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Gunmen rob tourists on Amazon riverboat cruise


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The Quito airport is brand new and at a lower altitude than the city. You could also fly to the Napo on the same day. It's only a 30 minute flight. The Napo and Ecuador are completely different from Peru. I would hate to see them lumped in the same category. But of course, you have to do what feels right for you.


I fully understand your apprehension about high altitude. I have needed medical attention both in Cusco and Lhasa. Unfortunately, my plans for Bolivia had to be scrapped for this reason.


Thanks, I researched the issues with Quito, new airport is about 8,000 feet (I believe the "virtual altitude" in a jet is now about 6K ft.) A couple of hours at this altitude would probably be okay, but there's no way to know until we got there--partner has problems while in airplane cabins, so don't want to take the chance or make it worse. This is not about altitude sickness.


I certainly wouldn't hesitate to do the Ecuadorian Amazon trip otherwise. As it is we are having to route our way around low-altitude Ecuador. As it is we will be missing out on Cuenca as well for that reason, routing ourselves after our cruise, Lima - Guayaquil - Manta - Guayaquil - flight home. All low altitude places. Shame, but that's the reality.

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This is an example of a cruise operators systematic duty of care emergency and security planning -




Whilst this is for sea cruises - no difference for river boats....even more precautions should be put into place...

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TravelerThom - read my reply in relation to the quote!
I realize that you are angry and upset over your traumatic experience, but you are losing me here. I have read all of the 30+ posts (including some that were deleted in the consolidation of the 5 threads where you had posted) you have had on this subject within the last 3 days, so I’m not sure which reply you are referencing. I might guess that it is post #63 or post #65 of this thread, but I fail to understand what point you are trying to get me to understand with "read my reply in relation to the quote!" Can you be clearer?


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TravelerThom - you can't even understand what I am going through! My reply was in relation to - I do not need a lecture on how to use an ATM and the fact that my mother-in-law who also had 'heirlooms' rings (not to the value of $8000) on her fingers because they have not come off in 20 years due to arthritis in her hands/fingers. The robbers were considering breaking or cutting off a 77 year olds fingers to get them. Hind site is a wonderful thing - isn't it!!

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One good point of just 4 days of lobbying about more information on security risks - the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs have now updated their security risks - direct quote:


"River pirates operate on tributaries of the Amazon, and foreigners, including Australians have been assaulted in attacks on boats. You should ask your tour company about the security arrangements they have in place."


No tour operator should keep this information from you - with the information, you decide, if it is for you. I was not provided with that choice!

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One good point of just 4 days of lobbying about more information on security risks - the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs have now updated their security risks - direct quote:


"River pirates operate on tributaries of the Amazon, and foreigners, including Australians have been assaulted in attacks on boats. You should ask your tour company about the security arrangements they have in place."


No tour operator should keep this information from you - with the information, you decide, if it is for you. I was not provided with that choice!


And in the future I am certain the river cruise lines on the Amazon will be very forthcoming with that info.

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Unfortunately, I do not think so - competition/profits vs security? If you saw the river pirate information on the glossy/corporate travel website - would you still book on the cruise? Today, Cruise Passenger website will be publishing our FULL article on what was and wasn't in place.


Getting attacked by River Pirates is a serious but unfortunate accident ie. unplanned. Tour companies not having anything in place (based on a known risk ie. pirates) is unforgivable. The River Pirates only managed to get on board and do what they did based on NO processes in place - this is the part that could have been planned. Based on the last serious incidents on other river boat cruises in the same area - they had two plain clothed police onboard - the article stated that they did not use their guns at the time of the attack, because they did not want to make the incident worse? You can't just rely on guns - there should be a lot more in place than just guns?


Regardless of whether the incident happened in the Amazon or any river - all passengers should ask the questions about safety and security before making a decision to book. I have yet to see any private company selling tours or cruises advertise risks - why would they, when there is so much competition??

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Pelago, while we know you were not an Avalon Waterways guest aboard the Amazon Discovery - and, as you mentioned, the ship is owned and operated by Delfin - we offer our most sincere apologies for what you experienced.


We can only speak specifically and personally to what we offered Avalon guests who were on this cruise. Our offerings included providing on-site trauma counseling (as well as follow-up support once home, as needed), arrangements for immediate travel home, travel stipends and reimbursement for the vacation. We are also working directly with Delfin on the reimbursement of our guests' stolen goods and will fund those reimbursements directly and immediately to expedite the process (understanding that all can be reimbursed but some things taken will never be replaced).


