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Medical Rip-Off on Regatta Now ...... So Ticked Off

china addict

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Yes yes yes we will get the $270 back, but that's not the point.
You will be refunded but only because you are the proverbial squeaky wheel which will get the grease and because the amount that you are fighting for is inconsequential.


There simply IS an increased cost to providing mobile continuous healthcare but because it is simpler and cheaper to give you a refund than to explain that fact to a judge, you will get your money, and all of us will pay the piper for your dance.


That $270 should bring you all of the happiness which you so richly deserve.

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I have learned the retail cost of meds is a complex matter. PBMs (Pharmacy Benefit Managers) and other wholesale suppliers in many cases are the middlemen between the manufacturer and the provider (who may be a contractor of O) and eventually the patient . Deep discounts given to some groups are made up by charging those not part of these groups. I do not believe that the total amount of meds dispensed on O qualify as a major user. My guess is that is reflected in the end prices charged. Additionally the cost of med resupply could be a significant issue as the ships travel to many destinations.


When I have a medical visit I am rarely told the costs to be billed. In some instances the actual billing is done from a different location subsequently. I wait for my insurance to process to see if I have some costs to cover.


Agreed these are difficult subjects from a number of viewpoints.

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You will be refunded but only because you are the proverbial squeaky wheel which will get the grease and because the amount that you are fighting for is inconsequential.


There simply IS an increased cost to providing mobile continuous healthcare but because it is simpler and cheaper to give you a refund than to explain that fact to a judge, you will get your money, and all of us will pay the piper for your dance.


That $270 should bring you all of the happiness which you so richly deserve.


Perhaps you missed the start of the post you cherry-picked by only quoting the line about getting the $270 back. The poster said in the post's second sentence that they have insurance. That's where the $270 will be coming from.

Edited by njhorseman
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Stan and Jim, your snipe about me richly deserving my $270 back did not go unnoticed. It will be my honor to donate it to Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, one of my favorite charities, where I know it will be put to good use. :)

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Its my take that yes the medical dept is contract... What your paying for when you use the medical facilities it the maintenance of such facilities... dont focus on the minutia ..look at the big picture.

Playing Doctor and deciding what you will on not use or take....is having a fool for a patient. Evern Md's Nurses and PM's know this....

It not like ordering at MC Donalds... mmmm I ll take the large flow O2 but, only give me the 1/2 antibiotic and oh hold the CPR...... and do you have any specials...

Quality costs... and I reiterate.... I bet you would have a stroke if you saw what your doctor and or hospital billed your insurance. It is just that on O they give you the bill to take to the insurance..and its a real awakening to many

That is the problem with medical care in this country. Bill the insurance company...they will pay. Let the hospitals and drug company's overcharge as much as they want since someone else is paying. Oceania does not care since we are captive to their overcharges and can not get off the ship in the middle of the ocean. NOT RIGHT. When they say that they have a contract it just means they don't care and are trying to hide out behind that. I am sure they know what is in every contract with every vendor that they do business with. They really should be ashamed taking advantage of sick people. :(:(:(

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Stan and Jim, your snipe about me richly deserving my $270 back did not go unnoticed. It will be my honor to donate it to Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, one of my favorite charities, where I know it will be put to good use. :)

How very gracious of you to donate to a cause after all the noise about $270. I got an infection from a shell I picked up in Mexico and was very glad of the prompt, professional and excellent medical service provided onboard. Oceania. I also submitted my bills and was reimbursed which made me very happy. I am only too glad that such services are readily available onboard. BTW- I had already made my donations before the dreaded infection occurred, but your gesture is a fine one.;p

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I guess I just don't get it...My DH did in fact have a life threatening situation onboard one of our O cruises....the compassionate and dedicated Dr and assistant constantly watched over him, until he was out of danger. Did I care how much they charged me? Nope. Did I care if it was expensive? Nope. You went to a ship Dr, understanding that they are more expensive, and they prescribed a drug to assist. Ok..it was $270 that you didn't expect.....please don't expect me to sympathize, it just doesn't seem to be a big deal IMHO...at least not one to move cruiselines over....wow, what if a real issue arises....will you sue them?

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I would guess that in this case it is Lima that is the culprit and not O. Not too long ago there was a similar thread about GI illness out of LIma. I remember it because I posted there about my experience on a land trip in Lima that lead to jokes about "ceviche ice cream" ( I got sick from either the ceviche or ice cream) :D

I hope it all clears up soon.


It wasn't a "Lima" problem. I know this because we were on the BA to Lima cruise that preceded this one and that's when the problem started. We were also in stage 2 RED (whatever that means) sanitation precautions. We were updated daily by the captain and told to wash our hands, wash our hands, wash our hands. There was much nose blowing and deep, hacking coughing. Salt, pepper, sugar and cream were removed from all tables (and served by a crew member as needed). Chairs and tables were washed down frequently. Menu covers were removed in the main dining room, replaced with printed paper sheets. Public bathroom doors were left opened.


During our cruise, I posted on the OP's roll call to let people know that the ship had "flu' and suggested that people bring appropriate medications.

