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Advice please complaint pumps cabin noise compensatin help


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I'm not too sure what your travel agent can do for you after the fact. RCCL's head office will most likely refer it right back to the ship for confirmation, and they may or may not have a record of your problem. I'd take the obc/future credit.


Thanks for your help I did thinking that may happen with the TA that's why I asked

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You have reported the issue, they have addressed the issue, they have moved you to a new cabin and now they are offering you compensation. If you are comfortable with the amount they have offered, accept it and move on. If you feel it should be more, try to negotiate, it can't hurt to ask. As far as OBC or FCC, that is really up to you. You said you asked for specialty dining and were denied, if that is what you really want, take the OBC and use it on a specialty restaurant. Otherwise, only take the FCC if you are planning on cruising with Royal Caribbean again. If this experience has put you off and you are going to move on to a new cruise line, take the OBC so you don't end up with a credit you will never use.


Maintenance issues are frustrating but you really need to make a decision and move on. You still have time left on your vacation, get a good night sleep tonight and just put the whole thing behind you.

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I'm sort of with everyone else. I have been in a noisy cabin. We had the very aft cabin on the lowest deck. Behind our cabin was a work space. Besides incredible vibration from the propellers, we had speakers, banging, etc. most nights. But I half expected that going in, so no big deal, we just adapted. As someone said, it's why experienced cruisers pick the cabins they pick. Your TA, they should have cautioned you about being below a pool. Same with above or below the casino, the theater, the pool deck, the Windjammer. All those areas will cause noise. It's also why I book early.

But it sounds like they did what they could. They moved you, gave you OBC, and a discount on a future cruise. How much more do you want? As for "taking it up with your TA," of course you should. But you should ask why the TA put you under the pool in the first place. Maybe it was the only cabin in the category available.

If it was me, I'd accept the offer from RCCL and be grateful they were able to move your cabin. And keep in mind, these are ships. They are complex mechanical marvels that move hundreds of thousands of tons through the ocean. There is going to be motion, vibrations, and noises. Nature of the beast.



We need a "Like" button. Great answer!


It always amazes me that people complain about things that are out of the ships' control. Did it not occur to you that the noise in this cabin is not the fault of the ship, but rather is due to a normal function on the ship? I think Royal was nice to move you to another cabin. They were under no obligation to do so. Be thankful, enjoy your cruise, and ask your TA why she put you in that cabin. Personally, I would never use her again.

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We need a "Like" button. Great answer!




It always amazes me that people complain about things that are out of the ships' control. Did it not occur to you that the noise in this cabin is not the fault of the ship, but rather is due to a normal function on the ship? I think Royal was nice to move you to another cabin. They were under no obligation to do so. Be thankful, enjoy your cruise, and ask your TA why she put you in that cabin. Personally, I would never use her again.




Fwiw, if you read the whole thread, we learned that the crew said there was something wrong and it was NOT normal noise, and that the op booked two GTY cabins and this is what one of the cabins ended up being. The OP is not in the US and therefore cannot change assigned GTY cabins before sailing.



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We need a "Like" button. Great answer!


It always amazes me that people complain about things that are out of the ships' control. Did it not occur to you that the noise in this cabin is not the fault of the ship, but rather is due to a normal function on the ship? I think Royal was nice to move you to another cabin. They were under no obligation to do so. Be thankful, enjoy your cruise, and ask your TA why she put you in that cabin. Personally, I would never use her again.


Her TA did not put her in the cabin. The OP chose a "guarantee" cabin...therefore she was "assigned" the cabin via RCCL.

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Im a little confused - OP - how many times were you moved?

From what you posted it sounded like more than once? On day 3 you say you couldn't stay in that cabin?? What was wrong with that one? and then again on day 5?


You have been offered compensation but sounds like your not satisified with the offer. You have been asked what is it your looking for but I haven't seen an answer?

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Im a little confused - OP - how many times were you moved?

From what you posted it sounded like more than once? On day 3 you say you couldn't stay in that cabin?? What was wrong with that one? and then again on day 5?


You have been offered compensation but sounds like your not satisified with the offer. You have been asked what is it your looking for but I haven't seen an answer?


Just to clear this up, day 3 and 5 we were told that cabin was only available for one night maybe it for an entertainer I don't know.


