someone.


BTW....you'll love the Celebrity Canada / New England when you do it. We did that one last year and is one of our favorite cruises so far.


Wendy...thanks for the advice about doing a shorter trip. I'm leaning more and more towards splitting that long trip into individual segments and, as you say, adding on either end - especially the beginning to acclimate to time zone change. Also, the itinerary is port intensive and very busy sightseeing. I'm thinking 20 days of active sightseeing could be rather exhausting. I know I was really tired after close to 2 weeks of touring in the Baltic, which was also a port-intensive trip.

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If I understand your last post correctly, you are debating between May and November for this cruise. I would choose May, as the weather should be warm and crowds still low and the flowers will be blooming. November may be cold and rainy (nobody can predict weather of course!), but guaranteed that gardens will be past their prime.

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Wendy...thanks for the advice about doing a shorter trip. I'm leaning more and more towards splitting that long trip into individual segments and, as you say, adding on either end - especially the beginning to acclimate to time zone change. Also, the itinerary is port intensive and very busy sightseeing. I'm thinking 20 days of active sightseeing could be rather exhausting. I know I was really tired after close to 2 weeks of touring in the Baltic, which was also a port-intensive trip.


I think you're right. I'm a bit worried about that for our Tauck upcoming trip. I see they have at least several half-days when you are doing nothing but cruising. And we may opt out of some of the frenzy. Our Uniworld Egypt trip was well-paced, with downtime during mid-day, but it was still exhausting.


If I understand your last post correctly, you are debating between May and November for this cruise. I would choose May, as the weather should be warm and crowds still low and the flowers will be blooming. November may be cold and rainy (nobody can predict weather of course!), but guaranteed that gardens will be past their prime.


I would also choose May. Nice long days, probably fairly warm, flowers, great time of year to travel.

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Hydrokitty, It's not just a matter of the pets (dog and cat). I have an extensive houseplant collection that needs watering every week. Also, yard mowing / flowerbed weeding, etc. Then, too, I really don't care to book any substantial trips from the end of May through October since that is swimming season. I used to be a teacher and so ALL my trips were during summer vacation and so always missed out on relaxing at the pool (have own inground that was recently renovated). So I kind of promised myself that I will stay home during swimming season. Made an exception already last summer to do a Baltic cruise, but would really like to avoid travel during late spring / summer / early fall. Being away while the pool is open necessitates having someone take care of it....alot to ask of someone.


BTW....you'll love the Celebrity Canada / New England when you do it. We did that one last year and is one of our favorite cruises so far.


Wendy...thanks for the advice about doing a shorter trip. I'm leaning more and more towards splitting that long trip into individual segments and, as you say, adding on either end - especially the beginning to acclimate to time zone change. Also, the itinerary is port intensive and very busy sightseeing. I'm thinking 20 days of active sightseeing could be rather exhausting. I know I was really tired after close to 2 weeks of touring in the Baltic, which was also a port-intensive trip.


That would be a lot of responsibility. Thanks for the encouraging words about Celebrity Canada....I'm really looking forward to that one since it doesn't involve flying anywhere!!! We did both of the trips you're planning with Vantage. In fact Amsterdam to Budapest was our first river cruise and Budapest to Constanta was a couple of years later. My problem is DH, I can't get him to leave home for more than 2 weeks.....3 weeks is his absolute max! If it were me alone, I don't think I'd really need a home a long as I have a suitcase!!! But doing both back to back could be a bit much. I'd be afraid that ports and places would start running into each other.


As to your timing, I agree with Jazz....we have a pool too and we travel in April-June and Sept-Oct....weather and crowds are the best in Europe and unless pool is heated (ours is not) it really isn't usable till late June and we close it Labor Day. Of course this year we could have used it till October but who knew??

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LOL! I'm a real die-hard when it comes to the pool. I try to get it open asap in early spring (this year it didn't work out due to travel plans) I do have a heater on mine and so start cranking that up as needed in September into early October.


Thanks for your thoughts on the river cruising. I think I'd rather do one leg of the journey and go rather 'full-tilt' on all available excursions, etc. than do the entire Black Sea to Amsterdam and feel that we have to slack off on some of what is available due to getting too worn out during the 3+ weeks. Not sure yet. IF the home responsibilities were less, I'd be more inclined to go for the full journey. I've done as long as a 30-day road trip already, but that was before the pool and we had my (now deceased) in-laws who boarded our dog at their place whenever we went away. That worked out really well. I always feel so guilty taking our pets to the kennel!


Regarding the Canada cruise...yes...exactly..no flying. That is always nice! We went out of Bayonne, NJ. It was a wonderful itinerary and the weather was really nice. Our trip included a stop at Corner Brook, Newfoundland. I had never been up that far before in the Atlantic Provinces but have always wanted to after a road trip to NS and PEI that we did several years ago. I found the Summit to be ok, but didn't care for it as much as some of the RCL ships we have been on. Food was very good. Acquaintances of ours who cruise frequently always say that the food on X is better than RCL. I guess I really don't cruise enough to make that determination, especially since we've only been with X that one time.