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Wow - there are a couple of truly nasty replies to the OP here.

Amazing to see some regulars around here who can't disagree with the OP without being incredibly rude.

Maybe those people should step away from their computers for awhile.


I agree.

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I was with someone who had to buy eye ointment (forget which brand) for an eye infection and he was shocked when a tiny tube cost him $179 at Target. Unfortunately, medications are expensive.


I've only used an Oceania medical facility once, and I felt the prices were reasonable, but of course, every experience is different.

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OMG, everyone come to

California...we pay way more. Anyway, pink eye is contagious and bad. Would you have turned down the medication. A real good reason for everyone to have insurance. Having been in a medically related profession, I carry just EVERYTHING for anything that is not life threatening. For you who watch the expiration date on drugs, please know that they give them to our Armed Forces after the expiration date to use. These really don't expire when it says.

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Yet another message from the angry OP. Yes, we have insurance but unnecessarily boosting medical bills means that we all pay for it in the end. Not appealing unless you are part of Big Pharma. Drops and ointment for an eye infection is what the Brits call a "belt and braces" approach. Both will hold your pants up but you really only need one. Hawaiidan, I think you owe me an apology for implying that I am a fool of a patient. We are only talking pinkeye for heaven's sake and nothing life threatening. For those who are fans of Regatta's doctor, he never mentioned that it was infectious, never told my husband not to cross-contaminate his eyes and never told me to be sure to use a separate face towel.


China.... I am not calling you anything... Your angry over your perceived rip off. ...which many have said was pretty much in line with medicine today. Making it a social commentary on the state of medical care costs, big business and the price of tomatoes. Thats an other issue.


The point I was making was that it is very unwise/ foolish to go to a doctor seeking medical care and begin second guessing just what you need, or haggling over costs like a used car dealer.

Its a well known phrase used to describe the folly of being your own physician or lawyer, doing your own treatment or legal defense, even for a doctor or lawyer, " you have a fool for a client or patient. If you need medical or any professional help from a third party... be smart enough to listen to them and follow their advice....its why you came for gosh sakes.

As for me, Id be a fool to second guess my doctor, and I have a bit of training and experience in the field... I'm smart enough to know how dumb I am....

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there are a couple of truly nasty replies to the OP here.

Amazing to see some regulars around here who can't disagree with the OP without being incredibly rude.

I don't see any rudeness in the responses. The OP was very direct and emphatic in her complaint, and many of the responses have been equally emphatic, but I would not say rude.

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As a Brit I find this interesting, I sort of understand the costs to some extent must be fairly expensive maintaining a medical Facility on board and even with the demographic I dare say most of the time it's idle!


Now as a Brit I think our cash strapped NHS could learn some lessons here regarding billing for use of our system by foreign nationals. As far as I am aware its. Pretty much free , totally irrespective of the treatment, services , or medication required to all.

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Epilogue. Mr Blue Eyes has his twinkle back and the infection has gone. Please be advised that this was a very minor issue caught at its earliest stage. No pain, no loss of blood or consciousness, no oxygen required and no CPR. Didn't need any tender ministrations from the nurse and were not offered any. All this fuss could have been avoided if someone had said "We have drops at $77 and ointment at $270. Would you like either or both?" To me that's called informed choice and is a very simple form of respect. This is my last post on the subject but I invite the flamers to come out and disagree.

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I agree with the OP , information for an informed. Choice should have been provided , trouble is sitting in front of the doctor it is not always easy to ask all of the question you need to be answered , and in this case the. Doctor was at fault to some extent as is the cruise line , and I suppose the OP to , so its caveat emptor, "buyer beware"in future , worth noting

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I agree with the OP , information for an informed. Choice should have been provided , trouble is sitting in front of the doctor it is not always easy to ask all of the question you need to be answered , and in this case the. Doctor was at fault to some extent as is the cruise line , and I suppose the OP to , so its caveat emptor, "buyer beware"in future , worth noting


+1 because even knowing that medical care on a cruise can be expensive, I might have followed the Doctor's instructions and taken what I was given forgetting to ask about the cost or whether or not 2 different medications were needed. My DH would have questioned the $77 for drops and gone nuclear over $270 more for ointment-these costs seem excessive for simple pink eye. I guess we still do not take enough medicine-these were amounts I would have wanted to know ahead of time. Whether insurance or the patient will pay is secondary. You can bet I will ask the cost from now on.

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Now as a Brit I think our cash strapped NHS could learn some lessons here regarding billing for use of our system by foreign nationals. As far as I am aware its. Pretty much free , totally irrespective of the treatment, services , or medication required to all.


No. Our American son, who lives in the UK, reports that emergency services are offered gratis, but otherwise there is a cost (unless the patient is an EU resident, for now at least). I don't know how the cost compares to any other medical costs. When he made got his visa to work in England, DS was required to pay a lump sum into the NHS to make up for all the years he hadn't lived there and paid in.