We were offered OBC not a meal and The OBC offered isn't enough for a meal for two. I'm not experienced in asking for compensation so don't know how much I should be asking for or what the formula ( if there is such a thing) for asking about an increased offer. U

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Just to clear this up, day 3 and 5 we were told that cabin was only available for one night maybe it for an entertainer I don't know.


We were offered OBC not a meal and The OBC offered isn't enough for a meal for two. I'm not experienced in asking for compensation so don't know how much I should be asking for or what the formula ( if there is such a thing) for asking about an increased offer. U


Usually when they offer compensation, it is a percentage of your cruise fare. The percentage increases based on the severity of the issue, but I also feel the percentage increases when people are vocal too. I have seen people get a 50% FCC for a minor inconvenience and others get nothing and had their cabin flooded.


We had a leaking sprinkler head in our cabin that we reported multiple times. Engineering actually came and replaced the sprinkler head in an attempt to fix the issue, but it still leaked. Wasn't a huge deal, but was like someone kept dumping a glass of water in the middle of the cabin everyday. We just kept a hand towel there and the steward kept replacing it with a dry one.


We did not seek compensation but got an apology letter one day and a compensation letter the last day. Ours was in the form of a FCC and was a percentage of our cruise fare so because of the BOGO deal, one of us got more compensation than the other.


I do feel you are due something but only you know what you have been through. I would expect you to get more than a specialty dinner though.

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Just to clear this up, day 3 and 5 we were told that cabin was only available for one night maybe it for an entertainer I don't know.


We were offered OBC not a meal and The OBC offered isn't enough for a meal for two. I'm not experienced in asking for compensation so don't know how much I should be asking for or what the formula ( if there is such a thing) for asking about an increased offer. U


Personally, I think you are entitled to more compensation than the 'amount that does not cover specialty restaurant meal' which I will guess is approximately $70.


Be persistent and explain as you did above... 3 moves and lost time moving and dealing with CS, all for something that was a problem with the filter, NOT normal noise. Bring your own complaint letter if you must. Come up with a dollar amount that is acceptable, perhaps $200, etc.


Just as an example, friends had booked a cabin for a 7 day cruise and well before the actual cruise they were asked if they would want to be upgraded, which they accepted. The first night, they realized that the noise from a nightclub below was keeping them awake. They complained and requested to be moved but no other cabin was available. After being persistent, they were awarded $500 towards a future cruise to be used within a year. My friend is very vocal so 'the squeaky wheel, gets the oil'. I know, not the exact same situation as yours but they did get something they thought was fair, although they still complain about it. lol.


Good luck...

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On a cruise several years ago my parents room had a sink that was leaking badly. They made multiple attempts to fix and finally had them pack up and move. It didn't ruin their cruise but took away from it. They understood that stuff happens but at the same time missed out on things when they had to meet maintenance, make calls and pack and move four people. They too were given $500 to be used on a future cruised, booked within the next year.



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I would find an new TA. Your TA sold you the cheapest cabin on the ship. They should have asked you about you preferences and habits and then chosen a cabin that avoids areas like the pool deck or food services near you if you are light sleepers. I think you pointed out your issue to RCI and they tried to make you happy. If the cruise was near capacity then they did not have many options. Ships are mechanical marvels and things are going to break and there may no be a quick fix. A poor TA is the issue here.

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Two pages of discussion, and the OP still hasn't given a coherent answer to the question what he or she would consider satisfactory compensation for the (perceived) hardship.


I often cruise and notice people who seem to have no other motivation than to pick apart, find fault and complain. The OP is now in that category.

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Just to clear this up, day 3 and 5 we were told that cabin was only available for one night maybe it for an entertainer I don't know.


We were offered OBC not a meal and The OBC offered isn't enough for a meal for two. I'm not experienced in asking for compensation so don't know how much I should be asking for or what the formula ( if there is such a thing) for asking about an increased offer. U


Take them to small claims court....

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It's why some experienced cruises pick their cabin location carefully.


I just don't understand the logic. You book a guarentee cabin because you don't want to pay more which in my mind means you are willing to accept the worst cabin on the ship. And then you complain because you don't like the location of the cabin.


My advice is take it as a lesson learned that being cheap isn't always the best option and if you want a cabin in a certain area or cabins near each other you need to pay the extra, like everyone else, to be able to pick your cabin.