While we have continued personal communication with Avalon Waterways travelers, we understand further inquiries for this incident can be directed to Delfin Amazon Cruises at sales@delfinamazoncruises.com.


In the meantime, below is an industry statement Delfin offered last week. Perhaps it will help showcase what’s being done for future Amazon cruisers:


Delfin Amazon Cruises Industry Statement – Wednesday, July 20th

Following an incident of robbery onboard the Amazon Discovery early the morning of Thursday, July 14th, 2016, Delfin Amazon Cruises has worked tirelessly to implement heightened security measures onboard all of its vessels and ensure the safety of its guests on current and future cruises.


All three of Delfin Amazon Cruises’ vessels are now being protected by members of Peru’s National Police, who will be stationed onboard and performing surveillance at all times. This security measure will remain in effect indefinitely and is being implemented with the support of MINCETUR, Peru’s Ministry of Foreign Commerce and Tourism. These Police Officers will not wear their regular police uniforms. They will be dressed as regular Amazon Discovery crew.


“MINCETUR, by way of the Tourist Protection Network and in collaboration with the Defense and Interior Ministries, has taken the necessary measures through the Peruvian Navy and National Police to ensure the normal development of tourist activities in the Amazon River and to avoid the occurrence of similar acts,” said Magali Silva Velarde-Álvarez, Peruvian Minister of Foreign Commerce and Tourism.


In addition, Delfin Amazon Cruises is implementing the installation of a laser alarm system to further enhance security on all of its vessels. The system will automatically trigger an alarm in the event that any solid mass of more than 150 pounds crosses the vessel side limits. These additional security measures will be complemented by additional training and safety sessions provided to all Delfin Amazon Cruises staff members.


Members of the Peruvian National Police and Coast Guard continue their investigation and search to apprehend responsible parties after last week’s robbery. All guests who were onboard the vessel at the time have returned home safely and all of Delfin Amazon Cruises’ vessels are continuing to depart as scheduled.


“This isolated incident is the first in the company’s ten years of cruising the Amazon and is not reflective of the Amazon region today, which continues to be an increasingly desirable destination for visitors,” said Aldo Macchiavello, Delfin Amazon Cruises Founder & CEO. “As such, we have continued all departures as planned and are confident our guests will have a safe and enjoyable cruising experience.”


Delfin Amazon Cruises is deeply grateful for the continued commitment and professionalism of its staff members, who have enabled the company to continue operations as scheduled. After Thursday’s incident, nearly all Amazon Discovery staff members embarked upon the vessel for the following departure date on Saturday, July 16, including the ship’s captain.


The commitment of each and every staff member has continued to provide a stellar river cruising experience along the Peruvian Amazon. Delfin Amazon Cruises recently received the following feedback from a passenger who traveled with the Amazon Discovery on its July 16 cruise:


“Cruising the Amazon River this past Saturday onboard the Amazon Discovery was truly a remarkable experience. We were very impressed with how the Amazon Discovery crew handled the recent unfortunate events in the area. They were very professional and we felt safe and comfortable. We know these types of situations can happen anywhere and definitely does not speak for the Amazon. The Amazon as a destination is not one to be missed. We are looking forward to returning and spending more time in the Peruvian Amazon.”


For further inquiries, please e-mail Delfin Amazon Cruises’ sales team at sales@delfinamazoncruises.com.

Edited by Avalon Waterways
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Avalon, I have not mentioned your organisation - what information you provide your customers, has nothing to do with me. My contract for travel was directly with the river boat organisation.


You can put all the PR spin you like - there is still no feedback about how safes were opened the night before and left open (ready for easy access), why were doors that were supposedly locked at 6.30pm open at 3.30am (no forced entry), no emergency preparedness, lack of direction and emergency response and lack of assistance immediately after the incident (not 4 hours later)!


Only when emergencies occur, you get to test the plans - there was no plans for river pirates. We certainly were not told about them? I presume now Avalon (based on the DFATs advice), you will tell prospective travellers about River Pirates? Not really sure what pressure lasers will do? 8/10 Pirates managed to lock 26 crew members in a cage in the hold (information provided directly to me by crew)? Also comments from the local police stated that they could not provide surveillance to all river boats ie. over 6,000km of river and limited resources.


Avalon, maybe you should get feedback (and put on this forum) from your cruise passengers, who experienced the hijacking - would they have such glowing reviews? I wonder if the last guests on the boat realised the gravity and terror of the the previous guests sleeping in those cabins!