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LOL! I'm a real die-hard when it comes to the pool. I try to get it open asap in early spring (this year it didn't work out due to travel plans) I do have a heater on mine and so start cranking that up as needed in September into early October.


Thanks for your thoughts on the river cruising. I think I'd rather do one leg of the journey and go rather 'full-tilt' on all available excursions, etc. than do the entire Black Sea to Amsterdam and feel that we have to slack off on some of what is available due to getting too worn out during the 3+ weeks. Not sure yet. IF the home responsibilities were less, I'd be more inclined to go for the full journey. I've done as long as a 30-day road trip already, but that was before the pool and we had my (now deceased) in-laws who boarded our dog at their place whenever we went away. That worked out really well. I always feel so guilty taking our pets to the kennel!


Regarding the Canada cruise...yes...exactly..no flying. That is always nice! We went out of Bayonne, NJ. It was a wonderful itinerary and the weather was really nice. Our trip included a stop at Corner Brook, Newfoundland. I had never been up that far before in the Atlantic Provinces but have always wanted to after a road trip to NS and PEI that we did several years ago. I found the Summit to be ok, but didn't care for it as much as some of the RCL ships we have been on. Food was very good. Acquaintances of ours who cruise frequently always say that the food on X is better than RCL. I guess I really don't cruise enough to make that determination, especially since we've only been with X that one time.


I've done two ocean cruises one with HAL to Alaska that was a nightmare (not the pre-trip part, just the cruise part) and swore off big ships forever till a friend insisted that I had to try another line, like Celebrity, and we did the Panama Canal on the Infinity for our 50th and loved it. My daughter loves RCL and is joining us in March for her first X cruise to the southern Caribbean. I think like river cruising, if your first cruise is wonderful, you tend to stay with that company...and then before you know it you've done 3+ and the perks start adding up so you don't want to change. I've been to all the Provinces except NS and PEI...and Maine is one of the 6 US states I haven't been to, so I'm really looking forward to that as well.

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I think it has way too many port days to be enjoyable! There's not enough down time for me.


Are you discussing the topic Tauck Grand European Cruise? I have done over a dozen river cruises and can't recall a single day that did not have a port stop - and a few had two port stops in one day. River cruises and port stops every day pretty much go together.

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Are you discussing the topic Tauck Grand European Cruise? I have done over a dozen river cruises and can't recall a single day that did not have a port stop - and a few had two port stops in one day. River cruises and port stops every day pretty much go together.


I agree Thom, I think there was one day on the Castles on the Rhine when we didn't stop and I've been on a couple with more than one port on the same day. It's one of the things I like about river cruising.

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For years DW and I have been looking at the Tauck Grand European cruise that goes all the way from the North to Black Sea. It looks great except that I'm a bit hesitant to go on that long a trip at around 24 days total.


The trip is essentially a combination of the Amsterdam to Budapest and Budapest to Black Sea cruises. I could split it up into two separate trips, except that the eastern portion (to Black Sea) is only around 12 days. I really don't care to pay to fly to Europe for less than 2 weeks. The advantage of the Grand cruise is that I'd only pay airfare once rather than going back over again later for whichever part of the entire journey that I skipped.


The Grand cruise is a great itinerary, but I just don't care for being away from home that long due to pets being in the kennel and just things that need doing around the house. I typically try to limit our trips to around 2 weeks or less, and yet this cruise that goes all the way from Amsterdam to Black Sea looks like it'd be really nice. Another thing is that I've never done a river cruise and so am thinking that doing a shorter one might not be a bad idea. I'm wondering if it could actually start to feel a bit long and a bit repetitive at around 3 weeks in length. Given that river cruising is quite port intensive and thus quite busy, I am also wondering if 3 weeks of it could get a bit exhausting. We recently did a 2-week Baltic cruise that involved seeing a different port each day, and while everything we saw was great, by the end we were really tired. Not sure I'd want to do a 3-week that is very port intensive. Yet another concern is that several people here report that the sailing from Budapest east is not near as nice as some other trips.


Has anyone done the Grand cruise or for that matter either segment? And if so I'd love some feedback or suggestions. The other thing is when they are offered. The Grand cruise is only April through the summer, whereas Amsterdam to Budapest is offered much more often. I like the idea of going in fall rather than spring - much less work around the house and property, etc. It seems like the most popular of the two segments, by far, is the Amsterdam to Budapest. I'm not new to cruising, but have never done a river cruise before.





Let's see if I have this right:

1. You don't like to be away from home for more than 2 weeks.

2. You don't want to pay for airfare for a trip that is less than 2 weeks.

3. You've never done a river cruise but you are looking at one which is 24 days long.

4. At the end of your 2 week Baltic cruise you were exhausted and don't want to repeat a port intensive cruise again.

5. You don't like when the Grand Cruise is offered.


What do you like about this trip? Sound like this is not the trip for you. You have nothing good to say about the prospect of the trip. Why are you even asking? I've done long trips and they are wonderful. I personally wouldn't go on a vacation that is less than 3 weeks. I get a house sitter and don't worry about anything. I can completely disengage from the normal trivia and hassles.

