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Silversea Water Cooler: Part 3, Welcome!

Host Dan

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Hi All.......feeling pretty blue here as I've come down with the dreaded cold that appears to be doing the rounds...[emoji34] my email is also down so a double whammy week!!


Anyway.....Jeffers l don't remember what l was doing earlier today let alone 1968....but that's a great poster from the day...I would be 17 so in the middle of my training....and listening to the best music ever l guess!!


TTS....hope you and Mrs T are well....great news on your VS flight....did you book on the web or direct with Flying Club....l got my flight back this last time in UC for just £545 one way via the FC......agree it's always a warm feeling when one gets a good deal......waiting here for Emirates to release next Dec dates for my flights Dubai/Seychelles......at least I'll be able to fly from Manchester.....l hope!!


Freezing cold here so I'm staying in the warm....cottage pie for luncheon....


Happy Day All [emoji4]



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Hi All.......feeling pretty blue here as I've come down with the dreaded cold that appears to be doing the rounds...[emoji34] my email is also down so a double whammy week!!

Cheer up - it'll be gone by the time of your next cruise!!


TTS....hope you and Mrs T are well....great news on your VS flight....did you book on the web or direct with Flying Club...

Had to ring because I had a couple of free Eco to prem upgrade vouchers which means only Eco miles used but PE charges - which are quite low from BGI. If UC flights on redemption come up I'm told that I can use that and only need pay the difference in miles and charges rather than cancel and rebook. So need to check availability on the site whenever I remember.


Used Virgin UC to Chicago in Sep and PE back - again all on air miles. They had a reward flight sale so for the 2 of us that was 92500 miles and about £800. We did the UC out so as to benefit from the Virgin Clubhouse at Heathrow and so as not to sleep through the flight experience - ate and drank everything they could throw at me! PE was OK on the overnight flight back but, to be honest, I'm so small that I don't need the extra legroom - MRs TTS, OTOH, needs that extra space to curl her longer legs into.


Anyway, we still have just over 170,000 miles between us so that will go towards our one way flight back from Miami in 2018 after the Whisper TA - fingers crossed for the UC option.


Incidentally, the air miles required for UC are going up as of 15 Jan whereas those for Eco and PE are coming down during ''out of season'' time. The charges remain unaffected. It's all a bit complex for this little mind of mind to comprehend but it's got to beat paying for flights.

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Good Afternoon Coolers,


Your flights sounds magical TTS ...


Thought I'd post some links to some first-hand UK Times musings about George Michael which offer some insights into the pressures of fame I always find interesting and others might be interested in ......




George said: ‘Make us the world’s biggest group’ http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/george-told-me-make-us-the-worlds-biggest-group-rw3hqtd3k?shareToken=eff7b84333863858f59a3497a7e9d4e4



Losing George Michael feels personal http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/for-a-girl-from-the-burbs-losing-george-feels-personal-w2bsn5m7r?shareToken=a2775f45716fe66151bd93efcf820d48


‘A phenomenal talent, he was part of a golden age’ http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/mark-ellen-a-phenomenal-talent-george-was-part-of-a-golden-age-x7x9qxfgd?shareToken=9209caae4c2da9089ad45b5fec654ebc

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Note to Joc123......I finally found a reference to the location for the Hallelujah video by Pentatonix. It was filmed in the California Mojave Desert, near Barstow and the video features the group singing while walking across stark Coyote Dry Lake. It was a spectacular setting.


Thank you Mysty.

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Greetings Coolers!


Joc123...Sorry it took so long to find a reference to the location!


S..... Hope your email access returns soon. Must be a wee bit frustrating to lose touch.


No big plans for New Year's Eve here. Quiet evening with appetizers and champagne. We are scheduled to get more snow on Saturday so this may turn out to be the best plan for the weather.


Best wishes to the Cooler family for a wonderful 2017! I think the world is holding its collective breath to see what the new year will bring. I intend to take a deep breath and soldier on with hope in my heart! Bonne Annee a tous!

Edited by mysty
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Happy (early, almost) New Year to all!


We are actually off this weekend and not traveling. We'll go out to celebrate tomorrow night and stay over at the hotel where our party is being held. Safer that way.


Our old lady cat is under the weather. She is pushing 20 so we know her time is short...but last night she rather suddenly stopped begging for food. This is highly unusual for her; she eats constantly and never misses an opportunity to beg. She crawled over to her bed, where she lay listless all evening. I didn't sleep well at all last night, worrying about her. But she was still there this morning, so we took her to the vet, expecting the worst. I figured she had another infection, but she looked so bad that I thought it was all over.


