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Sharing drinks packages

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If they paid via credit card, they need to dispute this charge. No way this can occur.


Not very good advice at all.


These packages are sold with Terms and Conditions and form a contract.


It is best make yourself aware of these T&C's, preferably before buying


If in violation of the T&C's the consequences are clearly detailed.


Filing claims with no validity with Credit Card companies will soon see consequences with credit card companies.

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It absolutely can occur.


If you break the terms and conditions of purchasing the package they can absolutely cut you off and not refund any money. Works like that in any business.


Oh I agree they can cancel the beverage pkg w/o refund, but they then can not charge you for each & every drink. It would have to be one or the other or one would have grounds to dispute. Now... after cancelling the pkg w/o refund, going forward, yes, each drink can and should be charged, but not the drinks served on the pkg prior to any cancelation. This would be a double charge and easily disputed.

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I have no idea what they ended up doing. We saw them a few times the last few days of the cruise but steered clear. The were wanting everyone within earshot to sympathize and I just could not. Even if they refunded the package I have a feeling their drink costs when added up to be charged individually were well above the cost of even 2 packages.


We always buy two packages - so nice to pre-pay and not have to worry about it at the end of the cruise. I also like the fact that I can try new drinks and if I don't like it I don't have to finish it.


People who share are cheating and the end result just may be that RCL goes back to requiring all cabin mates to have a package. That never bothered us because we always buy it for both of us.


We do as well. In fact, we've never cruised w/o two drink pkgs. :D

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This is not personal but I always laugh when the "drink police" come into these threads and keep harping the same old story. I laugh because the majority of cruisers bring on their own water, soda or whatever -including said police.


Both are against the rules and yet I never see the "non-alcoholic drink police" around. It still takes money away form RC.


Both of these rules will continue to be broken until changes are made or are better enforced but that's on royal not us and, in until that time, people will do what they will do.


Do I care if someone shares a package, not one bit. Just like I don't care if someone brings 2 cases of bottled water on board. Either way, there is consequences if RC starts enforcing, as long as those people realize what those consequences are then that's all that matters.






Oh wow, that's the first time anyone has said that.




No different than the police you gripe about.

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This is not personal but I always laugh when the "drink police" come into these threads and keep harping the same old story. I laugh because the majority of cruisers bring on their own water, soda or whatever -including said police.


Both are against the rules and yet I never see the "non-alcoholic drink police" around. It still takes money away form RC.


Both of these rules will continue to be broken until changes are made or are better enforced but that's on royal not us and, in until that time, people will do what they will do.


Do I care if someone shares a package, not one bit. Just like I don't care if someone brings 2 cases of bottled water on board. Either way, there is consequences if RC starts enforcing, as long as those people realize what those consequences are then that's all that matters.






I used to see several threads about sharing soda cards. I've seen people chastised because they asked if it was wrong if they had a soda card and "let my husband have a couple sips of my soda once in while because I wasn't finishing the glass and didn't want it to go to waste"

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This is not personal but I always laugh when the "drink police" come into these threads and keep harping the same old story. I laugh because the majority of cruisers bring on their own water, soda or whatever -including said police.


Both are against the rules and yet I never see the "non-alcoholic drink police" around. It still takes money away form RC.


Both of these rules will continue to be broken until changes are made or are better enforced but that's on royal not us and, in until that time, people will do what they will do.


Do I care if someone shares a package, not one bit. Just like I don't care if someone brings 2 cases of bottled water on board. Either way, there is consequences if RC starts enforcing, as long as those people realize what those consequences are then that's all that matters.








WELL said.... I was just getting my popcorn out to read all the comments from the police. Lol

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There are some subtle yet important differences between sharing a drink package and bringing water on board./quote]


I agree. Bringing your own water onboard is only denying Royal the revenue opportunity. You are not stealing their water. If you order a bottled water from a bar and you are not on the drink package and walked away with it before being charged while a bartender had his back turned, that's stealing their water.


If you go to an all you can eat buffet $15.99 per person restaurant with your spouse and tell the server only 1 is dining and sit down and share what you brought to the table so 2 people are eating for $15.99, that's stealing from the establishment.


If you buy Royal Caribbean's open bar beverage package for 1 at $385 for the week per person and 2 people are drinking for the week at $385, that's stealing from Royal Caribbean.

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There are some subtle yet important differences between sharing a drink package and bringing water on board.


When someone brings water or soda on board they are not trying to hide it. It is out in the open, in plain view and in many cases delivered to their room by Royal employees. Since Royal is choosing to ignore this policy and is in fact helping people bring on board beverages you can no longer say that you are breaking the rules by bringing water and soda on board.


Only when someone orders two drinks at a time and handing one drink to their spouse in full view of the bartender would I find this to be a valid comparison, but we all know that that is not going to happen.