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Hydrokitty, It's not just a matter of the pets (dog and cat). I have an extensive houseplant collection that needs watering every week. Also, yard mowing / flowerbed weeding, etc. Then, too, I really don't care to book any substantial trips from the end of May through October since that is swimming season. I used to be a teacher and so ALL my trips were during summer vacation and so always missed out on relaxing at the pool (have own inground that was recently renovated). So I kind of promised myself that I will stay home during swimming season. Made an exception already last summer to do a Baltic cruise, but would really like to avoid travel during late spring / summer / early fall. Being away while the pool is open necessitates having someone take care of it....alot to ask of someone.



Good Morning! Similar to you, I struggle with the notion of long trips due to home issues, specifically, the care of my dog. I won't put her in a kennel so finding a house sitter, assuming I don't have a relative or friend nearby, is always a problem. We're scheduled for an 18 day trip in September - a river cruise (with extensive pre and post trips) and its giving me tremendous angst knowing we'll be gone that long. However, I was able to find a sitter (a 40-50ish couple and the husband's job allows him to telecommute) that will stay in our home and take care of our dog, house, plants, mowing, etc. This particular couple do not charge any fee in that they're looking to travel and see the states and its their way to do so without any financial burden (they sold their house and their kids are grown and have their own homes in case they need a place in between sitting gigs.) While I didn't find them on a particular website, I know there are quite a number of web sites with similar people. One that I've looked at is LuxuryHouseSitting.com. You may be able to find someone there or via one of the several other sites out there in google land. I do believe that most people will charge for their services....we just got lucky with this particular couple. I hate the idea of any pet in a kennel. As someone who worked in the dog industry for several years, I know there are kennel owners that should be out of business. (I'm not saying all are bad, of course, so please everyone, don't go crazy on me.)

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Let's see if I have this right:

1. You don't like to be away from home for more than 2 weeks.

2. You don't want to pay for airfare for a trip that is less than 2 weeks.

3. You've never done a river cruise but you are looking at one which is 24 days long.

4. At the end of your 2 week Baltic cruise you were exhausted and don't want to repeat a port intensive cruise again.

5. You don't like when the Grand Cruise is offered.


What do you like about this trip? Sound like this is not the trip for you. You have nothing good to say about the prospect of the trip. Why are you even asking? I've done long trips and they are wonderful. I personally wouldn't go on a vacation that is less than 3 weeks. I get a house sitter and don't worry about anything. I can completely disengage from the normal trivia and hassles.


I tolerate lots of things in order to travel, and so don't rule out any trip. For example, I am quite prone to motion sickness and yet don't stop myself from cruising. In fact, I have a cruise booked to Antarctica and yet am aware that I may get really sick from the Drake Passage crossing. But I will take that chance since Antarctica has been a dream trip of mine for a long time. Traveling in general is a passion of mine that I hope to continue for quite some time yet (although things don't get any easier now that I am in my sixth decade of life!). So, yeah, I am concerned about the pets being in the kennel but I do it since it is part of what needs to be done in order to travel. While I do worry about things at home while away, that does not stop me from traveling. I am not one to 'take it easy' on a trip (although DW and I often ask each other...when is one of these trips going to be relaxing?!). We find car journeys to be the most relaxing of all, but enjoy cruising and escorted tours as well. I have no problem with when the Grand Cruise is offered and don't recall saying that. Quite the contrary, May is ideal for me. I have no problem paying for airfare but just don't consider that I'm getting full value to pay for flights to Europe and then only being there for under 14 days.


What I like about the trip is: 1) Have never river cruised, heard great things about it from other family members and so want to do it 2) Love the itinerary. If it's some place I've not yet been to that sounds interesting, I'm up for it 3) Have traveled with Tauck twice already and loved it and so would like to see how their river cruises are 4) Have been to Europe on several occasions and loved it every time, so always looking forward to going back for more 5) Have done a day cruise on part of the journey (around Durnstein) - loved that and so am ready to see more.


All the above being said, you raise an excellent point when you say that I've never river cruised and yet am looking at doing 24 days. Somehow it seems much better to try a shorter one since I have read around the boards that many people who have done ocean cruises do not necessarily like river cruising. So I thank you for your observations. I am sorry to have appeared so negative. I really wouldn't be here asking so much about all this if I truly didn't want to go, but it probably seems a bit odd given everything I've mentioned. The hang-up about not wanting to travel during the swim season is just something I have to deal with. It comes from 34 years of only getting to travel in June, July, or August! You also raise an interesting point about getting a house sitter. That is something I've never done before but it might be worth looking into. The thing there is, your really need someone you can trust. Obviously a relative or family member is ideal.

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I think it has way too many port days to be enjoyable! There's not enough down time for me.


I just went back and counted up the cruise time on the Amsterdam - Budapest Tauck trip. There are at least 3.5 days of just cruising, out of 14. Mostly half days, one full day. That sounds great to me.


But in general, ..., if someone thinks that a particular river cruise (or ocean for that matter) is too port-intensive, one can just skip a port and be at leisure. There's nothing or no one that says you have to do every excursion!

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