One of your guests has already put their comments on TripAdvisor and Cruise Passenger - maybe you would like to put their comments on your Facebook page - maybe not?

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While some reviewers may think that these comments are coming just from me - here are two more links to other guests - who are getting no answers and communication:






I would suggest you check out the photos of the 'security measures' they have in place - open doors, easy access to ladders.


As per all my other comments - PR spin is great but doesn't make me feel better!

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Pelagic - I am so sorry that you and your family had such a terrifying experience. It is particularly shocking that the Cruise Director seemed to be involved. This was certainly not addressed by Avalon's statement and quote from Delfin. It seems like they are sweeping the staff involvement and opening of safes under the rug. Very very disturbing.


Glad that you are ok physically although I am sure that the terror continues emotionally, particularly with the threats of mutilation towards your mother in law. Just shocking. Take good care of yourself and thank you for bringing these serious security lapses to light.

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my aim of keeping this going is exactly that - they can not sweep it under the carpet....I ask that you share the Facebook post from the Cruise Passenger Facebook page.


As I have always said, having accurate information is important so that you you can make informed decisions.


Just a comment on one of the posts - you should be aware of, it is more or less impossible to prosecute this organisation, as they are based in Lima, Peru. The incident with the Costa Concordia is a classic example.

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No matter how many I times I ask the questions about how their security measures could be broken within - I get no answers. Link below is to a photo of the metal door that is 'supposedly' closed at 6.30pm - one of the passengers managed to keep their ipad and took this photo - DIRECTLY after the incident (when it started to become light) - you make your own mind up....there are lots more photos like this on the web!



Edited by pelago
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Sorry to hear what has happened to you.

Just want to chuck our support behind you,as you don't seem to be getting much.

I figure that some would rather bury their heads in the sand and forget it ever happened,or talk about dining attire,or smoking,or tipping.

So when something serious comes along,something that could affect all of us,everyone seems to run for cover.

As for the PR spin,i found it offensive.

THIS --------- For further inquiries, please e-mail Delfin Amazon Cruises’ sales team at sales@delfinamazoncruises.com

All the best xoxo

Edited by mrs and mrs
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I really want to thank you. I actively put comments on Trip Advisor to help other travelers with information on what to expect at hotels etc - so I do appreciate that Cruise Critic is important to ask questions about tipping and general questions but sometimes, when tour organisations do not do the right thing - somebody needs to speak out. You all have the choice now (based on more 'qualified' information) - I did not.


There were about 20 out of the 32 guests that were on the Avalon Package tour and Avalon have said they will look after them. I have to deal directly with Delfin - to date, they have not pro-actively contacted me. I have had to contact their CEO through Linkedin, to try and get at least as a minimum - my refund of my cruise fee?


We had an amazing time in Peru and like most societies (even Australia) unfortunately, there are low life that will want to take things, because they feel they deserve it - at any cost. I organised 3 weeks in Chile/Peru - as an independent traveler, every part of MY planned details went perfect. Where I left 3 days up to an organisation (that supposedly were specialists in that area) - that was were it went wrong! I travel extensively around the world for business and leisure and I am certainly not naive on threats out there!

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Like alot of you - you read posts on Social Media sites but not necessarily post anything. When I arrived back from the Amazon, I was so angry with how a company can get away with a lack of duty of care. The only way I could make a statement to an organisation that thinks they can get away with it, is to use social media.


Not only were they complacent and lacking in security and safety measures but they also wanted me to wait 30 - 60 days for even the refund of the cruise fee?? When I booked direct with Delfin, they did not have the facility to pay by credit card (this was the first alarm bell - as a business owner, with credit card facility - you do not get that option unless they consider you credit worthy). If I had paid by credit card, I could have used the 'Charge Back' option. Chargeback covers services or goods that have been paid for but not supplied - i could have got a refund within 48 hours. As this was not an option, I was in the hands of Delfin.


The incident happened over two weeks ago - the refund of all cruise fees should have already happened by now! This company is not a large organisation and we are not talking about alot of passengers to organise refunds ie. 30 people. I have been in contact with a few of the Avalon and other guests (booked through other tour agencies) last week and they are all waiting for the refund.


Within less than a week, I have raised awareness through every social media site that I can. I also emailed directly through Linkedin to the CEO of Delfin (one day ago). I have provided information towards further articles. TODAY, I have now received an email from Delfin, refunding my cruise fare of $US7,600. Unfortunately being patient and not persisting gets you no where.


I am still waiting for any compensation for stolen goods and money.

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