I'm not sure if some of these responses are just trolling, can't really see the difference, or can't find anything better to justify their poor behavior. :rolleyes:

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yes it is still stealing.


doesn't matter if you cheat on one drink or three dozen. its people like you who try and twist things to their advantage that will lead to the END of the 3 drinks vouchers altogether and the reintroduction of EVERYONE having to buy a drinks package.


careful not to fall of that high horse of yours. people like you??? Its a voucher, it can be used by anyone they want to give it to.

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I wonder what you will say to your son or daughter when they say "I only cheated once a day". How will this be handled as they are emulating you?


how exactly is it cheating? If royal loads their sea pass card with 3 free drinks a day, why does it matter who drinks the drink? It is not the same as someone buying a drink package and then getting drink for multiple people. This person earned those 3 FREE drinks a day. Its the same as that person buying her mom a drink and paying for it, except royal has already given her a credit for it 3 times a day.

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This is not personal but I always laugh when the "drink police" come into these threads and keep harping the same old story. I laugh because the majority of cruisers bring on their own water, soda or whatever -including said police.


A majority of cruisers? Do you have any proof to back that up? We don't bring water or soda and I don't recall ever seeing anyone bring on soda or water. Yes I know many people do but a majority? I highly doubt that.

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The solution to both sharing drink packages and bringing soda, water, or other alcohol on board is easy. RCL has to train their people to enforce the policies and make sure they understand that if they don't, they will be fired and sent home at their own expense. Then back it up. They could also eliminate the heavy pour for the same reason. The cruise line accounts for the thefts, or whatever you want to call it by raising the prices so everybody pays for it. We don't purchase any of the above because we feel it's too expensive because of it.

Where I worked, they made it very clear theft of any kind, would get you terminated, and they backed it up. I know a guy, who got fired for stealing a broken window a/c that was in the junk. He fought the termination and lost. He could have taken it all he had to do is get a removal slip from the maintenance supervisor. That's common knowledge.

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BUT, what about all the cc'rs who post on here about getting the package and trying every drink on the menu - because they can....and then if they don't like it, oh well.... just order something else.


Theft? Maybe. Waste? Definetely! Once the drink is poured it's poured.


That's no different than sending your meal back in the MDR and getting something else because you didn't like it. No one (or at least very few people) has an issue with that.

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If they paid via credit card, they need to dispute this charge. No way this can occur.


You can dispute a charge, but if you are charged for theft of an item, you won't win. Your previous post indicated that you are not sure what the definition of theft is. If you buy an ice cream cone and share it, it is "sharing" because you bought one cone. The contract for the drink package is that only the person that purchases it can use it. So it is not "sharing" but now is theft of product. Once it reaches $300, it becomes a felony. So, to dispute the charge card, and you would win, than you can have a felony theft charge against you.


So when you dispute the charge, what do you say? I was caught stealing, and they charged the theft charges to my card? So unfair!

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I have a question then. The reason buy the drink package is also to try new dinks right. So if I get a drink and don't like it I should just waste it or pass it on to someone who might like it. I was always taught never to waste things so what do you do in a case like this.

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I have a question then. The reason buy the drink package is also to try new dinks right. So if I get a drink and don't like it I should just waste it or pass it on to someone who might like it. I was always taught never to waste things so what do you do in a case like this.

In this case, you're supposed to waste it.

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I have a question then. The reason buy the drink package is also to try new dinks right. So if I get a drink and don't like it I should just waste it or pass it on to someone who might like it. I was always taught never to waste things so what do you do in a case like this.


However if they did that it would effectively open the door to sharing as anyone could just say " I didn't like it so I gave it to my friend"


At the end of the day there is a whole lot more food wasted than there are drinks.

Edited by Ourusualbeach
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I don't believe it to be theft either. But neither do I think buying a drink for someone w/ my drink package is theft either. Both are against the rules, but neither are theft. One difference I see between the two is that one PAYS for UNLIMITED amount of alcohol, the other pays nothing. So who's cheating who? But both are wrong in my books. But neither are theft.



What could you possibly be using in your mind to not consider it theft? You are not 'buying' a drink for someone if you use your drink package - a package that has clear rules that you agree to when you purchase it. The unlimited amount is unlimited for one person. Otherwise, why don't we just have one person on the roll call just buy the package and the other 100 people can just share that one package.


Do you see an issue say if someone were to walk into IHOP, order all you can eat pancakes then attempt to feed their entire family on one 'package'?


Being allowed, by RC staff to bring soda, etc on board is nowhere near the same as sharing a drink package unless, as someone else mentioned, it is done at the bar while the bartender sees it, knows only you have the package, and condones it.

Edited by mattg43
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This is not personal but I always laugh when the "drink police" come into these threads and keep harping the same old story. I laugh because the majority of cruisers bring on their own water, soda or whatever -including said police.


Both are against the rules and yet I never see the "non-alcoholic drink police" around. It still takes money away form RC.


Both of these rules will continue to be broken until changes are made or are better enforced but that's on royal not us and, in until that time, people will do what they will do.


Do I care if someone shares a package, not one bit. Just like I don't care if someone brings 2 cases of bottled water on board. Either way, there is consequences if RC starts enforcing, as long as those people realize what those consequences are then that's all that matters.