The vet thinks it's an acute vestibular problem, much like what humans get (labyrinthitis, etc). She can barely stand, and falls over when she tries to walk. Poor girl! In humans, (and apparently in cats as well) at the onset this causes intense nausea, but often gradually subsides over days or weeks. So, that fits with the sudden onset, unwillingness to eat, etc. We'll give her some prednisone, anti-nausea meds, and see how it goes for the next few days. As long as she makes some improvement and doesn't look too miserable, we'll keep at it. Despite her voracious appetite it is seriously difficult to get pills down her. Hopefully I don't lose any fingers in the process!


Off to figure out dinner. Might order in. Sushi sounds appealing, and it's Ashley's favorite food too. Maybe it will tempt her to eat something.

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Welcome home JP ...... I guess many people will with the benefit of future hindsight will wish that we had missed much of 2016 completely and simply gone straight from 2015 to 2017. Here is hoping for a great 2017. Jeff


UKCruiseJeff: Happy New Year Ozzy Coolers ..... Enjoyed the 12 minutes of Sydney Fireworks .... Jeff


Yes' date=' Happy New Year and the [b']Best for 2017!![/b] Not sure that I totally agree with Jeff's earlier view that 2016 was all so totally bad. I am more of a "Glass Half Full" type of guy and there were many great things that happened for us in 2016. We are looking forward for a wonderful next year. Yes, need to do a little search for those great fireworks from Sydney. What a great location for starting the New Year!!


Am in Virginia with our two grandsons, etc., getting ready for Ohio State football this evening in the National Championship play-offs. Too bad for Spins that Michigan, that made a super great comeback, did not win in the Miami area versus Florida State. Didn't Candy attend that big game in her neighborhood?


Yes, glad that J.P. and Chris are back from Europe adventures. Look forward to seeing and hearing more. Didn't know the British performer/singer that Jeff knew well, not did I follow George Michael that much. Clearly hit by the sad twists with the Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds deaths. Only in Hollywood for those types of stories? ? ? ?


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 164,950 views for this posting.

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Nope I didn't go to the orange bowl game...daughter, husband and grandson went. I stayed with les chiens. We clearly had the better seats minus the ambiance and the very cool tailgate beforehand.

The sad fans arrived home around 2 am.


JP hoping your cat has improved.

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Clearly hit by the sad twists with the Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds deaths. Only in Hollywood for those types of stories? ? ? ?


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Nope. Scotland as well .....


Adventures with Carrie (and Gary)



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Just woken up , the morning after the night before. Currently in Sydney and watched the fireworks from our balcony. Happy New Year to all Coolers and may 2017 bring peace, happiness and good health. Jane


Great to get this direct reporting from Jane with an eyewitness update from the excitement in Sydney. Did check some web news and video reports. Seemed to be fun and interesting!!


From NBC as connected below, they noted: "Sydney used its New Year's Eve showstopper to say farewell to 2016's fallen icons, honoring the late singer David Bowie and late actor Gene Wilder, among others, and become the first major city to bid a bittersweet adieu to a turbulent year. The glittering festivities over Sydney's famed harbor and bridge featured Saturn and star-shaped fireworks set to 'Space Oddity,' the classic song by Bowie — one of the seemingly endless parade of beloved entertainers who died in 2016. Wilder was also honored as the bridge lit up in a rainbow of colors while a song from Wilder's famed film 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory' played."


NBC News Report:



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 164,950 views for this posting.



Here is one of the visuals from the NBC News website for their story on the fireworks in Sydney and at other locations around the world. Happy New Year!!:



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Not sure that I totally agree with Jeff's earlier view that 2016 was all so totally bad. I am more of a "Glass Half Full" type of guy and there were many great things that happened for us in 2016. We are looking forward for a wonderful next year. ?


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio[/font][/size][/color]



Hi Terry,


Not sure whether you meant you disagreed with me or that from your own perspective your experience of 2016 was great or what the average person saw. I suspect it simply the former, and to be clear, from a selfish point of view I guess that overall it wasn't a bad year for either of us either.


What I said was "I guess many people will with the benefit of future hindsight will wish that we had missed much of 2016 completely and simply gone straight from 2015 to 2017" and I really wasn't talking so much about you or me but "many people" ie the way in which we have managed to leave things at the end of the year compared with where it started and that to me wasn't wonderful.


I'm not a real bloke like others, and I am very easily moved by things. All I really want is for most in the world is to have at least the basics, ie to have a safe warm place to live for them and their kids, and some food so they are not hungry and where they can live from day to day without fear. I'd sacrifice for that. It seems to me at the end of the year there are less people in that basic condition and it upsets me greatly. After the WW2, the excuse made about the holocaust was that no one knew. Now everyone knew and we still have Syria. And Africa. We make excuses that we didn't know we were making.


In the UK, my wife arrives at Waterloo station for her "day up to town" and is confronted by police in pairs with machine guns. I sit at home knowing she will likely be safe, but in my hear tI am simply waiting for the call to say she is safely on the train. I want her back home. Our country and continent and world has changed. And each year .....