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Yet another message from the angry OP. Yes, we have insurance but unnecessarily boosting medical bills means that we all pay for it in the end. Not appealing unless you are part of Big Pharma. Drops and ointment for an eye infection is what the Brits call a "belt and braces" approach. Both will hold your pants up but you really only need one. Hawaiidan, I think you owe me an apology for implying that I am a fool of a patient. We are only talking pinkeye for heaven's sake and nothing life threatening. For those who are fans of Regatta's doctor, he never mentioned that it was infectious, never told my husband not to cross-contaminate his eyes and never told me to be sure to use a separate face towel.


China.... I am not calling you anything... Your angry over your perceived rip off. ...which many have said was pretty much in line with medicine today. Making it a social commentary on the state of medical care costs, big business and the price of tomatoes. Thats an other issue.


The point I was making was that it is very unwise/ foolish to go to a doctor seeking medical care and begin second guessing just what you need, or haggling over costs like a used car dealer.

Its a well known phrase used to describe the folly of being your own physician or lawyer, doing your own treatment or legal defense, even for a doctor or lawyer, " you have a fool for a client or patient. If you need medical or any professional help from a third party... be smart enough to listen to them and follow their advice....its why you came for gosh sakes.

As for me, Id be a fool to second guess my doctor, and I have a bit of training and experience in the field... I'm smart enough to know how dumb I am....

Not a perceived rip off, but a real rip off. The state of medical costs is not another issue, it is the real issue about how over inflated costs hurt all of us.

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CVS seems to make money doing it their way and they do not have a captive market unlike the cruise ships. Since Oceania's guests have no other place to turn then they can be RIPPED OFF . Too bad, Still say shame om Oceania for charging so much for a vital product.


CVS is not a correct comparison. Check the price with your local hospital. My guess is the price lies somewhere between CVS and Oceania. Likely closer to Oceania than CVS.


I'm the OP and my whole point was that we were not told the price of the ointment until the following day and not given the opportunity to decline it. Drops alone will cure conjunctivitis, as every mother knows. We were tricked into a $270 item that was not medically essential. this was neosporin eye ointment, not a cure for cancer. Shame on Oceania. And short-sighted too because they have lost two loyal clients. Sometimes, Principle does matter. If we can afford the cruise we can obviously afford vital medication, but this was daylight robbery.


I too would feel ripped off in this situation. Not because of the amount, but because the cost was not made clear before initiating the transaction. On the other hand, did you inquire about costs before hand? If so, why did you agree to the item without getting an answer?


I also wonder about the certainty that an antibiotic salve was not needed. Presumably the doctor made a physical examination. Presumably the doctor was qualified to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. The suggestion then that the doctor did not use reasonable medical judgment in their actions is troubling.

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Debbers, you may well be right to some extent but first thing in Europe like my daughter she only gets the same as a German in Germany so as a resident has to buy insurance , like your son has effectively had to do in the U.K. Nowt wrong with that . I presume he's also paying U.K. Tax and national insurance ?


Yes emergency service is totally free , have a heart attack , trauma or what ever you get treated . And as well as just about any where else you care to mention, a friend who somehow managed to survive a servere trauma had treatment somewhere in the region of £1 million worth with out mention of charge insurance or other wise required to pay, the same would have been done for any visitor , he spent a year in hospital . So your son paid a very small amount for that level of service , how did the charge he made stack up against insurance costs at home ?


Biggest problem for the NHS is having the ability to bill some one for treatment, as far as I am aware the burocuracy very rarely exists in hospitals for this hence we suffer from lots of Medical Tourism , Which to a degree burdens the NHS and costs millions, no real will to stop it though so it will carry on.

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CVS is not a correct comparison. Check the price with your local hospital. My guess is the price lies somewhere between CVS and Oceania. Likely closer to Oceania than CVS.




I too would feel ripped off in this situation. Not because of the amount, but because the cost was not made clear before initiating the transaction. On the other hand, did you inquire about costs before hand? If so, why did you agree to the item without getting an answer?


I also wonder about the certainty that an antibiotic salve was not needed. Presumably the doctor made a physical examination. Presumably the doctor was qualified to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. The suggestion then that the doctor did not use reasonable medical judgment in their actions is troubling.


Malpractice...Oh wow.... Physicians are faced with huge malpractice insurance premiums just because of a knee jerk lay person playing Monday morning quarterback. From my experience doctors make a clinical evaluation and diagnosis to the best of their ability and consider ALL aspects of the patients history past present and future possibility...

Doctors always try to err on the side of over kill to cover any possibility of error for exactly for the reasons stated above...dealing with a sue for any reason society.

When your paying$ 50,000 to $100,000+ a year premium, all patients are going to have to shoulder those costs. because of a legal crazy society Which is another reason big pharm firms charge so much they have to shoulder huge insurance premiums.. Hospitals, Nurses, Paramedics,Pharmacists all have steep insurance rates..... It all adds up to huge sums that the public is going to have to amortize...


In reality it is the patients and their lawyers who drive up the cost of medicine in the US.... other countries have strict legal limits for such claims and much lower health care costs because of it.... that is the real problem... Look in the mirror if you want to blame someone.....

Edited by Hawaiidan
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