I'm only quoting this because it needs to be read again and again and again. Great comments!


Really, do we need to bash people for this? Doubtful. Just say no, you can't share, and stop being so judgy. Your worried about something that has yet to happen and may never. It doesn't affect you until it does and then feel free to be the drink police. In the mean time its RCCL's problem to deal with. Your not going to stop anyone by being mean so be nice.


Flames begin! :rolleyes:

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I'm only quoting this because it needs to be read again and again and again. Great comments!


Really, do we need to bash people for this? Doubtful. Just say no, you can't share, and stop being so judgy. Your worried about something that has yet to happen and may never. It doesn't affect you until it does and then feel free to be the drink police. In the mean time its RCCL's problem to deal with. Your not going to stop anyone by being mean so be nice.


Flames begin! :rolleyes:


This is not walking up to someone that you don't know out of the blue and criticizing them.


This is a message board. Someone asks a question or gives an opinion. That person has REQUESTED feedback.


Giving that feedback is not "bashing" or "judgy".


If you don't want it, don't post.

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I'm only quoting this because it needs to be read again and again and again. Great comments!




Really, do we need to bash people for this? Doubtful. Just say no, you can't share, and stop being so judgy. Your worried about something that has yet to happen and may never. It doesn't affect you until it does and then feel free to be the drink police. In the mean time its RCCL's problem to deal with. Your not going to stop anyone by being mean so be nice.




Flames begin! :rolleyes:




Again... Well said. Police are back out in full force again today.

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Oh my goodness,

I've been without internet all weekend and just logged on. I didn't realize this was such a contentious subject I started.


To be honest I was more appalled at the amount of food that people put on their plate in the windjammer but didn't even touch; I always see that at buffets mind you. It's shocking how much food people pile on their plate and then leave - and allow their children to do the same. I was constantly telling my 7 year old..'that's enough, you can always get more once you've finished what's on your plate!'.


Anyway, I do feel that it's a bit of a perpetuating cycle actually. The drink prices are (in my opinion) high. I paid for 2 cocktails while on board - both were the drink of the day so $9.50 each and after the automatic gratuity and tax they were each $11.81 - and those were the 'less expensive' drinks of the day. Also, while both tasty, they were nothing special. I watched them being made and they only had one shot of alcohol in them with the remainder being juice or soda and something sugary and colorful plus a lot of ice.


If the drinks were more reasonably priced maybe people would feel less like cheating the system and on the other hand, if people didn't cheat the system and waste so much stuff on board, maybe RCCL could make the prices more reasonable. It seems like a bit of catch 22.


Anyway, thank you all for an invigorating conversation :)

Edited by Toomanycritters
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You are right that this is a Catch 22. If the drinks were more fairly priced, perhaps people wouldn't cheat as much. For example, if I could buy a case of water (like on Carnival) for a few bucks I would certainly not go through the trouble of carrying water on. But, when the water is $5+ per bottle then it starts to seem like a better idea to bring a bottle or two back from a short stop.


The prices of drinks likely keeps going up because the cost of the drinks keeps going up (perhaps from cheating) and the cheating goes up when the prices goes up.


It's a hard one to beat.




If the drinks were more reasonably priced maybe people would feel less like cheating the system and on the other hand, if people didn't cheat the system and waste so much stuff on board, maybe RCCL could make the prices more reasonable. It seems like a bit of catch 22.


Anyway, thank you all for an invigorating conversation :)

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You are right that this is a Catch 22. If the drinks were more fairly priced, perhaps people wouldn't cheat as much. For example, if I could buy a case of water (like on Carnival) for a few bucks I would certainly not go through the trouble of carrying water on. But, when the water is $5+ per bottle then it starts to seem like a better idea to bring a bottle or two back from a short stop.




The prices of drinks likely keeps going up because the cost of the drinks keeps going up (perhaps from cheating) and the cheating goes up when the prices goes up.




It's a hard one to beat.








I think it was mentioned a bit earlier that the prices have slowly crept down in recent history.... I can't speak for this as I always get a drink package.


As far as water.... It's between $1 and $2 for a standard bottle of water if memory serves me correctly. It's included in the package but sometimes I want more than one at a time,so I just pay the difference. Definitely not $5 a bottle haha.


I'll check it out next weekend on Oasis [emoji6]

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So often people comment about the high price of drinks on board. However, this is so subjective. Price of drinks varies from city to city, type of establishment, etc. Quite honestly I don't think drink prices are that high ...... Try buying a drink in an airport, major city, ball game, etc....... Very often they are higher than RC. Glass of wine/cocktail in chain restaurants that I frequent usually start around $8 and easily go up from there; just like on RC. You are not paying local corner bar/social club prices.


Sharing a package is cheating and should be watched carefully by the staff. Don't use the price of a drink as an excuse; I also find RC frozen drinks are larger than I buy at home; perhaps more mix, but still larger, and usually don't find bartender skimps on the liquor.

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