I don't feel they owe anything to the op. They did more than they had to which was move them with a significant amount of time still left on the cruise. To say the trip was ruined when you had 8 days in the new cabin imo says you are just trying to get a freebie.


Agree. End of discussion.

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Can anyone give me some advice about Royal complaints success


We had a cabin under the pool but unfortunate every night between 8 and 1.30am they empty and refill the pools above so extreme sounds of pump and gushing water. After numerous calls and visits to guest services and engineers calling to see the cabin they said it wasn't a quick fix and didn't know how long it would take to solve the noise finally on day 5 of 13 they found us another cabin.


They have offered a small amount of OBC, or discount on. Future cruise do we accept this or refuse and take it up with our travel agent when we get home? A


We are all so upset and it has totally ruined our holiday.


Sounds like you have been well taken care of on the Cruise and for a future Cruise. Not sure what your TA can do. Probably tell you to take RCCLs offer and be happy.

Edited by davekathy
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I would find an new TA. Your TA sold you the cheapest cabin on the ship. They should have asked you about you preferences and habits and then chosen a cabin that avoids areas like the pool deck or food services near you if you are light sleepers. I think you pointed out your issue to RCI and they tried to make you happy. If the cruise was near capacity then they did not have many options. Ships are mechanical marvels and things are going to break and there may no be a quick fix. A poor TA is the issue here.


What has the travel agent got to do with this - from what Im reading OP booked a guarantee - cruiseline assigned.


OP - ask for what will make you happy. A meal for 2 complimentary in the specialty restaurant of your choice? X amount of OBC - whatever you think is appropriate. But Id suggest be reasonable.

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You asked how to lodge your complaint. Here is what I did in a not to similar situation.


We were on the first Harmony cruise. I had picked a balcony cabin with cabins above and below. When we got on the ship we noticed that the cabins that showed on the deck plans above ours weren't there - instead there was work space that was below the children's play pool 2 decks up. We heard constant noise from pumps and maintenance at all times of the night. The key thing I did was to take video of this noise as evidence and then lodged a complain with GS. GS talked to maintenance who didn't believe it until they heard the video playing over the phone. The noise got better but still had issues. Every time we had bad noise I recorded it on my iPhone.


Once home I emailed the CEO in Miami and attached the various movie files. I eventually got a call from the CEO office who were very upset to hear the videos and offered me compensation to use on a future cruise. The lady did mention that the one thing that made them stop and take real notice of my compliant was the video evidence - apparently it was played to the board at a meeting and everyone agreed that this was not what the wanted customers to experience.


So in conclusion... always get evidence to show. Photos/videos work great. Hope you get what you are looking for from RCI.

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Can anyone give me some advice about Royal complaints success


We had a cabin under the pool but unfortunate every night between 8 and 1.30am they empty and refill the pools above so extreme sounds of pump and gushing water. After numerous calls and visits to guest services and engineers calling to see the cabin they said it wasn't a quick fix and didn't know how long it would take to solve the noise finally on day 5 of 13 they found us another cabin.


They have offered a small amount of OBC, or discount on. Future cruise do we accept this or refuse and take it up with our travel agent when we get home? A


We are all so upset and it has totally ruined our holiday.


Seriously?? Take the offer and moved on... Others have put up with worse, and didn't get a thing.... Pick your cabin more wisely next cruise... :rolleyes:

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If it was me, I'd accept the offer from RCCL and be grateful they were able to move your cabin. And keep in mind, these are ships. They are complex mechanical marvels that move hundreds of thousands of tons through the ocean. There is going to be motion, vibrations, and noises. Nature of the beast.


I agree wholeheartedly. I would accept what they offered you as it sounds like they found an acceptable room for you. The compensation sounds fair to me.

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If they moved you to another cabin and gave you on-board credit, what more do you want? Since you are experienced cruisers you certainly should have researched a bit more...just don't take something for granted. In my opinion, Royal compensated you in an appropriate manner.....sounds as if you are trying to get more money? Free cruise? ridiculous! Maybe you should try being happy with what they did for you and maybe learn to enjoy life a bit instead of "looking" for something to complain about. This may sound harsh to you, but life isn't always "perfect" so suck it up and move on.

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