I could go on, but my point is that I am not talking about Terry's or Jeff's life, I'm talking about the lives I wish for all my fellow travellers and I think we in the first world have a responsibility and at the end of 2016, we didn't do a good job. And what we did do in 2016 is we managed to leave it less safe for most for many reasons you might speculate I could offer.


That is all I meant.



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Today was our new years brunch. NYE concert from Viena on satellite and then the beeb followed by a brunch and champers .... before and after ... with the loveliest of wives .... and thinking about lovely Singapore at the end of this week ....


Have a great one all.










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Hi Terry, Not sure whether you meant you disagreed with me or that from your own perspective your experience of 2016 was great or what the average person saw. I suspect it simply the former, and to be clear, from a selfish point of view I guess that overall it wasn't a bad year for either of us either. What I said was "I guess many people will with the benefit of future hindsight will wish that we had missed much of 2016 completely and simply gone straight from 2015 to 2017" and I really wasn't talking so much about you or me but "many people" ie the way in which we have managed to leave things at the end of the year compared with where it started and that to me wasn't wonderful. In the UK, my wife arrives at Waterloo station for her "day up to town" and is confronted by police in pairs with machine guns. I sit at home knowing she will likely be safe, but in my hear tI am simply waiting for the call to say she is safely on the train. I want her back home. Our country and continent and world has changed. And each year ..... I could go on, but my point is that I am not talking about Terry's or Jeff's life, I'm talking about the lives I wish for all my fellow travellers and I think we in the first world have a responsibility and at the end of 2016, we didn't do a good job. And what we did do in 2016 is we managed to leave it less safe for most for many reasons you might speculate I could offer. That is all I meant. Jeff


Appreciate, Jeff, this excellent and added background and perspective. YES, this is very helpful with your keen insights about the wide variety of "situations" facing so many people in and around the world these days. Understand fully and agree about these many challenges and uncertainties. Wish there was an easy, certain solution as a way to solve these issues. BUT, we will keep pushing forward and living life as best we can.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For details and visuals, etc., from our July 1-16, 2010, Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. This posting is now at 207,044 views.


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Appreciate, Jeff, this excellent and added background and perspective. YES, this is very helpful with your keen insights about the wide variety of "situations" facing so many people in and around the world these days. Understand fully and agree about these many challenges and uncertainties. Wish there was an easy, certain solution as a way to solve these issues. BUT, we will keep pushing forward and living life as best we can.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For details and visuals, etc., from our July 1-16, 2010, Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. This posting is now at 207,044 views.



Thanks Terry, very much appreciated.


The reason for my increased despondency is that it isn't that we have just left things in a worst condition, but that the levers of optimism and hope have also decreased drastically in 2016.


It isn't just that we have greater challenges, but this has been met with a converging trend of those of us possibly providing some leadership "out"in the first world abandoning trust in politics and democracy. Your and my country and our friends are walking away from the issues and it will get worst.


My country has created a lack of trust in the core of Europe and have abandoned Europe and it's potential cohesiveness and their response is to behave like spoilt kids and say we will be punished. At the same time, the very oldest bank in the world (clients of ours in our day) having survived for centuries has been brought down by the EU and it might alongside other things be a catalyst amongst many for the disintegration of the EU with considerable rancour. Italy well blackmail the EU. Much of the EU is tired of inclusiveness and is seeking "conservative" solutions ie further right. Austria, the home of .... well ... you know who I mean is on the brink ... and so is France. Turkey will open the gates to a swamp of "people" to the EU because they have fallen out with the EU. And "our leaders" ie the leaders of the free world have provided us with Trump.


Anyway. Singapore beckons and all we can do is as you say see the glass as half full.



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Greetings Coolers!


J.... your New Year's Eve and following brunch sound delightful! Safe travels to Singapore! Have a wonderful trip!


Have a lovely first day of 2017 all!



Thanks M,


I know our joint greatest regret in 2016, was you missing that Fish Market in Manly .... still it give you a further purpose and aspiration .... for your next WC!


Wifey received her menus today and she has been planning her assault ..... I've posted them for you to make your own choices ...


Food first ...











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J...those menus look amazing!!!! Enjoy!


And yes, I am still kicking myself about missing the Fish Market in Manly! I had a print out with the name and the exact location. I was so excited about the excursion that I forgot the print out in the stateroom! :( We did manage to hit the Hotel Steyne though and we really enjoyed it! I would love to do another WC. Maybe the universe will conspire to grant that dream! :)

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I duck out for a few weeks and you guys create a whole new thread!

Things here have been very busy, so my apologies for whatever I have missed.

I do have a Silversea question I am hoping you can answer for me. My Caribbean sailing is 54 days away, and I cannot find where dress code is listed for the itinerary. Can someone point me in the right direction? It's time to start packing!

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